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Phrasal Verbs (?):

Get by: survive day to day, especially financially
Take out (a loan): make a financial agreement with a bank or company
Save up: accumulate money for future use
Fork out: Spend a lot of money on something
Cut back: Reduce the amount of money you usually spend
Rip off: Charge (someone) more money for something that it is worth (engañar con el precio
de algo)
Run out (of): Use all of something and not have any left
Pay off: Give back all the money you owe for something (pagar tu deuda de cualquier tipo)

Relative Clauses:
Defining (necessary info to make the sentence be far complex, you could use that) and
Who/that/which replaces the object/subject/verb.
If who/that replaces the object, they might be optional.

Non-Defining (extra info, use comma, don't use that)

Double Negative: DOESN´T EXIST

I don't know nobody X
I don't know anybody

Neither nor: Both false, but the verb is affirmative

Either or: One or the other is true, not both
General rules:
-Both use singular verbs, like “is” and not “are”. But if the second compared object is plural,
or both are, the verb could go in plural.
-The word goes directly before the object.
-Used with two nouns, adjectives, linked clauses, separate clauses
-Use them alone, just the word as answers while avoiding mentioning the objects involved.

Introduce a summary: Stress well
Disagreement: Don´t stress

Introduce a summary: So + , (Even though you can summarize with a question)
Introduce a question: Without comma, and stress well

Order for vocabulary:

Size / Age / Quality / Shape or Design / Color / Origin / Material / Role or Type / Noun

A/an: singular things, talk about jobs/professions, mention something for the 1st time.
The: Countable and Uncountable nouns, talking about specific things, groups of people,
specific hotels, museums and art galleries (the MALI), ordinal numbers (first, second, third,
etc. in order) and superlatives
When someone/sth that has already been mentioned, when the person/thing is the only one
in the context, and sth unique in the world.
When a deserts, rivers, mountain ranges and country name that include a political label (US,
Zero articles (nothing): Cities, regions, continents, individual mountains, lakes, countries,
Uncountable/General (ex. space) and plural countable nouns.
Relative Clauses:

Service Expressions:
What´s your minimum rental period? 24 hours
Could you tell me your daily rate? 42 bucks
Valid driver's license and 2 proof of address
Will I need to pay a deposit? no, but full payment with debit or credit card
don´t offer cash discounts
Do you have a budget for the job?
Do you have a next-day delivery service?
Could I arrange for this to be delivered?
How long does it take?

Business expressions:
Run a business
get into debt (don´t pronounce b)
provide a service
repay a loan
cover costs/the cost of
invest in (a business)
put yourself through college (pay college)

Prefix/Suffix : Nouns → Adjectives

conventional / unconventional - inspirational / uninspiring - logical / illogical - natural /
unnatural - original /unoriginal - traditional / nontraditional

Inspiration Expressions:
Struck: Got the attention
Figure out: Think of a solution
Came up with the idea of…
Got the idea from…

So/Such: Emphasis
So + Adjective
Such + optional( a(n) (adjective)) + Noun: means “this kind of”
So + Many (Countable plural nouns) / Much (Uncountable nouns) / Little (Uncountable) /
Few Countable

Suggestions/Problems Expressions:
It says on the box that …
I've already tried + ing
Is it to meant to + inf (Se supone que)
Have you tried + ing
I´ve finally managed to + inf
you´re supposed to + inf

bear/keep in mind: NOT HAVE
Of a group of people - of all the options
in favor
On the other hand
But on the downside

AVOID using Very

Descriptive expression:
It took my breath away
a once in a lifetime experience
I just couldn't believe my eyes
there´s one memory that really stands out to me
U can change the possessive pronouns, adjectives, plural/singular words, etc

Situations in the past

Would´ve (wudav)
Wouldn't´ve (wuden av)

Other reporting verbs:

invited / agreed / accepted / deny
suggested / insisted / promise
explained / claimed / reply /
accused / warn / congratulated

