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LER 460: Human Resources Ethics Spring 2010 Instructor: Dr. Dee Frisque E"mai#: $mr10%psu.

e$u )#ass Session: *ues$a'+ 11:1,a.m. "12:-0p.m. *hurs$a'+ 11:1,a.m. . 12:-0p.m. Location: -62 /i##ar$ !!ice: TBD !!ice Hours: &' (ppointment

Course Overview: *his course is $esigne$ !or stu$ents 0ho ha1e recei1e$ an intro$uction to human resources management an$ 0ou#$ #i2e to #earn more a3out ethica# princip#es that impact 1arious human resources practices. Course Objectives: 4pon comp#etion o! this course+ stu$ents 0i## 3e a3#e to a$$ress ethica# issues an$ i$enti!' practica# approaches that 0i## assist managers in meeting their $a'"to"$a' personne#"re#ate$ responsi3i#ities. Course Textbook: Human Resource 5anagement+ 11th E$ition 3' 6ar' Dess#er+ 7rentice Ha## 82009:. Companion website: 8c#ic2 on a chapter to access stu$ent resources: Topics and Tentative Schedule: anuar! 12 Intro$uction+ rgani;ation+ an$ *opic (ssignment . Speaker/"ris#ue 14 1< 21 26 29 Historica# 7erspecti1es+ *heories+ an$ 7hi#osophers . Speaker/"ris#ue 6roup 5eetings Fo##o0"up " Class Discussion 7ersona# an$ 7ro!essiona# )o$es o! Ethics . Speaker/"ris#ue )hapter 1: Intro$uction to Human Resource 5anagement " Class Discussion )hapter 2: Equa# pportunit' an$ the La0 " Class Discussion

LER 460=Spring 2010=Frisque+ page 2

"ebruar! 2 )hapter 4: >o3 (na#'sis " $roup % 4 < 11 16 19 22, )hapter ,: 7ersonne# 7#anning an$ Recruiting " $roup & )hapter 6: Emp#o'ee *esting an$ Se#ection " $roup ' )hapter ?: Inter1ie0ing )an$i$ates " $roup ( )hapter 9: *raining an$ De1e#oping Emp#o'ees " $roup ) )hapter <: 7er!ormance 5anagement an$ (ppraisa# " $roup * $uest Speaker: +TB,)ompi#ation o! Stu$ent @uestions an$ )#ass Discussion

.arch 2 $uest Speaker: +TB,4 9"12 16 19 22, -0 )hapter 10: 5anaging )areers . )#ass Discussion 8emp#o'er+ manager+ an$ emp#o'ee career $e1e#opment ro#es: Sprin/ Break 6roup 5eeting *opics an$ Discussion )hapter 14: Ethics+ >ustice+ A Fair *reatment in HR5 " )#ass Discussion )hapter 11: Esta3#ishing Strategic 7a' 7#ans " $roup % )hapter 12: 7a' !or 7er!ormance A Financia# Incenti1es " $roup & )hapter 1-: &ene!its an$ Ser1ices " $roup '

,pril 1 )hapter 1,: La3or Re#ations an$ )o##ecti1e &argaining . $roup ( 6 9 1)hapter 16: Emp#o'ee Sa!et' an$ Hea#th . $roup ) 8 SH( purpose+ responsi3i#ities o! emp#o'ees an$ emp#o'ers: )hapter 16: Emp#o'ee Sa!et' &ene!its an$ Ser1ices " $roup * 8a#coho#ism an$ su3stance a3use pro3#ems+ 0or2p#ace 1io#ence: $uest Speaker: +TB,-

LER 460=Spring 2010=Frisque+ page -

,pril +continued1, )ompi#ation o! Stu$ent @uestions A Discussion 20 22 2? 2< )hapter 10: 5anaging )areers " )#ass Discussion 8$i1ersit' an$ career management: $uest Speaker: +TB,)hapter 1?: 5anaging 6#o3a# Human Resources . Speaker/"ris#ue Summar'=/rap"up . Speaker/"ris#ue

