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On Seeking God
(De Quaerendo Deum)

O truly venerable Brother-in-Christ, in co !lyin" #ith your $esire, as best I can, I #ill here atte !t to re!eat in #ritin", brie%ly an$ clearly, that #hich I en$eavore$ to e&!lain to the con"re"ation at the 'east o% E!i!hany concernin" the analysis o% (o$)s na e* +I #ill $o so, in or$er that e$itatin" ay be sti ulate$ on the !art o% us both an$ that by the ascent o% our intellects our inner an ay "ra$ually be trans%or e$ %ro li"ht unto li"ht+trans%or e$, I to the !oint that +havin" attaine$, unto clear reco"nition throu"h the li"ht o% "lory, it ay enter into the .oy o% its Lor$* I /o be"in #ith, E&cellent Brother, you #ell 0no# that #hen on the Areo!a"us 1aul (#ho says that he #as cau"ht u! unto the thir$ heaven, to the !oint o% behol$in" sacre$ ysteries) !reache$ the truth to those en #ho, in Athens, #ere then $evotin" the selves to the very celebrate$ stu$y o% !hiloso!hy, he state$ in his ser on that he #ante$ to !roclai to the the "oo$ ne#s about the Un0no#n (o$, to #ho those !a"ans ha$ consecrate$ an altar* An$ #hen he !rocee$e$ to e&!lain this atter, he state$ that (o$ ha$ create$ all en in one an an$ that 2e ha$ "rante$ a $e%inite !erio$ o% ti e %or en)s bein" in this #orl$, in or$er that they i"ht see0 2i , to see #hether they coul$ "ro!in"ly %in$ 2i * An$ 1aul a$$e$ that, nonetheless, (o$ is not %ar %ro anyone, since in 2i #e e&ist an$ live an$ are ove$* /hen, re!rovin" i$olatry, he a$$e$ that in en)s thou"ht there can be no li0eness at all to (o$* 3henever rea$in" the Acts o% the A!ostles, I arvel at 1aul)s !roce$ure* 'or he #ante$ to a0e 0no#n to +these, !hiloso!hers the Un0no#n (o$, #ho therea%ter he a%%ir s to be unable to be conceive$ by any hu an intellect* /here%ore, (o$ is a$e 0no#n by the %act that every intellect is too s all to be%i"ure or conceive 2i * But 1aul na es 2i God-or Theos in (ree0* So "iven the %act that an entere$ this #orl$ in or$er to see0 (o$ an$ to cleave unto 2i once %oun$ an$ by cleavin" unto 2i to %in$ rest4 since an cannot see0 (o$, an$ "ro!e %or 2i , in this sensible an$ cor!oreal #orl$ (%or (o$ is s!irit rather than bo$y an$ cannot be attaine$ by the intellect)s abstractin", since an cannot conceive o% any li0eness to (o$, as 1aul sai$), then ho# is it that (o$ can be sou"ht in or$er to be %oun$5 Assure$ly, unless this #orl$ #ere use%ul to the see0er, an #oul$ be sent in vain to the #orl$ %or the !ur!ose o% see0in" (o$* 2ence, it ust be the case that this #orl$ o%%ers

assistance to the see0er an$ that the see0er 0no#s that neither in this #orl$ nor in anythin" #hich an conceives is there any li0eness to (o$* Let us no# $eter ine #hether the na e 6 Theos,7 or 6(o$,7 o%%ers us assistance in these atters* 'or the na e 6Theos7 is not that na e o% (o$ #hich e&cels every conce!t* 'or that +na e, #hich cannot be conceive$, re ains ine%%able* 'or to e&!ress is to e&ternali8e an in#ar$ conce!t by eans o% #or$s or other be%i"urin" si"ns* /here%ore, the na e o% 2i #hose li0eness is not conceive$ is not 0no#n* 2ence, 6 Theos7 is the na e o% (o$ only inso%ar as (o$ is sou"ht, by hu an bein"s, in this #orl$* So let hi -#ho-see0s ta0e care%ul account o% the %act that in the na e 6Theos7 there is en%ol$e$ a certain #ay-o%-see0in" #hereby (o$ is %oun$, so that 2e can be "ro!e$ %or* 6 Theos7 is $erive$ %ro 6theoro,7 #hich eans 6I see7 an$ 6I hasten*7 /here%ore, the see0er ou"ht to hasten by eans o% si"ht, so that he can attain unto (o$, #ho sees all thin"s* Accor$in"ly, vision bears a li0eness to the !ath#ay by eans o% #hich a see0er ou"ht to a$vance* Conse9uently, in the !resence o% the eye o% intellectual vision #e ust a"ni%y the nature o% sensible vision an$ construct, %ro that nature, a la$$er o% ascent* Our +sensible, vision results %ro the %ollo#in"4 a bri"ht an$ clear s!irit that $escen$s %ro the to! o% the brain unto the or"an o% the eye: a colore$ ob.ect that re!ro$uces, in the eye, an i a"e si ilar to itsel%: an$ the concurrent !resence o% e&ternal li"ht* /here%ore, in the real o% visible thin"s only color is %oun$* 2o#ever, si"ht is not o% the real o% visible thin"s but is establishe$ above all visible thin"s* Accor$in"ly, si"ht has no color, %or it is not o% the real o% colore$ thin"s* So that it can see every color, si"ht is not contracte$ to any color: so that its .u$" ent ay be true an$ %ree, si"ht has no ore o% one color than o% another: so that its !o#er ay be +$irecte$, to all colors, si"ht is not restricte$ by any color* Si"ht is uninter in"le$ #ith colors, in or$er that its vision ay be accurate* 3e learn by e&!erience that si"ht is $eceive$ by a colore$ e$iu -+e*"*,, "lass or a trans!arent stone or so ethin" else* /here%ore, si"ht is so !ure an$ so #ithout any ble ish %ro visible thin"s that in co !arison #ith it all visible thin"s are a certain $ar0ness an$ are a 0in$ o% aterial $ensity in co !arison #ith the s!irit o% vision* But #hen throu"h our intellect #e vie# the #orl$ o% visible thin"s an$ as0 #hether a 0no#le$"e o% si"ht is %oun$ in the visible #orl$, +#e reco"ni8e that, that entire #orl$ o% color has no 0no#le$"e o% si"ht, since +that #orl$, $oes not attain unto anythin" notcolore$* An$ i% #e sai$ that si"ht e&ists but is not so ethin" colore$, then i% the #orl$ o% visible thin"s #ante$ to a0e a be%i"urin" li0eness o% si"ht, it #oul$ not %in$ a on" any o% its conce!ts anythin" si ilar to si"ht* 'or its o#n conce!t cannot be #ithout +re%erence to, color* An$ since #ithin the circu %erence o% its real +the #orl$ o% visible thin"s, $oes not %in$ si"ht or anythin" si ilar to si"ht, or analo"ous to si"ht, it cannot attain unto si"ht* Or better, it cannot attain unto +the 0no#le$"e, that si"ht is so ethin", %or it $oes not attain unto anythin" outsi$e +the real o%, color: rather, it .u$"es that #hatever is not-colore$ is not anythin"* Conse9uently, no na e a on" all the na es that can be na e$ in that real +o% visible thin"s, be%its si"ht-not, %or e&a !le, the na e 6#hite7 or the na e 6blac07 or the na e o% any o% the i&e$ colors* 'or neither the na e 6#hite an$ not-#hite7 con.ointly, nor the na e 6blac0 an$ not-blac07 con.ointly, +be%its, si"ht,* /here%ore, #hether +the #orl$ o% visible thin"s, ta0es note o% all the na es o% its real sin"ularly an$

