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By, Avinash Kumar Singh 12BSP1658

SSS(soft space solution) software co. that develops customize software solutions. Expertise of its employees in developing quality products. Effects of the financial crises1) Productivity of the remaining staff increased by 30% to 40%. 2) Attrition rate of employees come down from 25% to 4%.

After normalcy company bagged some new projects and started their recruitment process again. Top management ask HR department to conduct the research and they schedule a meeting. Jaideep Sharma(SE) come up with a new idea of conducting a questionnaire survey and experiment. Few others were sceptical about experiment as disadvantage like- Budget Constraint

Shivaji enquired about the process and prerequisite of conducting an experiment. Jaideep said we need to identify and observe the factors that influence the variables. HR would measured and compared across groups after one month. Shivaji (HR) explained few experimental designs. By using one of these designs, results help to develop a wide strategy which helps co. in solving a problem.

What Is An Experiment ?
Generally Used To Infer A Causality

Manipulates One Or More Causal Variables Measures The Effect Of Causal Variables On The Dependent Variables Of Interest Purpose Is To Investigate Cause And Effect Relationship

Necessary Conditions For Making Causal Inferences

State the research problem

Determine if experimental methods apply

Specify the independent variable(s) Specify the dependent variable(s) Determine measures to be used

Identify intervening (extraneous) variables Design the experiment Conduct the study as planned Analyze the collected data Prepare a research report



variable refers to almost anything under the sun. A variable Random of assignment specific experimental of subjects interest to groups is tends sometimes to spread referred out differences to as a factor between There are only tworefers kinds of in the world for researchers: Blocks Randomness usually refersto tostuff the categories property of of subjects completely withchance a treatment events group. that are subjects Ordinarily, in the unsystematic term is used (random) when an ways experiment so that there involves is no more tendency than one variable. variables and not predictable (except in the sense that they are random). to These givevariables an edge to are any often group. identified as factors and are labeled constants. If they are truly random, examining past instances of occurrence "Factor A" and "Factor B," etc. Level refers to the degree or intensity of a factor. Asshould a result, almost any concept, thing, or future event they are interested in, give the researcher no or clues as to occurrences. Any factor may be presented in one or more of several levels, including a zero level. that varies or can be made to vary, and that is related to their research can be called a variable. Researchers pay particular attention to variables that may influence the results

Validity In Experimentation :Internal validity :

This is the basic minimum without which any study is not interpretable The Validity Of Findings With The Research Study; the technical soundness of a study, particularly concerned with the control of extraneous influences that might effect the outcome To gain internal validity, the researcher attempts to control everything and eliminate possible extraneous influences

Validity In Experimentation :External validity : the degree to which the findings can be inferred to the population of interest or to other populations or settings; Generalizability of results . . . to what populations, settings, or treatment variables can the results be generalized ?



TrueExperimental Designs: PreExperimental Designs: Statistical Quasi Experimental Designs: Designs: Researcher is able to eliminate the effect of extraneous make use of any randomization procedure It cant lacks It allows complete for statistical control of control scheduling abd analysis of of from both experimental and control group. tovariables control the variables. external treatment variables. andextraneous the ability to randomise test units Randomly assign of groups would be possible. TYPES:ADVANTAGES: exposure to treatments. a. Oneof shot case study Effect TYPES: more than 1 independent variable can be TYPES: b. One group per test & post test design examined. a. Time Pre-test series post test control group. Post-test control group. c. Multiple Static group Effect b. ofonly specific Time extraneous series variables can be c. Solomon Four group. controlled.


Latin Square

Statistical Designs

Completely Randomised

Randomised Blocks

Threats to internal validity

History events occurring during the experiment that are not part of the treatment

Maturation biological or psychological processes within participants that may change due to the passing of time, e.g., aging, fatigue, hunger

Testing the effects of one test upon subsequent administrations of the same test Instrumentation changes in testing instruments, raters, or interviewers including lack of agreement within and between observers

Threats to internal validity

Statistical regression the fact that groups selected on the basis of extreme scores are not as extreme on subsequent testing

Selection bias identification of comparison groups in other than a random manner

Experimental mortality loss of participants from comparison groups due to nonrandom reasons Interaction among factors factors can operate together to influence experimental results

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