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Big emailing functions review Brainstorm useful phrases for each of the following typical email functions: Opening


Opening line

Ordering/ Demanding action

Making arrangements

Promising future action

Talking about documents

Written by Alex Case for 2011

Giving bad news

Asking for information

Giving information


Apologising/ Dealing wit complaints

Mentioning ot er people

Closing line

!igning off/ "inal greeting

Written by Alex Case for 2011

Check your answers against the answer key and ask your teacher about any which are in your lists but not in the suggested answers. Opening greeting To whom it may concern* To: The sales team Dear John/ Mr Smith/ Mrs Smith/ Ms Smith/ Miss Smith/ Dr Smith Hi (John) Hello (again) John (nothing) Dear Sir or Madam/ Dear Sir*/ Dear Sirs* Opening line Im writing to you a out/ in connection with/ to! It was great/ nice/ a "leasure to (#inally) meet you at the con#erence last wee$% Than$s #or getting ac$ to me so &uic$ly/ #or your &uic$ re"ly% Than$s/ Than$ you #or your letter/ email/ #a'/ "hone call last wee$ Sorry I ha(ent een in touch% How are you)/ Hows it going)/ How are things) I ho"e you and your #amily are well% Sorry to write to you out o# the lue ut! I would li$e to introduce mysel# (This is *ust) a &uic$/ short note to say! +ith re#erence to your letter dated ,- January -../0! Sorry its een so long since I last wrote It seems so long since we last met 1e: your #a' (re# no% TH -2/3)0 ! Ordering/ Demanding action 4lease get ac$ to me as soon as you can Than$ you #or your coo"eration Than$ you in ad(ance Making arrangements 5re you #ree to meet at nine ocloc$) 6an you get ac$ to me a out that y the end o# the wee$) Than$s #or the in(itation0 ut Im #lying a road on that day I am #ree on the #i#teenth0 i# that is con(enient with you Im a#raid Im not #ree at all this wee$ Promising future action +ell send you the original documents y courier% 7ou can rest assured that this will not ha""en again% Ill as$ my oss a out this and get ac$ to you as soon as I can%

Written by Alex Case for 2011

Talking about documents 4lease see the attachment #or #urther details 4lease #ind the schedule attached% 5s you can see #rom the attached document/ 68 The attached document e'"lains! Here is the document (that you as$ed #or)% Giving bad news +e regret to in#orm you that! Asking for information 6ould you "lease tell me a out!) Giving information In re"ly to your &uestions0! In re"ly to your #irst/ second/ last &uestion0! The #irst/ second/ last thing you as$ed a out was! 4lease allow me to e'"lain! Heres the in#o that you as$ed #or: Complaining 9n#ortunately0! I was sur"rised to #ind that! I would li$e to draw your attention to! Apologising/ Dealing wit complaints +e would li$e to a"ologise #or (any incon(enience this may cause/ this caused) 4lease acce"t me sincerest a"ologies (#or!) Than$ you #or ringing this to my attention Mentioning ot er people :i(e my regards to!/ Send my lo(e to!/ 4ass on my est wishes on to! Closing line I# you need any #urther in#ormation/ details/ I# you ha(e any #urther &uestions0 "lease #eel #ree to contact me / "lease do not hesitate to contact me (at any time) 4lease get ac$ to me as soon as you can I loo$ #orward to hearing #rom you (soon) In the meantime0 i# you ha(e any &uestions "lease #eel #ree to contact us I loo$ #orward to doing usiness with you again soon% See you (on Monday/ soon/ then) +rite soon Than$s again

Written by Alex Case for 2011

!igning off/ "inal greeting 69 7ours #aith#ully 7ours sincerely/ Sincerely yours 7ours 5ll the est ;ots o# lo(e <<</ <=<=*/ Hugs and $isses Ta$e care >est wishes/ >+ (>est) regards/ >1 Than$s/ 6heers

Written by Alex Case for 2011

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