$is.unctively, or #hether it vie#s the na es o% contrary colors con.ointly, or #hether it vie#s the con.unction o% all na es na eable +#ithin its real ,, it $oes not attain unto anythin" re"ar$in" the na e an$ the essence o% si"ht* Su!!ose that so eone a$e the %ore"oin" clai (since color is $iscri inate$ an$ 0no#n not by itsel% but by a hi"her cause, vi8*, si"ht)* An$ su!!ose that he as0e$ all visible thin"s #hether this clai #ere true an$ ho# they #oul$ conceive o% that cause* /hey #oul$ re!ly that that ruler #ho na e$ the , vi8*, si"ht, is (as %ar as !ertains to #hatever can be conceive$ +by the ),, so ethin" best an$ most beautiful An$ #hen they atte !t to %ashion a conce!t o% this best an$ ost beauti%ul thin", they resort to color, #ithout +re%erence to, #hich they cannot construct a conce!t* /here%ore, they say that si"ht is ore beauti%ul than any #hite color #hatsoever, %or in the real o% color the color #hite is not so beauti%ul that it cannot be ore beauti%ul an$ is not so bri"ht an$ res!len$ent that it cannot be bri"hter* 2ence, none o% the visible thin"s aintain that the 0in" o% their real is hi sel% any color that is actually !resent a on" the visible thin"s o% +that, real * Instea$, they #oul$ say that the 0in" +vi8*, si"ht, is the ulti u o% +aIl, the !ossible beauty o% the bri"htest an$ ost !er%ect color* Such !oints, O Brother, an$ any other si ilar ones you see to be ost true* Ascen$, then, by eans o% a si ilarity o% relationshi!, %ro si"ht unto hearin" an$ unto taste, s ell, an$ touch-an$, therea%ter, unto the co unal sense, #hich is situate$ above all +%ive, senses, even as hearin" is above thin"s au$ible, taste above thin"s tasteable, s ell above thin"s $iscernible by s ell, an$ touch above thin"s tan"ible* /herea%ter, continue u!#ar$ unto the intellect, #hich is above all +those, intelli"ible thin"s that are rational* 'or rational thin"s are a!!rehen$e$ by the intellect* But the intellect is not %oun$ in the real o% rational thin"s, %or the intellect is as the eye, an$ rational thin"s are as colors* An$ i% you li0e, $#ell u!on +this, re%lection o% yours, so that you ay #ell a!!rehen$ ho# it is that the intellect is li0e unto %ree si"ht4 vi8*, it is the true an$ si !le .u$"e o% every +0in$, o% reason, an$ in it there is no in"lin" o% the 0in$s o% reason, so that there ay be a clear intuitive .u$" ent o% the +0in$s o%, reason a on" the variety o% reasons o% that real * 'or e&a !le, the intellect .u$"es this to be a necessary reason, that to be a !ossible reason, a contin"ent reason, an i !ossible reason, a $e onstrative reason, a so!histical an$ !seu$o-reason, or a !robable reason, an$ so on-even as si"ht .u$"es this color to be #hite an$ that color not to be #hite but blac0, or .u$"es this color to be ore #hite than blac0, an$ so on* 3ithin the entire real o% reasons the intellect is not attaine$* Instea$, #hen the #orl$-o%-reasons, or the universe-o%-reasons, #ants to be%i"ure its a!!ointe$ 0in" an$ .u$"e, it s!ea0s o% hi as the ter inal an$ ulti ate en$ o% !er%ection* No#, intellectual natures li0e#ise cannot $eny that a 0in" is a!!ointe$ over the * An$ as visible natures aintain that the 0in" a!!ointe$ over the is the ulti ate en$ o% all visible !er%ection, so intellectual natures, #hich are natures that intuit truth, state that their 0in" is the ulti ate en$ o% all the !er%ection that is intuitive o% all thin"s* An$ they na e this 0in" Theos, or (o$-on the "roun$ that in bein" the co !leteness-o%-!er%ection o% seein"-allthin"s 2e is Behol$in" itsel%, or Intuitin" itsel%* 2o#ever, #ithin the entire real o% intellectual !o#ers there is %oun$ nothin" to #hich the ;in" 2i sel% is si ilar* Nor #ithin the entire intellectual real is there a conce!t o% 2is li0eness: rather, 2e #hose na e is not

