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Drowning the Flame A Play By Michael Oatman Characters Tupac --- African American male, early twenties Jada

--- African American female, early twenties ill --- African American male, late twenties Marion --- African American male, early twenties !ome --- African American male, twenties "ettings "tudio #i$ing !oom %ar& "ynopsis !i$al 'ip 'op artists struggle to win the affections of a successful 'ollywood actress(

ACT O)*+"C*)* O)* ,The scene opens to reveal a darkened stage and two chairs facing one another. There is a table in between the two chairs. The chairs are very comfortable. As the scene opens, we can hear muffled music as if there is music being played loudly in an unseen room back stage. Rome and a woman wearing a baseball cap are in the middle of a heated conversation(Woman Just tell him that ./m here to see him( Rome . told you he recording right now( Woman . need to see him( Rome . 0etchu do( 1Laughs2 Woman 3o get him( Rome Bitch, 0eat the 0loc&( 1He turns to leave(2 Woman ait a minute, who you calling a 0itch4 Rome ./m calling yo simple ass a 0itch, now get the fuc& out of here fo . call the police( Woman . ain/t going no where( 1 he takes off her hat and glasses (2 Rome Oh, shit, . didn/t &now that you were ( ( ( Jada ( ( ( 5eah, that/s what . thought( 1!eat2 )ow go get him( Rome 5eah, yeah, sure ( ( ( and . mean, you &now we don/t ha$e to tell %ac a0out this ( ( ( you gotta understand we get a lot of ( ( ( Jada ( ( ( 3o get him and . will try to forget what a piece of shit you are ( ( ( Rome 1!eat2 5eah( ait here( 1He e"its the stage. After a few seconds, we hear the music in the background stop. #ada walks to the edge of the stage and begins to talk. 2 Jada . don/t e$er ta&e that shit off no0ody( )o woman, no man, no0ody( Don/t get this 'ollywood shit twisted( . will ta&e off my earrings, flip off my shoes and get down if . got to( %eople thin& 6cause you famous you won/t throw-down( 'ell, e$en 0efore . got famous, 0ecause . was small, people tried me all the time( . had to learn to let cats &now right away( . was ne$er a cutesy type-chic&( . was always the tom0oy( My mama use to say that . was all s&inned &nees and el0ows( . was ne$er supposed to 0e that chic&( . wasn/t tall or pretty li&e the other girls( . didn/t ha$e a 0ody li&e some, my face was 7ust alright ( ( ( 0ut . was a tom0oy, e$ery0ody/s 0est friend( The 8. wish that . could find someone li&e you,9 girl ( ( ( while they dating e$eryone else 0ut me( . ain/t 2

complaining though, 6cause it made me strong( .t made me understand that the world don/t stop spinning, 6cause . say ( ( ( and success don/t come 6cause . as& for it( "ometimes they act li&e . wal&ed into 'ollywood and they 7ust ga$e it to me( Ain/t a 0lac& woman in the history of the world that it wor&ed that way for( e always ha$e to wor& for it, grind for it, 0leed for it( hene$er a sister get to the point that you &now her name, or she on T: or in the mo$ies ( ( ( you don/t ha$e a clue of what it too& for her to get there( The sacrifices, the indignities( *$ery time some sister ma&e it, no matter what she doing, . got lo$e for her 6cause . &now what it/s li&e, what it ta&es, the ;uarts of 0lood that you spill on the floor while you crawling up the ladder( Ma&ing it in 'ollywood is li&e those soldiers in war who see so much hurt, death and pain( Many of 6em ma&e a pact that if they e$er get out, e$er escape there ain/t no ;uestions as&ed( .t/s li&e that for 0lac& actor chic&s ( ( ( if one ma&es it, slips through the net, 0ecomes famous 0efore this place destroys them( )o ;uestions( . don/t care if its Oprah infrey or some girl spread eagle in some maga<ine 0utt ass na&ed( )o ;uestions, 6cause . &now( . &now( 1 Tupac enters the stage(2 Tupac hat in the hell did you say to !ome4 5ou got that nigga shoo& li&e a rape $ictim( Jada 5ou &now . sometimes ha$e that effect on wea& )egroes Tupac 5ou a long way from a 'ollywood sound stage( Jada .s that how . get greeted nowadays4 Tupac 5ou loo& good( Jada . &now( Tupac 5ou come and interrupt me in a studio session= the world must 0e on fire( Jada 1!eat2 "omething li&e that( Tupac "o, what/s up4 Jada .t/s 0een too long( . needed to see you( Tupac 5ou needed to see me4 Jada 1!eat2 . &now your mad ( ( ( Tupac ( ( ( Mad, mad( hy would . 0e mad ( ( ( Jada ( ( ( %ac ( ( ( Tupac . mean for real, what . got to 0e mad a0out4 Jada "top that( 3

Tupac . mean for real, you don/t owe me a goddamned thing( ./m easy fuc&ing 0ree<y and you one half of the new fuc&ing Cos0y "how( .t/s smiles all around ( ( ( Jada ( ( ( Don/t do that( Tupac Do what4 Jada Tal& to me li&e that( Tupac #i&e what4 Jada #i&e you don/t &now me( Tupac #i&e . don/t &now you4 Jada #i&e you don/t care a0out me( Tupac ./m not doing ( ( ( Jada ( ( ( 5es, you are( "top it( Tupac Alright, honey, you writing the damned script what you want me to say4 Jada This was a mista&e( . shouldn/t$e come here( 1 he gets up to leave and begins to e"it the stage. Tupac stands up as well(2 Tupac ait ( ( ( don/t ( ( ( don/t go ( ( ( 1#ada stops in her tracks (2 hat do you want from me4 hat do you want me to say4 Jada 1!eat2 That you/$e missed me( Tupac 1!eat2 . ha$e( Jada 5ou ha$e4 Tupac 5our my 0eautiful girl( Jada ./$e missed 0eing called that( Tupac hat are you tal&ing a0out people call you 0eautiful all the time( Jada 5ou were the first to really mean it ( ( ( to not use it li&e some throw away line( 5ou said it 0efore the cameras, when most cats thought . was a 0oy( 1 he turns around and walks over to Tupac (2 Tupac hat are you doing here, Jai4 Jada 4

. was 7ust in the ( ( ( Tupac hat are you doing here, Jai4 Jada ./m ( ( ( ./m ( ( ( Tupac 5our what4 Jada 1Long beat2 ./m drowning( Tupac 1!eat2 "it down( 1!oth of them sit down(2 Jada . 7ust needed ( ( ( . don/t &now ( ( ( something( Tupac Did you and that nigga ha$e a fight4 Jada )o( Tupac 5ou sure4 Jada e don/t fight( Tupac 5ou don/t fight4 Jada )o( Tupac 'ow is that possi0le, witcho hard-headed ass4 "hit, if you was fuc&ing around with 3andhi, he might get the urge to pimp slap yo ass( Jada . got two words, )egro( 1$lips him the bird(2 Fuc&( And 5ou( 1Tupac laughs(2 Tupac 1%n a fake %ndian accent(2 . will not put up with your 0ullshit, hoe( Do not ma&e me to 0rea& a 0itch off( Jada 5ou stupid( 1Tupac continues to laugh(2 Jada ./$e missed you ( ( ( your friendship ( ( ( Tupac ( ( ( My friendship4 1Laughs2 .s that what we pretending now ( ( ( is that the scene we suppose to 0e playing> two old friends sharing a moment4 Jai, this ain/t the fuc&in/ mo$ies( Jada That/s not what ( ( ( Tupac ( ( ( hy are you here4 hat/s wrong4 Jada 5ou always said if . was in the neigh0orhood to stop 0y( May0e you didn/t mean it( Tupac 5

"top tal&ing stupid( 5ou &now you always welcome where$er . am( Jada . &now that you were 0usy( Tupac "ince when am . too 0usy for you4 Time has always stood still for you( Jada Don/t get me to 0lushing( 1 he smiles(2 Tupac *$ery time . thin& my heart dun turned to stone . see that fuc&ing smile of yours and fall in lo$e ( ( ( with 0lac& women, all o$er again( Jada ./m serious= stop it for you ma&e me e$en redder( Tupac .t/s that .ndian in you( 1!eat2 Jada 5ou loo& good( Tupac . &now( Jada Oh, don/t get fly( A few hit al0ums and a nigga don/t &now how to act . see( Tupac C/mon now, you &now . ne$er &new how to act, 0efore( 1The couple laughs(2 Do you want something to drin&, something to eat( . could get !ome to scrounge up something( Jada )o, than& you( Tupac 5ou sure4 Jada ./m sure( Tupac "o you were in the neigh0orhood( Jada 5eah( Tupac . li&e hearing your $oice e$en when you lying( 1 he smiles(2 . 0een real proud of you( 5ou/$e mo$ed up in this world( That Low &own &irty hame was the truth( Jada .t was a good mo$ie( Tupac "hit, it was a great mo$ie ( ( ( . mean, if you would ha$e had me in that piece instead of that wea& ass ayans nigga, it would ha$e 0een a classic( Jada . was luc&y to get it( Tupac )ot, 7ust luc&y( Talented( Jada 3od is good 6

