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Portions: 6 INGREDIENTS 175g Gruyere Cheese, grated 125g Cheddar Cheese, grated 75g Blue Heaven Cheese, crumbled or grated 225g Plain Flour, sieved 1 teaspoon Baking Powder, sieved Pinch of Paprika 2 Cotswold Legbar Eggs 6 Tablespoons Cotteswold Dairy Milk 2 Chopped Cloves Garlic 8 Slices of White Bread 6 tablespoons Rape seed Oil 25g Netherend Farm Butter DIP INGREDIENTS 50g Chopped Chives 2 tablespoons Mayonnaise 6 Anchovy fillets Lemon Juice to taste

METHOD 1. Place the cheeses in a large bowl with the flour, baking powder and paprika and stir together. 2. Mix together the eggs, milk and garlic then pour into the flour and cheese mix. Beat everything together with a wooden spoon until you have a smooth paste. 3. Remove the crusts from the bread and spread the cheese mixture generously onto each slice reaching right to the edges. If you have difficulty spreading the mixture, add a little more milk. 4. Cut each slice of bread into four triangles. 5. In a non stick frying pan heat a little of the Rape Seed Oil and butter until golden brown. Now add as many of the cheese triangles to the pan, cheese side down and cook for 1 minute. Turn them over with a palette knife and cook for a further minute then serve. 6. For the dip: Finely chop the anchovy fillets and mix them with the mayonnaise, chives and a little lemon juice to taste.

Rob Rees Ltd The Cotswold Chef -

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