un$erstan$able (al thou"h 2is na e na es an$ $iscerns bet#een all intelli"ible thin"s) is above all that is conceive$ an$ un$erstoo$* An$ 2is nature in%initely !rece$es-in hei"ht, si !licity, !o#er, i"ht, beauty, an$ "oo$ness-all intellectual #is$o * 'or everythin" !ossessin" an intellectual nature is, in co !arison #ith 2i , a sha$o#, a lac0 o% !o#er, a $ensity, a s allness o% #is$o , an$ so on re"ar$in" an in%inite nu ber o% si ilar o$es* An$ so, you #ill be able to hasten alon" that !ath#ay throu"h #hich (o$ is %oun$-%oun$ above all si"ht, hearin", taste, touch, s ell, s!eech, sense, reason, an$ intellect* In$ee$, 2e is %oun$ to be none o% these thin"s but to be above all thin"s as the (o$ o% "o$s an$ ;in" o% all 0in"s* 'or the ;in" o% the intellectual #orl$ is the ;in" o% the 0in"s-an$ the Lor$ o% the lor$s-in the universe* 'or 2e is the ;in" o% the intellectual nature, #hich rules over the rational* An$ the rational rules over the sensible, an$ the sensible rules over the #orl$ o% sensible thin"s-a #orl$ over #hich si"ht, hearin", taste, touch, an$ s ell !resi$e as 0in"s* All these 0in"s discern an$ behold (or view)- +all o% the , all the #ay u! to the ;in" o% 0in"s an$ Lor$ o% lor$s, #ho is Behol$in" itsel% an$ /heos itsel%, or (o$, #ho has all other 0in"s in 2is !o#er* 'ro 2i all other 0in"s have that #hich they have4 !o#er, beauty, bein", loveliness, .oy%ulness, li%e, an$ every "oo$* 2ence, #ithin the 0in"$o o% the su!re e a&i u ;in", all co eliness o% visible %or s, variety o% colors, !leasin" !ro!ortion, re%lection o% rubies, "reenness o% ea$o#s, s!len$or o% "ol$, an$ #hatever "ives $eli"ht to our si"ht an$ is that in #hich si"ht, #hile restin" +its "a8e, ta0es $eli"ht as in the treasure o% its 0in"$o -in the court o% the "reat ;in" +aIl, these are counte$ as nothin", since they are o% the lo#est cha%% o% the court* Li0e#ise, in the 0in"$o o% hearin", the concor$ant resonance-o%-all-voices an$ the !leasant har ony there, as #ell as the in$escribable variety o% all +the usical, instru ents, to"ether #ith those elo$ies %ro "ol$en or"ans, as #ell as the son"s o% sirens an$ o% ni"htin"ales, an$ all other e&9uisite riches o% the 0in" o% the 0in"$o o% hearin"-in the court o% the "reatest an$ best ;in" o% 0in"s +all these, are +as i%, resi$ue that a$heres to the %loor* Li0e#ise, every s#eet an$ tan"y an$ taste%ul thin"- %ro the very any !ara$iseli0e a!!les, the very succulent %ruit, the "ra!es o% En (e$i, the #ine o% Cy!rus, the honey o% Athens, the "rain an$ oil, as #ell as everythin" that In$ia an$ our entire #orl$, its !astures, an$ its #aters %urnish %or our restoration an$ o%%er to our taste-are o% s all o ent in the court o% that ost !o#er%ul Ori"inator o% the #orl$* 'urther ore, none o% the scents o% oint ents an$ o% %ran0incense, yrrh, an$ us0, an$ none o% the re$olence that belon"s to the 0in"$o o% %ra"rance is o% any value in the "reat !alace o% the ost hi"h ;in"* Still less $oes anythin" that by its so%tness or s oothness $eli"hts the sense o% touch +have any value there,* 'or the 0in"$o o% the 0in" o% touch see s #i$e-ran"in" an$ e&ten$e$ throu"hout the #orl$: but it is scarcely +the si8e o%, a $ot-in$ee$, is al ost un$etectable-#ith res!ect to the 0in"$o o% 2i #ho is the universe)s Be"innin"* (reat see s to be that 0in" #ho co an$s these a%ore entione$ 0in"s an$ #hose vassals these 0in"s are4 vi8*, the co unal sense, #hich en%ol$s in its !o#er all the !o#er o% the a%ore entione$ +senses,* <et, +this 0in", is +but, a hire$ servant an$ the lo#est inister in the 0in"$o o% the ;in" #ho sees an$ contains all thin"s* Because o% its inco !arable lo%tiness the intellectual nature has obtaine$ a 0in"$o above all the !reviously entione$ thin"s* All the 0in"$o s !reviously na e$ an$ $escribe$

