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Basic Information/Tables For Various Systems of Vedic Analysis

Basic Information &Tables For Various Systems of Vedic Analysis For KP significator information, please visit KP Workshop For SP Khullar's KCIL significator information, please visit SP Khullar Revised ook Inde!
Click on Signs "elo# to enlarge the $a"le


$he %irections in a Prasna &nal'sis are identified from the placement of the significator planet in a particular sign( Fire Signs rule )ast, )arth Signs rule South, &ir Signs rule West, and Water Signs rule *orth+ Fire( &ction oriented, energetic, #illing to take charge, ,temperamental, impulsive, impatient-+ )arth( Sta"le, responsi"le, do#n to earth, practical, ,controlling, stu""orn, possessive-+ &ir( Intelligent, #itt', adapta"le, friendl', ,impractical, too mecurial, overl' optimistic or unrealisticall' idealistic+- Water( Intuitive, conscientious, sensitive, s'mpathetic, ,overl' sensitive, im"alanced emotionall', too sensitive, too su"missive+Click on Houses "elo# to enlarge the $a"le


Click on Planets: Karakas and Karakatwas "elo# to enlarge the $a"le

Planets( Karakas and Karakat#as

)ach planet has certain things #hich it is significator for, or certain things it represents+ $he significator is called the the Karaka and the things represented are the Karakatwas.

Sun, /ars, and 0upiter are /ale, /oon, 1enus, and Rahu are Female+ /ercur', Saturn, and Ketu are )unuchs+ $he Sun, /oon, /ercur', and 1enus have a royal nature, 0upiter is saintly, #hile /ars, Saturn, Rahu, and Ketu have a cruel nature.

$raditional 1edic Com"ustion

Com"ustion Chart for S'stem's &pproach

"' 1K Choudhr'

Planetar' %ignities(
Parashara Identifies *ine Planetar' Conditions #ith Respect to Planetar' %ignities, and these are Listed in %escending 2rder from the .appiest to the 3nhappiest Conditions(

4+ )!altation( 5+ /ooltrikona( 6+ 2#n Sign( 7+ est Friend( 8+ Friend( 9+ *eutral( :+ )nem'( ;+ Worst )nem'( <+ %e"ilitated $raditional 1edic )!alted=%e"ilitated Planets(
Click on Highest Degrees of Exaltation & De ilitation "elo# to enlarge the $a"le

.ighest %egrees of )!altation > %e"ilitation

)!altation and %e"ilitation Chart for S'stems' &pproach

"' 1K Choudhr'

Click on $raditional 1edic Permanent Planetar' Relationships? "elo# to enlarge the $a"le

$raditional 1edic Permanent Plantar' Relationships?

?*ote( 2thers modifications must also "e factored into these Permanent Relationships for each individual Chart+ For e!ample, Planets in the 5nd, 6rd, 7th, 4@th, 44th, > 45th from the Sign in #hich a Planet is located in a Chart, counting that sign as the first, are regarded as its $emporar' Friends+ Planets in the same sign or in the 8th, 9th, :th, ;th and <th from it are regarded as its $emporar' )nemies+ So the Relationships must "e evaluated according to "oth their Permanent and Composite structures+

$raditional 1edic Composite Planetar' Relationships

Click on !raditional "edic House #ulership !a le and !e$poral Disposition of Planets "elo# to enlarge the $a"le

$raditional 1edic .ouse Rulership $a"le

and $emporal %isposition of Planets

A = Auspicious, I = Inauspicious, N = Neutral, * = Very Auspicious a!a "o#a $ara%a

Functional /alefics for S'stems' &pproach "' 1K Choudhr'

R&.3 and K)$3 are Functional /alefics for &LL Signs( In the S'stems' &pproach, the rest of the planets are %enefics( there are no &eutrals+

$raditional 1edic /ooltrikona Positions for Planets

/ooltrikona Positions for S'stems' &pproach "' 1K Choudhr'

$raditional 1edic %ig ala( ,%irectional Strength of Planets-

$raditional 1edic Planetar' 1imshottari %asa Periods

1arious .ouse Significators ,Aeneral Planetar' Significators-

Bogakaraka Planets for S'stems' &pproach "' 1K Choudhr'

