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abollado (hundido por golpe) acerbo (spero, duro) bacilo (bacteria) vidente (lo que ve) cause (verbo causar) aboyado (finca con bueyes) acervo (montn de cosas) vacilo (verbo vacilar) bidente (dos dientes) cauce (de un ro)

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To = preposition, or first part of the Too = very (demasiado), also infinitive form (tambien): My father is too old. I of a verb: They was hungry, too. went to the party todance. Two = the number 2: Two thieves came into the store.

Sight : ability Cite : to to see, a thing mention Site : the location of an event or that can be something or to object. seen. The quote ability of using somebody. your eyes

Knew : past New : recently created; the opposite simple of the of old. verb [to know].

Know : (verb) to be familiar with No : negative someone or Now : at the present time or reply, refusal something moment. or (Saber/Conocer) disagreement. .

Wander : to Wonder : (noun) feeling of surprise walk aimlessly and admiration. (verb) desire to or without any know. destination.

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