Tupac 'e is( Jada 5ou running in some pretty 0ig circles your damn self, why you playing( Tupac ./m doing my thang( 5ou &now . always was a hustler( But you the one doing it 0ig ( ( ( 0ig time actress ( ( ( getting gigs( ./m happy( 5ou deser$e it, pro0a0ly more than any0ody . &now( %retty soon . won/t e$en 0e a0le to get you to return a niggas calls( Jada . ain/t changing( Tupac e all change, 0a0y girl( That/s 7ust a natural fact( Jada ./m as real as . was when we were in school( Tupac Being real( . don/t e$en &now what that means anymore( 1 !eat2 For real . don/t( . 0een calling myself a real nigga for so long . don/t e$en &now what that really means( Jada May0e, it means that you hold true to your principles, remem0er where you came from, may0e it means that the money hasn/t made you into some watered down phony ( ( ( Tupac ( ( ( May0e it means that ./m trying to hold onto a myth that wasn/t real in the first damn place( May0e it means that ./m wearing a pair of shac&les, may0e it means ./m full of shit, may0e we all are( Jada 1!eat2 ./$e missed you( 1Her phone begins to ring. he reaches into her pocket glances at the screen and then puts the phone down. %t continues to ring (2 Tupac 5ou thin& it helps me to hear that4 Jada )o( Tupac "ometimes when . let myself thin& a0out you, . can feel it in my chest ( ( ( tightening ( ( ( li&e . can/t fuc&ing 0reathe( Jada 1!eat2 'ow ha$e you 0een4 Tupac . 7ust told you( Are you gonna answer that thing4 Jada )o( 1!eat2 . don/t li&e how we left it( Tupac hy are you here4 Jada . wanted to see you( Tupac That didn/t answer my ;uestion( Jada 7

. 7ust ( ( ( Tupac ( ( ( hat/s going on4 hat/s up4 Jada . don/t &now( . ( ( ( ./m in a weird place, right now( Tupac 5eah, my studio( Jada . don/t &now what ./m doing with my life( ./m 7ust floating( 1 The phone stops ringing (2 Tupac To hear the newspapers tell it, you got the world 0y the 0alls( !olling with that soft ass nigga( Jada Don/t call him that( Tupac ./m 7ust saying( Jada Don/t disrespect him( 'e/s a good man( Tupac A good man( Jada 5es( Tupac And what am .4 Jada 5our a good man too( Tupac )o, ./m not( 1!eat2 )ot the way . treated you( Jada ./m not here to rehash all of that( Tupac Then why are you here4 Jada . 7ust needed to see you( . tried to call ( ( ( Tupac ( ( ( . ne$er ( ( ( Jada ( ( ( . &now( Trying to get to you nowadays is li&e trying to get to the damned %resident for Christ sa&e( Tupac Things ha$e 0een a little cra<y( Jada 5eah( Tupac 1!eat2 Do you lo$e him4 Jada 'e/s an ama<ing man ( ( ( he really is( Different from you ( ( ( 0ut ama<ing in his own way( There/s not a girl that wouldn/t get lost in him( .t/s 7ust li&e . dreamed ( ( ( 8

Tupac ( ( ( *?cept for that $oid inside where the newspapers can/t see( Belie$e me . &now( .t/s li&e 0eing famous( Thin&ing that it will fill you up, ta&e the place of the missing pieces( Fame can/t do it, some soft rapping, 0ig eared, non-acting niggas can/t fill it either( Jada hy you gotta do that4 Tupac Do what, tell the truth4 Jada Disrespect him( . as&ed you 0efore, don/t do that( Tupac ./m sorry( hat do you want me to say4 atching the two of you ( ( ( 'ollywood/s perfect couple ( ( ( Jada ( ( ( 'e/s a good man( Tupac Do you lo$e him4 Jada ./m watching him 0ecome( 5ou don/t ha$e clue what he/s capa0le of( ./m watching him 0ecome( ( ( Tupac ( ( ( Become what4 Jada Become something great( "omething that will 0urn a mar& onto the ground( . can 0ecome with him( That/s why it/s tough to get close to you %ac( 5ou already are ( ( ( and there/s no room for anyone else( Tupac But something/s missing ( ( ( Jada ( ( ( Didn/t you 7ust hear me say ( ( ( Tupac ( ( ( Chic&s don/t lo$e with they words, they lo$e with they hearts( .f that fantasy is real, why are you here4 Jada Because you were the first to 0e the last( Tupac . can/t deal with this shit, right now( Jada . needed to start from the 0eginning( 1The phone begins to ring. %t rings for several seconds before Tupac speaks (2 Tupac That/s him4 Jada 5es( Tupac . don/t &now a0out the nigga 0ecoming ( ( ( 0ut . 0et he/s becoming pissed the fuc& off with you not answering your phone( 9

Jada . can/t( )ot now( Tupac hy4 Because your here with me4 Because it/s easy to 0e with a 0ad copy of me as long as the real thing don/t show up4 hat the fuc& are we doing, Jai4 . don/t care what that nigga 0ecomes, he won/t e$er 0ecome me( And you &now it( 1!eat2 Come here( 1#ada continues to sit in her chair(2 . said come here( 1 he slowly stands up as does Tupac (2 O$er here Jai( 1 he slowly edges forward. He reaches out his hand to touch her face. he turns away but continues to stand in the same spot. Tupac free'es, his hand lingering in mid(air (2 . wanna touch you( Jada 1 aid almost as a whisper (2 )o( Tupac . don/t &now that . can 0ear to ha$e you here, this close to me and not touch you( 1 !eat2 Jada e shouldn/t( Tupac My whole life is shouldn/t( Jada )o( Tupac . can still remem0er( Jada !emem0er what4 Tupac The first time . touched you( Jada "top it( Tupac . touched you ( ( ( and e$erything after was somehow different, . was different( 1 !eat2 Do you lo$e him4 Jada 'e/s e$erything you/re not> sta0le, solid, e$en-tempered( Tupac Are you tal&ing a0out yo man or yo ta? attorney4 Jada 'e/s good for me( Tupac Do you lo$e him ( ( ( Jada ( ( ( 'e/s gonna 0e the father of my children( Tupac "o you/$e already pic&ed him to 0e the nigga to plant the seed4 Jada 5eah ( ( ( 0ecause . &now that with him something will grow( Tupac All this happiness and yet you here with me( 1Rome enters the room(2 Rome 10

"uge says that he is ready to ( ( ( Tupac ( ( ( Tell "uge, ./m gonna need a few more minutes( Rome "uge said ( ( ( Tupac ( ( ( And . said that ./m gonna need a few more minutes( Rome 1!eat2 ./ll tell him( 1Rome e"its the stage(2 Tupac 5ou smell good( Jada Than& you( Tupac .t wasn/t a compliment( 1!eat2 hy do you smell so damned good4 hy did you come here smelling so damned good ( ( ( why are you here4 Jada . need to wor& some things out ( ( ( Tupac ( ( ( 0ut why are you here4 Jada 1!eat2 hy didn/t you e$er ( ( ( we e$er ( ( ( Tupac ( ( ( . don/t &now( 1Long beat(2 hen . was a &id, . thought that we/d ha$e time ( ( ( that we we/d ha$e nothing 0ut time( .t ain/t so( e 7ust came up on the wrong side of the cloc&, 0a0y girl( .n school, we was together, laughing and clowning( . came home, laid my head down and when . wo&e up and that sassy little girl was gone( )e?t thing . &now you li&e this 0eautiful woman( 1 !eat2 'is woman( And . 0ecame this thing, this car$ed up, 0urned up thing ( ( ( that . don/t e$en recogni<e myself no more( And now your li&e one of those people out of a story 0oo&( Jada 5es( 1The phone begins to ring(2 Tupac 5es, what4 Jada . lo$e him( Tupac 5eah( Jada . am his woman( Tupac And you happy4 Jada 5es( ./m happy( Tupac 5ou/re a good actor, 0ut you not that good( Jada ./m happy ( ( ( . am( 1 he grabs the phone and throws it against the wall. %t shatters into pieces (2 11

Tupac 5eah, if you was any fuc&ing happier you/d 0e in an electric chair( Jada 'e/s a good man( Tupac 5eah( Jada 1!eat2 !emem0er when we use to dance to his music4 !emem0er that4 Tupac Parents #ust &on)t *nderstand ( ( ( yeah, . remem0er( Jada 1!eat2 But you still disli&e him4 Tupac 'e the nigga always running his mouth a0out how he can ma&e songs without cussing or &illing niggas( 'e the one trying to ma&e a point( ./m 7ust trying to ma&e music( Jada 'is talent is different, that/s all( 5a/ll 7ust different( Tupac Then why is the nigga ta&ing shots4 *$ery time he do an inter$iew, he ta&e shots at niggas li&e me( 5ou don/t hear me mouthing off a0out that soft0all shit he do( Jada 5ou use to lo$e that soft0all shit( Tupac That was a hundred years ago( . ain/t a &id no more, neither are you( 5et and still that 0ig-eared, nigga still lo00ing out that watered down 0ullshit( Jada 'e ne$er attac&ed you( Tupac )ot 0y name, 0ut . ain/t dum0, he 0een coming after gangsta niggas for years( Jada May0e you 7ust 7ealous( Tupac Damn, that nigga dun really made you drin& the cool-aid( 1 aid in a mocking voice (2 8 e 7ust different is all(9 #oo&, you wit 6em, do yo thang( But don/t e$er lie to yourself( The difference 0etween me and him is the difference 0etween Jordan and e$ery other nigga who can 0ounce a 0all( ./m a giant, he/s a 3rammy winner( Jada 5our a legend ( ( ( Tupac ( ( ( And don/t you e$er forget it( Jada %ro0lem is legends are made for museums( Made to li$e in a glass case( 5ou can/t 0uild on that ground( 5our heart is fro<en, li&e tundra= you got a 0lac& hole in your chest( Tupac 1!eat2 .s that right4 Jada ./m sorry ( ( ( . didn/t mean it li&e ( ( ( 12