$e!en$ on the intellectual nature)s !o#er: an$ the intellectual nature is set over the as their aster* But the 0in"s o% the intellectual nature belon" to the %a ily o% the =a&i u Lea$er, an$ they re.oice in bein" enrolle$ in 2is ar y* Nor $o they #ish %or anythin" other than to be able to obtain, in the court o% their =aster, any station at all #herein by eans o% an intellectual intuition they can be rene#e$ by 2i #ho is calle$ Theos* An$ all thin"s in all the a%ore$escribe$ 0in"$o s %ret about nothin", even as also they are nothin" in co !arison #ith the "oo$ #hich they reco"ni8e in their Ori"inator* In 2i all thin"s are $ivinely an$ su!ero!ti ally !resent in co !leteness an$ in the selves, but in the other 0in"s they are !resent not only i !er%ectly an$ outsi$e the selves an$ in a sha$o#, or an i a"e, but also #ith a contracte$ $istance that is inco !arable an$ $is!ro!ortional +to 2i ,* /here%ore, color, #hich in the visible 0in"$o is sense$ by si"ht, $oes not see but is only seeable* It $oes not have li%e an$ vital ove ent: nor $oes it have the !er%ection o% a "ro#th ste or o% a substantial %or * But +as re"ar$s, the senses that are !resent in the 0in"$o o% the co unal sense4 inso%ar as they are !articular senses they have the nature o% en%ol$in" #ithin the selves-in the vitality an$ co"nitive !o#er o% their sensible s!irit -the %or o% the sensible #orl$* /here%ore, there is no less in the 0in"$o o% the senses than there is in the 0in"$o o% sensible ob.ects* >ather, everythin" that is !resent in an un%ol$e$ anner in the 0in"$o o% sensible ob.ects is !resent in the 0in"$o o% the senses en%ol$e$ly an$ vitally an$ in a ore vi"orous an$ ore !er%ect #ay* 'or the 0in"$o o% sensible ob.ects is 9uiescent in the senses* Li0e#ise, the thin"s that belon" to the 0in"$o o% the senses are !resent uch ore clearly an$ !er%ectly in the 0in"$o #here they e&ist intellectually* 'or a color that has an incorru!tible nature in the intellectual bein" o% the intellectual 0in"$o $i%%ers in !er%ection %ro a color that belon"s to the sensible #orl$.ust as #hat is !er!etual $i%%ers %ro #hat is corru!tible, an$ intellectual li%e $i%%ers %ro $eath, an$ li"ht $i%%ers %ro sha$o#* But in the 0in"$o o% the O ni!otent One4 +this, 0in"$o is the ;in" 2i sel%: an$ everythin" in all the other 0in"$o s is the ;in" 2i sel%: color is not sensible color or intellectual color but is $ivine, in$ee$, is (o$ 2i sel%: #hatever in the sensible #orl$ lac0s ove ent an$ li%e an$ #hatever has ve"etative, sensitive, rational, or intellectual li%e is the Divine Li%e itsel%, #hich is I ortality itsel% , #hich (o$ alone !ossesses: in (o$ all thin"s are (o$* In that 0in"$o +the ;in", is the .oy%ulness o% all the .oys ta0en in by eans o% the eyes, the ears, taste, touch, s ell, the senses, li%e, ove ent, reason, an$ intellect* +2e is, .oy%ulness that is in%inite, $ivine, an$ ine&!ressible* An$ +2e is, the rest%ulness o% all .oy%ulness an$ $eli"ht: %or 2e is Theos, (o$, Behol$in", an$ 2astenin", #ho sees all thin"s, #ho is !resent in all thin"s, an$ #ho traverses all thin"s* All thin"s loo0 unto 2i as unto their ;in"* By 2is co an$ all thin"s are ove$ an$ hasten about: an$ every hastenin" unto an en$ o% rest is +a hastenin", unto 2i * /here%ore, Theos-#ho is the Be"innin" %ro #hich thin"s %lo# %orth, the =i$$le in #hich #e are ove$, an$ the En$ unto #hich thin"s %lo# bac0-is everythin"* In the %ore"oin" #ay strive, y Brother, by ost $ili"ent conte !lation to see0 (o$, %or 2e #ho is every#here cannot %ail to be %oun$ i% 2e is sou"ht ri"htly* An$, in !articular, 2e is ri"htly sou"ht +by us,, in accor$ance #ith 2is na e, to the en$ that, in accor$ance #ith 2is na e, !raise o% 2i +by us, ay continue even u! to the li its o% the !o#er o% our earthly nature*

II But turnin" no# ore e&tensively to the secon$ section o% the to!ic, let us see in #hat anner #e #ill be le$ #ith re"ar$ to the a%orestate$ theory)s la$$er o% ascent, since #e are not ove$ to#ar$ #hat is alto"ether un0no#n * An$ to investi"ate this atter, let us e&a ine si"ht* /o be"in #ith4 in or$er that si"ht ay a!!rehen$ $istinctly that #hich is visible, t#o !aths o% li"ht eet* 'or it is not the s!irit o% vision that i !oses a na e on colors but is rather its %ather)s s!irit, #hich is in it* 'or the s!irit that $escen$s %ro the brain throu"h the o!tic vessels unto the eye is et by the inter!ose$ i a"e +species, o% the ob.ect, an$ a con%use$ sensation results* /he !o#er o% the sensitive nature ta0es interest in the sensation an$ !ays attention to it in or$er to $iscri inate* Accor$in"ly, the s!irit in the eye $oes not $iscri inate but rather in that s!irit a hi"her s!irit acco !lishes the $iscri inatin"* In$ee$, by our every$ay e&!erience #e ascertain, in our o#n cases, this +%act, to be true* 'or o%tenti es #e $o not reco"ni8e !assers-by, #hose i a"es (species) are re!ro$uce$ in the eye: !ayin" attention to other thin"s, #e $o not atten$ to the * =oreover, #hen several !eo!le are s!ea0in" to us +at once,, #e un$erstan$ only the one to#ar$ #ho our attention is $irecte$* In$ee$, these +e&!eriences, sho# it to be true that the s!irit that is in the senses ana"es to acco !lish its activity by eans o% a hi"her li"ht, vi8*, +the li"ht, o% reason* /here%ore, #hen the eye says this thin" to be re$ +or, says that thin" to be blue, the eye itsel% is not s!ea0in": rather, the s!irit o% its %ather s!ea0s #ithin the eye-i*e*, that s!irit-o%the-sensitivenature, to #hich that eye belon"s* But a color is still not thereby visible, even i% there is !resent the attention o% one #ho #ants to see +it,* 'or +the color, ust be a$e visible by another li"ht, %ro a source that illu inates the visible* 'or in a sha$o# an$ in $ar0ness #hat is visible is not a!t to be seen* /he a$a!tin" o% the visible is acco !lishe$ by +e&ternal, li"ht, #hich illu inates it* /here%ore, inas uch as #hat is visible is not a!t to be seen e&ce!t in li"ht (since in an$ o% itsel% #hat is visible cannot be conveye$ into the eye), it ust be illu inate$, since li"ht is o% the nature o% that #hich is conveye$ in an$ o% itsel% into the eye* /here%ore, #hat is visible can be conveye$ into the eye #hen +#hat is visible, is in the li"ht, #hich itsel% has the !o#er to be +thus, conveye$* No#, color is !resent in li"ht not as in so ethin" other +than itsel%, but as in its o#n be"innin"* 'or color is only a $eli itation o% li"ht in a trans!arent e$iu , as #e e&!erience in the case o% a rainbo#* 'or in accor$ance #ith the %act that a ray o% the sun is $eli ite$ in one #ay or another in a va!orous clou$, one or another color is "enerate$* 2ence, it is evi$ent that color is visible in its o#n be"innin", vi8*, in li"ht, %or both e&ternal li"ht an$ a visual s!irit share in !ro$ucin" clarity* Conse9uently, that li"ht #hich illu inates #hat is visible is conveye$ to a corres!on$in" li"ht an$ brin"s +#ith it, the i a"e-o%-color, #hich is !resente$ to si"ht* 'ro the %ore"oin", O Brother, !re!are %or yoursel% a #ay to in9uire into ho# it is that the un0no#n (o$ e&cels all that by eans o% #hich #e are ove$ unto 2i * 'or althou"h it is no# clearly evi$ent to you that the s!irit o% the sensitive nature, !resent #ithin the s!irit o% the eye, discriminates an$ that li"ht a0es the visible a!t to be seen, nevertheless +re e ber that, si"ht $oes not a!!rehen$ either the s!irit itsel% or li"ht* 'or li"ht is not o% the real o% colors, since it is not colore$* /here%ore, it is not %oun$ in any real over #hich the eye rules* /here%ore, li"ht is un0no#n to the eye but, nevertheless, is !leasin" to si"ht* 2ence, .ust as the $iscri inatin" reason is that #hich, in the eye, $iscri inates

