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Performance Proposal My Africa

A Play by Michael Oatman, MFA Playwright-In-Residence at Karamu heater *Selected performances to be introduced by A.I.D.S education professional (Project Safe). The focus of this dramatic performance is to expose young audiences to the impact A.I.D.S/H.I.V and highlight the importance of prevention. Synopsis: My Africa, is an informati!e tale of a young man who wins an essay contest and goes to "ub-"aharan African nation, #otswana, only to find that A$I$%$"&'$I$( has had a ra!aging affect on that country$ rimary Audiences: "tudents )Middle School, unior !i"h School, !i"h School* "chool educators and personnel Parents and other family members Secondary Audience: +eneral Members of community$

Audience Appeal Statement/!oals

his play will feature two charismatic African American male actors who will perform all characters and will wea!e A$I$%$"&'$I$( information into this entertaining piece$ he play will also feature spo,en word poetry which has pro!en to be an effecti!e entry point into the drama for young audiences$ "earning #utcomes o deli!er -ntertainment that is interwo!en with A$I$%$"&'$I$( education$ o e.plore the effect of '$I$(&A$I$%$" on the continent of Africa o e.plore and debun, stereotypical images embedded into American iconography o e.plore the stigma still connected with '$I$(&A$I$%$"$ $ord %ount /$012

&ducational %omponent A.I.D.S#!.I.$ %acts Present in, My Africa 3$ 4$ 2$ 6$ 7$ A$I$%$"&'$I$( is not spread through casual contact$ 5ondoms has shown success in reducing ris, of contracting the !irus$ A$I$%$"&'$I$( is at epidemic le!els in sub-"aharan Africa It is estimated that 700 people a day die worldwide from A$I$%$"&'$I$($ Main modes of transmission are through se.ual contact or sharing needles$

After Sho& 'ui( 8$ 9hat country did the play ta,e place in: ;$ 9hat was the capitol city of that country: /$ 9hat group comprises the largest percentage of new '$I$( cases: 1$ 9hat <$"$ city has '$I$( rates higher than African countries li,e #otswana: 30$ 'ow many people a day die from A$I$%$" or A$I$%$" related causes:

My Africa A Play #y Michael Oatman, MFA, Playwright-In-Residence at Karamu heater 5ast of 5haracter The 'irst Actor: Mar,us&+randma =ordan&4nd >ews Anchor& Faye Machangana& Mollie The Second Actor: "ebego& won&+randma =ordan&Mr$ "andhurst&3st >ews Anchor&Ke,etso Maielle&(oice of the essayist& Kagiso Ignatius Molefe& Ma. A,inwande A5 O>-&"5->- O>?At )ise* +he co,min"led sounds of street life in the American inner,city interspersed &ith the crush of jun"le sounds. +he spotli"ht painfully bleeds up as a fi"ure &earin" all blac- is standin" in the middle of the sta"e$@ (ar)us*+ I ainAt e!en gon lie $ $ $ I stood in the corner frea,ed the hell out $ $ $ watching the wildest stuff I dun e!er seen in my life$ I tried to ma,e myself as small as possible, li,e a fly on the wall$ I mean, IAm tal,ing my entire body$ -!ery frea,ing inch $ $ $ my stomach got all ner!ousB going bac, and forthB churning li,e the tide$ ).eat* he ,id was $ $ $ was $ $ $ well $ $ $ split open$ Caid out on a metal table while the man with the round face and sad eyes sliced and diced flesh, bone and s,in$ 'er breast bone was barely formedB dude snapped and bro,e it at the seams$ )%rom behind Mar-us Sebe"o spea-s$* Se,ego*5ome closer$ his is her heart$ )Sebe"o holds out his hand as if a heart is in it pumpin". (ar)us*+ "o then the dude $ $ $ li,e, held up the ,idAs heart almost li,e it was $ $ $ I donAt ,now, li,e a sacrifice to the gods or something$ )+he sound of the heart beatin" be"ins. +he sta"e li"hts "o red.* Se,ego*5ome, come my young friend, loo, at it$ ItAs still beating. (ar)us*+ +he sound of pumpin".*

I didnAt ,now it then, but now, I ,now it wasnAt happiness in "ebegoAs !oice I was hearing$ It was pain $ $ $ you ,now, ,inda turned inward$ Dou see, itAs the only way that a mortuary wor,er can cope with it$ him$ he only way that he can wade ,nee deep in a pool of A$I$%$" infected bodies, with sores all o!er themB the smell of death steaming up off of he ,nowing $ $ $ the god awful ,nowing, that this person in front of you, these his is what I remember his is the picture burned into my brain $ $ $ canAt seem to get away from it$ In people in the refrigerators will ne!er, e!er, e!er be ali!e again$ of Africa$

African hospitals this is what they call the gra!eyard shift$ And then there is the smell $ $ $ the smell of death$ AinAt nothing li,e it $ $ $ itAs li,e a sic,ly sweet smell, that is so horrible that these little words we throw around ainAt good enough to describe it$ ).eat* Dou ,now, when I got bac, from Africa, for months after I would be wal,ing down the street or standing in a line somewhere and $ $ $ and I would smell it $ $ $ I mean, not for long, but Eust for a second, I would swear that I had gotten a whiff of that smell$ Ci,e it had followed me from that place, that room, that metal table$ )/on" beat* my Africa$ )+he li"hts slo&ly fade do&n and then up suddenly &ith unspecified li"htenin" effects, a monta"e of sound, African music, jun"le sounds, "unfire, birds s0ua&-in", African 1oices tal-in".* #ut, IAm getting ahead of myself$ I ha!enAt gi!en you the e.position $ $ $ the bac,-storyB you ,now the stuff you need to ,now to understand the play$ I Eust plun,ed you right in the middle of dag gone story didnAt I: "orry$ My grandma always riding me about that !ery thing$ FMar,us, Mar,us, slow down, I donAt ha!e a clue what in the world you tal,inA, boy $ $ $ bac, it up$G "he thin,s I tal, too fast, too much$ F#oy li,e to tal, me death$G Anyway, IAm Mar,us $ $ $ IAm a writer $ $ $ well, I want to be a writer $ $ $ no, no, no$ I will be a writer$ >o, no, no, forget that $ $ $ I am a writer$ 9ell, anyway I wrote an essay $ $ $ for a contest$ It was a city-wide thing actually$ 9e had to write an essay about Africa and why it is important for us to you ,now about it and such$ My essay was entitled, My Africa$ >ow, loo, I ainAt no arrogant person or nothing anybody will tell you that $ $ $ but between me and you $ $ $ )/oo-s around and then leans o1er as if to share an intimate &hisper &ith a friend$* $ $ $ a brother laid this essay out, I mean, hoo,ed it up $ $ $ hot to death$ If I do say so myself$ "o I mean it was not too much of a surprise when I won I guess$ Voice of the essayist*his is

