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ADDRESS: E-Mail: e-mail BIRTH DATE: ACADEMIC QUALIFICATIONS: 11th May 195 !iploma of "uildin#$ Royal Melbou%ne &nstitute of 'echnolo#y Confe%%in# !ate 19 ( "achelo% of )ducation$ Ma*o%in# in Mathematics. !eakin +nive%sity , -icto%ia$ .ust%alia. Confe%%in# !ate 19(/ 0'1 - Camb%id#e +nive%sity 2uly 3445 TAUGHT IN: .ust%alia 6-C) to 1pecialist Maths level77 &ndonesia 6C&) syllabus to yea% 187 China 6)!)9C): 1yllabus to yea% 187 Peoples Republic of China

This CV reinforces my commitment and enthusiasm to: teaching and learning; supporting young people and the wider community; and my own Professional Development. It also shows why I have the ability and adaptability to be a member of your aths Department.

y Teaching Profile
My teaching experience is wide and varied: 6 years at a country school in Victoria, Australia; 5 years at an Outer London chool in the !"; # years at a $ar%et town chool in &a$pshire, !"; ' year an (nternational )ollege in urrey, !"; ' year in a s$all (nternational chool in *a%arta, (ndonesia; and now ( a$ in $y third year at an (nternational chool in +ei,ing, )hina- .ach o/ these schools had their own uni0ue challenges which ( have approached with con/idence and energy- (n each school ( have enthusiastically: contri1uted to student2s learning, reviewed and i$proved $y teaching; added to the school2s resources and per/or$ance; and shared good practice with $y colleagues!ustralia 3 ( taught Maths /ro$ year 4 to pecialist Maths level in year '5 6A level e0uivalent7; &istory89eography to yr 4s; pecial .nglish to :r 4s; 9raphics to :r 4s; Outdoor .ducation to :r ''s; ran ca$ps, school s%i trips and the $any activities re0uired /or Outdoor .ducation; ( was a /or$ tutor and ran extra3curricular activitiesM. 'aylo% C- - Maths Page 1 ! "

