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Process Paper The Titanic: The Responsibility of Captain John Smith Luke Griffin Junior Division Individual Website

My topic is about the famous Captain John Smith and how he had a responsibility to get the passengers and crew across the Atlantic safely on the Titanic. My topic is important because passengers and crews families might be blaming the wrong person and that could still haunt that persons family to this day. I chose this topic because Im really into the Titanic I have read many books and watched many documentaries. Ive read this book that tells how much of each thing was on the boat and how much everything weighed. My topic relates to the theme Rights and Responsibilities because Titanics captain had a responsibility to get the crew and passengers across the Atlantic safely but made small mistakes and failed. I conducted my research by going to many websites for about 2 or 3 weeks. Many of them were British websites. Also there was a documentary on the titanic by National Geographic called Titanic: How It Really Sank. I did a lot of research in language arts and typed a 1500 word essay to get me ready for history fair. I chose a website to present my project on. I think the website is a good choose because its cost friendly. I can also work on it any were I go because my family travels a lot. Even though its cost friendly its still very customizable to fit my topic and the theme. Its also easier to work on it in class because I dont need all the materials to make other projects. I worked in class for about 2 weeks making a website. Every day I moved along in creating it like one day I put the words, then music, words, etc. My project relates to the theme by Captain Smiths responsibilitie.

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