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Read This Before Vaccinating for Anything Posted by: Dr.

Mercola February 09 2010 | 2,533 views by Barbara oe Fis!er "!ere are t!ree basic #acts you s!ould re$e$ber w!e% you are e&ercisi%' your ri'!t to $a(e a% i%#or$ed, volu%tary vacci%atio% c!oice #or yoursel# or your c!ild i% )$erica: 1. Informed Consent is a Human Right: "!e ri'!t to volu%tary, i%#or$ed co%se%t to a $edical i%terve%tio%, i%cludi%' use o# a *!ar$aceutical *roduct suc! as a vacci%e t!at ca% i%+ure or (ill you or your c!ild, is a !u$a% ri'!t. ,!ile t!e -tate $ay !ave t!e le'al aut!ority to $a%date use o# vacci%es, %obody !as t!e $oral aut!ority to F./01 you to 'et vacci%ated or vacci%ate your c!ild wit!out your volu%tary, i%#or$ed co%se%t 2. Vaccine Laws Have Exem tions: 2% 1905, t!e 3.-. -u*re$e 0ourt a##ir$ed t!e le'al aut!ority o# state 'over%$e%ts to *ass laws re4uiri%' citi5e%s residi%' i% t!e state to use certai% vacci%es. "oday, all 50 states !ave e%acted vacci%e laws t!at re4uire *roo# o# vacci%atio% #or c!ildre% to atte%d daycare, ele$e%tary, +u%ior a%d !i'! sc!ool a%d colle'e. 6acci%e re4uire$e%ts vary #ro$ state to state a%d all 50 states allow a $edical e&e$*tio% to vacci%atio%7 89 states allow a reli'ious e&e$*tio% to vacci%atio%7 a%d 19 states allow a *erso%al, *!iloso*!ical or co%scie%tious belie# e&e$*tio% to vacci%atio%. "o #i%d out w!at your state vacci%e law says a%d w!ic! e&e$*tio%s you $ay ta(e a%d !ow to ta(e t!e$, clic( !ere. 3. !reedom is "ot !ree# Become a Vaccine Choice Advocate: Ma%y state 'over%$e%ts %ow re4uire %early t!ree do5e% doses o# $ore t!a% a do5e% vacci%es to atte%d sc!ool. Medical a%d reli'ious e&e$*tio%s are beco$i%' !arder to 'et a%d e&e$*tio%s #or reaso%s o# co%scie%ce are u%der attac( by *ro*o%e%ts o# #orced vacci%atio%. "!e :atio%al 6acci%e 2%#or$atio% 0e%ter is wor(i%' wit! citi5e%s i% states to e&*a%d or *rotect le'al e&e$*tio%s to vacci%atio%. $ix %rinci &es for %rotecting Vaccine Choices !irst %rinci &e: It's (our CH)ICE ,!e% e&ercisi%' your ri'!t to volu%tary, i%#or$ed co%se%t to vacci%atio% #or yoursel# or your c!ild, re$e$ber t!at state vacci%e laws co%tai%: 1. e'al requirements t!at sc!ool a%d !ealt! o##icials are res*o%sible #or e%#orci%' 2. e'al exemptions t!at you !ave t!e le'al ri'!t to c!oose to e&ercise. ;Public sc!ools $ust allow vacci%e e&e$*tio%s outli%ed i% state vacci%e laws, but *rivate reli'ious or ot!er %o%<state o*erated sc!ools $ay re+ect vacci%e e&e$*tio%s.= 1