( did supply wor% on a single ter$ 1asis 6and daily 1asis7, where ( went into un%nown schools and too% on so$eone else2s teaching load /or a ter$; and taught at the Adult .ducation )entre- At the end o/ the contract the &ead o/ Maths at each school said they would %eep $e on i/ they could"uter #ondon $chool% &' 3 ( taught $aths /ro$ yr 4 to yr '' 6there was no 6 th /or$7; pic%ed up on the new $aths /ra$ewor%; and ( taught (); to :r 4 < =>hen ( arrived the school was in pecial Measures with the Maths ?epart$ent 1eing highlighted as needing i$prove$ent- ( wor%ed closely with the &ead o/ Maths to implement change and a/ter our next &M( inspection the school ca$e out o/ pecial Measures and the Maths ?epart$ent was highlighted as 1eing greatly i$provedA/ter $y one year supply contract was /inished, the school o//ered $e ongoing wor% and I too( on the role of Deputy )ead of aths- (t was $y role to: trac% the student2s progress; co3ordinate a/ter school support classes; co3ordinate A;s and 9) . revision; liaise with year 6 teachers /ro$ a neigh1ouring pri$ary school /or $utual o1servations; co3ordinate open evening; develop the " # che$es o/ >or% 6 o>7 /or upport, )ore < .xtended A1ilities 6all hyperlin%ed to the new @ra$ewor%7; co3ordinate long ter$ cover; ta%e and write up $inutes o/ our depart$ent $eetings; and loo% a/ter the depart$ent when the head o/ $aths was o// /or a ter$- ( also: developed and shared resources; raised the pro/ile o/ the $aths depart$ent 1y running a wee%ly 0uiA; developed an easier syste$ /or writing reports; and ran a large variety o/ extra3curricular activities(n the /ollowing year the school was awarded cience )ollege status with Maths and cience 1eing o/ e0ual i$portance- ;he school introduced interactive white 1oards 6(>+s7 and ( started developing resources 6using .xcel, BowerBoint < >ord7 /or use on the (>+s- (n Octo1er 5CC5 the school $oved into 1rand new pre$ises and &eathcote started phasing in 6th /or$ classes- A$ongst the schools o/ si$ilar status &eathcote was one o/ the 1est in the countryar(et Town $chool in )ampshire% &': ( taught $aths /ro$ yr 4 to yr '' 6there was no sixth /or$7, ( had a tutor group and ran $any extra3curricular activities( wor%ed with a teacher that has Dexcellence in teaching $aths2 status 6who was $y /or$er &ead o/ Maths7- @ro$ her I learnt to add richness and deep learning to my lessons so that the students can learn the art of e*ploring% e*plaining and tal(ing about maths rather than +ust following algorithms - ( also developed the Math2s depart$ent2s (nvestigative &o$e Learning ;as%s /or years 4 to = which were set every hal/ ter$International College in $urrey% &': ( taught $aths /ro$ yr 4 to yr '', ( had a tutor group and ran extra3curricular activities- ( was expecting to teach the (+ progra$$e 1ut the &ead o/ Maths too% that 6it was phased out the /ollowing year7- I ran a whole day inset for the aths Department on others ways to add richness and deep learning to maths% and to ma(e learning fun. $mall International $chool in ,a(arta% Indonesia: ( taught Maths to all levels /ro$ year = to A level and year 4 &istory- ( had a tutor group, ran extra3curricular activities and wrote up o> /or the $aths depart$ent- I ran insets for the whole school on others ways to ma(e learning fun. #arge International $chool% -ei+ing% China: ( teach all levels and a1ilities /ro$ year 4 to A3level and year 4 9eography 6/or one ter$7- ( have a tutor group and run extra3 curricular activities- ( have introduced: sharing good practice ti$e slots where teachers have ti$e to share their good classroo$ practice; a syste$ /or increasing the student2s voca1ulary; developed units o/ wor% /or year =s to plan /or their /uture, as apart o/ B &.; introduced an easy to read newspaper /or the whole school co$$unity to use as they wish; and as the year progresses ( will continue to share the $any ideas that ( have co$e across with the Maths depart$ent- ( have also written /our E5 $inute wor%shops 6/or $ysel/ and other teachers to use7 during the schools Faising Achieve$ent ?ays 6FA?7 G Independent Thinking & Independent Learning; Research Skills; Higher Order Thinking Skills (HOTS); and I put together the ideas that were discussed for a RA that introduced the schools Ad!anced "ogniti!e #erfor$ance "haracteristics (A"#"s)% At the school2s annual con/erence ( ran an inset: on how to use a /ree so/tware progra$$e that
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supports teaching, learning and A/L; and how our school uses the A)B)s in the $aths depart$ent"ther !chievements as Deputy )ead of aths . as a aths Teacher include: Acco$panied year 'C students /ro$ six di//erent secondary schools to /our, three hour aturday $orning, $aths lectures at Hueen Mary !niversity, London ?eveloping letters ho$e to parents /or students that deserve a positive letter ho$e or /or those that $is1ehave or have to go on report Funning the !"M; Maths )hallenge /or the 9i/ted and ;alented etting up a cover teacher trac%ing sheet /or long ter$ and short ter$ sta// a1sences, organising the cover wor%, and supporting the supply teachers Managing student teachers )o3ordinating " #, " E and " 5 O>, ti$e line, course wor% and distri1ution o/ past papers ;a%ing and typing up the $inutes o/ ?epart$ent Meetings upporting other teachers in the depart$ent to use the interactive white1oard, sharing wor%sheets and other ideas, using >ord, .xcel < BB; Funning a wee%ly cross curricular puAAle and gained B;A2s support to 1uy scienti/ic calculators as a priAe )o3ordinating the hal/ ter$ tests Fewriting the sche$es o/ wor% so that they are a wor%ing docu$ent and hyperlin%ing the$ to the new /ra$ewor% (/ there is o1viously so$ething that the depart$ent could o//er to support the students then ( put it in place, eg: ( have run a/ter school and lunchti$e clu1s such as revision /or yr ''s; pring1oard /or yr 4s; ?iscovering Maths sessions /or yr 6 students /ro$ our /eeder schools; opening the co$puter roo$ out o/ hours; yoga /or the whole school; and training sta// on $a%ing lessons /un-