$he Positive









9th .ouse( Sound financial position, victor' over enemies, and no apprehension of






;th .ouse( Long life, financial gains to the father, gains through inheritance, dra# of lots and unearned #ealth, continuit' of marital tie, etc++ 45 .ouse( Aood sleep, sta'ing together #ith the spouse, gains from foreign lands, no apprehension of imprisonment and hospitaliCations, comforts and lu!urious life+ $he positive traits of evil houses, #hich contain mooltrikona signs, fructif' #hen their lords are strong, #ell placed, and unDafflicted+ &verage Planetar' Speeds(

If the planet's increment is less than the average motion of the planet, it is moving slo#l', if the increment is larger than the average motion of the planet, it is moving fast+ Planets appear to slo# do#n, so to speak, #hen the' are a"out to station retrograde, and are also slo# #hen the' a"out to station direct+ Sun: &ppro!imate 'oon: *ormal speed appro!imate is speed is 8<' 4@' @;E 69E ,averageto 46'

'ars: *ormal appro!imate speed is 6@' to 78' per da' ,64' 5:E average'ercury: *ormal "enus: *ormal appro!imate appro!imate speed speed is is 8<' 8<' @;E @;E

(upiter: *ormal appro!imate speed is 8' per da' ,7' 8<E is averageSaturn: *ormal appro!imate speed is 5' per da' ,5' @4E is average-

#ahu and Ketu: *ormal appro!imate speed is @6' per da'

Divisional Charts

Shodash Varga Charts in Vedic Astrology

Life is complex and multi-dimensional. Vedic Astrology intends to address the complexities and reveal the various dimension of human life in astrological way. Various Lagnas, Varga Charts or divisional charts, Dasha systems etc are nothing but a way to now the complexed human life and understand the manifested and hidden dimensions of life. !ut some insincere astrologers ta e the provision of various Ascendants, Divisional charts, Dasha "ystems in Vedic Astrology very casually and due to their ignorance and incapability to understand the very purpose

of these provisions, they #ump to say in temptation that Vedic $indu Astrology is confusing and is mess of theories % &rinciples. 'hile reality is different. (f we understand the purpose of inclusion of these, we will feel highly indebted to its originators. )erely *ashi Chart cannot reveal all aspects of life. +or example, if there is need of considering educational prospect of a native, all related factors re,uired to bring under scanner . -ducation is not an independent thing that has to come to the native singularly. (n the course of his education, several factors would be in force to influence his education. +or this, there would be need to understand student.s inclination, approach, in,uisitiveness, intelligence, grasping level, memory etc. !esides, there would be need to understand obstacles, competition, companion on the path and environment at home, school/college, society also. 0hereafter, his performance and success in education can be assessed. $ence, to ta e account of all such factors there should be different-different tools 1 Lagna Chart alone will not give entire picture. Various Lagnas, Charts, Dasha "ystems etc are few tools which are used to consider all factors and arrive at a definite conclusion. )aharshi &arashar has advocated to use Varga Chart in addition to other tools to understand the particular aspect of life. +or example if there is need of nowing all about of life partner from a horoscope of other partner, what is way of nowing it, because 2all about of life partner. covers various aspects and will birth 3D-45 chart only be capable to indicate satisfactorily6 7o doubt &lanets 3as per !hava 8ara a, "thir 8ara a and Char ara a5, "igns 3as per elements, 9uality and &olarity5 and $ouses 3as per 8endra, 0ri on, 0ri , :pachaya, &anaphara and Apo lim5 of 7atal chart reveal the same in broad way but it finds expression if the matter is studied alongwith respective lagna, planet, divisional chart etc. (n case of life partner, ;th house in D-4 shows approach towards relationship, ;th house in D-< indicates traits and character of partner % ;th from Venus distance from the location of partner, :papada gives hints of type of marriage, :papada Lord stands for status of wife, ;th from :papada may reveal impediments in marriage, Al from :L meeting place of partners, =nd and >th from :L determins the longevity of marriage, "exual desire is expressed by "aptamarudha, Venus gives native an opportunity to experience the relationship. 0hus, we see that the concept of Divisional Charts % others in &arashari % ?aimini "ystem are how much essential. &arashara had mentioned about 4@ Vargas. -ach Varga has 4= houses. 0herefore, "hodash Varga Chart will give us 4<= 34@ x 4=5 bhavas representing variety of aspects of human life. Varga Charts indicate &romise, &otential *esource, and materialiAation of an event. *esource is indicated by a particular bhava -bhavesha, occupant and other associated planets with the bhava. &otentiality is determined by their strength, avasthas etc. (n other word, if any aspect of life is re,uired to be studied then we will have to consider on a5 !havas 1 obtained by concerned D-Chart of "hodashvarga b5 !hava lords 1 "ign Lords occupying a particular !hava. c5 8ara a of concerned Varga and !hava. And result of such assessed promise will be experienced by the native at the time of operation Dasha period of concerned planet3s5. *esult will be delivered as per the resource available 3indicated by functional nature of planet, Boga formed due to accidental placement and other influence, planetary strength in "hadabala, Vimshopa a !ala and Ashta varga !ala5 in the horoscope. "hodas Vargas have been classified in the following four groupsC a) Shadvarga: *ashi Chart 3D-45, $ora Chart 3D-=5, Dresh ona Chart 3D-D5, 7avamsha Chart 3D-<5, Dwadashamsha Chart 3D-4=5 and 0rishamsha Chart 3DDE5. "hadvarga is important because 4F points out of =E points of Vimsopa a !ala fall in this classification. f planet is in =,D,G,F or @ good vargas 3exaltation,