Most state vacci%e laws do %ot allow u%vacci%ated stude%ts wit! vacci%e e&e$*tio%s to atte%d sc!ool duri%' co%#ir$ed outbrea(s o# certai% i%#ectious diseases #or de#i%ed *eriods o# ti$e. Remem*er: Nobody has the moral authority to force you or your child to be injected with a vaccine without your voluntary, informed consent and you have the legal right to exercise exemptions to vaccination according to the laws in your state. $econd %rinci &e: (ou Have the Right to +"), >ou !ave t!e le'al ri'!t to (%ow t!e ris(s a%d co$*licatio%s o# vacci%es B1F./1 you $a(e t!e c!oice o# w!et!er or %ot to allow your c!ild to be vacci%ated. "!e :atio%al 0!ild!ood 6acci%e 2%+ury )ct, *assed by 0o%'ress a%d si'%ed i%to law by Preside%t /ea'a% i% 199?, directed all doctors a%d ot!er vacci%e *roviders to 'ive *are%ts writte% i%#or$atio% about vacci%es B1F./1 c!ildre% are vacci%ated. Remem*er: )ll vacci%es a%d ot!er *!ar$aceutical *roducts carry a ris( o# i%+ury or deat! a%d t!ose ris(s ca% be 'reater #or so$e t!a% ot!ers. :ever a'ree to use a vacci%e, dru' or ot!er *roduct wit!out #ully i%#or$i%' yoursel# about ) ris(s. "!e *roduct i%#or$atio% i%sert, w!ic! dru' co$*a%ies by law $ust i%clude wit! every vial o# vacci%e *rovided to *ublic !ealt! cli%ics a%d *rivate doctors@ o##ices, i%cludes a descri*tio% o# t!e vacci%e@s re*orted reactio%s a%d *recautio%s. >ou ca% as( #or a co*y o# t!at vacci%e i%#or$atio% i%sert #ro$ your doctor or state !ealt! de*art$e%t. Third %rinci &e: Be I"!)R-E. and %re ared A%owled'e is *ower. )r$ yoursel# wit! accurate i%#or$atio% about vacci%atio% a%d !ealt!. Do your ow% researc! a%d tal( to o%e or $ore trusted !ealt! care *ro#essio%als be#ore you $a(e a%y !ealt! care decisio%. Beco$e a% educated co%su$er a%d you will be e$*owered to de#e%d your ri'!t to #reely $a(e volu%tary c!oices about !ealt!, i%cludi%' vacci%atio%, #or yoursel# a%d your c!ildre%. Remem*er: 2# you ar$ yoursel# wit! accurate i%#or$atio% about vacci%es a%d !ealt!, you will be *re*ared to i%telli'e%tly a%d ratio%ally discuss your vacci%e c!oices wit! your #a$ily, #rie%ds, collea'ues, doctors, elected o##icials a%d ot!ers i% your co$$u%ity. !ourth %rinci &e: Ta/e RE$%)"$IBILIT( for (our ,ords and Actions ,!e% you are sta%di%' u* #or your ri'!t to (%ow, a%d #reedo$ to c!oose, w!et!er or %ot to vacci%ate yoursel# or your c!ild, how you 'o about e&ercisi%' your ri'!ts will deter$i%e w!et!er or %ot you will succeed. 2% your co%tact wit! doctors, sc!ool or 'over%$e%t !ealt! o##icials, re$ai% cal$ but *olitely #ir$ w!e% e&*lai%i%' a%d de#e%di%' t!e vacci%e c!oice you !ave $ade.

2# you are treated wit! disres*ect or are !arassed i% a%y way by a doctor or 'over%$e%t o##icial, do %ot e%'a'e i% a% u%*roductive ar'u$e%t. >ou $ay wa%t to co%tact a% attor%ey, your elected state re*rese%tatives or local $edia i# you or your c!ild are t!reate%ed. "o *ublicly *ost a re*ort o# !arass$e%t #or your vacci%e c!oice, clic( !ere. Remem*er: "reat ot!ers as you wa%t to be treated, eve% i# you are bei%' attac(ed or !arassed #or t!e vacci%e c!oice you !ave $ade. Protect yoursel# a%d your #a$ily by see(i%' le'al or ot!er e&*ert cou%sel, i# %ecessary. -erve as a% e&a$*le #or ot!ers i% your co$$u%ity w!e%ever you de#e%d your ri'!t to e&ercise volu%tary, i%#or$ed co%se%t to vacci%atio%, i%cludi%' t!e ri'!t to decli%e to use o%e or $ore vacci%es #or yoursel# or your c!ild. !ifth %rinci &e: +ee ,RITTE" Records Be sure to as( your doctor #or co*ies o# your $edical records or your c!ild@s $edical records, i%cludi%' recorded i%#or$atio% about vacci%atio%s a%d ill%esses. 3%der t!e :atio%al 0!ild!ood 6acci%e 2%+ury )ct o# 199?, doctors a%d ot!er vacci%e *roviders are re4uired by #ederal law to:

,rite dow% a%y serious !ealt! *roble$s t!at occur a#ter vacci%atio% i% a c!ild@s *er$a%e%t $edical record Aee* a *er$a%e%t record o# all vacci%es 'ive%, i%cludi%' t!e $a%u#acturer@s %a$e a%d lot %u$ber /e*ort serious !ealt! *roble$s, !os*itali5atio%s i%+uries a%d deat!s t!at occur a#ter vacci%atio% to t!e #ederal 6acci%e )dverse 1ve%ts /e*orti%' -yste$ ;6)1/-=. ;2# your doctor wo%@t re*ort, you !ave t!e ri'!t to $a(e a vacci%e reactio% re*ort to 6)1/-=.

Remem*er: 2t is wise to (ee* writte% records o# your i%teractio%s wit! doctors, sc!ool a%d !ealt! o##icials t!at i%volve vacci%e c!oices you $a(e, as well as co*ies o# a%y vacci%e e&e$*tio%s you #ile wit! t!e state. >ou $ay !ave to !ire a% attor%ey to de#e%d your i%#or$ed co%se%t ri'!ts w!e% it co$es to vacci%atio% a%d it is i$*orta%t to !ave writte% records. $ixth %rinci &e: Be C)0RA1E)0$ 2t is %ot easy to sta%d u* #or t!e ri'!t to $a(e i%#or$ed, volu%tary c!oices about vacci%atio% w!e% *ublic !ealt! o##icials, t!e *!ar$aceutical i%dustry a%d $a%y $edical doctors are *utti%' *ressure o% all )$erica%s, es*ecially *are%ts, to use every 'over%$e%t reco$$e%ded vacci%e. "!e #act t!at t!e %u$bers o# doses o# 'over%$e%t $a%dated vacci%es !ave tri*led i% t!e *ast 4uarter ce%tury, w!ile t!e %u$bers o# c!ro%ically ill a%d disabled c!ildre% !ave also tri*led, o##ers a% o**ortu%ity to !ave a lo%' overdue *ublic co%versatio% about t!e e##ects o# vacci%atio% o% i%dividual a%d *ublic !ealt!. Remem*er: Freedo$ o# t!ou'!t a%d e&ercise o# #ree s*eec! is *rotected u%der t!e 3.-. 0o%stitutio%.

You have the right to tal( *rivately a%d *ublicly about a%y co%cer%s you !ave about vacci%e %ecessity, sa#ety a%d e##ective%ess, a%d to wor( wit! your elected o##icials to $odi#y t!e vacci%e laws i% your state. Beco$e a% e%'a'ed, coura'eous citi5e% activist a%d *rotect your ri'!t to $a(e vacci%e c!oices. Vaccination and 02$2 Law: A Brief $ummary

-edica& Exem tions: )ll 50 states allow $edical e&e$*tio% to vacci%atio%.

Medical e&e$*tio%s to vacci%atio% $ust be writte% by a $edical doctor ;M.D.= or doctor o# osteo*at!y ;D...= a%d are usually reviewed a%%ually by sc!ool or state !ealt! o##icials. -i%ce 199?, t!e 0e%ters #or Disease 0o%trol ;0D0= a%d )$erica% )cade$y o# Pediatrics ;))P= !ave eli$i%ated $ost o##icially reco'%i5ed $edical reaso%s #or wit!!oldi%' vacci%atio% ;co%trai%dicatio%s= so t!at al$ost %o $edical co%ditio% 4uali#ies #or a $edical e&e$*tio% to vacci%atio%. 2% $ost states, sc!ool or state *ublic !ealt! o##icials ca% 4uestio% or eve% de%y a $edical e&e$*tio% to vacci%atio% writte% by a doctor i# it does %ot strictly co%#or$ to 0D0 a%d ))P co%trai%dicatio% 'uideli%es. "!e :atio%al 6acci%e 2%#or$atio% 0e%ter is wor(i%' wit! citi5e%s w!o wa%t to c!a%'e vacci%e laws to *reve%t state sc!ool or !ealt! o##icials #ro$ 4uestio%i%' or de%yi%' a $edical e&e$*tio% to vacci%atio% writte% by a doctor.