Tupac ( ( ( 5es, you did ( ( ( whate$er else we are to one another ( ( ( we don/t e$er lie to each other( .t/s 0een too long, we 0een through too much( Jada May0e, . shouldn/t ha$e come here ( ( ( Tupac ( ( ( May0e( Or may0e ./m 7ust holding on to too many memories( #i&e you said, you and that nigga is 0ecoming, changing into something, someone . don/t e$en &now( . sit and watch you through the tele$ision screen and . wonder( ho is she4 ho is that person4 Jada 5ou &now me( Tupac Do .4 Jada Of course( Tupac . don/t thin& so( Jada 3et the hell out of here( Tupac "eriously, who are you4 Jada ho am .4 Tupac 5es( Jada 5ou &now who . am( Tupac . don/t &now who you are, now( Jada ./m the same ( ( ( Tupac ( ( ( Bullshit ( ( ( Jada ( ( ( hat are you tal&ing a0out4 Tupac 5ou said it, you said( 5ou/re changing, you/re 0ecoming( hat are you 0ecoming4 That/s the ;uestion, that/s the ;uestion( Jada By 0ecoming, . 7ust meant growing ( ( ( not li&e ./m a different person or something( Tupac 3rowing for the 0etter4 Jada )ot 0etter, not worse necessarily, 7ust different . guess( 1!eat2 Bad always comes with the good( Tupac A nigga can/t ma&e an omelet without 0rea&ing eggs, right4 Jada 13

"omething li&e that( Tupac . thin& you 7ust tal&ing yourself into circles( hy do you always moc& me4 ma&e fun4 Jada hy is that e$ery time . try to spit some real to you, you gotta

Tupac . ain/t ma&ing fun ( ( ( it 7ust 0other me that you act li&e you deeper than some nigga humping to wor& in a factory somewhere( 5ou tal& a0out 0ecoming as if it don/t apply to some waitress 0itch ser$ing up sausages( Jada . didn/t say that4 Tupac Didn/t ha$e to( .t/s in your $oice( hen you tal& a0out greatness, what you really mean is success( My mother spent years smo&ing drugs and trying to raise a family all at the same time ( ( ( and guess what . thin& she as great as some white 0oy trying to cure cancer somewhere( 3reatness is not awards and flash0ul0s( Becoming, is not 7ust a0out mo$ing from one great career to another( "ometimes greatness is paying the rent that month or ma&ing sure that yo &ids can eat that day( 1!eat2 %eep game( The other day . was dri$ing, doing my thing ( ( ( you &now 7ust cruising the strip to clear my head( . was here at the studio and "uge had let me use his Jag( That $ehicle hug corners li&e hater niggas hug these nuts( "o ./m flying man, . mean dri$ing for hours and ne?t thing . &now, ./m in atts ( ( ( . mean, widows down, dri$ing through the heart of it ( ( ( the 0elly of the 0east ( ( ( niggas on e$ery corner, 0urned out 0uildings and cats eyeing the mags on the Jag formulating plots( And so ./m coming down this itty 0itty side street, you &now one of them ones with a factory on it ( ( ( and on the end of the street was one of those ( ( ( you &now panel truc&s( One of those 0ig muthafuc&as, you &now( And so the truc& had pulled out so far to my left it was 0loc&ing my $iew of the on-coming traffic, 0ut you &now the deal, . was straight in my Fuc& the orld, mode, so . wasn/t focused on anything other than the road in front of me and the sounds spilling out the spea&er( "o . fly up doing ( ( ( you &now, li&e @A or BA ( ( ( Jada ( ( ( Down a side street4 Tupac 5ou &now how . do ( ( ( and as ./m yan&ing through the stoplight . hear this ( ( ( $oice, out the muthafuc&in/ dar&ness ( ( ( 'eyC . mean the shit was so loud it scared me, so . yan&ed the wheel around and come to a stop in front of the stoplight( )e?t thing . &now this fuc&ing Mac& truc& rolls past me doing a least @A ( ( ( . mean if . would ha$e &ept going, . would 0een, &illed, or if nothing else crippled for life or otherwise fuc&ed up( . mean no 0ullshit, . was almost &illed( 1 !eat2 This was not some nigga pulling pipe ( ( ( this was 7ust some straight random shit( . sitting there in the Jag, li&e . was in a da<e( . loo& o$er and on the side wal& to see who screamed out and it was this 0um ( ( ( dirty, scraggly homeless nigga ( ( ( and he 7ust a smiling( 'e wa$ed and &ept on stepping ( ( ( . &inda wa$ed 0ac& ( ( ( you &now as if wa$ing was enough to say than& you nigga for sa$ing my life( . mean, . wouldn/t 0e here if it wasn/t for that nigga ( ( ( and . don/t e$en thin& to get out the car( . 7ust wa$ed( The homeless dude didn/t e$en as& for money, a than& you, nothing( Just &ept on strolling li&e it was "unday afternoon( That/s what greatness is Jai, one soul connecting to another ( ( ( not for money or fame or 0ecause someone was loo&ing ( ( ( 0ut 7ust for the fuc& of it( Jada 5ou finish preaching, !e$erend %ac4 14

Tupac )ow whose ma&ing 7o&es4 Jada 1!eat2 1!eat2 hy did you tell me that story4 Tupac hy are you here4 Jada . told you, . don/t &now( Tupac hy don/t you ta&e your ass 0ac& to that 3rammy inning nigga4 Jada Don/t call him that( Tupac A simple description of the facts( Jada Don/t call him that li&e it/s a slur( Tupac And don/t show up to my fuc&ing recording session, li&e you fell out of the goddamned s&y ( ( ( wal& in here carrying my fuc&ing heart on a plate and then defend him to me( 5ou thin& ./m 0eing mean to the nigga4 5ou don/t li&e how ./m tal&ing then get the hell out of here( 5ou come in here, gut me li&e a fish and then you gon tell me how ./m allowed to 0leed ( ( ( fuc& that ( ( ( and fuc& you( Jada 5ou wanna hit me4 Tupac That/s real Funny( Jada ./m serious ( ( ( . mean the way you hollering at me( Tupac . could ( ( ( . would ne$er hit you ( ( ( cuss you the fuc& out may0e( . could ne$er do anything to hurt you( Jada 'itting someone with a fist is only one way to hurt someone ( ( ( and not necessarily the most painful( Tupac . guess( Jada . should go( Tupac 5eah4 Jada 5eah( 1 he turns to leave(2 Tupac ait( Jada hat4 Tupac 1Let me touch you(2 #et me touch you( 15

Jada )o( Tupac Just a little( 1!eat2 Can . try to ( ( ( . don/t &now, 0rea& this muthafuc&in/ spell4 Jada . don/t understand Tupac Could . see if it was real4 Jada .s what was real4 Tupac hat . felt ( ( ( what ./m feeling ( ( ( Jada ( ( ( . don/t &now ( ( ( . don/t ( ( ( Tupac ( ( ( . need to &now( .f nothing else, you owe me that( 1 he +uietly reaches down, grabs his hands and places them on her cheeks ( Tupac closes his eyes and draws in a deep breath. They stand there for several seconds (2 Jada ell4 1Long pause(2 as it real4 1Tupac painfully pulls away (2 ell4 Tupac . ha$e to get 0ac& to my session( Jada %ac( 1He +uickly e"its the stage teary(eyed. #ada stands there for several seconds and absorbs the wake left by Tupac. he reaches out as if to grab the vapors left by his absence (2 %ac( 1Then she e"its. The studio set fades to black as #ada crosses to the ne"t set, ,ill)s Living Room, which suddenly illuminates.2

