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Thursday, October 8th
2-3:30 and 5-7p.m.
Mark your calendars! Sherwood will have their first annual walkathon on Thursday, October 8 th from
2-3:30 p.m. and from 5-7 p.m. This will be our major fundraiser for the year. In planning for the
event, we are looking for many volunteers! Please take a look at the list below and see if you can
help out and help us to ensure this event is a HUGE success. Please email Michelle Carroll @ and let her know your area of interest OR return this sheet indicating your
area of interest to your child’s teacher or the Sherwood office. THANK YOU!

Lap Cards: Help get your grade level ready to walk by hole punching, labeling and adding yarn to lapcard necklaces
before the walkathon. Can be done at home!
 Sixth grade parent still needed

Hot Loops: Help out by giving the kids “hot loops” for specific amount of laps walked. 

 Two people needed for the 2-3:00 p.m. shift

 Two people needed for the 4:45-6 p.m. shift

Set up and Take Down: Help us get ready for the kids by setting up the field for our walkers and/or help take down
after everyone’s done walking!

 Four people needed for the 12:00-2 p.m. shift

 Five people needed for the 6:00-8 p.m. shift

Refreshment Table: Hang out with other parents while supervising the snack table.

 Six people needed for the 2-3:30 p.m. shift

 Six people needed for the 4:45-6 p.m. shift

Lap Cards: Have fun chatting with other parents at your grade level while marking off student lap cards.

 Six people needed for each grade level for the 2-3:30 shift
 Six people needed for each grade level for the 4:45-6:00 shift

Dinner Help: A very important job getting ready for all of the hungry walkers! Help prepare salads, drinks, and fruit…
then, help serve the yummy warm pizza!

 10 people needed, you will be contacted for specific times.

Totaling Lap Cards: Help us get ready for the celebration assembly by tallying each student’s lapcard.

 One person still needed.

Name: Email:

Phone number:

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