Verb + that clause

when the reporting verb is in the past, the one after that is usually in the past, but when that
refers to a situation that's true in the present, u can also use the present form

verb + to + infinitive: agree (acordar entre personas la fecha, lugar, forma de transporte, etc
de una salida, paseo, etc), claim (say sth is true like afirmar), offer, promise
verb + object + to + infinitive: advise, ask, invite, tell, warn,
verb + ing: deny, recommend, suggest
verb + preposition + -ing: insist (on), apologize (for)
verb + object + preposition + -ing: accuse (of), blame (for), congratulate (on)
Negative: Not to + infinitive

Future / Past
will - would
be going to - was going to


have + past participle = Perfect tense
Present perfect: have/has + past participle : Happened in the past without specifying - Have
you ever… ?
Past perfect: had + past participle : happened at some point before a given point in the past -
Had you ever thought about … (ing + complement) before … (event/action in the past)?
Future perfect: will + have/has? + past participle : is going to finish before a certain point of
time in the future - Do you think you will have… (verb pp + complement) by the time (present
+ complement)? Ans: Yes/No, I do/don´t

be + verb + -ing = continuous tense

Present continuous: is/are + -ing : is in progress in this moment
Past continuous: was/were + -ing : was in progress at a point in time in the past
Future continuous: will + be + -ing : will be in progress in the future

have + been + verb + -ing = perfect continuous tense

Present perfect continuous: have/has + been + ing : Started in the past and continues in the
Past perfect continuous: had + been + -ing : was in progress before or up to a point in time in
the past
Present Perfect Continuous: Have/Has + been + Past participle

Interest expressions:

Asking for more info:

So what happened?
Go on.

Showing surprise:
You´re joking/kidding!
No way!
You didn´t!
Are you serious?

Expressing sympathy:
Poor (little) thing! / Poor (object)!
Oh, I´m so sorry..

Simple pleasures expressions:

sth come in all shapes and sizes: exist in many different forms
see things in a different light: think about sth in a different angle
take the time to: do sth slowly, without rushing
make the most of: get everything you can from a situation
That special “aha” moment: you finally understand sth after a period of confusion
stop in your tracks: suddenly forget about what you´re doing at the time

Time expressions
now - finally - eventually
within two minutes of -ing - ten minutes later
on the day of the exam - in those days - at the time
before we'd arrived to

Story expressions:

Clothing store: Tienda de ropa (obvio)
Furniture store / Furniture section in a department store
Supermarket / Market: Mercado
Technology Store: Tienda de tecnología
Coffee Shop: Tienda, más especializada en café
Café: Cafetería
Loans: préstamos
Razor: rasuradora
In a pile: Ropa junta en una pila (sea alta o baja, desordenada)
Purple: related with royalty and luxury
Worth it: Get value for money (Good quality for a reasonable price)
Sales: special discounts
Silk: Seda
Cotton: Algodón
Wool: Lana
Nylon: del Plástico, usado en ropa pero también en industria (pesca, engranajes, etc)
Polyester: del Plástico, el más usado
Plastic: Plástico
Pleather: Cuerina (Imitación plástico)
Leather: Cuero
Porcelain: Porcelana
Steel: Acero
Aluminum: Aluminio
Copper: Cobre
Rubber: Goma
Wax: Cera
Cardboard: Cartón
Gunpowder: pólvora
Mahogany: Árbol de madera roja
Pine: Pino
Printing press: Prensa de Impresión para libros

Flee: Huir/Escapar

Worn out (desgastado): quality adjective

Brand new: Recently buyed / nuevesito
Almost new: No tan nuevo, pero nuevo
bargain: ganga / verb: Negotiate a price (regatear)
Garage/Yard sale: venta de garaje
Street market
haggle: bargain

Auction: subasta
Niche: a comfortable or suitable position in life or employment.
Rip-off: a fraud or swindle, especially something that is grossly overpriced.
Swindle: use deception to deprive (someone) of money or possessions.
Browser (navegador, persona o programa): a person who looks casually through books or
magazines or at things for sale.
judicious: juicioso
wash off: to be removed from the surface or sth or from clothes by washing
hitmen: sicarios
Many thanks: Muchas gracias
Pay cash: Pagar en efectivo
Proof of address: Comprobantes de domicilio
arrange: organize or make plans for (a future event).
Budget (presupuesto): an estimate of income and expenditure for a set period of time.
Daily rate(tasa) : Tarifa diaria
Purchases: Compras
Underemployed: not having enough paid work or not doing work that makes full use of their
skills and abilities.
Grant (concesión): a sum of money given by a government or other organization for a
particular purpose.
Wage: Salario
Insurance: Seguro de.. Health
Restocking: Re-stockear