bet#een visible thin"s, so the intellectual s!irit is that #hich, in reason, un$erstan$s, an$ the Divine S!irit is the one #ho illu inates the +un$erstan$in", intellect* But the sensitive nature)s o#n $iscri inatin" li"ht-!resent in the eye, the ear, the ton"ue, the nostrils, an$ the nerve in #hich touch %lourishes-is one li"ht, receive$ variously in the various +sense, or"ans, so that in accor$ance #ith the variety o% or"ans it $iscri inates variously bet#een the thin"s o% the sensible #orl$* An$ that li"ht is the be"innin", the i$$le, an$ the en$ o% the senses, %or the senses e&ist only %or the !ur!ose o% $iscri inatin" bet#een sensible ob.ects* An$ +the senses, are not $erive$ %ro anythin" other than %ro that s!irit: nor are they ove$ in anythin" other +than in it,* =oreover, all the senses are alive in that s!irit* 'or the li%e o% si"ht is to see, an$ the li%e o% hearin" is to hear* An$ the ore !er%ect this li%e is, the ore $iscri inatin" it is* 'or e&a !le, that si"ht #hich the ore !er%ectly $iscri inates the visible is the ore !er%ect-an$ si ilarly re"ar$in" hearin"* /here%ore, li%e an$ !er%ection, .oy%ulness an$ 9uiescence, an$ #hatever all the senses $esire are !resent in the $iscri inatin" s!irit: an$ they have %ro this s!irit #hatever they have* An$ #hen the +sense, or"ans beco e in%ecte$ an$, in the , the li%e is $i inishe$ in activity, it is not $i inishe$ in the $iscri inatin" s!irit, %ro #hich they receive a"ain this sa e li%e #hen the ble ish or #ea0ness is re ove$* In li0e anner, conceive this sa e atter as it re"ar$s the intellect, #hich is the li"ht o% $iscri inatin" reason: an$ %ro the intellect elevate yoursel% unto (o$, #ho is the li"ht o% the intellect* 3hen in these #ays you hasten on#ar$s by eans o% #hat is %oun$ to be true re"ar$in" si"ht, you #ill learn that .ust as $iscri inatin" li"ht +is all that #hich is !resent, in the senses, an$ intellectual li"ht +is all that #hich is !resent, in reasons, so our (o$, %orever blesse$, is all that #hich is !resent in each thin" that is* +An$ you #ill learn, that (o$ is the one %ro #ho creatures have that #hich they are an$ have their li%e an$ ove ent* An$ in 2is li"ht all our 0no#le$"e is !resent, so that #e are not the ones #ho 0no# but rather (o$ +0no#s, in us* An$ #hen #e ascen$ unto a 0no#le$"e o% 2i , then even thou"h 2e is un0no#n to us, nevertheless #e are ove$ only in 2is li"ht, #hich is conveye$ unto our +intellectual, s!irit, so that in 2is li"ht #e !rocee$ on#ar$s unto 2i * /here%ore, .ust as being $e!en$s on 2i , so too $oes being known* +By co !arison,, .ust as the bein" o% color $e!en$s on aterial li"ht, so too a 0no#le$"e o% color $e!en$s on this sa e li"ht, as I state$ earlier* /here%ore, #e ust reco"ni8e that a on" 2is #or0s our arvelous (o$ create$ li"ht, #hich by its si !licity e&cels other aterial thin"s, so that li"ht is a e$iu bet#een s!iritual natures an$ aterial natures an$ throu"h li"ht this aterial #orl$ ascen$s, as i% throu"h its o#n si !licity, unto the s!iritual #orl$* 'or +li"ht, brin"s %or s + figurae, to si"ht, so that in this #ay the %or ( forma) o% the sensible #orl$ ascen$s unto reason an$ unto the intellect an$, by eans o% the intellect, attains its en$ in (o$* In$ee$, the #orl$ #as brou"ht into bein" in such #ay that by !artici!ation in li"ht this aterial #orl$ is that #hich it is an$ the ore %ully aterial thin"s !arta0e o% li"ht, the ore !er%ect they are thou"ht to be in their aterial "enus-as #e e&!erience to occur "ra$ationally in the case o% the ele ents* Li0e#ise, creatures that have a vital s!irit are ore !er%ect the ore %ully they !arta0e o% the li"ht o% li%e* Si ilarly, creatures havin" intellectual li%e are ore !er%ect the ore they !arta0e o% the li"ht o% intellectual li%e* 2o#ever, (o$ 2i sel% cannot be !arta0en o% but is In%inite Li"ht that shines %orth in all thin"s-even as $iscri inatin" li"ht +shines %orth, in the senses* No#, the various $eli itations o% +In%inite, Li"ht, #hich cannot