!undreds of years a"o, African people &ere forcibly transported to this land of America. 2hile they &ould come to a land that e1entually birthed their dreams, they had to li1e throu"h the ni"htmare of lea1in" home. 31en no&, deep inside of all blac- people, the heart of Africa is still beatin". As their descendant, I feel that it is my duty to heed that call and respect my past. Deah, thatAs what IAm tal,ing about $ $ $ ummm $ $ $ sweet as honey $ $ $ I mean I ainAt trying to be arrogant, but them words smooth as butter in a pan$ And you ,now what: I messed around and won $ $ $ I mean, come on laying it down li,e that the other contestants didnAt ha!e a chance $ $ $ )+&on fades for&ard and he is eatin" an apple 1ery loudly$* T.on*9on what: (ar)us*+ )+urns to +&on.* 9on a contest$ )+urns bac- to the audience$* Ci,e, I was saying, my essay was selected as $ $ $ T.on*$ $ $ A contest about what: )+&on pic-s apple out of his teeth &ith his pin-y$* (ar)us*+ Dou ,now what contest fool$ T.on*"hut up$ (ar)us*+ won, you see me tal,ing to the fol,s: T.on*I ainAt studding thatB I could careless$ I mean you act li,e you too good lately$ Dou donAt come around, you donAt try to holla at a brother$ 9hatAs up family: Dou act li,e you in witness protection lately$ (ar)us*+ won, IAm Eust been busy, man$ T.on*-

#usy doing what: (ar)us*+ 9riting $ $ $ school wor, all ,inda stuff $ $ $ but right now IAm busy telling this here story$ T.on*elling it to who: (ar)us*+ he people $ $ $ see, the people$ )+&on turns around and notices the audience$* T.on*Oh$ hatAs what up$ 9hat the story about: (ar)us*+ My Africa trip$ T.on*Dou still yapping about that: %ude go to Africa and he act li,e he ,ing of the world$ (ar)us*+ 5an I finish telling the story: T.on*%onAt let me stop you$ IAm Eust your best friend$ Dou ,now what IAm saying: (ar)us*+ won$ T.on*+o ahead tell Hem about them African #ooty "cratchers $ $ $ (ar)us*+ $ $ $Dou ,now how ignorant you sound: T.on*+o ahead tell Hem$ I ainAt stopping you $ $ $ ainAt li,e I donAt ha!e things to do$ )+&on e4its$* (ar)us*+ Ci,e, I was saying I won this contest at school$ $ $ and my principal came by the house $ $ $ I li!e with grandma$ #ecause $ $ $ my parents, they, they $ $ $ you ,now dealing wit they own issues right now $ $ $ anyway Mr$ "andhurst comes by to say that I won, right and that they want to send me to Africa to intern for a newspaper o!er there $ $ $ all e.penses

paid$ From the loo, on my grandmaAs face you would ha!e thought that Mr$ "andhurst was telling her that I was being sent to the moon or something$ !randma /ordan*+ Dou want to send him where: )Mr. Sandhurst appears upsta"e in a chair by himself as if he is tal-in" to Ms. ordan. 2hile tal-in" in this section. .oth actors should be facin" a&ay from one another$* (r. Sandhurst*Africa$ !randma /ordan*+ Africa: (r. Sandhurst*Des$ !randma /ordan*+ Is you out of your cotton pic,ing mind: I ainAt gon send that boy to no Africa$ 'e luc,y I let him go downtown as much as he go on around here$ Plus I canAt afford it$ (s. Sandhurst*9ell, Ms$ =ordan$ 9e feel that this will be a wonderful opportunity for Mar,us$ 'e is one of our finest students $ $ $ and a trip to Africa would $ $ $ !randma /ordan*+ $ $ $ =ust gon plun, that boy in the middle of Africa $ $ $ (r. Sandhurst*$ $ $ 9ell to be more specific, we will be sending him to the sub-"aharan country of #otswana$ !randma /ordan*+ he "ub-"ah---what: (r. Sandhurst*"ub "aharan$ ItAs in the southern part of Africa $ $ $ !randma /ordan*+ $ $ $ And who gon pay for this trip to Africa, you thin, IAm made of money or something: (r. Sandhurst*he school is going to pro!ide all e.penses, room, board, and airfare$ 9eA!e set him up

to intern in one of the largest newspaper in #otswana$ Dour son $ $ $ !randma /ordan*+ $ $ $ +randson $ $ $ (r. Sandhurst*$ $ $ +randson, has a lot of potential as a writer$ And I thin, that this e.perience would be in!aluable$ Mar,us has tremendous talents$ And I ,now that as hard as you ha!e wor,ed to ,eep him out of trouble you would not want to hold him bac, $ $ $ !randma /ordan $ $ $ 'old him bac,: 9ho said anythang Hbout holding him bac,: Dou thin, I would e!er do that: (r. Sandhurst*>o, maAam$ Of course not$ I ,now that, you lo!e Hem too much to $ $ $ !randma /ordan*+ $ $ $ Dou better blee!e it$ 9ho you thin, put food in this belly $ $ $ (r. Sandhurst*$ $ $ 9ell, you IAm sure $ $ $ !randma /ordan*+ $ $ $ Keep shoes on them e!er-growing feet of his $ $ $ (r. Sandhurst*$ $ $ <mmm $ $ $ you IAm guessing $ $ $ !randma /ordan*+ $ $ $ "ure that roc, head of his is cut neat e!ery other wee, $ $ $ (r. Sandhurst*$ $ $ Dou $ $ $ !randma /ordan*+ $ $ $ #etter belie!e me $ $ $ stand in his way$ I would ne!er stand in his way$ (r. Sandhurst*I ,now, I ,now, I didnAt mean to imply that you would e!er $ $ $ !randma /ordan*+ $ $ $ And itAs free: (r. Sandhurst*-