ACT O)*+"C*)* T O ,#ada is now center stage in the living room of ,ill mith where she has been spending considerable amounts of time. he is frantically pacing back and forth. he begins to address the audience(Jada 5eah, yeah, yeah( . get it( . &now what your thin&ing( . don/t need you 7udging me( . &now it/s fuc&ed up( . &now it/s not right( . don/t need you to tell me that( ./m not a dummy( . &now what it loo&s li&e ( ( ( . mean, hell( ./m not trying to hurt ( ( ( why would . do that, why would . hurt a man whose lo$ed me li&e not other man e$er has4 ./m 7ust figuring some things out ( ( ( e?ploring my options 0efore . 7ump off the damned cliff( Don/t . ha$e the right to do that4 . mean ./m a good person( Don/t . ha$e the responsi0ility to ma&e sure its right4 ./m not li&e a lot of these 'ollywood chic&s( ./m real( . ta&e that commitment lightly( .t has to mean something ( ( ( ./m not that 0road that/s gonna go through hus0ands li&e underwear ( ( ( yeah, . &now ( ( ( . &now, that/s not fair( 'e/s ta&ing the same gam0le . am and he/s sure( 'e &nows what he wants ( ( ( 0ut ./m not him( ./m not some immo$a0le o07ect ( ( ( ./m not %lymouth !oc&, . don/t care what the papers say( ./m 7ust some damned actress trying to stum0le through life( ./m not a statue on a pedestal( 5ou &now what . 16

mean4 1!eat2 5ou &now what . mean4 1!eat2 ./m luc&y really( !ight4 This is what ./$e wor&ed so hard for( To 0e woman( A woman with choices ( ( ( with options( . mean what should . do, right4 !ight4 1 he walks over to a drawer and pulls out a candy bar. he begins to eat the candy bar. he begins to speak to the audience (2 hen ./m stressed . eat( . ha$e a0out a thirty of these damn things hidden all o$er the house( 1!eat2 'ey, don/t 7udge me ( ( ( . told you ./m stressed( 1The ,ill enters the room and begins to pace around. He contemplates approaching #ada and then finally decides to approach (2 Will hen did you get 0ac&4 Jada 1 he +uickly shovels her candy bar away (2 A few hours ago( Will . was worried a0out you( Jada ./m sorry( Will . mean, you fly off the handle and then disappear for the rest of the day( hat gi$es4 Tal& to me( Jada . said . was sorry( Will . not as&ing for an apology ( ( ( ./m as&ing you to tal& to me( Jada . 7ust needed to sort some things out( Will 5ou 0een in the dumps e$er since . ( ( ( Jada ( ( ( .t 7ust caught me 0y surprise( Will Most women are happy when a man ( ( ( Jada ( ( ( . &now( "o was . ( ( ( it 7ust threw me for a loop( Will 5ou seem misera0le( Jada ./m not, ./m really not ( ( ( it/s 7ust the rest of my life( .t/s not li&e ./m trying to pic& a color for the den( Will . thought that men were the one/s who were supposed to 0e s&ittish( Jada 5ou always said that . was li&e a man( Will 5eah, 0ut damn( Jada 5ou hate me4 Will . hate the way that ./m 0eing treated( . deser$e 0etter( Jada . 7ust need a little room right now that/s all( 17

Will 5ou want to 0rea& up4 Jada Of course not( Will Then what &ind of room are we tal&ing a0out4 Jada . need you not to frea& out for awhile so . can wor& through some stuff( Will 1!eat2 5ou went to see him didn/t you4 Jada 1!eat2 ill ( ( ( Will ( ( ( Don/t lie to me( Jada . had to sort some things out( Will ( ( ( e/re not tal&ing a0out your laundry( Jada hat do you want me to tell you4 Will The truth( Jada . 7ust needed ( ( ( Will ( ( ( To see him( Jada 5es( Will 5our still in lo$e with him( Jada . care a0out him( That doesn/t 0loc& my feelings for you( 5ou/re the most important thing in my life( That hasn/t changed( Will Don/t act for me, this isn/t a mo$ie set( Jada hy does e$eryone &eep saying that4 ./m not acting ( ( ( how could you say that4 Will ./m sorry, you don/t get to do what your doing and then ta&e the high ground( Don/t get indignant with me ( ( ( Jada ./m not sleeping with the man( Will 5ou might as well 0e( Jada That/s not fair( Will 18

. ha$e 0een there for you ( ( ( . 0een true, and . 0een up-front( 5ou don/t get to straddle on this one( 5ou ha$e to chose( Jada .n case you ha$en/t noticed( . ha$e chosen( 5ou are my man( . lo$e you and only you( . 7ust needed to ( ( ( loo&, not e$ery0ody is as certain of e$erything li&e you( e don/t all roll out the wound and ha$e it all figured out( For some of us, it/s a 7ourney, it/s a pu<<le that we struggle to figure out( Will ./m tal&ing a0out you forging a future with me, what/s to figure out( ./m tired of you tal&ing a0out 0eing with me, not 0eing sentenced to a life term( . lo$e you ( ( ( 0ut ./m tired of waiting( Jada . lo$e you too( 5ou &now that . lo$e you( Will 5eah, . lo$e you too, 0a0e( Jada )o, ill, . really lo$e you( . do( Will . lo$e you too ( ( ( And O)#5 you, Jada( Come 0ac& to me when you can say that( ( ( 6cause when you can say that, you/$e really said something( From the second, from the a0solute second that . saw you( "tanding there with that script in your hand running your lines, ner$ous and strong, all at the same time, . &new( *$en 0efore you agreed to go out with me, . &new ( ( ( . didn/t need a second loo& ( ( ( . didn/t need to sort out a damned thing( . still feel that 0urn in my stomach . felt the first day( Only now it/s deeper, 0urns more, 0ut its pure and ./$e ne$er second guessed it( 1!eat2 . don/t ha$e to( 1!eat2 . ha$e to get ready( 1!eat2 Are you coming to )ew 5or& with me4 Jada . don/t &now( . thin& . ha$e a reading with *ddie Murphy/s people on "aturday( Will O&ay( 1He turns and begins to walk away (2 Jada ill ( ( ( Will ( ( ( 5ou don/t ma&e it easy ( ( ( 1He walks to the edge of the stage and stops (2 ( ( ( ./m trying, Jada ( ( ( ./m trying ( ( ( . am dancing as fast as . can, 0ut we can/t &eep doing this( 1 he stands up. He e"its the scene(2 Jada . lo$e you( 1The lights fade to black(2


ACT O)*+"C*)* T'!** ,The spotlight comes up and Tupac is sitting in one of the chairs on stage and drinking from a glass that is on the table. A phone begins to ring and ring and ring. Tupac begins to search his person for his phone. He finds the phone and checks it. Tupac hat the fuc&4 1He puts his phone down and begins to look around. He gets up and walks over to #ada)s phone. He bends over and picks up her phone. He stares at it for several minutes deciding whether or not he should answer it. He decides to answer it. 2 'ello( 1A spotlight((( -special. on ,ill mith illuminates (2 Will Can . spea& to Jada4 Tupac "he/s not here4 Will ho is this4 Tupac )igga, you &now who this is( Will hy do you ha$e her phone4( Tupac "he left it( Will hy would she lea$e her phone4 20

Tupac #oo&, dude, . dun answered a0out all the ;uestions . intend to( 1 !eat2 "he was upset( "he 7ust forgot her phone( Will "o she was there( Tupac 5eah( Will Came to see you4 Tupac "omething li&e that( "he was upset( Will "he was upset and came to see you4 Tupac ell, in 0etween ma&ing all those dirty rap songs, . sometimes s;uee<e in a second or two to 0e a friend( Will .s that why you doing this4 Tupac ( ( ( Doing what4 Will Trying to fuc& up my relationship with Jada4 Tupac )igga, . don/t ha$e to try to fuc& up nothing ( ( ( she came to me( . didn/t call( Will And what is that supposed to mean4 Tupac .t mean . don/t ha$e to steal nothing ( ( ( shit 7ust comes to me sometimes( Will Do you thin& that ./ll let you ta&e her from me4 Tupac "he was here wasn/t she4 Will . &now who she/s coming home to( Tupac ho you trying to con$ince play0oy4 Will ./m not scared of you( Tupac And . ain/t e$er hard find, nigga( .f you e$er come loo&in/ ./ll put a light out and 0e waiting( Will 3o to hell( Tupac Don/t get salty with me 0ecause you can/t handle yo 0road( Will 5our twisting her mind( Tupac 21

5eah, that/s right nigga, yo 0road was o$er here 0ecause of me( That ma&e perfect fuc&ing sense( Will "he/s my woman ( ( ( and . ain/t a0out to gi$e her up( Tupac "he ain/t a fuc&ing collie nigga, you don/t get to say( Will 5ou couldn/t lo$e her li&e she needs ( ( ( you/d 7ust end up fuc&ing her o$er ( ( ( and you &now it( Tupac Muthafuc&a don/t tal& to me li&e you &now me( Will ./m 7ust saying ( ( ( the &inda life you li$e ( ( ( Tupac ( ( ( hat the fuc& you &now a0out the life . li$e4 5ou 0itch ass nigga, you don/t &now shit a0out me( Will hat . &now is that your not good for her, what . &now is that . won/t let you fuc& up her life( hat . &now is that . won/t let you hurt her( Tupac Bitch what the fuc& you gon do if . did4 Will #isten to me ( ( ( Tupac ( ( ( )o you listen to ( ( ( Will ( ( ( #."T*) TO M* ( ( ( Tupac, if you don/t 0elie$e any words . ha$e e$er said or written 0elie$es this( . you e$er ( ( ( and . mean e$er hurt her ( ( ( in any way( . will fuc&ing &ill you( 5ou write all them gangsta songs a0out how you carry guns and shoot cats and all that ( ( ( well let me tell you this ( ( ( if you hurt her, if you push so much as a hair out of place . promise you, ./m gon find out how much of that is true( 1Long silence(2 5ou hear me, nigga( Tupac Those are the first words . ha$e heard, e$erything else has 0een 0ullshit( .ts nice to &now that safe, middle of the road muthafuc&as li&e you can 0e 7ust as animalistic as thug niggas li&e me( To 0e honest . li&e the fact that you found something that you would &ill for( on/t change shit though, it/s gon go how it/s gon go( Will . meant what . said( Tupac 1Laughs2 )igga, wanna &ill me it/s a waiting list( . gotta go( 1 He hangs up the phone and tosses it across the room. As /arion enters the room, he is almost hit by the phone. 2 Marion hat the fuc&4 Tupac "uge ( ( ( oh, shit man, my 0ag( Marion ( ( ( hat the fuc& are you doing4 )igga you can put an eye out li&e that and shit( Tupac "orry man, what/s up4 22