moolatri ona, own, friendly signs, or a sign that is owned by a planet ruling an angle 34,G,;,4E5 from the arudha, then it is called imshu a, vyan#ana, chaamara, chatra, undala. b) Saptavarga: "hadvarga and "aptamamsha Chart 3D-;5. (f in good vargas in all seven, it is called )u uta. c) DashavargaC "aptavarga and Dashamsha Chart 3D-4E5, "hodashamsha 38halamsha5 Chart 3D4@5 and "hastiamsha 3D-@E5. &lanets in good vargas in this classification are from = to 4E vargasC &ari#aat, uttam, gopur, simhasan, parvat, devlo , brahmalo , sha ravahan, shridham. d) Shodhasvarga: Dashavarga and Chaturthamsha Chart, Vimshamsha Chart, Chaturvimshamsha Chart, "aptavisamsa 3!hamsha5 Chart, 8havedamsha Chart and A shavedamsha Chart. &lanets in = to 4@ good vargasC 3according to !&$"5 !heda a, usuma, naga pushpa, andu a, erala, 8alpavri sha, chandanvana, poornachandra, uchcheshrava, dhanvantari, surya aanta, vidruma, sha ra simhasana, gaulo a and shrivallabha.

Role and Significance of Varga Charts

1. Rashi Chart {3 degree!: D"1 is the basic chart from where horoscopic study of destiny begins. 0his chart indicates physical body and its related activities. 0he other divisional charts are sub-divisions of this chart. #. $ora chart {1%degree!: D"# chart deals with wealth, sustenance, money matters. 0his chart helps in understanding the wealth position and financial matters of a native. )ale planets in the "unHs $ora are ta en as beneficial while female planets are effective in the )oonHs $ora. (f maximum planets are in the "unHs $ora it is said that the native earns money as a result of hard wor but the ,uantum of wealth may be very good. (f )oons $ora predominates, the earning will be relatively easy. $owever, this is sub#ect to the Dhan yoga formed in the horoscope. 3. Dresh&anna {1 degree!: D"3 chart indicates all about Co-born 3 brother, sister5. 0his chart is important for longevity analysis. &lanets falling in ==nd Dresh ona, "arpa Dresh ona and &hasha Dresh ona are not considered good for the native and his health. '. Chath(rtha)sa or *(ryeea)sa {+degree 3 ,!C D"' chart indicates residence, fortune, overall happiness, fixed assets, property both in the form of property and worldly attachments %. Sapta)sa {'degree 1+, -..%+!C D"+ chart indicates procreative power. &rogeny related matters are seen from this chart. /. 0ava)sa or Dhar)a)sa {3degree# ,!C D"1 chart is most important in predictive Astrology. (t complementary chart to the birth chart wherein planetary strength is assessed. An exalted planet in the birth chart 3if it debilitates in the 7avamsha5 may not give very good results or its effects can get diluted. $owever, a planet getting empowered in D-< by getting vargottama or by getting exalted will give good results. 0his chart indicates