9ouldnAt cost you a penny$

otally free$ !randma /ordan*+

+ood because you ,now IAm a freedom fighter, I fights for stuff to be free$ (r. Sandhurst*Des maAam$ !randma /ordan*+ 'ow long will he be gone: (r. Sandhurst*wo wee,s$ !randma /ordan*+ wo wee,s in Africa$ he worlds a craIy place, two wee,s:$ (r. Sandhurst*wo wee,s$ )+he sound of intermin"led sound of drums and urban street sounds. Mr. Sandhurst free(es and Mar-us "ets up and ad1ances to&ard the audience.* (ar)us*+ wo wee,s$ ).eat$* I smiled at my principal$ I was e.cited and scared at the same time$ And what about my grandma: (r. Sandhurst*"he will be fine$ (ar)us*+ Dou ,now that she be sic, all the time$ (r. Sandhurst*ItAs only gonna be for two wee,s$ I will loo, in on her. ).eat* IAm Eealous son, I really am$ he things youAre gonna see, the sights, sounds, the history, the heritage $ $ $ (ar)us*+ $ $ $ he hot African chic,s$ (r. Sandhurst*>ot Juite what I was en!isioning, young man$ (ar)us*+ "orry, Mr$ "andhurt$ )Mr. Sandhurst e4its. .eat as Mar-us turns to the audience$* And Eust li,e that $ $ $ ne.t thing you ,now, it was a real thing$ I was on my way $ $ $ on my

way $ $ $ to Africa$ I started getting all ner!ous$ I tried to thin, about all that I ,new Hbout Africa, which outside of a few mo!ies wasnAt much$ T.on*Man ainAt nothing o!er there but, death, disease, dictators o!erthrowing each Eust becauseB star!ing children and fly co!ered babies$ Man you better stay in the hood where itAs safe$ )+he distant sound of "unfire. +&on duc-s do&n and scurries a&ay from the shots and e4its.* (ar)us*+ In my head IAm trying to fight the hating, so I Eust concentrate on my, F,eep it real, people-are Eust-people,G !oice$ I rise up to fight the negati!ity$ )5st Anchor enters$* +st Anchor*))ead li-e a 677 anchor.* Fighting between militant groups and the Kimbabwe military in the southern region of that nation on Monday entered a third day$ In the countryAs worst !iolence in o!er a year, <$>$ peace ,eepers were forced to inter!ene to Juail the unrest raising fears of an escalation in the !iolence $ $ $ )$oice trails off as the 8nd anchor be"ins to spea-$* -nd Anchor*+ $ $ $ "omalia has Eoined the ran,s of African nations seiIed in the grip of famine$ ci!il war, rising food costs and go!ernment corruption$ #ut now with food costs spiraling out of reach and the li!estoc, prices on the rise a crisis is looming $ $ $ +st Anchor*)+he anchor is doin" a remote story and is &al-in" &ith a microphone$* $ $ $ 'ere in "outh Africa life can be measured by the access to water$ In a nation ra!aged by an A$I$%$" epidemic, the biggest ,iller often times can be lin,ed to lac, of nutrition$ And li,e of clean water$ In the sub-"aharan nations of "outh Africa and #otswana the A$I$%$" and '$I$( rates ha!e hit a historic high of 22 percent of the general population$ he e.plosion of the disease is lin,ed to the o!erwhelming po!erty and lac, of access to appropriate healthcare, <>I5-F spo,esman, %an 9hite said in a press conference today$ Although already blea,, the numbers of infected are e.pected to rise$ #ac, to you 5hip, he already fragile economy of this de!eloping nation has been crushed under the weight of he images of Africa, mon,eys, star!ing, fighting, wrapped around my brain li,e $ $ $ li,e $ $ $ wallpaper$ )+&on enters$*


what is the wee,end forecast loo,ing li,e, Old #uddy: )+he anchor smiles$* (ar)us*+ he !oices in my head$ -nd Anchor*Famine$ (ar)us*+ My history$ -nd Anchor*%eath$ )Anchor t&o e4its$* (ar)us*+ A new e.perience $ $ $ li,e magic or something$ I was in the air$ )+he sound of an airplane$* I was in the air$ On the way to Africa$ ).eat* Dou ,now how long to it ta,es to get to Africa: +uess$ )Durin" this section the actor facilitates the cro&d to scream out ans&ers. Sayin" thin"s such as, 9no,: 9yes,: 9close: and such$* 3/ hours$ Deah, I said it, 3/ hours, in a plane$ hought I was gon lose it$ #ody ainAt made to be stuffed hey better be luc,y IAm a tough brother, cause it he stin, of inside of a plane seat for no 3/ hours$ hours$

was brutal$ ).eat* 9ith airplane food swirling in my belly I was weary$

ime passing li,e molasses$ "tuc,$ 9edged into a seat meant for bodies half the

siIe$ 3/ hours on a plane $ $ $ 3/ $ $ $ my goodness$ I Canded$ +ot off the plane and I was tired and a little wobbly$ I shoo, off the stale smell of tra!el and loo,ed for the person pic,ing me up$ );e-etso Maielle fades for&ard$* 0e)etso (aielle*Dou must be the American: 9elcome to #otswana$ (ar)us*+ 'e stood in front of me Ci,e a stal, of corn, stretched floor to ceiling dar, as a chal,board beautiful I would soon learn that his name was $ $ $ 0e)etso (aielle*-