be !arta0en o% or be inter in"le$, $is!lay the various creatures-even as in a trans!arent e$iu the various $eli itations o% aterial li"ht $is!lay various colors, althou"h the li"ht itsel% re ains uninter i&able* III I $o not $oubt, O Brother, that on the basis o% the %ore"oin" +instructions, you #ill be able to !rocee$, clearly, to a!!rehen$ that .ust as color is not visible e&ce!t by eans o% li"htthat is to say, .ust as color can ascen$ unto 9uiescence an$ unto its o#n en$ only in the li"ht o% its o#n be"innin"-so, in$ee$, our intellectual nature cannot attain unto the .oy%ulness o% 9uietu$e e&ce!t in the li"ht o% its intellectual be"innin"* An$ .ust as si"ht itsel% $oes not $iscri inate but in it a $iscri inatin" s!irit $iscri inates, so too in the case o% our intellect, illu inate$ by the $ivine li"ht o% its o#n Be"innin", in accor$ance #ith its a!titu$e %or +that li"ht, to enter4 in an$ o% ourselves #e #ill neither un$erstan$ nor live by eans o% our intellectual li%e: rather, (o$, #ho is In%inite Li%e, #ill live in us* An$ this is that +state o%, eternal .oy%ulness, #here eternal intellectual li%e $#ells in us in closest unity an$ e&cels, in ine&!ressible .oy%ulness, every conce!t on the !art o% livin" creatures-even as in our senses, #hen %ully intact, $iscri inatin" reason lives, an$ even as in ost clear reason, intellect lives* It is no# evi$ent to us that #e are $ra#n unto the un0no#n (o$ by eans o% the otion o% the li"ht o% the "race o% 2i #ho cannot be a!!rehen$e$ in any other #ay than by 2is revealin" 2i sel%* =oreover, 2e #ills to be sou"ht: 2e #ills also to "ive, to those #ho are see0in", the li"ht #ithout #hich they cannot see0 2i * 2e #ills to be sou"ht: 2e #ills also to be a!!rehen$e$, %or 2e #ills to $isclose an$ ani%est 2i sel% to those #ho are see0in" +2i ,* /here%ore, 2e is sou"ht +by those #ho co e, #ith the $esire o% a!!rehen$in": an$ #hen 2e is sou"ht #ith a&i u $esire, then 2e is sou"ht conte !latively, on the !ath#ay that lea$s hi -#ho-is-hastenin"-on#ar$ unto the 9uiescence o% otion* 2ence, %or attainin" unto #is$o , #e $o not at all #al0 ri"htly unless #e see0 +(o$, by eans o% a&i u $esire* An$ #hen 2e is sou"ht in that #ay, 2e is sou"ht in the ri"ht #ay, #herein, assure$ly, 2e #ill be %oun$ by 2is revealin" 2i sel%* No other #ay has been "rante$ to us than that #ay: an$ in all the teachin" o% the saints, #ho have attaine$ unto #is$o , no other +#ay, has been le%t %or us* =oreover, those #ho are !rou$-hearte$, #ho are !resu !tuous, #ho see to the selves to be #ise, those #ho truste$ in their o#n intelli"ence, #ho in their !rou$ ascent $ee e$ the selves to be li0e the =ost 2i"h, #ho e&alte$ the selves unto a 0no#le$"e o% the "o$s -all these have erre$, since such ones as they %oreclose$ to the selves the !ath#ay to #is$o #hen they $ee e$ there to be no other +#ay, than that +#ay, #hich they easure$ by their o#n intellect* An$ in their vanities they %ell short an$ e brace$ the tree o% 0no#le$"e but $i$ not a!!rehen$ the tree o% li%e* /here%ore, the en$ o% those !hiloso!hers #ho $i$ not honor (o$ #as none other than to !erish in their o#n vanities* But those #ho reco"ni8e$ that they coul$ attain unto #is$o an$ unto abi$in" intellectual li%e only i% these #ere "iven by the "i%t o% "race, an$ #ho reco"ni8e$ that the "oo$ness o% Al i"hty (o$ #oul$ be so "reat that 2e #oul$ hear0en unto the callin" u!on 2is na e - +these, have been save$* Accor$in"ly, they have beco e hu ble, ac0no#le$"in" that they are i"norant: an$ they have un$erta0en to live as $esirers o% eternal #is$o * An$ this

is the li%e o% the virtuous #ho are !rocee$in" on#ar$ in their $esire %or that other li%e, #hich is co en$e$ by the saints* =oreover, the tra$ition o% the holy !ro!hets an$ o% those #ho have obtaine$ the "race o% $ivine li"ht in this li%eti e is none other than the %ollo#in"4 vi8*, that the one #ho $esires to a!!roach unto intellectual li%e an$ i ortal $ivine #is$o ust %irst believe that (o$ e&ists an$ is the (iver o% all best "i%ts: that #e are to live in %ear o% 2i an$ to .ourney on#ar$s in love o% 2i : that #ith co !lete hu ility #e are to see0 %ro 2i i ortal li%e itsel%: an$ that #hatever is or$aine$ unto i ortal li%e, so that i ortal li%e can be ac9uire$, is to be e brace$ in su!re e reli"ious $evotion an$ in ost earnest #orshi!* <ou no# reco"ni8e, O Brother, that no virtue #hatsoever-nor any #orshi! or la# or learnin"-.usti%ies us so that #e obtain because o% our erit, this ost e&cellent "i%t* 2o#ever, virtuousness o% li%e, observance o% the co an$ ents, out#ar$ $evotion, orti%ication o% the %lesh, conte !t o% the #orl$, an$ other such thin"s ri"htly acco !any the one #ho see0s the $ivine li%e an$ eternal #is$o * I% these thin"s are not !resent to the see0er, then it is evi$ent that he is not on the !il"ri !ath#ay but o%% it* 2o#ever, %ro the #or0s that ri"htly acco !any a !il"ri #e can "ather si"ns by #hich +to ascertain, that he is not o%% the ri"ht !ath#ay but is rather on it* 'or he #ho $esires #ith ut ost intensity to a!!rehen$ eternal #is$o , !laces nothin" be%ore it in his love* 2e %ears o%%en$in" a"ainst it, he a%%ir s that in co !arison #ith it all other thin"s are nothin", an$ these other thin"s he counts as nothin" an$ $es!ises* An$ he ben$s his every e%%ort to#ar$ bein" con%or able to this belove$ #is$o , 0no#in" that he cannot be con%or able to it i% he clin"s to that other, corru!tible #orl$ly #is$o +prudentia mundi, or to sensible $eli"ht* 2ence, leavin" behin$ all thin"s, he hastens e&!e$itiously on#ar$ in the %ervor o% love: as the hart $esires a %ount o% #aters, so his soul $esires (o$* In$ee$, then, #e $o not erit, on the basis o% the #or0s that #e have $one, the inco !arable treasure o% "lory* >ather, +(o$, loves those #ho love 2i , %or 2e is love (caritas et amor): an$ 2e "ives 2i sel% to the soul, in or$er that the soul ay en.oy this o!ti u (oo$ %orever* <ou see no#, O Brother, %or #hat reason you entere$ into this #orl$ (as I state$ in the be"innin" section)4 vi8*, in or$er to see0 (o$* <ou see that 2e is sai$ to be Theos #ith res!ect to those #ho see0 +2i , an$ that you can see0 2i by a certain !ath#ay* I% this !ath#ay is trea$ u!on by you, it #ill beco e your !ath#ay an$ #ill beco e better 0no#n to you* An$ on it you #ill be $eli"hte$ because o% its !leasantness an$ because o% the abun$ance o% the %ruit %oun$ on either si$e o% it* E&ert yoursel%, there%ore, by re!eate$ acts an$ by re!eate$ conte !lative ascents, an$ you #ill %in$ !astures that nourish an$ stren"then you on your .ourney an$ that $aily in%la e you ore "reatly in your $esire* 'or our intellectual s!irit has #ithin itsel% the !o#er o% %ire* +/his s!irit, #as sent by (o$ to the Earth %or no other !ur!ose than to bla8e an$ "ro# into a %la e* It "ro#s +in%la e$, #hen it is arouse$ by #on$er-as a #in$ blo#in" on a %ire %ans, as it #ere, its !otentiality into actuality* An$, in$ee$, in a!!rehen$in" the #or0s o% (o$ #e arvel at Eternal 3is$o * An$ #e are arouse$ by the e&ternal #in$ both o% #or0s an$ o% creatures o% such varie$ !o#ers an$ o!erations, in or$er that our $esire ay "ro# into love o% the Creator an$ + ay lea$ us, unto an intuition o% that 3is$o #hich iraculously or$aine$ all thin"s* 'or #hen #e ta0e note o% a very s all "rain o% ustar$ an$ behol$ its !o#er an$ i"ht #ith the eye o% our intellect, #e %in$ a vesti"e +o% (o$,, so that #e are arouse$ unto

