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The Stonewall Riots

Klejdis Bilali and Caitlin Ashe Sophomore Division Website

Process Paper
Why we chose this topic:
At the be innin o! the year my partner and " chose the topic o! ay ri hts to do !or o#r $%D project& We chose this topic beca#se ay controversy is somethin that very m#ch interests #s and it is somethin that is very pop#lar in politics nowadays& So we did heaps o! research and narrowed o#r topic down to the Stonewall riots& The Stonewall riots were the steppin stones to the reat re!ormation we have today with ays earnin their ri hts& '! co#rse this spar(ed o#r interest even more so we j#mped on this idea and !elt li(e this topic is e)tremely important to disc#ss now beca#se these are the times that ays are !inally ettin their ri hts& Also beca#se we wanted to do a topic that not a lot o! others were doin &

How we conducted our research:

To be in* we started o#r research in the school+s library& ,n!ort#nately* there were !ew boo(s havin to do with ri hts o! ays and more speci!ically the Stonewall riots& %owever* we did chec( o#t some boo(s that t#rned o#t to have lots o! important in!ormation to help o#t with o#r project& A!ter we read the boo(s we t#rned to the comp#ter where there were endless amo#nts o! in!ormation re ardin the Stonewall riots& -rom when* where and why it be an to who was there and what a!!ect the riot had on the whole ay comm#nity& We also st#mbled #pon n#mero#s sites with many photo raphs !rom the riots which were help!#l when ivin a vis#al aid o! the ab#se they #ndertoo(&

How we created and developed our website:

-irst o!!* it is ./012 we teena ers live on the internet so ma(in a website was !airly easy to cond#ct& 3y partner and " started with a simple s(etch on paper showin what o#r website creation wo#ld loo( li(e& We then too( 3rs& Pettin ill+s advice and #sed the website ma(er* Weebly* to e)ec#te o#r website onto the internet& A!ter that it was easy* we made di!!erent pa es with separate cate ories that were important to the Stonewall+s history& -inally* we added vast amo#nts o! pict#res and special to#ches to spice #p o#r site&

How our project relates to the theme:

"n concl#sion* o#r project relates to this years theme o! ri hts and responsibilities !or several reasons& -irst* ays et treated di!!erently than non4homose)#al people& 5ays are mistreated ri ht this min#te* either at school* wor( or even home& To be j#d ed based on yo#r se)#al orientation is a h# e ri hts and responsibilities iss#e& -inally* ays are still !i htin !or the ri ht to marry to this day& There has been a lot o! pro ress since 0676 when the Stonewall riots bro(e o#t* b#t j#stice has not !#lly been served yet& 3y partner and " !eel li(e j#stice will not be done #ntil ays can be married and wal( the streets with their loved ones witho#t a second lance&

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