$ $ $ Ke,etso Maielle $ $ $ );e-etso Maielle stic-s his hand out to sha-e$* Mar,us: )+hey sha-e hands$* (ar)us*+ Deah, thatAs me, man$ 0e)etso (aielle*'ow is it going, my man: (ar)us*+ IAm a little wooIy$ 0e)etso (aielle*=et leg IAm sure$ (ar)us*+ Deah, yeah$ Man, itAs ,inda chilly around here$ 9hat part of the game is that: 0e)etso (aielle*);e-etso Maielle lau"hs$* %idnAt they tell you: (ar)us*+ ell me what: Is this Africa or Alas,a: 0e)etso (aielle*his is the dry season$ (ar)us*+ O,ay: 0e)etso (aielle*he dry season is our !ersion of winter$ It would be eJui!alent to your fall$ "ee when it is summer in America, here in southern Africa, we e.perience winter and !ice !ersa$ (ar)us*+ 9here are we: 0e)etso (aielle*);e-etso Maielle lau"hs$* +aborone, my man$ (ar)us*+ "orry: 0e)etso (aielle*+aborone$ hat is the name of the city youAre in$ ItAs the capitol of the whole country$


(ar)us*+ 'ow did you ,now what I loo,ed li,e: 0e)etso (aielle*9ell, you are rather $ $ $ American loo,ing: (ar)us*+ Is that a good thing: 0e)etso (aielle*+ I suppose it is neither$ Cet me grab those bags$ Dou will be staying with my family$ I am the lead writer at the #otswana 5ourier, you will be wor,ing with me$ I read your essay$ It was good$ (ery, !ery, !ery good$ (ar)us*+ han,, you man$ hatAs whatAs up$ I canAt wait to get to wor, at the newspaper $ $ $ 0e)etso (aielle*$ $ $ 9e can not wait to ha!e you wor, at the 5ourier$ (ar)us*+ hatAs the name of the paper: 0e)etso (aielle*Des$ DouLre gonna be shadowing me for a while$ I ha!e a story I will be reporting on tomorrow$ #ut, I will let you rest for a few days $ $ $ (ar)us*+ >aw man, I want to get right on it, I wanna go$ 'it the ground running, you ,now what I mean: 0e)etso (aielle*Dou sure, itAs going to be a pretty gritty story$ I do not want to offend those delicate American sensibilities$ (ar)us*+ +ritty: %elicate: %ude do you ,now where IAm from: IAm from 'ood!ille <$"$A, ainAt nothing too gritty for me$ 0e)etso (aielle*O,ay, I shall wa,e you in the morning and we shall be on our way then$ (ar)us*+


At Ke,etsoAs house I slept li,e I had ne!er sleep beforeM hard and deep$ 5rac,ed my window and I dreamed of home$ he ne.t morning li,e an African alarm cloc, I got wo,e up the by the sound of Ke,etsoAs dogsB snarling and grunting )+he sounds of fi"htin" do"s$* $ $ $ I heard the crac,ing in the middle of the morningB the sound of bones snapping and brea,ing apart$ 'eard that sound before$ ItAs unmista,able if you e!er heard itM the ripping sound of meat being torn off bone$ A howl$ A snort$ %ogs battling and Eaw snapping for a bone $ $ $ out my window, the sound, dogs enEoying their brea,fast 0e)etso*Are you ready Mar,us: #efore we go to the office and get you sJuared away I will ta,e you on one of my stories$ In fact, since you are the new guy, I will let you do the inter!iew$ (ar)us*+ Me: 0e)etso (aielle*>o$ he other American who was snoring in my guest bed last night$ Of course you$ I (ar)us*+ <h $ $ $ well $ $ $ I $ $ $ 0e)etso (aielle*$ $ $ Dou are from $ $ $ what was that term you used $ $ $ the hood$ >othing too gritty for you, right: (ar)us*+ Deah, yeah, yeah $ $ $ IAm down, I can do it$ ;e-etso Maielle just loo-s at him$* 0e)etso (aielle*9ell, I am not sure who this #rutus fella is, but o,ay$ Cet us go now$ #efore we go howe!er, I must warn you$ his story is strong$ (ery, !ery, !ery strong$ Might be more (ar)us*+ Man, I told you before, I am from the hood, dude donAt nothing sha,e a brother$ )Mar-us than you bargained for on your first day, young man$ hatAs right$ Deah man, letAs do this li,e #rutus because we always ,new this$ )Mar-us stic-s his hand up for a hi"h fi1e. ha!e read your wor,, you will be fine$


lau"hs$* 0e)etso (aielle*Is that so: (ar)us*Dep$ 0e)etso (aielle*+ +ood$ +ood$ 9hat do you ,now about '$I$(: (ar)us*+ I ,now enough not to be stupid enough to get it$ )Mar-us lau"hs$* 0e)etso (aielle*"o you thin, contracting A$I$%$" is about smart and not smart, huh: 'mmmmm$ Interesting$ (ar)us I was Eust saying $ $ $ 0e)etso (aielle $ $ $ 9e are going to the Princess Marina hospital$ (ar)us*+ he hospital: 0e)etso (aielle*9ell, actually, the morgue$ (ar)us*+ he morgue: 9here the dead people are: 0e)etso (aielle*>o, Mar,us the morgue where they ,eep the ,ittens and biscuits, of course where they ,eep the dead people$ 5ome on, "ebego is waiting$ 'ere is a pencil and noteboo,$ );e-etso Maielle hands Mar-us a pencil and noteboo-$* "traighten your shirt, we are reporters, we should loo, li,e it$ )Mar-us strai"htens himself up$* (ar)us*+ 9ell: 0e)etso (aielle*<h $ $ $ close enough$ I will be in the cafeteria if you are loo,ing for me$ "ebego is o tal, to -rnest "ebego$