Marion That/s what . came o$er here to find out( Tupac hatchu tal&ing a0out4 Marion . thin& you &now what ./m tal&ing a0out( Tupac 5ou heard( Marion Of course . heard( 5ou thin& some shit can go down in this city and not ha$e me hear a0out it4 Tupac .t/s alright, man, . 7ust wanted to ma&e sure that money situation got ta&en care of ( ( ( . didn/t want no0ody shitting on your people( Marion hile, . appreciate that shit, nigga that ain/t yo 7o0( hat if that shit had gone 0ad4 hat then4 That situation could ha$e turned into some gangsta shit, 7ust li&e that( 1 naps his fingers(2 5ou gotta start ta&ing 0etter care of yourself( Don/t get me wrong, you &now how . roll, if we gotta lay a situation down, we lay it down( .f some fool 7ump up and we ain/t got no choice, ./m the first nigga to crac& that s&ull( But that situation you dealt wit, you didn/t need to 0e a part of that( That wasn/t no emergency situation, that was you 7ust trying to pro$e you got a 0ig dic&( ell, loo& nigga ./ll sa$e you the trou0le( 5ou got a 0ig dic& ( ( ( o&ay4 5ou happy4 Tupac All we did is tal& man, wasn/t no physical in$ol$ed( Marion hat would ha$e happened if 0ullets started flying4 Tupac Then nigga . would ha$e dealt with that shit( 1Tupac lifts up his shirt and flashes a gun (2 Marion 1/arion angrily grabs the gun (2 )igga is you out of you mind4 . don/t need you doing that shit( e got people for that shit, . need your 0lac& ass in the studio &noc&ing out them fuc&ing tunes( Tupac hatchu want from me4 The niggas called( Marion That call shouldn/t$e 0een made( . don/t need you out on these streets pro$ing how tough you are( Muthafuc&a ./m the only 0ad ass on Death !ow, the rest of ya/ll niggas is 7ust employees and ./m the 0oss nigga( Tupac Alright, alright( Marion Don/t alright me, %ac( )igga you got to start 0eing smarter than this( 5ou &now them niggas already loo&ing at you under a magnifying glass ( ( ( what you trying to go to 7ail4 Tupac )aw, man( Marion And we already 0ehind on the al0um( And . don/t want to ha$e to 0ail you out of no more trou0le( Tupac ./m good( 23

Marion hate$er( Man, . don/t get you, it/s li&e you trying to fuc& shit up( hat going on in that head of yours4 Tupac ./m fine( Marion )igga you are not fine( 'alf the studio shit we got we can/t use( )igga all your passion was gone( 5ou sound li&e your at the fuc&ing dentists office( Tal& to me nigga, what/s wrong4 5ou o&ay( Tupac 5eah, man . 7ust got shit on my mind( Marion )igga( ./m the %resident of that clu0 ( ( ( 0ut we can/t let the 0usiness fall away( . 7ust need you to focus through a couple of sessions and we/ll get you the hell out of here( O&ay4 Tupac O&ay( 1The two give the universally known black handshake. /arion begins to walk away (2 "he stopped 0y last night( Marion 5eah, that/s what !ome said( 3otcho head all fuc&ed up( Tupac May0e a little 0it( Marion hy did she come 0y4 Tupac That/s the thing ( ( ( . don/t &now( . thin& she not happy( . thin& that she want to ma&e a change( Mo$e away from that s;uare ass nigga Marion And you thin&ing of trying to mo$e her towards you4 Tupac May0e( 1!eat2 hat4 5ou don/t thin& ./m good enough4 Marion ell, if you really as&ing me ( ( ( Tupac ( ( ( . am ( ( ( Marion ( ( ( . thin& you selfish( . thin& you don/t gi$e fuc& what that 0itch need( . thin& it/s li&e e$erything in yo life ( ( ( it/s all a0out you( Tupac Damn, nigga, you sound li&e that 0itch ass ill "mith( Marion 5ou as&ed( Tupac 5ou thin& . would 0e 0ad for her4 Marion . thin& you would hurt that 0itch li&e she ain/t ne$er 0een hurt( . thin& that you would ta&e that thing in her that ma&e you want her in the first place and strangle that shit till it die( Tupac That/s fuc&ed up( 24

Marion "aid 0y a nigga that &nows( Tupac . want to ( ( ( . don/t &now ( ( ( . want to reach out ( ( ( Marion ( ( ( . &now, and may0e you could( That ain/t what the deal is( The deal is not could you, 0ut should you( Tupac Don/t . deser$e a little happiness, huh4 hy is happiness the shit that happen to them muthafuc&as in the maga<ines4 hy can/t that shit happen for me4 Marion . don/t &now nigga( .t is what it is( )iggas li&e us don/t 0uy houses in the 60ur0s and change diapers( That ain/t who we are( Tupac 5ou don/t &now how she ma&es me feel( Marion "he/s that 0itch( Tupac "he/s what4 Marion That 0itch( *$ery nigga---if he luc&y, got that one 0itch, that slipped through his fingers, got away while he was on that 0ullshit( That special one that you ne$er get outcho system( "he/s that 0itch( Tupac And what if . told you . was going to go after her( Tell her to push that wea& ass 0uster aside and get with a real nigga, huh4 Marion Don/t do it( Tupac hy shouldn/t .4 5ou was the one who told me, that anything ( ( ( anything in this world that . wanted was mine to 0e ta&en( Marion But not this( The 0lac& community will hate cho guts( Tupac Fuc& that ( ( ( since when do we li$e 0uy what other niggas thin&4 Marion Them other niggas 0uy yo records( Tupac .s it always a0out the record sales4 Marion For me yes, 1!eat2 0ut for you ( ( ( if you really lo$e this 0road let her go( .f you go after her ( ( ( it would fuc&in/ ruin her ( ( ( is that what you want4 Tupac And what if . told you . don/t gi$e a fuc&4 Marion 5ou gi$e a fuc&( "oft ass nigga, you lo$e her too much to not gi$e a fuc&( Tupac .t hurts when . thin& a0out her( 25

Marion 5eah( Tupac Does it e$er get 0etter4 Marion 1Long beat(2 )o( .t ne$er does( .t/s li&e wal&ing around with an open wound( Tupac "o then what am . supposed to do then, huh4 hat now4 Marion 1!eat2 . guess that/s why 3od in$ented weed, li;uor and groupie 0itches( 1 He pats Tupac on the back and e"its the stage. Tupac stands up, leans his head back and wipes his eyes with his thumb and forefinger. A spotlight(- pecial. appears on Tupac. 2 Tupac . once watched in wonder as the girl . lo$ed left poof, $anished( #i&e a ghost, gone li&e a whiff of smo&e . stand here hood nigga strong 0leeding and waiting for them to come for me waiting for the &noc& at the door waiting for them to wipe me off the face of the *arth lea$ing only the stain the unremo$a0le indestructi0le incorrupti0le stain the mar& the 0lood spot that said . was here that thing that will li$e on in memory long after they drilled me si? down in the ground and still . stand waiting for fate smiling when the door &ic&s in a twin&le in my eye when the gun fires a twin&le a muthafuc&ing twin&le 6cause see, . &now what they don/t . hold what they can ne$er touch the thought of her, smiling in the sunshine( 1The light on the studio set goes black and the same time as the spotlight(- pecial. on #ada in ,ill)s Living Room illuminates (2 Jada Beams of light crash down on me ./m 0lessed and . &now it my heart 0eats a mile a minute as this life my life rolls 0y li&e freight cars in the rain 26