arvelin" at our (o$* 'or althou"h the "rain is so s all in !hysical si8e, nevertheless its !o#er is en$less* In this !iece o% "rain there is !resent a lar"e tree #ith leaves an$ branches an$ any other "rains in #hich, li0e#ise, this sa e !o#er is !resent beyon$ all nu berin"* Li0e#ise, #ith y intellect I see that i% the !o#er o% a "rain o% ustar$ #ere actually to be un%ol$e$, then this sensible #orl$-or, in$ee$, ten #orl$s or a thousan$ or as any #orl$s as are countable-#oul$ not su%%ice +there%or,* 3hat in$ivi$ual #ho re%lects u!on these !oints #ill not arvel #hen he a$$s that the intellect o% an enco !asses all this !o#er o% a "rain, that it a!!rehen$s that the %ore"oin" is true, an$ that thereby in its a!!rehension it thus e&cels the #hole ca!acity o% the entire sensible #orl$-not +the ca!acity, o% one #orl$ +only, but +that, o% in%inite #orl$s5 In this #ay our intellectual !o#er enco !asses every aterial an$ easurable nature* Accor$in"ly, ho# "reat a a"nitu$e is !resent in our intellect? /here%ore, i% our intellectual s!irit)s !oint-li0e, but in%initely %urther-ca!able a"nitu$e enco !asses all !ossible sensible an$ aterial a"nitu$e, then ho# "reat an$ ho# !raise#orthy the Lor$ is, #hose a"nitu$e is in%initely ore e&cellent than is intelli"ible a"nitu$e? An$ %or this reason- vi8*, since 2e is so "reat-in co !arison #ith 2i all thin"s are nothin", an$ in 2i they can be nothin" other than the %orever-blesse$ (o$ 2i sel%* 2ereu!on you #ill be able to ascen$ (by eans o% si ilar +conte !lative, ascents) on the basis o% +conte !latin", the !o#er o% a "rain o% illet, an$, li0e#ise, on the basis o% +conte !latin", the !o#er o% all the see$s o% !lants an$ o% ani als, an$ +on the basis o% the re%lection that, the !o#er o% no see$ is less than that o% a see$ o% ustar$ an$ +that, there are an in%inite nu ber o% such see$s* O ho# "reat our (o$ is, #ho is the actuality o% all !ossibility since 2e is the %inal "oal o% all !ossibility an$ not .ust +the %inal "oal, o% !ossibility that is contracte$ to a "rain o% ustar$ or +the %inal "oal o% the !ossibility, o% a "rain o% illet or o% a "rain o% #heat or o% our %ather A$a or o% others-an$ so on ad infinitum* But because in all these thin"s there is i easurable !o#er-an$- i"ht that is contracte$ in accor$ance #ith a thin")s res!ective "enus, then in (o$ there is, #ithout contraction, absolute !o#er +or !ossibility,, #hich is also in%inite actuality* 3hich +!il"ri , thus see0in" the !o#er o% (o$ #oul$ not be brou"ht into a state o% a a8e$ arvelin"5 3hich one #oul$ not be 0in$le$ unto a a&i u ar$or o% %earin" an$ lovin" the Al i"hty5 3ho is he #ho i% he consi$ere$ the !o#er o% the s allest s!ar0 o% %ire, #oul$ not arvel at the (o$ #ho is above #hatever can be s!o0en o%5 I% the !o#er o% a s!ar0 is so "reat that #hen it is actual (because the s!ar0 in !otency has been brou"ht to actuality by the otion o% an iron %ire-!o0er) it has the !o#er to re$uce all thin"s unto its o#n nature an$ to actuali8e a !otential %ire #herever it is (#hether in this #orl$ or even i% there #ere an in%inite nu ber o% #orl$s), then ho# "reat is the !o#er o% our (o$, #ho is 'ire-consu in"-%ire? An$ #hen, O Brother, you ta0e note o% the nature o% %ire an$ o% the characteristics-o%-%ire, #hich are t#enty-%our (as that very lo%ty conte !lator o% (o$, vi8*, Dionysius, $istin"uishe$ in his Angelic Hierarchy), then you #ill have a arvelous !ath#ay %or see0in" an$ %in$in" (o$* Consult that #or0, an$ you #ill be a a8e$* I@