through there$

hrough those double doors$ I told him you would be coming$ );e-etso (ar)us*+

Maielle be"ins e4its as Mar-us turns to the audience$* 9ait $ $ $ wait $ $ $ what do I as, him: 9hat is the story about: 0e)etso (aielle*First rule of reporting, ne!er pre-decide what the story isB go in and as, the Juestions that come into your mind and depending on what "ebego tells you, that will be your story$ (ar)us*+ O,ay$ "ee-bago $ $ $ 0e)etso (aielle*$ $ $ "ebego, "ebego $ $ $ stop tripping o!er that American tongue of yours$ In Africa names are important$ (ar)us*+ +ot it$ 0e)etso (aielle*+ood luc,$ );e-etso Maielle be"ins to e4it a"ain, his phone rin"s$* 'ello: ).eat* Des, yes, I pic,ed him up$ ).eat* 'e is with me now, I ha!e him wor,ing on a story$ ).eat* I ,now that he Eust got here, but you ,now me $ $ $ I threw him in the deep end$ >ow we will see if this American can swim$ )/au"hs. ;e-etso Maielle e4its.* (ar)us*+ #efore you e!en get into the room those double doors are as creepy as something from a horror mo!ie$ Once you get within ten feet it hits you $ $ $ that smell$ he smell of death$ Ci,e, I said before ainAt nothing li,e it, dog doo doo, sour mil,, morning breath, none of that e!en comes close$ )Mar-us is clearly bein" affected by the smell. Sebe"o enters eatin" a banana.* Se,ego*I see that the smell has caught your attention$ (ar)us*+ Deah$ Se,ego*9elcome to Princess Marina 'ospital Morgue my Jueasy young friend$ It is not often


that we get media down here in the mortuary$ Dou are an American: (ar)us*+ Deah$ ).eat* Dou donAt smell that: Se,ego*Oh, that no $ $ $ we donAt smell that anymore$ ).eat* 5ome, see the freeIer$ I ta,e it that is what you ha!e come to see$ )Sebe"o &al-s o1er to the free(er and opens it. Mar-us is in shoc-$* (ar)us*+ My +od$ 'ow many $ $ $ how many people are in there: Se,ego*Many$ hey are sic, in the wards$ he hospital can not ,eep up with them all they are (ar)us*+ %ying: From $ $ $ Se,ego*$ $ $ From the A$I$%$"$ (ar)us*+ hese people $ $ $ they all died from $ $ $ Se,ego*$ $ $ >ot all, but most$ (ar)us*+ And the sores $ $ $ Se,ego*$ $ $ -nd stage, that is what the A$I$%$" loo,s li,e during its last state of incubation$ In #otswana it is estimated that nearly 22 percent of the populations under 60 ha!e A$I$%$" or '$I$($ (ar)us*+ 9hat: Se,ego*Des$ In the wards upstairs they can barely ,eep trac, of all the bodies$ 9e put them together$ he person who dies of A$I$%$", we ,now$ 9e ,now the A$I$%$" bodies, we dying so fast$


,now$ It is rumored that they will ha!e to begin burning them, there are so many$ 5ome, allow me to show you something$ (ar)us*+ "heAs a $ $ $ a $ $ $ Se,ego*$ $ $ A child$ (ar)us*Des$ 9hat $ $ $ what happened to her: 9hy is she all $ $ $ )Mar-us painfully loo-s &ay$* $ $ $ who did that to her: Se,ego*Oh, you mean her chest being opened in that way: I did that$ as it turns out$ (ar)us*+ 9hat is that: Se,ego*hat is her heart$ (ar)us*+ ItAs so $ $ $ so $ $ $ Se,ego*$ $ $ "mall$ I ,now it$ (ar)us*+ #ut she, she is only $ $ $ Se,ego*$ $ $ In the !illages a rumor spread that if an infected man was to $ $ $ ahem, Fbe withG a !irgin girl it could heal him of the A$I$%$"$ Of course this had led to a wa!e of young babies such as this, being infected by the A$I$%$"$ (ar)us*+ 9hy ha!e I not $ $ $ why is this not $ $ $ Se,ego*$ $ $ Des $ $ $ (ar)us*+ his child died of A$I$%$"


$ $ $ Dou ,now, li,e on the news or something: Se,ego*+ Perhaps those American tele!isions do not ha!e enough room between reports of who Cil 9ayne is dating and what #eyonce is wearing to the Oscars$ )/au"hs* I worry about it$ All of the partying, drin,ing, se. without protection$ All of the dirty fun$ It ends here$ On my slab$ ).eat* 9ant a banana: (ar)us*+ ).eat* I thin, I will pass$ ).eat* Is it that craIy here in Africa: Se,ego*%o not fool yourself young man$ A$I$%$" is a player with a passport, it li!es e!erywhere and affects e!eryone$ -!en slic, 'ip 'op Americans$ Dou ,now what I mean, +: )/au"hs* (ar)us*+ 5anAt someone help: Se,ego*)/au"hs* "omeone li,e who: (ar)us*+ I donAt ,now $ $ $ if itLs that bad maybe the world, you ,now +reenpeace, "al!ation Army I donAt ,now$ Se,ego*7,700 people die e!eryday on the continent of Africa $ $ $ trust me my young friend no one is coming$ he only one that has come is death$ ).eat* Dou sure about the banana: (ar)us*+ )Mar-us turns to the audience$* I didnAt hear nothing about his stuff on the news, in the brochures, nobody didnAt say nothing about people dying, people in morgues and stuff $ $ $ I didnAt $ $ $ e.pect $ $ $ I mean, 22 percent of the population $ $ $ what part of the game is that: I saw a child today $ $ $ I saw her heart$ And it was not beating$ People die from A$I$%$" e!ery single day in Africa$ Africa is dying while the world waits $ $ $ Se,ego*$ $ $ "ometimes, while I am in the bodies $ $ $ I $ $ $ I cut myself$ Of course I follow )Sebe"o fades bac- on the sta"e$*


procedure$ I sJueeIe the wound$ I put mentholated spirits on it$ And I go for my test$ "o far I ha!e no A$I$%$"$ I ha!e thought of lea!ing wor,, but who will loo, after me$ ItLs better for me to die here$ Africa is dying while the world waits $ $ $ (ar)us*+ Africa is dying while the world waits $ $ $ $ $ $ I saw a girl, spread out a metal slab in front of us her child-li,e crust fell to the floor shed li,e a sna,e s,in she wanted to ,now wanted to wal, it straight she came here to this cold place searching she was loo,ing for truth she found death instead the disease come to !isit there is no poetry to wrap around her reality no rhyme that will do, she is dead Africa is dying $ $ $ 9hile the world waits$ );e-etso enters$* 0e)etso (aielle*"o how did my tough, tough American do: %id you get a story from "ebego: (ar)us*+ Des, I thin, I did$ I thin, that IAm going to call the article, the gra!eyard shift$ 0e)etso (aielle*Is that so: "ounds good indeed$ CetAs lea!e this place and introduce you to the other staff$ (ar)us*+ )Mar-us turns to the audience$* 9hat I saw was li,e a wonderland of sights and sounds$ Africa was not what I had or could e!er imagine in my mind$ %o you ,now that in #otswana men hold hands with one another: >ot gay men, but all men, they hold hands and wal, down the street together$ I gotta admit that one threw me$ );e-etso &al-s up to Mar-us and "rabs his hand$* 9here are we Ke,etso:


0e)etso (aielle*9e are in Metse Mucloba: Citerally translated I means water and dirt$ what the !illage, the huts are made from$ (ar)us*+ And all of the people: 0e)etso (aielle*hey are here for a funeral: In the little !illages outside of the city such gatherings are not unusual $ $ $ this is a funeral$ A$I$%$" and '$I$( is much worse in the !illages$ (ar)us*+ 9hat are they saying: 0e)etso (aielle*he minister is saying that this young man is on a Eourney$ =ourney that leads to hea!en$ (ar)us*+ 9hat language: 0e)etso (aielle*"wana $ $ $ hat is our nati!e language$ In #otswana we do not learn -nglish until we go to school, that is why out here in the !illages, many do not spea, -nglish at all$ Many ne!er attend school$ (ar)us*+ hey ha!e remained standing$ 0e)etso (aielle*Des$ In most Africa funerals attendees remain standing as a sign of respect$ (ar)us*+ Is this the story we ha!e come to co!er: A funeral: 0e)etso (aielle*>o$ 9e ha!e come to meet a woman in attendance actually: I wanted you to spea, with her$ "he is o!er there$ (ar)us*+ he one with the red head rag: 0e)etso (aielle*his is primarily


);e-etso fades for&ard as Mar-us remains behind him$* Des$ In #otswana, she is on the front lines of the battle$ "he attends many, many funerals$ 'er name is Faye Machangana she is the head of a group called -mang #asadi$ In "wana that means, 2omen Stand up$ It is a womenAs group$ At first it was started to help African women empower themsel!es in the society, but soon, the groupAs sole focus was to combat this scourge that has come upon us$ and in the !illages$ little$ 'aye (achangana*+ Ke,etso, is that you: ",inny thing you are: Dou are scarcely bigger than the A$I$%$" cases in the wards$ "crawny li,e a pensioner$ 0e)etso (aielle*'ey Faye, how are you doing: 'aye (achangana*+ 'ow am I doing: 'ow am I doing: rying to get Parliament to help fund a youth hat early, program for A$I$%$" education for ,ids $ $ $ that is where it starts you ,now: right: 0e)etso (aielle*9ell $ $ $ I uh $ $ $ 'aye (achangana*+ $ $ $ 9ell what: Dou agree of course: Dou are not li,e one of these bac,wards Members of Parliament that still li!e in the dar, ages are you: 0e)etso (aielle*"ee, I belie!e that if we $ $ $ that is to say $ $ $ 'aye (achangana*+ $ $ $ Are there marbles rolling Hround in your mouth, Ke,etso: An article $ $ $ you should do an article on educating young ,ids on A$I$%$" and '$I$($ Dou should$ 0e)etso (aielle*9ell, yeah that might be a $ $ $ he group is made up of the strong women in the city hey care for the sic, and push the go!ernment to do more to

educate$ A strong, strong group$ ).eat* #etween you and me, those women scare me a

elementary, that is where the ,ids should start, right along with their A#5s$ Dou agree


'aye (achanagana*+ $ $ $ And who is this you ha!e in tow: 0e)etso (aielle*his is the American I told you about$ 'aye (achangana*+ I was told you would come by to !isitB the American$ #ut you are little more than a boy$ My name is Keboitse, but you can call me Faye$ I am the +aborone %irector of -mang #asadi, but I am sure that you ,now that$ 9hat is it that you and your friend ha!e come to see, come to write stories about: he death, these children $ $ $ these babies who go to clubs and get mi.ed up with the wrong peopleB they get drun,, then the ne.t day when he or she wa,es up they donLt ,now if they did use a protection$ Dears later, the funerals, Eust li,e this one is the result$ #abies are what they are$ he numbers show that one and three women are '$I$( positi!e$ Our women, our mothers our daughters$ One and three women in #otswana $ $ $ the numbers are staggering$ %id you ,now that: 9e ha!e so many women at ris, in #otswana because society encourages men to ha!e multiple partners$ One man might have three or four women$ 9e encourage our boys to run around li,e hound dogs$ negotiate in relationships$ his is no good$ 9e also do not empower our women to o say >O, I am not ready yet$ And if they are ready, to say I

will not engage in this unless you wear a condom$ That's why you find the number of women that are infected. 9e care for the sic, in the !illages$ 9e bury them$ 9e bury them$ 9ould you li,e to tal, to the people $ $ $ tal, to the ones that li!e it e!eryday, young American: ).eat* Are you sure of that: O,ay$ 5ome$ 9e shall hear their !oices together$ )%aye Machan"ana fades bac- and ;a"iso I"natius Molefe fades for&ard$* 0agiso Ignatius (olefe*);a"iso I"natius Molefe assumes a -neelin" position. Mar-us is turned so that the t&o actors are bac- to bac-.* I am sorry that I can not stand$ #ut my body insists$ Dou must be the American, I ha!e heard so much about$ "till swimming in your youth I see$ I was young a few years ago myself$ In fact, I am only ten years or so older than you are now$ #ut, I am no longer young, as you can see$ My name is Kagiso Ignatius Molefe, I wor,, as a ban, teller $ $ $ );a"iso I"natius Molefe stic-s his hand out to sha-e. And there is a pause. ;a"iso lau"hs$* It is o,ay young American, you canAt catch it that way$ A$I$%$"


