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Exhibit: Kim OConnell Benchmark: Teamwork/Communication Skills: TC101: Understand the cultural traditions of others TC103: Anticipate the

impact of actions or words on others. Hanover-Horton is a mostly white school. or this reason! most "eo"le will have #rien$s %rou"s that are all white. &t is not a racist "ro'lem( it is sim"ly )ust 'ecause o# the num'ers. However! some "eo"le will have #rien$s who are o# a $i##erent ethnicity. & have one such #rien$. Kim OConnell was ori%inally 'orn in *outh Korea. He came over when he was still an in#ant an$ we have a lon% runnin% )oke that he has 'een in +merican lon%er than & have. +s a #rien$ o# another ethnicity & have ha$ to TC101: Understand the cultural traditions of others. There arent too many thin%s( however! he has tau%ht me a #ew thin%s throu%hout the years. He has tol$ me a'out many +sian customs which & still can har$ly com"rehen$ let alone s"ell. or e,am"le! they have a custom where you must take your shoes o## u"on enterin% a house. To not $o this is a si%n o# e,treme $isres"ect. Havin% a #rien$ o# another race! it is also im"ortant to 'e TC103: Anticipate the impact of actions or words on others. & cant )ust say whatever & want to. & have to "ick my wor$s care#ully an$ 'e "olitically correct. Certainly we have our )okes a'out thin%s! 'ut in a serious sense you have to 'e res"ect#ul an$ nice. &n my )o'! & will have to 'e a'le to un$erstan$ cultural tra$itions. & will un$ou'te$ly work with "eo"le o# $i##erent races an$ cree$s an$ & will have to #it in with them. This $oesnt necessarily mean acce"t them or take "art in them 'ut )ust un$erstan$ them an$ %et alon% with them. This will mean a lot to the team & work with! so this is why it is so im"ortant. Throu%hout my entire li#e & will encounter many "eo"le! most o# which & $e#initely wont a%ree with on one or more thin%s. However! it is im"ortant #or me to %et alon% with "eo"l. -ot everythin% shoul$ turn into a #i%ht. &# you %o throu%h li#e not 'ein% a'le to un$erstan$ others tra$itions! youre makin% li#e way too har$. +s a chemist workin% in a team settin% it will 'e im"ortant #or me to antici"ate the e##ects o# what & $o. .y actions an$ wor$s will have an im"act on others that & cannot esca"e. That is not necessarily a 'a$ thin% however! it can also 'e %oo$. .y wor$s an$ actions can have a %oo$ im"act on the team. The trick is 'ein% a'le to tell ahea$ o# time whether it will 'e %oo$ or 'a$. This is why this skill is necessary. &t will also 'e necessary outsi$e o# work. &t is a very 'a$ i$ea to )ust 'e walkin% aroun$ sayin% whatever you "lease. /ou have to un$erstan$ that what mi%ht seem #unny to you is not as #unny to someone else. /ou can create a lot o# "ro'lems #or yoursel# i# you )ust %o aroun$ sayin% thin%s that have a ne%ative im"act on others. On the #li"si$e

however! you can hel" yoursel# out a lot 'y sayin% thin%s that will create a "ositive im"act. This is a very %oo$ lesson that & have learne$.

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