Course 0e#uirements: 1. ,ttendance is man$ator'. I! 'ou eBpect to miss a c#ass+ p#ease ma2e e1er' e!!ort to $iscuss it 0ith me in a$1ance. )#ass participation is essentia# an$ eBpecte$ o! a## stu$ents. 2. )omp#ete the c#ass rea$ing assignments. In a$$ition+ 3e sure to chec2"out the optiona# rea$ings a1ai#a3#e on (nge#. -. )#ass Discussion: /e 0i## $iscuss the assigne$ topic as a group using a num3er o! $i!!erent !ormats. For eBamp#e+ 0or2 in sma## groups an$ eBchange i$eas+ 0atch s2i##s 1i$eos an$ then $e3ate+ or use team competition tournaments to eBp#ore $iscussion questions at the en$ o! each chapter. I 0i## !aci#itate the $iscussion an$ 'our ro#e is to participate an$ 3e acti1e#' in1o#1e$. /e 0i## a#so $iscuss 'our ethica# questions su3mitte$ 0ith 'our papers at the conc#usion o! a## presentations. 4. 6uest Spea2ers: I 0i## in1ite human resource pro!essiona#s to come an$ spea2 to the c#ass an$ gi1e us a rea#"#i!e 1ie0 on topics 3eing $iscusse$ in c#ass. Cour ro#e is to 3e acti1e#' in1o#1e$ in the presentation an$ as2 questions. ,. Stu$ent 6roups: 7resentations 0i## 3e organi;e$ aroun$ ethica# issues+ concepts+ theories+ an$ research artic#es re#ate$ to 'our assigne$ topic. 1ou do not need to need to cover all the material in the assi/ned readin/s. 7ic2 an interesting topic in the assigne$ rea$ings that has ethica# issues+ cha##enges+ an$ imp#ications !or human resource pro!essiona#s. Cou are strong#' encourage$ to go 3e'on$ the in!ormation in the 3oo2. *he c#ass 0i## 3e $i1i$e$ into siB groups o! !our to !i1e stu$ents. Each group 0i## present twice on a $i!!erent topic. 1ou will present as a /roup but each person will be /raded individuall!. See the /radin/ ke! that will be used to evaluate !our presentation. 2 will provide !ou with immediate verbal 3eedback 3ollowin/ !our presentation and 3ollow4up with a written cop! o3 the /radin/ ke!.

LER 460=Spring 2010=Frisque+ page 4

Tips 3or Student $roup 5resentations: 1. Do not eBcee$ the a##otte$ time!rame 860 minutes:. (s a ru#e o! thum3+ $e1ote D -0 minutes !or the presentation an$ D -0 minutes !or c#ass $iscussion an$ questions. (## stu$ents in the group must 3e in1o#1e$ an$ spea2. 2. 7o0er7oint presentations are not recommen$e$. *his too# ten$s to create #istening an$ seeing. I! 'ou use 7o0er7oint+ #imit 'our s#i$es to , or #ess. (#so+ arri1e to c#ass ear#' to ma2e sure the equipment is 0or2ing prior to 'our presentation+ an$ 2no0 ho0 it 0or2sE I recommen$ 3ringing a 3ac2"up 8i.e. transparencies+ han$outs: in case the techno#og' !ai#s. -. &e creati1eE 4se a !ormat that in1o#1es participation. Cou cou#$ use a *F game sho0 !ormat 8i.e.+ *he 7rice is Right+ /hee# o! Fortune+ Fami#' Feu$:+ a 3oar$ game approach 8i.e.+ monopo#':+ a ne0s reporting 1i$eo+ a come$' sho0 8i.e. Satur$a' Gight Li1e:+ or a ta#2 sho0 8i.e. prah:. Here are some suggestions+ 3ut 'ou are not #imite$ to these. a: Demonstration. Cou cou#$ 0a#2 the c#ass through a $emonstration o! the in!ormation. 3: )ase Stu$'. Short cases stu$ies cou#$ 3e use$ to stimu#ate $iscussion an$ he#p the c#ass process a3stract concepts. )onsu#t the case stu$ies or the eBperientia# eBercises at the en$ o! each chapter. Cou can a#so create 'our o0n case stu$'. c: De3ate. *r' a !ormat simi#ar to those use$ in the recent presi$entia# $e3ates. $: Stu$' 6roup. Cou cou#$ ha1e in$i1i$ua#s $iscuss materia# in sma## groups+ recon1ene+ an$ then re1ie0 0ith the #arger group. e: 7ane# Discussion. )reate a pane# o! eBperts that are as2e$ questions. !: 7repare a s2it. Cou can p#a' speci!ics ro#es in an organi;ation. g: In$i1i$ua# spea2er ta#2s. *his ten$s to 3e 3oring an$ not creati1e.