is not transmitted from casual contact, a handsha,e, a water fountain, a hug, swimming pools or any such nonsense$ %onAt you ,now that American: )Mar-us slo&ly stic-s out his hand and sha-es to the air. ;a"iso I"natius Molefe does the same$* As I said I was a ban, teller $ $ $ I held that Eob for three years, before $ $ $ before $ $ $ My name use to ring out in my home as the name of an eldest son$ Of a good man, who was ,nown to do to good things for my family, my family$ he big disease with a little name has come to !isit me$ And nothing will e!er be the same$ >ow my mother who I was supposed to ta,e care of and support has to $ $ $ to $ $ $ clean me e!eryday and changes the bandages on my sores$ I am sic,$ I will ne!er marry, ne!er ha!e a wife$ I am not long for this place $ $ $ and $ $ $ and $ $ $ );a"iso be"ins to brea-do&n$* and I am so angry I do not ,now where to put it$ I am going to die and there is nothing I can do about it $ $ $ e.cept maybe tell the truth$ Dou are little more than a boy, but it is a manAs Eob you ha!e$ Dou ha!e to tell them$ the people, here and at home where you li!e $ $ $ ha!e to tell them the truthM ell that anyone can get A$I$%$" and itAs not Eust for gays or drug addicts, e!eryone is at ris,B it hasnAt gone away, in fact it is rising up again, especially in the blac, populations of the world$ Dou tell them that condoms are not a lu.ury, tell them that they wor,$ 5ondomiIe, condomiIe, condomiIe$ );a"iso I"natius Molefe be"ins to lau"h and then cou"h$* for&ard$* (ollie*+ My name is Mollie $ $ $ that is all I want to say $ $ $ is it o,ay if I do not gi!e my entire name: Is it: I am Eust Mollie, Eust write Mollie, no picture, no age, not age$ =ust Mollie$ And yes, I am $ $ $ pregnant I mean$ And yes I wonder if I ha!e passed it to my baby$ I wonder what I ha!e left to her$ he doctors tell me that there e.ists about a 40 percent hat he cared for me$ >ow he has gone$ chance that I ga!e the !irus to my baby$ >o needles for me$ ).eat* I did not use protection$ I thought that, that he lo!ed me$ And left me $ $ $ and his child to sort out the details$ #ut I will not fold my tent$ I will not go away$ I ha!e a baby to tend to in two months time$ I simply do not ha!e the time to ell them young man, tell them what you saw and what you ,now$ he cloc, is tic,ing on the ne.t generation$ );a"iso I"natius Molefe fades bac- and Mollie fades ell


die$ I ha!e lo!ed and tasted the sweet fruit of new-found infatuation but this in not a Flo!eG rant I ha!e been hurt left to blindly sal!age my fractured heart from the ashes but this is not a Fthat manG did me wrongG rant I am blac, and I ha!e felt the rage that dro!e MalcolmLs spirit and de!oured MartinLs soul but this in not a FpoliticalG rant I lo!e music And my tastes range from Pac to Par,er #ut this is not a FI lo!e the rhythm of the beatG rant I sometimes search for the +oddess buried inside my sadness$ I sometimes peer down at my battered, blistered hands For it is the hands that tell the stories, bears the scars and ser!es as witness to the history #ut this is not a F<nderneath it all ILm really an African NueenG rant I no longer can afford poems that obscure but ne!er penetrate I ha!e lost the s,ill of glossing o!er my pain with pretty empty words I write spea, as I li!e my life, straight, no chaser, no illusions of what I am, what I was, or what I should be his !irus has come to !isit e!ery one And I rage and rant for all the faces of this disease I cry for the #us %ri!er I cry for the Factory 9or,er I cry for the a maid I cry for the mother I cry for the women that can not cry anymore #ut for me the tears ha!e all been spent


I ha!e replaced them with self lo!e And it is a re!elation$ >o more auctioning off my soul for pennies on the dollar$ I wonLt bore you with the details$ It is an old story, told a thousand different times by a thousand little blac, girls, a thousand different ways$ his my eulogy My announcement$ My declaration$ hat that s,inny, mentally frail wea,ling who ser!ed as prey for the wol!es is gone "he is dead >e!er, e!er, e!er, e!er, to be resurrected again$ And here I stand in her place, born again hard$ A social butterfly, dirty wings and all$ Mr$ American writer $ $ $ ma,e sure you write that in your story, ma,e sure you write that$ )Mollie fades bac- and Ma4 A-in&ande fades for&ard$* (ax A)in.ande*My man $ $ $ what part of America are you from: (ar)us*+ Midwest$ (ax A)in.ande*-


-!er go to >ew Dor,: (ar)us*+ >ope$ (ax A)in.ande*Always wanted to go myself $ $ $ it is not loo,ing li,e I will ma,e it anytime soon$ I ha!e li!ed in the !illage my entire life$ My father, was a chic,en farmer, raised me to be a chic,en farmer, raised me to ta,e his place in the !illage$ I am 31 and I can barely muster the energy to wal, up a flight of stairs, let along replace my dad$ I did not tell him for years$ I was perhaps your age when I found out$ My father carries the shame in his eyes$ 9e barely spea,$ "trangers passing each other in the same home$ 'e blames me for getting sic,$ For not being side by side with him, wor,ing, as he did with his father, and his father did with his father$ #ut itAs not all bad right: Finally figured a way to get out of my chores $ $ $ )!e be"ins to lau"h and then "ro&s somber$* >o one e!er told me this could happen to someone my age$ >o one e!er told me$ >o one e!er told me$ Africa is dying while the world waits $ $ $ )Mar-us screams &hile starin" s-y&ard$* (ar)us 9hat am I supposed to do with all this, Ke,etso: 0e)etso (aielle*Dou ha!e done good wor, here, Mar,us$ "een and heard many things$ Dou must figure out what you are going to tell them when you get home: (ar)us*+ I am going to $ $ $ tell them the truth$ 0e)etso (aielle*he truth can be a ris,y thing my young friend$ A ris,y, ris,y thing$ );e-etso fades baclea1in" Marcus in the fore"round$* (ar)us*+ Riding through the capitol city of +aborone on my way to the airport I was in a daIe $ $ $ a city that was li,e nothing I had e!ery seen$ too $ $ $ he streets were small $ $ $ I mean e!en their main streets ,inda loo,ed li,e one of our regular residentials, and the cars were all small he plants, the land and the dirt $ $ $ that wonderful dirt$ I as,ed Ke,etso to pull the car o!er $ $ $ he said no, threw a fit, complaining about being late for my flight, but I


