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Casey, Being part of your team was a BLAST!!!! I cant believe you are graduating!!!! Things are gonna be so different without you hanging around. My life will be dull once more and no longer full of your stupidity. *wow did I really just say that????* LOL JK!!! I LOVE YOU TO THE MOON AND BACK AND I DONT KNOW WHAT I WILL DO WITHOUT YOU!!! CASEY DONT LEAVE ME!!! I will try super hard not to bawl my eyes out when you and Alex graduate. I know we will see each other in the hallways almost everyday but things still wont be the same!!! Wow as I am re- reading this I am now realizing how abd of a writor I am!!! I do not know what else to write so I am just gonna write some more mushy gushy, lovey dovey stuff thsat will hopefully make you cry!! Hope fully this letter will make you cry, but if not just start fake sobbing so it looks like you & I care about each other. Which you and I both know is not true. Lol JK of course I care about you!!! Have a good life and dont forget to come back and visit!!! Yours truly, Little Molly


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