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Dynamic Side Report: Admin Side: Donors: Existing: Qualification indicate only letter. (b.ed, b.

.e) it not Propos ting: If we are given the number or like Accept. Country, City, Area, State have only one tate. !alue . "in code accept the letter al o. #dit option not work for email id and email id, it$ p And contact no. If donor i deleted in the donor li t, It not end the %e&ected me 'onor( mail. age to the It accept the number only. if we want to edit the contact no "o ible. enable the all country, city, area,

the donor want to know the detail.

User list: Existing: If u er are inactive the, in active me detail . )ot end the u er$ mail. Propos ting: age the u er want to know the

* er regi tration form+

#,i ting+ propo ting+
-. #ducation .ualification m g hown /letter only0 and how m g #g.1.ed i not accept 2. 'oor )o m g hown only fill the field integer and how m g So if u er type letter it accepted 3. Country election option ha only 4ne option include all countrie 5. State election option ha only 4ne option include all tate 6. City election option ha only 4ne option include all citie 7. Area election option ha only 4ne option include all area 8. "in code it hould accept only integer integer and how m g 1ut it al o accepted letter 9. After admin verify the new u er regi tration Inca e if admin accept new u er it mail to Inca e if admin accept new u er it hould mail to new u er but the mail contain only u ername new u er with u ername and pa word it not mention pa word :. If admin inactive the u er it not mail to hould mail to the u er the u er if admin inactive u er it election option hould election option hould election option hould election option hould input type mu t be input type mu t be input type mu t be tring

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