2ereu!on i% you are see0in" still another !ath#ay unto the #is$o note o% +#hat %ollo#s,*

o% our =aster, then ta0e

3ith the eye o% the intellect you a!!rehen$ that in a s all !iece o% #oo$ an$ in this very s all stone (or in a !iece o% bron8e or a ass o% "ol$ or a "rain o% ustar$ or o% illet) the %ollo#in" are !resent, in !otency4 all the out#ar$ %or s o% arti%acts (%or you $o not $oubt that in each ob.ect are !resent a circle, a trian"le, a 9ua$ran"le, a s!here, a cube, an$ #hatever +other %i"ures, "eo etry na es): the %or s o% all ani als, all %ruit, all !lants, leaves, trees* +An$ you a!!rehen$ that these %or s, are a li0eness o% all the %or s that e&ist in this #orl$ or that coul$ !ossibly e&ist in an in%inite nu ber o% #orl$s* /here%ore, i% that cra%ts an #ere "reat #ho 0ne# ho# to brin" %orth %ro a s all !iece o% #oo$ a 0in")s or a 9ueen)s %ace, an ant, or a ca el, then o% #hat "reat astery is 2e #ho can brin" to actuality all that is at all !ossible5 /here%ore, (o$-#ho %ro any very s all aterial ob.ect can !ro$uce all thin"s in the li0eness o% all %or s that are in this #orl$ or that coul$ !ossibly be in an in%inite nu ber o% #orl$s-is o% arvelous subtlety* But 2e is o% still ore arvelous !o#er an$ 0no#le$"e-2e #ho create$ the "rain o% illet an$ concentrate$ in it the a%oresai$ !o#er* An$ o% stu!en$ous astery is that 3is$o #hich 0no#s ho# to brin" %orth all the !ossible %or s (!resent in that "rain) not in an acci$ental likeness but in their true bein"* 'urther ore, there is in$escribable a a8e ent, above all un$erstan$in", re"ar$in" the %act that not only $oes +(o$ in 2is #is$o , 0no# ho# to !ro$uce livin" en %ro stones but also +2e 0no#s ho# to !ro$uce, en %ro nothin" an$ +0no#s ho#, to call into bein", as thin"s #hich are, those thin"s #hich are not* An$ since it is certain that all the create$ arts attain only unto so ethin" in so ethin" else- vi8*, unto so e i !er%ect li0eness !resent in so e create$ thin" (+attainin",, %or e&a !le, as re"ar$s bron8e aterial, unto a statue si ilar in certain res!ects to a an)-#ho is this =aster Cra%ts an, #ho #ithout any aterial source brin"s into bein" not an i !er%ect li0eness but the true bein"5 By such .ourneyin"s one !rocee$s, in intense #on$er ent, on#ar$ unto (o$* An$ one)s s!irit #ill "lo# #ith the $esire o% %in$in" +(o$, lastin"ly an$ #ill lan"uish in love +o% 2i , until the $ay #hen this s!irit is sho#n that ulti ate salvation* @ 'inally, there re ains within yourself a !ath#ay o% see0in" (o$, vi8*, +the !ath#ay, o% re ovin" boun$aries* 'or #hen in a !iece o% #oo$ a cra%ts an see0s the %ace o% a 0in", he re oves all thin"s boun$e$ other#ise than is that %ace* 'or throu"h %aith)s conceivin", he sees in the #oo$ the %ace that he see0s actually to behol$ #ith his eye* 'or to his eye that %ace is %uture-+that %ace, #hich, in his intellectual conce!tion, is !resent to his in$ by %aith* /here%ore, #hen you conceive (o$ to be so ethin" better than can be conceive$, you re ove all that is boun$e$ an$ contracte$* <ou re ove cor!oreality, sayin" that (o$ is not a cor!oreal bein", i*e*, +is not, boun$e$ by 9uantity, !lace, sha!e, an$ situation* <ou re ove the senses, #hich are boun$e$* (<ou +can, not loo0 throu"h a ountain or into the earth)s boso or at the sun)s %ull bri"htness-an$ so on re"ar$in" hearin" an$ the other senses*) 'or all the senses are boun$e$ in their i"ht an$ !o#er: an$ so, they are not (o$* <ou re ove the co unal sense, the %antasy, an$ the i a"ination, %or they $o not transcen$ the cor!oreal nature* 'or i a"ination $oes not attain unto #hat is not cor!oreal* <ou re ove

reason, %or o%ten it %ails, an$ it $oes not attain unto all thin"s* <ou i"ht #ish to 0no# #hy this thin" is a an, that thin" a stone: but you $o not at all attain unto the reason %or any o% (o$)s #or0s* /here%ore, the !o#er o% reason is s all, an$, hence, (o$ is not reason* <ou re ove intellect, %or even intellect is boun$e$ in its !o#er* Althou"h it enco !asses all thin"s, nevertheless, it cannot !er%ectly attain unto anythin")s 9ui$$ity in that 9ui$$ity)s !urity: an$ unto #hatever the intellect $oes attain, it sees it to be attainable in a ore !er%ect anner* /here%ore, (o$ is not intellect* No#, i% you see0 %urther, you $o not %in$ #ithin yoursel% anythin" li0e unto (o$: rather, you a%%ir that (o$ is above all those thin"s as the Cause, the Be"innin", an$ the Li"ht o% the li%e o% your intellective soul* <ou #ill re.oice to have %oun$ 2i -beyon$ all your in ost $e!ths-as the 'ount o% "oo$, %ro #ho %lo#s %orth unto you all that you have* <ou turn yoursel% to#ar$ 2i by enterin" $aily ore $ee!ly #ithin yoursel% an$ leavin" behin$ all that is outsi$e, so that you ay be %oun$ to be on that !ath#ay #hereby (o$ is $iscovere$- so that therea%ter you can a!!rehen$ 2i in truth* =ay this +a!!rehension, be "rante$ to both you an$ e by 2i #ho, %orever blesse$, "enerously "ives 2i sel% to those #ho love 2i *

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