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542 Linnemann Ky Ed Website Resource Rev Week 1 International Society for Technology in Education- https://www.iste.

org/ ISTE is an association, which anyone can join, committed to empowering connected learners in a connected world. Membership prices for ISTE range from $70 to $230, which are quite affordable. However, for a nonmember, there is a plethora of free resources and a four years running blog one can view.

Under the About tab, as one can see, there is extensive information. This goes for the other tabs (above) as well.

For instance, under the Learn tab, there is a whole section on Computational Thinking (CT). CT is obviously well-known, as evidenced by googling it. It involves using computer science in problemsolving. In the CT section on the ISTE site, there is a complex operational definition of CT: There is an ISTE conference in Atlanta this coming summer. For non-members it is an average of $400, for members, an average of $300, depending when one registers. However, if one clicks on ISTE 2013, from the conference last summer:, there are blog posts, news archives and, especially, thirty-five videos on YouTube!!! each around an hour long, all from last years conference. Talk about RICH resources!!!!!!!!! Bottom line, the entire association and what it offers is positively, wonderfully, jaw-dropping.

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