. ain/t crying, ./m en7oying the ride sha&ing the hands e$ery 0it the mingler my name ain/t Jada, it/s A()() Always )etwor&ing )egro . can smile and please with the 0est of them But e$ery now and then, when the silence catches me or ./m a0le to steal a moment, . thin& of him almost li&e a guilty pleasure . loo& around sure not to 0e o0ser$ed and then . reach 0ac& and wrap my fingers around him and pull him out of the dar& corners of my past and . remem0er . remem0er him, as he was as he is, although most will ne$er &now . remem0er that sweet 0oy who would wal& me to school in worn snea&ers and ashy &nees . thin& of him and wonder how far we/$e come and . wonder what we left 0ehind wonder a0out the dimly lit Baltimore street corners that 0irth us into the lime light the memory of him is my afternoon snac& the errant laugh that is 7ust for me But ./m in a new place now Foreign ground the land of plastic people stretched pulled 0ac& faces that don/t melt under the sun plastic California faces smiling at me as my idiot grin slips and the sadness in$ades and the plastic people wonder and pretend concern 85ou o&ay, Jada49 and of course . smile and return their plastic grin and tuc& away thoughts of him for later as if he was game to play under a shade tree( ,As the interlocking lines are spoken, #ada and Tupac are not aware of one another and they are walking towards one another as the lines are delivered (Tupac ./m free<ing ( ( ( . 7ust can/t get warm( Jada ./m the ne?t hot thing ( ( ( *$ery0ody want/s their piece ( ( ( ./m hot now( Tupac They don/t &now me, only she does( *$en my niggas thin& ./m cold 0looded( Jada . am 0urning up in the glare of these lights( Tupac


My time can 0e measured 0y the second, niggas hunting me, . can feel them( . miss her( My 0eautiful girl( Jada ./m telling you ( ( ( he was a 0eautiful 0oy( . &now it/s hard to picture him as a good little school 0oy, 0ut that/s 7ust what he was, . don/t care what he say in his songs( 1 Tupac points his hand, which is shaped like a gun in the direction of #ada and begins to fire it. ,e hear the sound of his hand firing(2 Tupac My childhood is a hollow point 0ullet e?ploding( Jada 'e wasn/t no damned gangsta ( ( ( yeah, he got into a little trou0le he ne$er was no hard guy( All that 0ullshit came later( Tupac May0e "uge is right, may0e . would 7ust hurt her ( ( ( ma&e her a part of this poison that has 0ecome my life ( ( ( may0e ./m 7ust selfish( Jada . am not a child anymore( . can/t chase rain0ows and 0ullshit and act li&e the 0ottom ain/t gon fall out, 6cause . &now 0etter( Tupac Dillas are 0orn not made( 1!eat2 . miss the way we were( Jada . miss the way he was ( ( ( ,Rome enters the room. ,ill)s Living Room goes dark. Rome 'ey, %ac ( ( ( that nigga Tre 7ust called ( ( ( he said them muthafuc&a tripping o$er the money again( 'e said need you to come down( Tupac Of course( Rome hatchu you want me to tell 6em4 . &now that "uge said you shouldn/t 0e in$ol$ed in this type thing( .f he find out ( ( ( Tupac ( ( ( Don/t worry a0out it ( ( ( "uge don/t got to &now shit, you wor& for me( Rome "o whatchu wanna do4 Tupac 1Long pause2 Cry ha$oc and let slip the dogs of war( Rome hat the fuc& that mean, nigga4 Tupac .t means pull the fuc&in/ car around and tell them niggas we on the way down( Rome hy the fuc& didn/t you 7ust say that4 Tupac The car, !ome, the car( 1Rome e"its the room. Tupac walks over to the table between the two sofa chairs and pulls out a bullet proof vest. He straps on the vest and then reaches into drawer


again and pulls out a gun. He cocks it to make sure it)s loaded and then tucks it into his waist belt. He begins to e"it the stage. The light on ,ill)s Living Room illuminates again (2 Jada 'e use to ma&e art( 1Tupac free'es in his tracks. !eat2 )ow the art is ma&ing him. 1!eat2 "o why is it that . can/t thin& a0out anyone else4 1Tupac +uietly e"its the stage. !oth stages fade to black(2 Intermission

ACT T O+"C*)* O)* ,Tupac is sitting on bench with his feet up smoking a cigar in the park. #ada enters the scene and she is 0ogging. he is wearing a grey oversi'ed sweat suit. Tupac . 0rought cho phone( 1He holds her phone out like an offering (2 Jada %ac4 Tupac .n the muthafuc&in/ flesh( 1 he takes the phone(2 Jada Than& you( 1!eat2 hat the hell are doing here4 Tupac 5ou came to see me, so . thought that . would pop 0y Be$erly 'ills to see you( Jada !eally4 Tupac 5ou loo& se?y e$en in that damned 7ogging suit( Jada 'ow did you find me4 Tupac . learned a long time ago that you can get any piece of information you want if you willing to pay for it( Jada 5ou &now that you not allowed to smo&e out here4 Tupac ell, the niggas can arrest me if they li&e( Jada Don/t chu got enough 0ad press4 Tupac For niggas li&e me it ain/t no such thing( . could fuc& an elderly nun in the ass and my record sells would dou0le( Jada 29

hat are you doing here4 Tupac . told you that . came to see you( hen . found out where you were . had !ome dri$e me o$er here( 'e/s in the car o$er there( 1Tupac points(2 Jada 5ou don/t go far without your henchmen do you4 Tupac They come in handy( Jada #oo&, . appreciate you 0eing there for me the other day 0ut ( ( ( Tupac ( ( ( . lo$e you( 1He grabs her hands (2 Jada . lo$e you too ( ( ( Tupac )o, . lo$e you( 5ou should 0e with me( Jada %ac, we are in the middle of a par& ( ( ( Tupac ( ( ( . don/t care if we were in the middle of China( 5ou should 0e with me and you &now it( Jada hat do you want me to say to that4 Tupac . don/t want you to say anything( . want you to get into my car and come with me( .t/s time for Alice to lea$e onderland( 5ou don/t lo$e him( Jada 1Long beat2 This is not a game, this is my life( Tupac This is my life too( Jada This is cra<y( Tupac . &now, 0ut you 0elong to me and you always ha$e( . &now that you feel that too( . &now that . pushed you away( This life . 0een li$ing ( ( ( it/s not always gonna 0e that way( . 0ecoming too ( ( ( and there is room for you( Jada . can/t 7ust unra$el my life ( ( ( ill has ( ( ( Tupac Fuc& ill ( ( ( Jada 'e lo$es me( Tupac . don/t 0lame him ( ( ( 0ut you don/t lo$e him ( ( ( not li&e you should( That/s why you hesitating girl( That/s why you came to see me ( ( ( you &now it/s not right( Jada .f we did this ( ( ( the whole world would fall on us( Tupac 30

Fuc& the world( ./$e ne$er 0een scared of anything in this world, 0ut you( Jada Me4 Tupac 5eah, you ( ( ( you terrify me( Jada . can/t do this ( ( ( ma&e this decision ( ( ( not here, not here( Tupac hy not here4 Jada . am not a0out to decide my whole fuc&ing life in a par&( Tupac 5ou lo$e me( Jada 5ou would a0solutely destroy me ( ( ( . 7ust &now it( Tupac Or may0e . would sa$e you from yourself( 1Long beat. Rome enters the stage (2 Rome %ac ( ( ( Tupac !ome, not now( Rome 5es, now Tupac hat !ome, what4 Rome ./m sorry man ( ( ( 0ut it/s important( That ( ( ( thing we were hoping would resol$e itself( .t/s going down( )ow( 1He has a cell phone in his hand with his palm covering the mouth piece (2 Tupac )ow4 Rome 5eah( Tupac Jai ( ( ( Jada ( ( ( . &now, you ha$e to go( Tupac 5eah ( ( ( Jada .t/s o&ay go( Tupac Come see me tonight( Jada . can/t . ha$e to ( ( ( Tupac ( ( ( 5ou ha$e to 0e with me( Come to my studio tonight( .t/s time to start our li$es ( ( ( for real ( ( ( Jada 31

( ( ( . can/t Tupac . &now that you lo$e me( . &now that you want to 0e with me ( ( ( Jada ( ( ( %ac ( ( ( Tupac Just don/t say no right now( 1Long beat2 .f you want to 0e with me, show up tonight at my studio= and if you don/t, then don/t come( Just thin& a0out ( ( ( promise me that( 1Long pause2 %lease( Jada O&ay( Rome e gotta go man( Tupac 5eah( 1He begins to e"it the stage (2 . lo$e you, Jai( 1He rubs her face and then Tupac and Rome e"it the stage. The scene fades to black. 2


ACT T O+"C*)* T O ,The scene opens and Tupac is sitting in one of the chairs of his studio and he is drinking from a vodka glass. A bottle is ne"t to him. Rome enters the scene (Rome "uge is on his way up( Tupac 5ou called him4 Rome Of course . called him ( ( ( the ship is sin&ing, nigga( . called him as soon as it happened( This shit is fuc&ed up( Tupac #i&e, . need you to tell me that4 Rome hat the fuc& we gon do, %ac4 Tupac . don/t &now( e gon 7ust ha$e to hold it down, that/s all( 'old that shit down( Rome 1!eat2 hat are we doing, man4 Tupac . don/t &now( . really don/t( 1/arion enters the scene. He stands at the door for several seconds and does not speak(2 "ay something( Marion . don/t &now what to say( Tupac Me neither( 1Tupac takes a large gulp from the bottle sitting ne"t to him (2 Marion "ingle malt4 Tupac Only the 0est for me( 1He laughs(2 Marion 5eah( 1/arion walks over and sits down (2 Tupac 5ou &now what . did today4 1!eat2 . ignored a good friend of my, stuc& my nose where the fuc& it didn/t 0elong ( ( ( and . threw it all away( Just li&e that( 1 naps his fingers(2 Marion !ome told me what happened when he called( Tupac 33