y /ducational Philosophy That /nhances Teaching . #earning

.veryone in the classroo$ is a1le to ta%e ownership and responsi1ility o/ their learning tudents respond and learn 1etter when they are listened to tudents li%e consistency >hen success/ul, students /eel good a1out the$selves and en,oy the lessons tudents need to 1e aware o/ their learning styles and also need to develop the other learning styles they are not as strong in- ;his is supported through the variety o/ activities that ( do Learning is 1ased upon building on and lin(ing to prior (nowledge and learning how to use this (nowledge to adapt to new situations - All students can 1uild on what they have learnt and learn to their /ull potential when encouraged and supported Learning is enhanced through exploration or a the$e, 1y using concrete $aterials, calculators, co$puters, investigations, explorations, 1ringing $aths into the classroo$, ta%ing the classroo$ outside, $a%ing $aths relevant, /lipping the classroo$, using a variety o/ resources or 1y o1servation All students can deepen and enrich their learning of maths and become more engaged with their learning through the tandards !nits, Matching, )lassi/ying, ;reasure &unts, ?o$inoes, BuAAles, &ands on Activities, (nvestigations, nrich puAAles, )AM., people $aths, coaching each other, wor%ing in groups, 1y 1eing given an answer and designing a 0uestion /or it, conversational $aths, writing explanations, or ,ust seeing the real li/e relevance o/ $aths- !ll these activities support the principles of !f#% good teaching practice and a range of students0 learning needs and the students en+oy them. (nvolving the school co$$unity rein/orces the value o/ $aths howing respect /or one another 1uilds rapport in and out o/ the classroo$, a cal$ learning environ$ent and is enriched when there is a diverse mi* of cultures Fe/lecting on how ( teach and expanding how ( teach i$proves the teaching < learning in the classroo$ and is enhanced through pro/essional develop$ent Training colleagues in other teaching practices is an i$portant aspect o/ ;eaching < Learning
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haring ideas and integrating ideas /ro$ B? courses i$proves teaching G 1eing a team player O//ering extracurricular activities helps to develop rapport and gives students a chance to en,oy other experiences-

Professional Development
T%ai&i&g P% 'i(e% :ondon "o%ou#h of ;altham <o%est >in#s Colle#e :ondon Mathematics 'eache%s .ssociation Chin#fo%d .dult )ducation ;altham <o%est :). 'eAas &nst%uments 61outhampton7 Mindfields :ondon 1chool in @ampshi%e$ +> D)%a*i & 5 days ?ne day a month fo% 5 months each yea% 1 day 1 ni#ht a =eek fo% ( =eeks 1 day 1 !ay 1 !ay 1 hou% a =eek fo% 14 =eeks C )%+e '%ainin# on the ne= f%ame=o%k C.M) , Co#nitive .ccele%ated Maths )ducation @i#he% ?%de% 'hinkin# 1kills !%eam=eave% ;eb !esi#n Movie Makin# +se of B%aphics Calculato%s ;o%kin# )ffectively =ith the'%oubled and '%oublesome 'eena#e% Met =ith the eAcellence in maths teache% to develop my skills to make maths deepe% and %iche%. & have been usin# and sha%in# these skills in all my schools since then <i%st .id <i%st .id 'he "%ain and lea%nin# 3411 1 day )venin# CP! 8 days 3 days Bainin# Ma%ks in Mathematics )Aams "ehaviou% &ssues in the Class%oom f%om the ;hole "%ain Child Pe%spective &nte%nal .ssessment$ Philosophy of &"$ Ee= %esou%ces$ ma%kin# eAams$ Ce%tificate of .ttendance Ce%tificate of .ttendance 3413 Ce%tificate of .ttendance 3418 Ce%tificate of .ttendance 3418 3413 Ce%tificate Ce%tificate Ce%tificate Ce%tificate Ce%tificate Ce%tificate 344 Q)ali!i,a*i &+ O-*ai&e( Yea% 3441 3443 3445 3448 3445 3445 344/

