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Michael Zeiler Hour 6 Tuesday, October 29, 2013 Exhibit: P.O.E.

Notebook Benchmark: Personal Management Skill: P106: Use charts, graphs, or graphic organizers to demonstrate organizational skills. As a sophomore I took a class called Principles of Engineering a.k.a. P.O.E. The purpose of this class is pretty self-explanatory; it is, simply put, to teach the basic fundamentals of engineering. It is a fairly challenging class and at the end you take a test that, if you pass, counts as a college credit. We had many projects, and it was important to keep things strait and organized. In order to do this we had our Engineering Notebooks. Every day we would fill things out and keep them up to date with what we were working on. This often meant setting up charts and graphs to keep numbers and data sorted and in a format that was easy to use. This is a situation in which I had to P106: Use charts, graph, or graphic organizers to demonstrate organizational skills. The ability to be organized is a very important one that helped me immensely in getting through that class. I believe that it is also one that will help me get through life. In my job setting I will need to be very organized. While working in a lab, I will have to be careful to not getting things mixed up, whether it is paperwork or actual chemical solutions. The result of either of these situations would be very undesirable. If I am a sloppy, unorganized person, it will be hard for me to hold a job as well and even harder to succeed. I will need this also in my personal life. I will need to keep things in my everyday life organized as well; things as simple as groceries lists and schedule and errands to do. If I dont do this then I will easily get bogged down in life and get behind. It will make it so much more difficult. I appreciate this skill almost above all others. I have learned a lot from it.

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