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Those Who Dared Disturb High School Hierarchy: Genre Pieces

60 Points Draft Day 13 March 2013 Polished Project due 17 March 2013
Just as you did in your previous units, you will e creatin! a !enre paper" #his ti$e, you will depict an artifact of either your own hi!h school e%perience or a hi!h school e%perience of so$eone you deeply related to" &ou will e !iven ti$e to wor'shop, rainstor$, and !et feed ac' on different ideas" (y the end of the unit, you $ust create one !enre piece that shows evidence of connection, critical thou!ht, and effort" &our !enre paper $ust represent so$e aspect of hi!h school life, and include a passa!e fro$ one of the pieces we have read that you related to" )or e%a$ple, you could $a'e a $i%*tape li'e +harlie ,it cannot have any of the sa$e son!s as the soundtrac' of your life-., a ase all !love with /uotes li'e the one 0llie !ave to 1olden, or show so$ethin! that represents your own hi!h school e%perience, as lon! as you have a passa!e fro$ the piece to relate it to" &ou will e presentin! your artifacts to the class on the turn in day, so e prepared" 2f you need $ore help, !o to the 34enre Paper 5esourses6 ta on our wee ly pa!e" Point +hec'list 7777777Draft ready y 13 March ,8 points. 7777777 )inal due 17 March ,10 points. 7777777 Passa!e fro$ oo' relatin! artifact to oo' ,20 points. 7777777 +reative artifact ,18 points. 7777777 Personal reflection and $ini rationale ,10. 9pon turnin! in your assi!n$ent, 2 as' that you turn in a personal reflection that hits the followin! points: 1ow did you thin' of the artifact that you did; <hy did you choose the passa!e that you did; <hat would you have chan!ed; <hat are you proud of with your project; 0nythin! you want $e to 'now;

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