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Page 175 / We All Can Read ! James E. Williams Print these two pages.

On page 1 spell and mark the words dictated in Audio Lesson 572. On page 2 check the spelling and marking of the dictated words. (Follow the marking procedure outlined in Lesson 370.) There is no quiz for this lesson.

Review of Consonant Teams

ch ch gh gn gu kn rh sc
Lesson 572

1. The ________ is a ________ who is ________ by ________. 2. I play ________ ________, and I ________ you I wont quit the day job. 3. The ________ ________ looks ________ on that ________. 4. A ________ sang at the ________ of the ________ child. 5. The ________ played a ________ with many unusual ________. 6. My ________ at the ________ company wrote a ________. 7. The ________ from ________ ________ delivered a ________. 8. The ________ ________ on the sign at night and throws ________. 9. When the ________ broke, no one had the ________ to fix it. 10. ________ classify both the ________ and elephant as ________.
There is no quiz for this lesson.

Page 175 / We All Can Read ! James E. Williams

Page 175/Lesson 572 1. The che-1-mist is a sci-3-en-2-tist who is in-2-trigu ed by che-1-mis-2-try. 2 1 2 1 1 1 x 2 1 2 I play rhythm gui-1-tar, and I gua-1-ran-2-tee you I wont quit the day job. 1 2 5 2 1 4 The spa-1-ghet-2-ti mus-2-tache looks ghast-2-ly on that gu ard. 2 1 2 1 3 1 2 5 A chor-3-us sang at the chris-2-te-1-ning of the mo-1-narchs child. 5 1 1 ~2 1 2 5 The or-1-ches-2-tra played a fugu e with many unusual chords. 5 1 8 3 5 My col-2-lea gu e at the ca-1-ta-1-logu e company wrote a tra-1-ve-1-logu e. 1 4 2 2 3 2 2 3 The chauf-2-fe-3-ur from sce-1-nic An-2-chor-3-age delivered a mo-1-no-1-logu e. 6 2 5 2 1 1 5 3 2 2 3 The ghost knocks on the sign at night and throws scis-2-sors. 1 1 1 5 When the ma-1-chine broke, no one had the kn ow-1-ledge to fix it. 2 x x 1

Answer Key









10. Sci-3-en-2-tists classify both the rhi-1-no and elephant as pa-1-ch y-1-derms. 2 1 1 2 2 2 2 5

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