Keyboard: Con letras
Keypad: Con números
Typewriter machine: Máquina de escribir (antigua)
qwerty keyboard: denoting the standard layout on English-language typewriters and
ASAP: As soon as possible
Breakthrough (descubrimiento): a discovery or a solution to a problem
Drawback: Desventaja
to Jam obstruido atascado: become or make unable to move or work due to a part seizing or
becoming stuck
Early adopters: primero compradores/usuarios de nuevas tecnologías
Flash of inspiration: a sudden very good idea
gadget: artilugio (a small mechanical/technological device/tool)
gimmick: algo que llama la atención pero es realmente inútil
rainfall: lluvia
intriguing: intrigante
novelty: novedad / novedoso
Dutch: Holandés - Holland/Netherlands
German - Germany
Fountain: fuente

slim (thin)
handheld (portable)
high-tech (novedoso de última tecnología)
cutting-edge (moderno/nuevo y creativo)

appliance: Electrodoméstico
stove: estufa
oven: horno
ironing: planchar
dormant: (adormecido?) having normal physical functions suspended or slowed down for a
period of time; in or as if in a deep sleep.
Dormant sheep: Ovejas inconscientes/somnolientas/etc
Cable = Wire
Shaver = Electric razor
Plug = enchufar
Times of day:
Dawn (Cielo naranja) = Daybreak: Alba (Período que transcurre desde que aparece en el
horizonte la luz del sol hasta que sale el sol y se hace de día / Primera luz del día)
Sunrise = Sol sale
Early morning (6-9am)
Midmorning (10am)
Late Afternoon
Sunset = Sol se esconde
Dusk (etapa más oscura del Twilight) = Twilight: Cuando el cielo está naranja, atardecer
(Dust: Polvo)
The dead of night: Madrugada
at the crack of dawn: very early in the morning

Stunning = Astonishing = Breathtaking = Very Beautiful or Impressive

Awe-Inspiring: Making you feel respect or admiration
Overwhelming: Making you feel very strong emotions that sometimes you coldn´t think or act
Snowflakes = Copo de nieve
Pilgrimage = Peregrinaje
Helm = Timón
Lit up = Light up
stand out: sobresalir
con artist: (estafador en palabras o hechos, tipo el de tinder) a person who cheats or tricks
others by persuading them to believe something that is not true.
con: persuade (someone) to do or believe something, typically by use of a deception or the
pleased: satisfecho o feliz - delight: muy pleased
Charm (encantador, nice, adj): the power or quality of giving delight or arousing admiration:
Prince charming expression
arouse (v): evoke (evoca) or awaken a emotion, feeling, or response
taxi driver
street cleaner
security guard
paramedic: person who attends patients before attending to the hospital // attends

on call: ready to work whenever its necessary

night shift: periodo de trabajo en un lugar abierto las 24 horas
work nights: trabajos nocturnos
all night long: toda la noche
overnight bus/train: transporte que viaja en la noche
get some sleep: catch up some sleep
appeal: attract or likes you
cockroach: Cucaracha
chameleon: camaleon
scuttle away: to move quickly, with small, short steps, especially in order to escape
sip: sorbo

1b the dead of the night
2a Sunrise, Day Break
3c Early/Midmorning

1. on internet
2. stuff people do at nights (jobs, routines)
3. a nice lady, strange /
4. finds it peaceful and relaxing
5. They have been driving the ambulance for 6 years and they´re 23 years old.
6. of the excitement
7. 50 years old-camera
8. we all have cameras on our phones


Chinese Park breathtaking view

Might be the experience of some older friends who got recognized with distinction by its
participation in debates with Model United Nations, and of them even traveled to Panama
because of it. I think its awe-inspiring because
1 year ago - investigation

I love the feeling of spending time with others. According to scientists it's because you
produce oxytocin when interacting with them, but I just find it so enjoyable and distressful to
talk a bit with some friends about any recent event or plan an activity in order to have fun

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