Did he4 Marion hy didn/t you call4 Tupac And say what4 8'ey, "uge, it/s %ac . didn/t listen a goddamned word you said to me, and ./$e 7ust fuc&ed up my life(9 Marion That/s e?actly what you say( "ee, you still don/t get it( e family nigga, ride or die( )ot 7ust when the sun shining, when the shit is raining down on you, that/s when it matter the most( . learned that in the streets, you don/t ride witcho niggas, you don/t e?ist( 5ou didn/t thin& . would 0e there for you4 Tupac 1!eat2 ./m sorry for fuc&in/ e$erything up so 0ad( Marion . swear nigga, you was 0orn under a luc&y star( .f !ome hadn/t called me, this thing might ha$e gotten completely our control( 1Tupac +uickly sits up(2 Tupac hat do you mean4 Marion . mean, you need to crawl out of that fuc&ing 0ottle( This thing may not 0e the show closer you thin& it is( Tupac hatchu mean4 Marion . mean that . still got 7uice on the street ( ( ( and in other places too( As soon as . found out, . started wor&ing the phones( Tupac And ( ( ( Marion ( ( ( And there is at least the possi0ility of ma&ing this thing go away( Tupac Don/t fuc& with me, "uge( .t ain/t li&e we tal&ing a0out a traffic tic&et( . mean how could ( ( ( Marion ( ( ( hat . always tell you, don/t worry a0out how . 0ring in the 0acon nigga, 7ust 0e than&ful when you chowing down on it( Tupac 5ou mean go away completely4 Marion .t/s too early to tell, 0ut it/s a definite possi0ility--- and man, . can not stress the fact, that if you would ha$e told me a0out this as soon as it happened it would ha$e put me in an e$en 0etter position of protect you( Tupac . don/t &now what to say( Marion ell, . do( .f . do this thing for you ( ( ( pull this ra00it out the hat ( ( ( that pu0lishing we tal&ed a0out ((( Tupac 34

( ( ( .t/s yours( 1The two men shake hands(2 Marion Family 0a0y, when it all goes to hell, it/s the only thing that counts( 1 The two men hug(2 5ou ready to head out4 Tupac )aw, man ./m gon hang around here for awhile( Marion aiting for that 0itch4 1Tupac drops his eyes (2 Tupac ho told you ( ( ( !ome( Marion Ain/t shit out here . don/t &now ( ( ( nothing( 5ou ta&e a piss and . &now 0efore the first drop 0ounce off the toilet 0owl( Tupac . need to do something( Marion One of these days you gon sa$e yo/self the pain and listen to me( 5ou don/t really thin& she coming4 Tupac . don/t &now, 0ut if so, it/s something . gotta do( Marion O&ay, ./m off to the house, . got a 0unch of calls . gotta ma&e to monitor yo little situation( 1 /arion e"its the scene. Rome enters the scene a few moments later. 2 Tupac ell, if it ain/t Mr( !un My Fuc&in/ Mouth ( ( ( Rome ( ( ( 5ou mad at me4 Tupac hatchu thin&4 . got a right hand man that don/t e$en wor& for me apparently ( ( ( the nigga is reporting to my 0oss( Rome 5ou wanna fire me, nigga4 Tupac . didn/t say that( Rome 3ood( 6Cause ain/t another muthafuc&a that could deal witcho 0ullshit and put up wit yo cra<y ass( 1!eat2 . called 6cause it needed to 0e done ( ( ( we was up to our ass in it( . called 6cause . &new you ne$er would( )ow, . don/t e?pect a than& you our nothing for watching yo fuc&in/ 0ac&, 0ut . sure as hell ain/t gon stand here and ta&e shit for it( Tupac 1!eat2 5ou made a good call ( ( ( ./m 7ust saying ( ( ( the nigga don/t gotta &now e$erything( .t/s a principle thing( Rome Ain/t li&e . got a hot line to the nigga or something( . only tell the things need to 0e told ( ( ( things to protect you( Tupac 5eah( 35

Rome By the way, she/s here( Tupac 5ou mean ( ( ( Rome ( ( ( 5eah( Tupac #et her in( 1Rome e"its the stage and few seconds later #ada enters the stage (2 5ou came( Jada . don/t e$er want to ha$e to wonder what if4 Tupac My world is shit( Did you &now that4 Jada hat/s wrong4 Tupac "omething happened( Jada hat happened4 Tupac 1Long beat2 . hurt someone tonight( Jada 5ou hurt someone4 Jada ho4 'urt li&e how4 Tupac .t doesn/t matter( hat matters is that . didn/t mean to( . didn/t mean for it to get out of hand li&e that( . didn/t mean for all that cra<y shit to turn loose li&e a hurricane( .t/s li&e it 7ust happened ( ( ( li&e a force of nature that could not 0e stopped( That/s what . am ( ( ( a force of nature( A wal&ing disaster ( ( ( Jada ( ( ( hat are you tal&ing a0out ( ( ( Tupac ( ( ( Just listen to me( . don/t mean for 0ad things to happen and shit, they 7ust do( . don/t mean to hurt, 0ut . do( Jada 5ou ha$e so much pain in your eyes what happened4 Tupac . happened( Jada hate$er happened, we can ma&e it right( Tupac "ince when did we 0ecome a we4 ere a we now4 There is no we, there is only me, Jada, me( 1 he tries to touch his face. He pushes her hand away (2 Jada 5ou/$e 0een drin&ing( Tupac 5eah, . ha$e 0ut ./$e ne$er 0een clearer( 36

Jada . lo$e you( Tupac . lo$e you too( Jada Don/t say it li&e that( Tupac #i&e what4 Jada )ot li&e that( "ay it li&e you mean it( #i&e it 0urns inside( #i&e it hurts to say( Tupac ./m not some mon&ey on a string ( ( ( you &now how . feel, ./m not some nigga out of 0oo&( Jada ./m here ( ( ( you as&ed me to 0e here and ./m here( 5ou as&ed me to ta&e a ris& and . ha$e and now it/s li&e you don/t want me here( Tupac 1!eat2 . don/t( This was a mista&e ( ( ( . want you to lea$e( Jada Are you insane4 hat are you tal&ing a0out4 Tupac ./m tal&ing a0out you lea$ing here( This is a mista&e( . want you to lea$e ( ( ( go 0ac& to ill( Jada . don/t 0elie$e you( . don/t thin& you want me to lea$e( hat . thin& is that your scared( 5our frightened of all the things you could 0e( ./m frightened too, 0ut we can get through it together( e care for each other= that/s all we need( Tupac )o( "uge was right( ./m not li&e these other dudes out here( .t/s not my destiny to 0e li$ing in the 60ur0s, 0urping 0a0ies and mowing the lawn and shit( .t/s not who . am( That was fantasy that . let myself 0elie$e ( ( ( let myself hold onto( . lo$e you, 0ut . can ne$er 0e with you ( ( ( and . want you to lea$e( 3o 0ac& to your life and li$e that muthafuc&a li&e no life has e$er 0een li$ed( Jada 5ou tal&ing li&e you on Death !ow 1They both laugh(2 Tupac )o, pun intended4 3et outta here Jada( There/s not place for you in my world( Jada 1!eat2 ell, ./m sorry ( ( ( 0ut your gonna ha$e to ma&e room( ./m not lea$ing ( ( ( . can/t spend my life running away ( ( ( neither can you( Tupac Are you listening to me4 .t/s o$er ( ( ( were done( . want you to lea$e( Jada hy 0ecause your scared ( ( ( 0ecause you don/t want to try, want to fight for something that could 0e special4 hat &ind of man are you4 Tupac "hut you mouth( Jada .t ta&es a man to shut my mouth( And what are you4 Tupac 37

. said shut your fuc&ing mouth and get out of here( Jada )o ( ( ( . gonna fight for us ( ( ( e$en if you don/t ha$e the guts to( Tupac ./m not the one for you ( ( ( Jada ( ( ( And why do you get to say4 Tupac #ea$e( Jada .f . lea$e, it won/t end and you &now it( .t/s gonna 0urn in you and 0urn in me and in a wee&, two wee&s, two years, were gonna 0e right 0ac& here and you &now it( 1 He turns his back to #ada(2 Don/t turn you 0ac& on me( Face me( Turn around and fight( Fight for us( Tupac There/s nothing to fight for( Jada 5ou &now what, . thin& your a fuc&ing coward( 1Tupac back hands her hard across the cheek. he turns away and when she recoils she is horrified to discover that she is bleeding. he touches her lip and stares at the blood (2 Tupac 3et the fuc& out of my studio and don/t you e$er come 0ac&( 1 !eat2 )owC 1#ada +uickly e"its the stage. Tupac walks over to the end of the stage from which #ada e"ited. He stands there and stares after her(2 'a$e a good life, Jai(