Re&igious Exem tions: )ll but two states ;,est 6ir'i%ia a%d Mississi**i= allow reli'ious e&e$*tio% to vacci%atio%.

"!ese e&e$*tio%s are worded di##ere%tly i% di##ere%t states a%d re4uire di##ere%t #or$s o# writte% docu$e%tatio% t!at $ust be sub$itted to state 'over%$e%ts su**orti%' a si%cerely !eld reli'ious belie# o**osi%' vacci%atio%. -o$e states re4uire a %otari5ed a##idavit or letter #ro$ a s*iritual advisor attesti%' to t!e si%cerity o# a *erso%@s reli'ious belie#s about vacci%atio%. "!e reli'ious e&e$*tio% is u%der attac( a%d, i% so$e states li(e :ew >or(, *are%ts are bei%' 'rilled about t!e si%cerity o# t!eir reli'ious belie#s by state o##icials a%d de%ied reli'ious e&e$*tio%s to vacci%atio% so t!eir *artially or co$*letely u%vacci%ated c!ildre% ca%%ot atte%d *ublic sc!ools. "!e :atio%al 6acci%e 2%#or$atio% 0e%ter is wor(i%' wit! citi5e%s, w!o wa%t to *rotect t!eir ri'!ts to reli'ious e&e$*tio%s, to add or re<write t!e reli'ious e&e$*tio% i% state vacci%e laws.

Conscientious Be&ief Exem tions: 19 states allow co%scie%tious, *erso%al or *!iloso*!ical belie# e&e$*tio% to vacci%atio%. "!ese states co$e t!e closest to *rotecti%' a citi5e%@s ri'!t to e&ercise volu%tary, i%#or$ed co%se%t to vacci%atio% i% )$erica. "!ey are:

)ri5o%a, 0ali#or%ia, 0olorado, 2da!o, ouisia%a, Mai%e, Mic!i'a%, Mi%%esota, :ew Me&ico, :ort! Da(ota, .!io, .(la!o$a, /!ode 2sla%d, "e&as, 3ta!, 6er$o%t, ,as!i%'to% a%d ,isco%si%

"!is e&e$*tio%, li(e t!e reli'ious e&e$*tio%, is u%der attac( by #orced vacci%atio% *ro*o%e%ts w!o wa%t to eli$i%ate %o%<$edical e&e$*tio%s to vacci%atio% i% )$erica. "!e :atio%al 6acci%e 2%#or$atio% 0e%ter is wor(i%' wit! citi5e%s w!o wa%t to *rotect or add co%scie%tious belie# e&e$*tio% i% state vacci%e laws.

Vaccine Exem tions for -i&itary %ersonne&: )ll bra%c!es o# t!e 3.-. )r$ed -ervices *rovide $edical a%d reli'ious e&e$*tio%s to vacci%atio%, but t!ose e&e$*tio%s $ust be #irst declared before e%list$e%t i% t!e $ilitary.

2# a $ilitary recruit does %ot clearly state a $edical or reli'ious ob+ectio% to vacci%atio% B1F./1 +oi%i%' t!e $ilitary, !e or s!e 'ives u* t!e ri'!t to ob+ect to vacci%atio% duri%' active $ilitary service. Failure to obey a% order to vacci%ate w!ile o% active $ilitary duty ca% result i% de$otio%, i$*riso%$e%t a%d i%volu%tary disc!ar'e #ro$ t!e $ilitary, i%cludi%' dis!o%orable disc!ar'e. )#ter e%list$e%t, le'al assista%ce is o#te% re4uired to success#ully ob+ect to vacci%atio% wit!out bei%' sub+ected to sa%ctio%s. Family dependents of active military personnel often must obtain approval from military officials to exempt children from vaccination for medical reasons or religious objections, especially if the children are attending military-operated daycare or schools or are deployed to foreign countries or re-entering the .!. after living in a foreign country.