all about marriage, spouse, partners and s ills of the native. (n Vedic &redictive Astrology, D-< Chart is said essential to consult for accurate prediction. 0he lord of @Gth 7avamsha from the )oon becomes highly important for the calculation of Longevity and the )ara a dasa. +. Dasa)sa or S2arga)sa {3 degree!C D"1 chart indicates I)ahat &halamJ i.e. the result which indicates the standing and status of the native in society on account of the interaction of fate and action. 7ormally this chart is consulted for getting clear idea about Career, &rofession, Kccupation, 'or etc. 0he placement and avashtha of the tenth lord of the birth chart is important here. Apart from that the rashi rising in the 4Eth house of this divisional chart and the influence on the 4Eth house has also to be considered, to #udge the profession and any professional growth or fall of the native. -. D2adasa)sa or S(rya)sa {#degree3 ,!C D"1# chart shows about &arents, their well-being, health, longevity. (n this chart "un represents father and )oon represents mother. (nfluence on the Gth, <th and 4Eth also should be ta en into account. 0he Lord of the >>th Dwadashamsha is important in longevity analysis. 0his chart also is said to reveal whether a person inherits a disease from his parents. 1. Shodasa)sa or 3ala)sa {1degree%#,3 .!C D"1/ chart indicates about Vehicles, Conveyance, Luxuries, $appiness, Accident from Vehiclele, (nner strength of the character. (n this chart, Venus, G$ and GL are to been. )alefic influence on these factors shows worry from Vehicles etc. 1 . Vi)sa)sa {1degree3 ,!C D"# chart tells about "piritualism and progress in this field, worship of deity, leaning towards a particular sect. 11. Chat(rvi)a)sa or Siddha)sa 4 {1degree1%,!C D"#' chart is seen for gaining idea of -ducation, Learning, success in competition etc. 1#. 5ha)sa or 0a&shatra)sa or Saptavisa)sa {1degree/,' .!C D" #+chart indicates general physical and inner strength and wea ness of native. 13. *ri)sa)sa {1degree!C D"3 chart is consulted to ascertain the difficulties, evils and miseries coming through mishappenings and diseases for a particular native. 0his chart indicates inclination of natural traits based on 0rigunas 1 "watic, *a#as and 0amas. 1'. Chatvari)sa)sa or 3haveda)sa or S2aveda)sa {'%,!C D"' chart generally indicates the auspicious and inauspicious effects of horoscope. )atrilineal legacy is also seen from this chart.

1%. A&ashveda)sa {' ,!C D"'% chart shows the character of the native. &aternal legacy is also seen from this chart. 1/. Shastia)sha {3 ,!C D"/ chart shows &ast 8arma, repayment of deeds of the past lives. D-4 and D-@E are complementary to each other. D4 chart indicate when and D-@E tells why events happen in the life of the native. )aharishi &arashara has given lots of importance to this chart and has advised to consult this chart for every prediction.

6ive levels of Shodash Varga Charts

1. 7hysical plane: +irst cycle covers physical level signified by the possible charts from D-4 to D-4=. (n this cycle included &arasari D-chars are - D-4 indicates &hysical body, D-= - )eans of sustenance 3sampanata5, D-D - Co-born, D-G property and fortune, D-; 1 &rogeny, D-< - "pouse, D-4E 1 8arma, profession, D4= - &arents. LLater *esearch minded astrologers have included D-F 3&ower5, D-@ 3"truggle, &hysical Labour, disease5, D-> 3Death5, D-44 3Mains5 charts also in this cycleN.