threw such a fuss he pulled o!er anyway$ I got out, you ,now, it was li,e hitting me, maybe for the first time, as I was lea!ing, that I was actually in Africa$ I ran to the car and got this empty water bottle$ $ $ it was almost li,e that dar, red dirt on the side of the road was calling me$ "o there I was in the dirt$ "ifting through it$ And all of sudden, I had the craIiest feeling on the side of that road, my hands in dirt, that there was something bigger than me$ I mean donAt get me wrong or nothing I belie!e in +od in all, but to feel it li,e that$ I mean, that dirt poured li,e gold and danced through my fingers$ It was real, I could touch it, measure it$ It was dust, it was sand and roc,B it was red and hot, underneath a froIen summer sun$ It was not some stupid speech about Africa$ It was not my teacher tal,ing about it$ It was not some picture on a mo!ie screen$ >aw$ It was Africa$ In my hands$ I could ha!e ate if I wanted to$ It was there on my ,nees, in the dirt, that fabulous dirt, that I found herM +od$ I swear I thought that maybe I heard the !oice of +od spea,ing to me $ $ $ whispering $ $ $ 0e)etso (aielle $ $ $ 'ey, craIy man, you gon play in the dirt all day or catch your plane home$ (ar)us Or maybe I didnAt $ $ $ I donAt ,now$ ).eat* "o, I gathered a little dirt into my water bottle and wal,ed bac, to the car$ )Mar-us stands up and ;e-etso Maielle fades bac-$* I donAt thin, that two wee,s ha!e changed a brother so much$ ItAs li,e the blinders had been ta,en off my eyes$ Dou ,now: ItAs li,e IAm not the same dude no more, I see the world different $ $ $ I mean I donAt e!en ,now how to e.plain it$ Africa is not Eust some image thatAs floating around in my head anymore$ $ $ itAs a real place, a part of my life now$ Flying home I had so many emotions in my head it was craIy$ #ut, IAm bac, now $ $ $ now I gotta figure out what all that meant$ T.on*)+&on enters loudly eatin" an apple$* Coo, atcha boy, shinning li,e a new penny$ I thought that you was gon come bac, blac, as night running around in all that Africa sun$ (ar)us*+ Actually won, itAs li,e their !ersion of winter o!er there right now$ T.on*9inter in Africa: +et out$


(ar)us*+ >ope itAs true$ More li,e fall o!er there now$ T.on*'ope you didnAt drin, that water: (ar)us*+ Actually the water was fine$ T.on*If you say so arIan$ Dou coming down to the hoop spot: -!erybody waiting$ (ar)us*+ Deah, I might be down later, man$ T.on*5ool$ 9elcome bac,, dog$ )+hey do the blac- man handsha-e follo&ed by a manly shoulder hu". +&on "oes to the chair up sta"e and sits do&n as Mar-us fades for&ard.* (ar)us*+ 5oming bac, was weird $ $ $ you ,now, almost li,e it didnAt happen$ Ci,e, I dreamed it or something $ $ $ IAm bac, now and I donAt ,now what IAm sposed to do with it$ My principal wants me to write another essay $ $ $ to you ,now share with the school what I learned and what I saw $ $ $ how do I tell Hem: 9hat do I say: !randma /ordan*#oy, I always told ya, let the truth be told and so the hea!ens fall$ In other words, Eust tell the dog gone truth and let fol,s Eust deal with it$ (ar)us*+ I donAt ,now grandma $ $ $ I donAt ,now if people bac, here e!en want to ,now, what would won say if I told him Hbout all the things I saw: !randma /ordan*Dou canAt measure a swindlerAs inch by what that boy thin, or donAt$ Always told you that boy ele!ator donAt go to the top floor $ $ $ and he ne!er ta,es the stairs$ Dou got to be true to yourself$ hatAs all too it$ >ow come o!er here and tell your grandma Hbout Africa$ ).eat* +ot the postcards, but I got the feeling that something happened o!er there that you canAt sJueeIe into a postcard$ (arcus*+


Deah$ !randma /ordan*5ome on baby pull up a seat$ (arcus*+ I donAt ,now how to describe it grandma$ !randma /ordan*=ust describe it boy and stop fussing around with it$ (ar)us*+ 9ell $ $ $ um $ $ $ !randma /ordan*$ $ $ "pit it out boy $ $ $ IAll be dead and buried for you get the story out$ (ar)us*+ )/on" beat* "aw a lot of people hurting o!er there too grandma$ O!er there A$I$%$"&'$I$( ainAt no Eo,e$ !randma /ordan*AinAt e.actly no laughfest o!er here neither, boy$ =ust read an article in the paper that say that he '$I$( rates in 9ashington %$5$ is higher than it was o!er in Africa where you was$ (ar)us*+ Really: !randma /ordan*Des sir$ "ame article say that blac, females ma,e up the largest case of new A$I$%$" cases in America $ $ $ guess Africa ainAt the only place got problems, boy, Eust the only place fol,s li,e to plaster on the ( screen$ )<randma ordan "ets up from her chair$* ime for dinner$ IAm gon get us a couple of plates and you can finish telling what you saw$ +ot some ribs and greens siIIled Eust li,e you li,e Hem$ I ainAt gon lie I put my foot in Hem$ )<randma ordan e4its$* (ar)us*+ "he donAt mean that literally $ $ $ At least I hope$ ).eat* >ow that IAm bac, and now that I ,now what I ,now, I guess itAs my duty to share, to gi!e, to let cats ,now whatAs happening o!er there$ his was my life, my e.perience $ $ $ this was my Africa$ )Mar-us


e4its the sta"e$* 'I1.


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