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86.Teacher Tala always considers the family background ofher students to better understand them.

Which principle isconsidered here?

a)Maturation precedes certain types oflearning

b)Development rates vary amongindividuals

c)Each stage of development hascharacteristic traits

d)Development of an organism is theresult of heredity and environmentinteraction

87. In a research conducted by Jerome Kagan, almost one-third of agroup of children who had an
inhibited temperament at 2 years of agewere not unusually shy or fearful when they were four years
old. Whatdoes this prove?

a)Development ends after infancy.

b)Latter experiences do not change theimpact of early experiences

c)Development continues after infancy.

d)Early experiences are the soledeterminers in the development ofpersons.

Jerome Kagan

At early ages

inhibited children

cling to their mothers and may cry and hesitate whenconfronted with unfamiliar persons or events

appear to be timid and shy

Uninhibited or exuberant children

approach new events and persons without hesitation ortrepidation

appear fearless and sociable

These characteristic profiles tended to continue


the extent to which temperament can be

influenced or reshaped by later life events

Individual children may change and becomemore or less inhibited while the groups of

children remain distinct on average

Temperament and environment bothinfluence development, although relatively

few researchers have studied the interaction

of these two influences as of the early 2000s.

Jerome Kagan

has shown how different parenting styles can shape atimid, shy child who perceives the world as a

measured babies at 4 months and at school age

The fearful children whose parents (over)protectedthem were still timid.

Those whose parents pushed them to try new things --"get into that sandbox and play with the other
kids,dammit!" -- lost their shyness.

A genetic legacy of timidity was shaped by parental

behavior "and these kids became far less fearful”

88.Which is/are the basicassumption/s of behaviorists?

I.The mind of a newborn child is a blank slate.II.All behaviors are determined by environmental events -
behavior can change as a result of extrinsic motivators such as incentives, rewards, and
punishments.III.The child has a certain degree of freedom not to allow himself to be shaped by his
environment.IV.View learners as mechanical responders.V.Rely on both experiential and discovery

A.I, II and IIIB.II, III, and IV

C.I, II, and IV

D.I, II, III, and V

Assumptions of behaviorism:

1)The primary means of investigating learning

is by observation.

2)Principles of learning apply equally todifferent behaviors and to different species of animals.
Behaviorists typically state thathuman beings and other animals learn insimilar ways.

Assumptions of behaviorism:

3)Learning processes can be studied most

objectively when the focus of study is on

stimuli and responses. Typically learning isdescribed as a stimulus and responserelationship, S = R.

4)Internal cognitive processes are largelyexcluded from scientific study.

Assumptions of behaviorism:

5)Learning involves a behavior change. Somebehaviorists proposed that if no observablechange

happens, then no learning hashappened

.6)Organisms are born as blank slates. Organismsare not born with any predispositions to bemade in
certain ways. Since each organism has adifferent experience with the environment, eachwill have a
different set of behaviors.

89.Teacher Marissa is convinced that whenever as student performs adesired behavior, provide him/her
reinforcement and soon the studentlearns to perform the behavior on his/her own. On which principle
is theconviction based?

a)Social Cognitivism




Learning Theories


Discuses behaviors that can be observed. Behaviorismdoes not fully consider the thought processes that
go on in

the learner’s mind.

Stimulus and responses as derived from the work of Pavlov, Watson, Thorndike, Skinner, an Gagne
promotedand experimented in the behaviorism.

Behaviorism is applied in different educational areasincluding systems approach, computer-assisted
learning,development of objectives etc.

In instructional design, the curriculum and behavioralobjectives include learning tasks, divided
(chunked) intodistinct quantifiable tasks through analysis.

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