344( Ce%tificate Ce%tificate

1t 2ohns .mbulance$ 1u%%ey$ +> 1?1 Medika$ 2aka%ta$ &ndonesia 'he "%ain Man , 2ohn 2oseph$ 2aka%ta$ &ndonesia )deAcel$ Pe%sons$ "ei*in#$ China. !% Mease , "ei*in# +nited <amily @ospitals &" Maths 1tanda%d :evel , 8 days in "ei*in#$ China$ 3418. &n depth &BC1)DBC) Pea%sonsD)!)9C): '%ainin#

C day 1 day C day

3449 3414

Personal Profile
$ince $econdary $chool 1apart from what is in my employment profile outlined below2 I have: 9ained $y )!+A diving certi/icate 9ained $y solo /lying certi/icate in light aircra/t Blayed hoc%ey, rowed /or clu1s, run sur/ li/esaving patrols, co$peted in running clu1s ( en,oy 1eing with $y /a$ily, cycling, sur/ing, swi$$ing, rowing and downhill s%iing3or the Community I )ave 1-een2: )hairperson /or a )o$$unity )ottage ;reasurer /or a "indergarten and youth clu1 ecretary < treasurer /or a ur/ Li/e aving )lu1 On the +oard o/ 9overnors /or $y daughter2s Bri$ary choolM. 'aylo% C- - Maths Page . ! "

A li/e guard and patrol captain on sur/ 1eaches >or%ed with youth on a variety o/ activities including running their own co//ee shop, discos, sur/ trips, 1i%e riding trips, running their own concerts, trips to concerts, ice s%ating and s%iing Barticipated on .nviron$ental $eetings and on )o$$unity ?evelop$ent $eetings in the town ( lived inDeclaration: ( con/ir$ that ( have not 1een convicted o/ any cri$inal o//ence or 1een involved in any disciplinary proceedings that have led to $e 1eing 1arred /ro$ wor%ing with school aged children8students- ( can supply a )F+ certi/icate /ro$ $y ti$e in Australia, the !" and (ndonesiaM- ;aylor

Matthew ;aylor

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E01l 20e&* 3 E(),a*i & De*ail+ 4E(),a*i & i+ +5a(e(6:

