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Nexteer's 3L5Y

Supplier contact names: List the name of the core team members (name and title): Supplier Name Problem Definition: Part Number DUNs/Location Product/Process Name Date of Occurrence

(who,what, when where and how)

3 Legged 5 Why Problem Description: How problem was created Explain why the problem occurred: Why:
Final Permanent Corrective Action:please list Owner and Target Date:

Picture of Current State

Corrective Actions / Owner / Target Date

Intermediate Containment: please list Owner and Target Date:

Picture of corrected state

Why: Why: Why:(The root cause of non conformance) Problem Description: Explain why the problem was not detected: Why:
Final Permanent Corrective Action:please list Owner and Target Date: Intermediate Containment: please list Owner and Target Date:

Why problem was not detected? What is the Systemic root cause?

Why: Why: Why: Problem Description: Explain the Systemic root cause: Why: Why: Why: Why:

Describe the Lessons Learned for this problem: (the lessons learned should be easily understood and stated clearly for the other locations to be able to read, understand, and apply)

Look Across Requirements:

Covisint Problem Case Number
F1043 5 Why Form Revised: 10/22/2010

Within the Occurred Plant

Other Plants/Suppliers


Affected Nexteer Locations:

Supplier Location: City/State/Country

Nexteer Contact Name and Phone:

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