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The Slava also called Krsna Slava or Krsno Ime,the ancient Serbian custom where Christian Saint , the

Giver and the Protector is glorified. Serbian Slava (Thanksgiving or Glory-giving) is kept on the feast day (Slava) of the patron Saint of the entire family. The special spiritual depth of the Slava can only be understood when one realizes that the family celebrates it on the feast day of the Saint which has been the special patron of that family for centuries - ever since the family became Christian. For generations, the patron Saint's day has been special uniting force in the family, bringing it together to give glory and thanks to God the Creator and Savior. Slava celebrates the unity of Christ's Church both on the Earth and in Heaven. The Slava is a sort of spiritual family reunion. Those who are not present in fact are present in spirit; not only living family members who are unable to be present, but also the forefathers of the family who have fallen asleep in Christ, faithful to His Holy Church. The grave does not separate Orthodox Christians one from another. Serbian Slava is an Orthodox tradition. My family celebrates St.Mighael falling on November 21st (by official Gregorian calendar).On a festal table facing the icon traditionally there are, besides the traditional prepared food for that day: one candle placed on a candlestick ,Slavski kolac(literally means The Slava Cake)more similar to bread, the glass of red wine ,censer with incense, match, and the list of the family members that are mentioned in the prayer. I adorn the top of the kola with the sign of the Cross, the "Doce of Peace", and other symbols that are associated with the family. Unlike other patron Saints it is believed that St.Mighael is still alive, so this is the only reason why the koljivo or Zito is not prepared for celebrating his day, otherwise Zito( made of boiled wheat) is the obligatory element of every Slava. The red wine symbolizes the blood of the Christ and the bread His body.Our priest comes on the day of Slava and he performs a small service which entails venerating the Saint's memory, blessing the slavski kola and our family, praying for our health and good luck, as well as lighting the "slavacandle". Depending on whether the celebration falls in a period of festing, the rest of the feast consists of animal-free (posni) meals or not (masni); according to this St.Mighael is sometimes posni and sometimes masni. Second important custom during Slava feasting happens immediately after the priest blessing and breaking the Slava Cake, when the householder raises the glass in the name of God and drinks it up together with the eldest guest around the table.This custom is known as Dizanje u slavu. After all this rituals householder together with the family members and guests is allowed to enjoy in drinking,festing and in most of the cases singing in the name of God.This part of Slavas day and sometimes night Srbian people like and enjoy the most of all. Slava is the custom that is characteristic of Serbia and its people."Where there is a Slava, there is a Serb".
STUDENT: Trickovic Tanja 1/1182-09

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