Vaccine Exem tions for Internationa& Trave&: Di##ere%t cou%tries !ave di##ere%t laws re4uiri%' vacci%es to e%ter or leave t!e cou%try.

Most develo*ed cou%tries, i%cludi%' t!ose i% 1uro*e, curre%tly do %ot re4uire visitors to s!ow *roo# o# vacci%atio%. Bowever, so$e cou%tries i% )#rica, )sia a%d elsew!ere $ay re4uire certai% vacci%es to e%ter or e&it. 0lic( !ere to c!ec( t!e 0D0 website o% travel vacci%e re4uire$e%ts.

)ther Vaccine Exem tion Issues: 6acci%e c!oices also ca% a##ect ado*tio%, i$$i'ratio%, c!ild custody arra%'e$e%ts duri%' divorce *roceedi%'s, eli'ibility #or !ealt! i%sura%ce a%d 'over%$e%t e%title$e%t *ro'ra$s, a%d $edical care.

0!ildre% ado*ted #ro$ #orei'% cou%tries as well as i% t!e 3.-. $ay be re4uired by 3- law a%d ado*tio% a'e%cies to receive certai% 'over%$e%t $a%dated vacci%es. 2$$i'ratio% laws also co%tai% vacci%e re4uire$e%t *rovisio%s. 2% cases o# divorce, o%e *are%t $ay atte$*t to 'ai% #ull custody o# a $i%or c!ild by usi%' t!e vacci%e c!oice issue as levera'e. -o$e #a$ilies !ave bee% dro**ed #ro$ $edical i%sura%ce *la%s or barred #ro$ eli'ibility #or 'over%$e%t #u%ded $edical care a%d #ood su**le$e%t *ro'ra$s i# c!ildre% are %ot 'ive% all 'over%$e%t reco$$e%ded vacci%es. 2%creasi%'ly, *ediatricia%s are re#usi%' to treat c!ildre% w!o are %ot #ully vacci%ated a%d, i% so$e i%sta%ces, $edical *erso%%el i% !os*ital e$er'e%cy roo$s a%d *!ysicia%s@ o##ices have reported parents to state child social services agencies for child medical neglect for

refusing to vaccinate their children. 2% t!ese circu$sta%ces, you $ay %eed to co%sult to *rotect i%#or$ed co%se%t ri'!ts. Lega& ) tions "!e "ationa& Chi&dhood Vaccine In3ury Act of 4567 was *assed by 0o%'ress to *rotect vacci%e $a%u#acturers a%d vacci%e *roviders #ro$ liability #or vacci%e i%+uries a%d deat!s i% civil court. 2# a c!ild is i%+ured by a 'over%$e%t reco$$e%ded or $a%dated vacci%e, t!e c!ild $ust sue t!e -ecretary o# Bealt! #or da$a'es u%der t!e )ct i% t!e 3.-. 0ourt o# 0lai$s i% ,as!i%'to%, D.0. 2# t!e vacci%e i%+ured c!ild is tur%ed dow% #or #ederal co$*e%satio% or o##ered too little to *rovide #or t!e c!ild@s li#eti$e care, a lawsuit $ay be #iled i% civil court a'ai%st a vacci%e $a%u#acturer or %e'li'e%t doctor wit! certai% restrictio%s. By 2009, about C2 billio% !ad bee% awarded to vacci%e victi$s #or brai% i%#la$$atio% a%d i$$u%e syste$ da$a'e leadi%' to *er$a%e%t i%+ury or deat!, eve% t!ou'! two out o# t!ree c!ildre% are tur%ed away #or #ederal co$*e%satio%. The Bottom Line