Da*e !% 07* .u#ust 3411 to no= 2uly 3414 to 2uly 3411 1ept 3449 to 2uly 3414 1ept 344/ to .u# 3449 .p%il 3441 to .u# 344/ !ec 199 to .p%il 3441 E01l 2e%8 A((%e++8 B)+i&e++ % C llege7U&i'e%+i*2 4+5a(e(6 &nte%national 1chool$ "ei*in# China 1mall &nte%national 1chool$ 2aka%ta$ &ndonesia 9 -7C )%+e F % P7*i0e 1enio% Maths teache% 6<7 1enio% maths teache% F tuto% 6<7 Maths 'eache% F 'uto% 6<7 Maths 'eache% F 'uto% 6<7 !eputy @ead of Maths F 'uto% 6<7 "ankin# Custome% 1e%vice and 'elle% 6<7 Go#a 'eache% 6P7 @ospitality Bene%al @and 6P7 Cove% =o%k in P%ima%y F 1econda%y 1chools Go#a 'eache% -oluntee% 'eache% D)*ie+ 3 Re+1 &+i-ili*ie+8 % :)ali!i,a*i & 'eachin# yea% to 18 Mathematics 6)deAcel &BC1)7$ yea% Beo#%aphy. &nt%oduced initiatives such as sha%in# #ood p%actice and a system fo% lea%nin# ne= =o%ds ac%oss the =hole school. &n my 3nd yea% the%e. 'au#ht maths to yea% 9$ yea% 14 @i#he% F <oundation$ Gea% 11 @i#he% F <oundation$ .1 F . level Pu%e maths$ 1tatistics F P%obability and yea% @isto%y. '%ained P%ima%y F 1econda%y 'eache%s on fun =ays to enhance teachin# F lea%nin#. )nd of Cont%act. 'au#ht yea% to 11 maths to all abilities. 1ta%ted int%oducin# and sha%in# ideas to deepen the students unde%standin# of maths. 1et up a maths p%o*ect =ith a siste% school in Eepal. :eft to teach in 2aka%ta. 'au#ht yea% to 11 mathematics to all abilities$ suppo%ted the depa%tment in use of data p%o*ection$ and developed innovative =ays to delive% the lesson. :eft fo% the oppo%tunity to teach &" and to c%eate the oppo%tunity to be an .1'. !eputy @ead of MathsH look afte% >15$ Mento% E0's and "'s$ <o%m 'uto%$ Maths 'eache% f%om lo= ability y% to hi#he% BC1). :eft to %elocate in @ampshi%e. ;o%ked to=a%ds and #ained my 0'1 !ealin# =ith the public and thei% bankin# needs. :eft to teach in the +> fo% one yea%. 'eachin# of yo#a to less able$ P%ima%y$ 1econda%y F 'e%tia%y 1tudents$ and adults. >itchen =o%k$ maintenance$ and othe% duties. :eft to =o%k in the bank full time. <o% daily and =eekly cont%acts- to teach the =o%k set in the #iven sub*ect o% set =o%k. <o% the one te%m cont%acts- take on the full =o%kload. 'au#ht in an adult education cent%e. :eft to =o%k in the bank full time. 'eachin# of yo#a to less able$ P%ima%y$ 1econda%y F 'e%tia%y 1tudents$ and adults 'eachin# Go#a and %unnin# a Go#a .sh%am Maths 'eache%$ G% 1pecial )n#lish$ G% Beo#%aphy$ G% B%aphics$ G% 11 ?utdoo% )ducation F Pasto%al Ca%e and tau#ht yo#a to staff and students. :eft to %un a Go#a .sh%am F teach yo#a Mana#e shifts$ o%de% and p%epa%e food$ bank the takin#s$ cook$ open and shut the %estau%ant$ ensu%e the %estau%ant =as spotless. :eft as & found a teachin# *ob. "achelo% of )ducation$ 8 ma*o%s in Mathematics Ran the compute%s to p%ocess the hospital data and despatched the data. ?%#anise =o%ke%s$ mate%ials and the const%uction of buildin#s on and off site. :eft to become a teache% so that & could help youth. !iploma of "uildin#. Const%uction sub*ects Completed one yea% of the cou%se and s=itched to a buildin# cou%se. Maths$ )n#lish$ Chemist%y$ Physics$ )conomics

&nte%national 1chool$ 1u%%ey$ +> Ma%ket 'o=n 1chool$ @ampshi%e$ +> ?ute% :ondon 1ec 1chool

Common=ealth "ank .ust%alia

1995 to 199(

1elf employed - pa%t time Go#a 'eache% )%skine @ouse .ust%alia 'ime Plan ?cean B%ove -ic .ust%alia 'eachin# .#ency 1elf employed , pa%t time Go#a 'eache% 1atyananda Go#a Count%y 1econda%y 1chool$ .ust%alia. Pancake Restau%ant .ust%alia !eakin +nive%sity , Rusden 'eachin# Campus Monash -ic .ust%alia @ealth Computin# 1e%vices Monash -ic .ust%alia Const%uctions Company .ust%alia Royal Melbou%ne &nstitute of 'echnolo#y "ou%ke 1t Melbou%ne -ic .ust%alia "%i#hton B%amma% 1chool ?ute% C%escent "%i#hton -ic .ust%alia

1995 19(( 1998 19( 19(8 19(/

Cook Mana#e% "achelo% of )ducation 6fDt7 Compute% ?pe%atin# F !espatch pDt 1ite Mana#e% !iploma of "uildin# 6fDt7 Civil )n#inee%in# 6fDt7 1econda%y )ducation

19 19(3 19 / , 19 9 19 5 19/9 19 5

M. 'aylo% C- - Maths

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