LER 460=Spring 2010=Frisque+ page ,

6ritten ,ssi/nments: 1. 6hen presentin/7 no paper is re#uired7 3ut 'ou are require$ to su3mit+ b! email7 a sin/le spaced outline o3 !our presentation b! ):88p.m.7 two da!s be3ore the class meets +see schedule below-. For eBamp#e+ i! 'our presentation is on "ebruar! &7 'our out#ine is $ue to me on anuar! '% 3' ,:00p.m. *he out#ine shou#$ inc#u$e an' case stu$ies that 0i## 3e use$ an$ a 3i3#iograph' o! a## re!erences consu#te$. 2. 6hen not presentin/7 !ou are re#uired to submit a one4pa/e double spaced t!ped paper 3ase$ upon one o! the #earning o3Hecti1es !or the group presentation chapter 3eing presente$ $uring c#ass. For eBamp#e+ i! the presentation is on I)hapter ? " Inter1ie0ing )an$i$ates+J 'ou 0ou#$ se#ect one o! the #earning o3Hecti1es !rom After studying this chapter you should be able to: 1. List the main types of selection interviews; 2. Explain and illustrate at least six factors that affect the usefulness of interviews; 3. Explain and illustrate each guideline for being a more effective interviewer; 4. Effectively interview a ob candidate. /rite 'our paper on one o! the topics. Inc#u$e 'our recommen$ations on 0hat can 3e impro1e$ an$ 0h'. (t the en$ o! the paper $e1e#op one question 'ou ha1e re#ate$ to ethics on this topic. 1our paper is due to me b! email no later than ):88p.m.7 two da!s be3ore the class meets 8see sche$u#e 3e#o0:. (#though+ there are ten papers to 0rite+ 'ou 0i## on#' nee$ to 0rite ei/ht papers. Cou can choose to omit two papers but !ou must send me an email no later than ):88p.m. two da!s be3ore the class meets tellin/ me that !ou read the assi/ned chapter but decided not to write a paper on this topic.. 5resentation/Outline/5aper Schedule $roup % & ' ( ) * % & ' ( ) * 5resentation "ebruar! & "ebruar! ( "ebruar! 9 "ebruar! %% "ebruar! %* "ebruar! %; .arch &' .arch &) .arch '8 ,pril % ,pril * ,pril ; Outline or 5aper Due anuar! '% "ebruar! & "ebruar! : "ebruar! 9 "ebruar! %( "ebruar! %* .arch &% .arch &' .arch &; .arch '8 ,pril ( ,pril *

LER 460=Spring 2010=Frisque+ page 6

,ssi/nment o3 $rades: Stu$ent 7resentations " see presentation gra$ing 2e' 7apers 810: 4 points each 8can omit 2+ an$ su3mit 9: " #ate papers 81 point su3tracte$: )#ass Discussion " misse$ group presentation 82 points su3tracte$: " misse$ c#ass meetings 81 point su3tracte$: 49 7oints -2 7oints 20 7oints

4ni1ersit' 6ra$ing Sca#e ( K <, to 100 (" K <0"<4.< &L K 9?.< to 9<.< & K 9-.-- to 9?.9 &" K 90 to 9-.-2 )L K ?, to ?<.< ) K ?0 to ?4.< D K 60 to 6<.< F K ,<.< an$ 3e#o0 *he 7enn State gra$ing sca#e $oes not a##o0 the option o! a0ar$ing gra$es o! )"+ DL or D" gra$es.
,cademic 2nte/rit! Statement: I7enn State $e!ines aca$emic integrit' as the pursuit o! scho#ar#' acti1it' in an open+ honest an$ responsi3#e manner. (## stu$ents shou#$ act 0ith persona# integrit'+ respect other stu$entsM $ignit'+ rights an$ propert'+ an$ he#p create an$ maintain an en1ironment in 0hich a## can succee$ through the !ruits o! their e!!orts 8Facu#t' Senate 7o#ic' 4<"20:. Dishonest' o! an' 2in$ 0i## not 3e to#erate$ in this course. Dishonest' inc#u$es+ 3ut is not #imite$ to+ cheating+ p#agiari;ing+ !a3ricating in!ormation or citations+ !aci#itating acts o! aca$emic $ishonest' 3' others+ ha1ing unauthori;e$ possession o! eBaminations+ su3mitting 0or2 o! another person or 0or2 pre1ious#' use$ 0ithout in!orming the instructor+ or tampering 0ith the aca$emic 0or2 o! other stu$ents. Stu$ents 0ho are !oun$ to 3e $ishonest 0i## recei1e aca$emic sanctions an$ 0i## 3e reporte$ to the 4ni1ersit'Ms >u$icia# (!!airs o!!ice !or possi3#e !urther $iscip#inar' sanctions.J Disabilit! ,ccess Statement: I*he 7enns'#1ania State 4ni1ersit' encourages qua#i!ie$ peop#e 0ith $isa3i#ities to participate in its programs an$ acti1ities an$ is committe$ to the po#ic' that a## peop#e sha## ha1e equa# access to programs+ !aci#ities+ an$ a$missions 0ithout regar$ to persona# characteristics not re#ate$ to a3i#it'+ per!ormance+ or qua#i!ications as $etermine$ 3' 4ni1ersit' po#ic' or 3' state or !e$era# authorities. I! 'ou anticipate nee$ing an' t'pe o! accommo$ation in this course or ha1e questions a3out ph'sica# access+ p#ease te## the instructor as soon as possi3#e.J 5la/iarism: <7#agiarism is the act o! representing someone e#seMs 0or$s or i$eas as 'our o0n. /hether $e#i3erate or unintentiona#+ it is a serious 3reach o! aca$emic integrit' that carries serious consequences. *he 3est protection against unintentiona# p#agiarism is to e$ucate 'ourse#!.J For a$$itiona# in!ormation 1isit: http:==000.#a.psu.e$u=)L("(ca$emicNIntegrit'=p#agiarism.shtm#

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