#. Conscio(s )ental plane: "econd cycle covers conscious level signified by possible charts from D4D to D=G. (n this cycle included &arasari D-chars are - D4@ 34=OG5 ruling over mental happiness, luxuries, vehicles etc, D=E 34=O>5 ruling over occult studies, spiritualism, religiosity etc and D=G 34=O4=5 *uling "iddhis, accomplishments in any branch of learning and vocational studies, success in education.

3. S(b"conscio(s )ental plane: 0hird cycle covers sub-conscious level signified by possible charts from D-=F to D-D@ charts. (n this cycle included &arasari Dchars are - D=; 3=GOD5 showing strength and wea nesses of the native e.g. "unsoul, )oon-mind, )ars-physical strength, )ercury-speech, ?upiter-wisdom, Venus1happiness, "aturn-"orrow, *ahu-ego, 8etu-mista es, DDE 3=GO@5 Leo and Cancer, the signs covered in D-=, are not included in D-DE, which is dealing in Death and Disease.

'. Sprit or pitras: +ourth cycle covers super-conscious level signified by possible charts from D-D@ to D-G>. (n this cycle included &arasari D-chars are 1 D-GE 3D@OG5 )aternal Ancestors, and D-GF 3D@O<5 paternal ancestors.

%. 7ast births of the native: +ifth cycle covers supra-conscious level signified by possible charts from D-G< to D-G>. (n this cycle included &arasari D-chars are 1 D@E indicating heritage of the past 8arma, which are responsible for present birth. A planet in malefic shashtiamsha is not capable to give lasting good results on account of the past bad 8arma.

Nakshatra Table

Iyer Worksheet

iyer_chart_worksheet.jpg Download File

Divisional Chart Assessment of Strength/Weakness

Natural its Natural enefi!s in Divisional Charts" #u$iter% &enus% 'er!ury ( 'oon )N*+ when in own sign or e,alted in divisional !hart'alefi!s in Divisional Charts" Sun% 'ars% Saturn% .ahu and /etu-

To hel$ differentiate between .asi and Divisional Chart strengths and weaknesses% $lease !onsider the following terms" 0Well Conditioned and strength and weakness1oorly Conditioned2 used for .asi des!ri$tion of

0Strong and Weak2 used for Divisional des!ri$tion of strength and weaknessSole 3nemies" Counting from &imshottari Dasha% it will always be the 4th $lanet5

planet-enemy.jpg Download File

divisional_strength-weakness.jpg Download File

.3'3' 3. C)NF*63NC3 C)6NTS 7T83 8A11+ '3DI6' F). ASS3SSIN9 AND '33TIN9 A** C)NSID3.ATI)NS56se !ommon sense" IF A 1*AN3T 8AS DI9 A*A% 6T IT IS AS13CT3D + ITS 3N3'+ AND 3&3.+ NAT6.A* 'A*3FIC IN T83 C8A.T ( 8)W 9))D CAN IT .3A**+ 3: Additional Considerations"

There are several ways in whi!h a $lanet in the .asi will influen!e all or some of the Divisional Charts"

&' (' )'

When .etrograde in .asi 7Strength5 Combust 7Weakens5 1lanetary War 7if defeated% it weakens5


If a $lanet $arti!i$ates in !ertain 9raha +ogas ( additional strength or weakness !an o!!ur-

1lanetary .elationshi$s

;Not s$e!ified by tradition% although some #yotishi<s use the friends% neutrals and enemies of Saturn for .ahu and of 'ars for /etuSankhya +ogas" The geometri! formations and 8ouses involved in these +ogas are"





&' ('

1a$a Sankhya +oga ( formation made u$ of $rimarily malefi!sShubha Sankhya +oga ( benefi!s in =/>>% ?/>?/ or 4/@ house $la!ementsThese $la!ements all involve dusthanas% however% the other houses may be listed also-

)' *'

'ishra Sankhya +oga ( same house distribution as the 1a$a Sankhya +oga% but a benefi! in one house and a malefi! in the other.ahu and /etu themselves do not form 1a$a Sankha +ogas a!ross the >/A or B/>C a,is-

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