ACT T O+"C*)* T'!** ,The lights are out in ,ill)s living room and #ada is sitting in the dark. ,ill enters the room.Jada ./m a damned fool( Will Jada ( ( ( why you sitting in the dar&( Jada .t/s one 0ig metaphor for how my life has 0een for the last few wee&s( .n the damned dar&( Will hat are you tal&ing a0out ( ( ( can . turn the light on( Jada %lease don/t 1,ill suddenly turns the lights on(2 Will hat the hell happened to your face( Jada .t/s o&ay, ill( .t loo&s a lot worse than it is( Will Jesus Christ ( ( ( who hurt you, who hurt you4 Jada .t/s o&ay, right now . wanna tal& a0out how . hurt you( . had the real damn thing staring me in the face and . 0een acting li&e a complete asshole( Will Jada who hurt you4 Jada .t doesn/t matter now( Will .t was him, wasn/t it4 Jada 'e didn/t mean it( 'e was drun&( Will Alright, ./m gonna call my Doctor in the morning and get him to come o$er here and loo& at your face ( ( ( o&ay4 Jada O&ay, ill, 7ust stay here with me ( ( ( Will Jada rela? it/s o&ay( !ight now . want you to go to the 0athroom and press a cold rag on your face( Jada O&ay, 0a0y, . 7ust don/t want you to do anything stupid or get into it with him a0out this( Will Of course not= ./m Mr( 8#e$el 'eaded9 remem0er( 1 he stands up(2 Jada . lo$e you ( ( ( . don/t &now how . could ha$e e$er dou0ted it( 1 They both hug and smile. he e"its the stage. His smile +uickly morphs into a scowl and he +uickly e"its the stage on the opposite 39

side. About a thirty seconds later she re(emerges with a cold rag on her face (2 5ou &now 0a0e . thin& this 0ruise &inda ma&es me loo& se?y ( ( ( ill ( ( ( ill ( ( ( 1The scene fades to black(2

ACT T O+"C*)* FOE! ,Tupac is laying on the sofa. He has a bottle in his hand and he is swigging it with conviction. ,e hear voices shouting off stage. ,ill enters +uickly and with purpose (Tupac 40

ell, if it ain/t ill muthafuc&in "mith( The Fresh %rince, T: star( hat . can do you for, nigga4 1Rome enters +uickly behind ,ill mith(2 Rome Muthafuc&a, . will 0rea& yo fuc&in/ nec&( Tupac .t/s alright !omey, !ome it/s all the fuc& right( Rome This nigga 7ust ran past me ( ( ( Tupac .t/s o&ay, for real ( ( ( don/t worry a0out ( ( ( go on now, 7ust gi$e us a minute( Rome 1Rome gives ,ill a half(hearted push on the shoulder (2 %un& ass nigga( Tupac "ee, how safe . am here with all this top notch security4 'a$e a seat( Drin&4 1 Tupac holds the bottle up as if to offer ,ill some(2 Oh, that/s right( . forgot you Mr( America and shit, you don/t drin&( Will The woman . lo$e ( ( ( the future mother of my children is at my house ( ( ( and she/s crying( Tupac !eally4 Will "he 0leeding too( #i&e some low life put his hands on her( Tupac "o, what you here= to &ic& my ass for hitting Jada4 Will . warned you o$er the phone( Tupac 5eah, that was some good gangsta shit( 1Tupac stands up(2 Come on, 8Mr( %arents Just Don/t Enderstand(9 Come on with your pun& ass( "how me whatchu got 0itch( 1 Tupac waves him forward(2 Will 1,ill stands +uickly (2 . don/t let no one put they hands on my family( Tupac )igga, you can put yo hands on these nuts( 1,ill rushes forward and punches him in the face and Tupac crashes to the ground. ,ill 0umps on top of him and punches him again and again and again(2 That/s what the fuc& ./m tal&ing a0out ( ( ( again, nigga hit me again( 1 ,ill gets off of Tupac and stands up. Tupac stands up as well (2 Come, hit me again( 1He begins to cry(2 'it me again( Come on, goddamnit, hit me again( 1Tupac stumbles forward and grabs onto ,ill)s lapels (2 Again you soft ass nigga, why did you stop4 1,ill pushes Tupac off of him and edges back. 2 Will hat in the hell is wrong with you4 Tupac 1Long beat2 . don/t &now4 1Tupac stumbles back and falls over the small table in(between the chairs. ,ill walks over and helps him into the chair (2 5ou lied to me( Will 41

. lied to you4 1,ill sits in the opposite chair (2 Tupac 5ou promised to &ill me, you piece of shit( 5ou/re liar( Will "o you want me to &ill you4 Tupac orse ways to die( Will 5ou got a death wish( Tupac 5ou e$er heard of that African pro$er0 a0out the egg4 Will The African pro$er0 a0out the ( ( ( what are you tal&ing a0out4 Will )igga, you &now that pro$er0 the one that say that if you hold an egg too loose the damn thing falls out of your hand and crashes to the ground ( ( ( crac&ed the fuc& up ( ( ( 0ut if you hold it too tight, you crush it all to hell( 5ou destroy it( 5ou destroy that thing you lo$e ( ( ( 0y holding on too tight( Will 5eah, . &now that one( Tupac . 7ust 0een thin&ing a0out that one lately( Will The great Tupac ( ( ( you/re a mess( Tupac 5ou 7ust figured that out4 Will "o, you/re the new Miles Da$is, or so they say4 Tupac *ats you up don/t it4 Will "topped reading the papers a long time ago( Tupac )o, wonder you can/t handle Jada, you the worst liar ./$e e$er seen( Will . don/t get 7ealous e$ery time some0ody step into the lime light( )ergo . 0een doing this for ten years, put my first al0um out in /F@ and . still go platinum e$ery time( #ets see you do that, lets see where you/ll 0e in ten years( Tupac But still it must ir& you 7ust a little 0it ( ( ( li&e you said you 0e out since /F@, selling al0ums, winning awards ( ( ( 0ut when they start tal&ing a0out the greats of this game, nigga you don/t e$en get mentioned in the top twenty( Will hy4 Just 0ecause . don/t ser$e up the death you call music4 Tupac ./m 7ust ma&ing records( Will


That/s what niggas li&e you ne$er understand( .t/s not 7ust a0out ma&ing records( .t 7ust ain/t a0out that sports car in the dri$e way( 5ou didn/t get here 0y yourself( 5ou stood on the shoulders of those who came 0efore( 5ou owe them something( Tupac . crawled to where . am on my 0elly ( ( ( didn/t no0ody gi$e me nothing and . don/t owe any0ody a goddamned thing4 Will .s that how your mother feels4 .t 7ust seems to me that she was a0out the people4 hat happened to you4 Tupac . grew up( %eople don/t 0uy my al0ums to here 0lac& history lessons( %eople 0uy it for a reason( Will And people 0uy crac& to= that don/t ma&e it good( Tupac )iggas, li&e you ne$er respected my music( Will 5our wrong( . happened to thin& you are one of the most talented 0rothers out there( But the &ids out there ain/t gon separate the talent from the poison( 5our lyrical structure is magnificent, you word play dynamic, 0ut your o0ligations ha$e to go further than the art( Tupac That/s easy to say from the mountaintop( Will May0e, 0ut ./m on this mountaintop 0ecause of the hard wor& it too& to clim0 it( Try 0eing a platinum selling artists who don/t cuss in the age of 3angster !ap( . was around 0efore 3angsta !ap and ./m still around( ./$e seen 6em come and go, 0ut ./m still here( Tupac . see why she lo$es you( Old white 0read got a little passion, a little heart 0eating inside of the Cardigan( 1!eat2 "he/s a good woman( Will . &now( Tupac "he deser$es to 0e happy( 1!eat2 This thing 0etween me and her ( ( ( it/s not real ( ( ( it/s a spell cast 0y a muthafuc&in/ wi<ard( A tric& of the mind, she lo$e a little nigga she met ten years ago, that nigga don/t e?ist no more( "he needed to mo$e on( 1 !eat2 5ou still wanna &ill me, gangsta, illy4 Will )o( Tupac )o4 Will . &now why you hit her( Tupac 5ou do4 Will "he was gonna lea$e me, wasn/t she4 Tupac "he/s confused( 43

Will 5ou &new that a sister li&e Jada, she could ne$er 0e with you after you put cho hands on her( 5ou &new she would 0e crossing o$er into a place she could ne$er return 0ac& from( 5ou &new it would dri$e her away fore$er( Tupac 1Long beat. Tupac is in tears.2 . can/t ta&e her where she needs to go( That/s gon ha$e to 0e your 7o0( Will 5ou really lo$e her, don/t you4 Tupac "eems li&e that/s a crowded clu0 nowadays, don/t it4 1!oth men laugh. !eat.2 Ta&e care of her( %lease ( ( ( 7ust lo$e her( Will ith e$erything that . am( 1!eat2 . gotta go( Tupac 5eah( 1,ill begins to e"it the stage ( !eat.2 5ou &now that she will ne$er lo$e you li&e she lo$es me, right4 1,ill stops in his tracks ( !eat(2 Can you li$e with that4 Will 1,ill turns around. !eat.2 . guess ./m gonna ha$e to( 1He turns and e"its the stage. The scene fades to black.2 F.)( ord Count GH,GIF


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