,!e% you or your c!ild is i%+ured by a vacci%e, t!e ris(s are 100 *erce%t, a%d you will be le#t to deal wit! t!e co%se4ue%ces. "!ose w!o $a(e a%d 'ive vacci%es are *rotected #ro$ liability i% civil court, a%d #ederal vacci%e i%+ury co$*e%satio% is very di##icult to 'et. "!ere is %o 'uara%tee t!at a vacci%e will, i% #act, *rotect a'ai%st a% i%#ectious disease or t!at e&*osure to a% i%#ectious disease will cause a co$*licatio%, i%+ury or deat!. Dood !ealt! is about so $uc! $ore t!a% vacci%atio% a%d *reve%ti%' e&*erie%ce wit! i%#ectious disease. 6acci%es are *!ar$aceutical *roducts t!at carry a ris( o# i%+ury or deat! t!at is 'reater #or so$e t!a% ot!ers. "!e ri'!t to i%#or$ed co%se%t to $edical ris(<ta(i%' is a !u$a% ri'!t. "mpowering ourselves with information and ta#ing responsible action to protect the right to exercise voluntary, informed consent to vaccination in $merica is one of the most important actions we can ta#e as citi%ens to protect our freedom. Do%@t let a%yo%e #orce you or your c!ild to ta(e a vacci%e wit!out your volu%tary, i%#or$ed co%se%t. 2# a doctor de%ies you or your c!ild $edical care because you wa%t to $a(e vacci%e c!oices, #i%d a%ot!er doctor. 2# a doctor t!reate%s you, or i# a 'over%$e%t o##icial de%ies a $edical or reli'ious e&e$*tio% t!at you !ave le'ally #iled, #i%d a% attor%ey to !el* you. 2# you do%@t li(e t!e vacci%e laws i% your state, co%tact your elected o##icials a%d wor( to c!a%'e t!e$.

"o'et!er, we ca% educate t!e *ublic a%d re#or$ vacci%e laws i% )$erica to *rotect t!e ri'!t to $a(e i%#or$ed, volu%tary vacci%atio% decisio%s #or ourselves a%d our c!ildre%.

!or -ore Information 222

Diseases E 6acci%es << ) list o# diseases t!at !ave vacci%es, selected stories about t!e diseases a%d t!e vacci%es, a%d ot!er li%(s to #i%d i%#or$atio% about t!e$. 6acci%e Ma%u#acturers@ Product 2%serts -tate aws E 6acci%e 1&e$*tio% 2%#or$atio% Beco$e a 6acci%e 0!oice )dvocate i% your state to *rotect vacci%e e&e$*tio%s 2# you !ave bee% !arassed #or your vacci%e c!oices, $a(e a re*ort !ere

A*out the Author &arbara 'oe Fisher is the co-founder and president of the National (accine )nformation *enter, and the author of +,he *onsumer-s .uide to *hildhood (accinesF a%d +(accines, $utism / *hronic )nflammation0 ,he New "pidemic.F Founding N()* in 1234 with parents of vaccine injured children, she developed strategy for and led a national, grassroots movement and public information campaign to institute vaccine safety reforms and informed consent protections in the public health system. 5er boo#, 67,0 $ !hot in the 6ar#, which she co-authored with 5arris *oulter, 7h.6., was the first major, well documented critique of $merica-s mass vaccination system calling for safety reforms and the right to informed consent to vaccination. !he has served as a consumer representative for more than 18 years on vaccine advisory committees and has testified in state legislatures and in *ongress, as well as represented consumers in many scientific and other forums as an advocate for vaccine safety and informed consent protections in the mass vaccination system. !he is a consumer voice for vaccine safety and informed consent issues on radio, television and in print and )nternet news reports on the science, regulation, policy, and ethics of vaccine policy and law. 6uring the past three decades, she has debated more pediatricians and .!. public health officials on the subject of vaccine ris#s and informed consent on television, radio and in other public forums than any other $merican. Re&ated Lin/s: ,hy ,e "eed a !ear&ess Conversation a*out Vaccines ,hy Vaccines Aren't $afe How To Lega&&y Avoid 0nwanted Immuni8ations )f A&& +inds

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