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Research "ethods #or (egree )tudy

*U) F &' R")

Critical Thinking in Research

APIIT/UCTI Foundation Programme

Prepared by: xxx First Prepared on: xx xx xx !ast "odi#ied on: xx xx xx $uality checked by: xxx Copyright %&&' Asia Paci#ic Institute o# In#ormation Technology

Topic & Structure of the lesson

Introduction to Research

. Critical Thinking in Research . /lements o# Critical Thinking 0 In#erence 0 Analysis 0 /xplanation 0 Interpretation 0 /1aluation . Applying Critical Thinking in Research

"odule Code and "odule Title Research Methods for Degree Study

Title o# )lides

Learning Outcomes
Introduction to Research

. /nable students to de1elop critical thinking skills to e1aluate and analyse research . (e1elop introductory skills #or critical thinking to be de1elop in later le1els . Apply critical thinking skills to research analysis

"odule Code and "odule Title Research Methods for Degree Study

Title o# )lides

Structure of the lesson

Introduction to Research

. Critical Thinking in Research . /lements o# Critical Thinking 0 In#erence 0 Analysis 0 /xplanation 0 Interpretation 0 /1aluation . Applying Critical Thinking in Research
"odule Code and "odule Title Research Methods for Degree Study Title o# )lides

Critical Thinking in Research

Introduction to Research

. In order to be a e##ecti1e research3 you must be able to critically e1aluate research materials to ensure the appropriateness and suitability o# data4 . A critical thinker 5ill be able to di##erentiate rele1ant research data3 arguments3 debates3 conclusions to ensure the integrity and cohesi1eness o# their research topic4

"odule Code and "odule Title Research Methods for Degree Study

Title o# )lides

Elements of Critical Thinking

Introduction to Research

"odule Code and "odule Title Research Methods for Degree Study

Title o# )lides

Critical Thinking Interpretation

Introduction to Research

. interpretation means 8to comprehend and express the meaning or signi#icance o# a 5ide 1ariety o# experiences3 situations3 data3 e1ents3 9udgments3 con1entions3 belie#s3 rules3 procedures or criteria:; . )ub skills includes categorisation3 decoding signi#icance3 and clari#ying meaning4

"odule Code and "odule Title Research Methods for Degree Study

Title o# )lides

Critical Thinking !nalysis

Introduction to Research

. analysis means 8to identi#y the intended and actual in#erential relationships among statements3 <uestions3 concepts3 descriptions3 or other #orms o# representations intended to express belie# and 9udgments:; . )ub skills includes examining ideas3 detecting arguments4

"odule Code and "odule Title Research Methods for Degree Study

Title o# )lides

Critical Thinking Inference

Introduction to Research

. inference means 8to identi#y and secure elements needed to dra5 reasonable conclusions; to #orm con9ectures and hypotheses; . to consider rele1ant in#ormation and to educe the conse<uences #lo5ing #rom data3 statements3 principles3 e1idence3 9udgments3 belie#s3 opinions3 concepts3 descriptions3 <uestions3 or other #orms o# representation4:

"odule Code and "odule Title Research Methods for Degree Study

Title o# )lides

Critical Thinking E"planation

Introduction to Research

. E"planation as being able 8to state the results o# one>s reasoning; . to 9usti#y that reasoning in terms o# the e1idential3 conceptual3 methodological3 criteriological3 and contextual considerations upon 5hich one>s results 5ere based; . and to present one>s reasoning in the #orm o# cogent arguments4:
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Critical Thinking Self#Regulation

Introduction to Research

. self#regulation to mean 8sel# consciously to monitor one>s cogniti1e acti1ities3 the elements used in those acti1ities3 and the results educed; . particularly by applying skills in analysis3 and e1aluation to one>s o5n in#erential 9udgments 5ith a 1ie5 to5ard <uestioning3 con#irming3 1alidation3 or correcting either one>s reasoning or one>s results4:

"odule Code and "odule Title Research Methods for Degree Study

Title o# )lides

Critical Thinking E$aluation

Introduction to Research

. e$aluation means 8To assess the credibility o# statements or other representations:; . It means 9udging an author or piece o# research materials based on certain e1aluati1e criteria such as author credibility3 alternati1e authors and re#erence materials4

"odule Code and "odule Title Research Methods for Degree Study

Title o# )lides

Mo$ie Re$ie% E"ercise

Introduction to Research

. Imagine you ha1e been in1ited to a mo1ie by a #riend4 *ut it>s not a mo1ie you 5ant to see4 . )o3 your #riend asks you 5hy4 @ou gi1e your honest reason A the mo1ie o##ends your sense o# decency3 not because o# the language used or the sexuality portrayed3 but because o# the 1iolence it depicts so graphically4

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Title o# )lides

Mo$ie Re$ie% E"ercise

Introduction to Research

. In this situation:
0 Co5 5ould you describe and explain the le1el o# language or elements in the mo1ie usedD 0 Co5 5ould you critically e1aluate the gi1en mo1ie 5ith your o5n personal biasness and perceptionsD 0 (iscuss this no5E

"odule Code and "odule Title Research Methods for Degree Study

Title o# )lides

Contro$ersial Mo$ies
Introduction to Research

"odule Code and "odule Title Research Methods for Degree Study

Title o# )lides

Traits of a Critical Thinker

Introduction to Research

. . . . . . .

In<uisiti1e )ystematic Analytical Fpen mindedness Gudicious Truth seeking Con#ident in reasoning
Title o# )lides

"odule Code and "odule Title Research Methods for Degree Study

Introduction to Research

"odule Code and "odule Title Research Methods for Degree Study

Title o# )lides

&uestion and !ns%er Session

Introduction to Research

"odule Code and "odule Title Research Methods for Degree Study Title o# )lides

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