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Purpose of Tier 2

To support students who require additional support to become academically successful but who do not qualify for more intense services such as special education. Tier 2 interventions focus on the areas of student need or weakness that are identified in the screening, assessment or progress monitoring reports from Tier 1. Tier 2 is typically small group instruction and is provided in addition to, not in place of, the core instruction.

Response To Intervention: Tier 2 Intervention Strategies for Students at the Elementary, Middle and High School Levels
Karyn Pleasant, Lauren Prudenti, Sophelia McMannen, Jennifer Wilker, Stephanie Cottle

Components of Tier 2
-School-based problem solving teams -School wide screening and process monitoring system -Systematic analysis of school-wide data -Identify evidence based interventions -Frequently monitor progress of students
-Parents must be notified in writing when students receive interventions beyond what is provided to all students

Elementary Level -At the elementary level, the most common intervention involves increased instruction. Intervention Selection: Strategies that are based on academic need, researched based and are measurable. Progress Monitoring: teacher monitors the results of the applied strategies a. plot data on a line graph b. monitor assessment results c. monitor frequency of intervention

High School Level

-at the high school level, the most common intervention is extended learning time Intervention Selection: based on student learning needs and curricular requirements students are placed in a. extended study hall periods for intervention b. bridge courses that stretch semester curricula over a yearlong period Progress Monitoring: students tracking their own success a. student data tracker b. check in/check out system

Middle School Level

-most common intervention involves small group instruction.

Intervention Selection: Reading strategies explicitly taught: a. making connections with text b. use of graphic organizers c. selective rereading of text Progress monitoring: teacher and student track success -fluency data tracker -active comprehension monitoring


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