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Mafalda Santos Silva

Ms. Loges
Commentary on emotion
Reason is always and everywhere the slave of the passions.
David !"e
In "y opinion reason and e"otion are always related# so"eti"es not dire$tly %!t
they $an never %e torn apart. &or e'a"ple# when we try to "a(e a de$ision we want
only to !se reason %!t o!r reasoning is never apart fro" o!r e"otions. Regardless of
how rational people "ay thin( they are# their e"otions always play a very i"portant
role in their de$ision)"a(ing. Li(e David !"e stated# Reason is always and
everywhere the slave of the passions. This personifi$ation of e"otion and reason %eing
related e"phasi*es de $onne$tion %etween the".
+e $an say that reason is the slave of e"otion %e$a!se the way we a$t $annot
%e totally $ontrolled# of $o!rse we $an $ontrol the e'tent to whi$h we physi$ally
"anifest o!r e"otions %!t it gets to a point where the %ehavior is al"ost a refle'. +hen
o!r e"otions are so strong we find it very $hallenging to $ontrol it. This happens
%e$a!se e"otions $annot %e learned or e'plained. It $an %e $alled an instin$t %e$a!se we
are not ta!ght how to %e e"otive or passionate a%o!t so"ething or so"eone. That is the
total opposite of reason , reason $an %e ta!ght and learned. -eople $an only learn how
to $ontrol e"otions# not disregard the". So# reason is the slave of e"otion %e$a!se
e"otions predo"inates over the for$e of reason.
There are a signifi$ant n!"%er of people that often find ti hard to ponder
e"otion as a way of (nowing. B!t# in "y opinion# o!r e"otions play a signifi$ant role
when it $o"es to "a(ing de$isions. In fa$t# there are several st!dies that prove that
witho!t e"otions we wo!ld not %e a%le to "a(e any (ind of de$ision. O!r e"otions
help !s di"inish the "any options we have# it help !s de$ide what is "ore e"otionally
$onvenient for !s. &or e'a"ple de$iding %etween going o!t or going to the $ine"a# we
$hoose what is "ore e"otional pleasing for !s.
owever# e"otions $an %e also interpreted as an o%sta$le to (nowledge.
-owerf!l e"otions $an dist!r% the reality# for e'a"ple# parents !s!ally do not see their
(ids. flaws %e$a!se they want to %elieve that they are very $lose to perfe$tion. They
thin( the %est of the". Other e'a"ple is when yo! really need to st!dy %!t %e$a!se yo!
want to do so"ething else yo! $onvin$e yo!rself that is not that i"portant to st!dy. In
this $ase e"otions got in the way of reason.
Individ!als $annot $ontrol how "!$h of what goes into their de$isions and
a$tions is reason and how "!$h of it is e"otion. The de$isions we "a(e and the way we
a$t are a $o"%ination of e"otions and reason. /!oting David !"e Reason is always
and everywhere the slave of the passions. 0"otions always ta(e part in yo!r every)day
life of de$isions# reason helps !s "a(e de$isions %!t always with the help of e"otion.

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