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Jupiter Delay Scenarios Under what Conditions Will Jupiter cause a Delay?
Jupiter is normally a benefic planet and when its natal bindu points are less than 4, it can never aspect malefically. Therefore, when its bindus are low, it will not contribute in any manner to a Jupiter delay. So always look first to see what Jupiters natal bindu points are before checking further into a Jupiter delay. However, even Jupiter can aspect malefically, when its natal bindu score totals more than 4 points. This is when we start to look for a possible Jupiter delay. When this happens, Jupiter can cause a delay if it aspects Houses A and B, OR the lords of A and B or combinations of both, in the natal and/or the navamsa charts. With a Jupiter delay however, unlike a Saturn delay, House C is not required.

Overview of Scenario cases: SCENARIO # 1 Jupiter aspects House A and Lord of B SCENARIO #2: Jupiter aspects Lord of A and Lord of B from the navamsa SCENARIO #3: Jupiter aspects Lord of A and Lord of B from the natal chart SCENARIO #4: Jupiter aspects House B and Lord of A SCENARIO #5: Special case illustration SCENARIO #6: Special case illustration SCENARIO #7: Special case illustration

In the following cases below, we will present illustrative scenarios in both Southern and Northern formats to show you how Jupiter can cause a delay. NOTE: For all scenarios, House B will be used as the 7th house focus here and House A will be the 2nd house focus to keep things constant. This can be applied to any of the 12 houses however. Also when considering malefic aspects of Jupiter, we ONLY consider the 5, 7 and 9 aspects, never the conjunction. Therefore, if Jupiter aspects one house or lord and conjoins another house or lord it does NOT cause a delay.

SCENARIO 1-Southern Chart (Fig.1) In Scenario #1 (Fig 1 and 1A), Taurus is the lagna. With the 7th house focus being B. the 2nd house becomes A. Jupiter is in the 10th house with more than 4 bindus, which means it will aspect malefically on House A. At the same time, the lord of House B is Mars, which is also being aspected by Jupiter in its navamsa. Therefore we have a FULL DELAY.

SCENARIO 1-Northern Chart (Fig.1A)

SCENARIO 2-Southern Chart (Fig.2)

In Scenario #2 (Fig 2 and 2A), we again have a Taurus lagna, with Jupiter going to the 12th house of Aries, with more than 4 bindus. The lords of A and B are Mercury and Mars. Although Jupiter does not aspect either planet in the natal, it DOES aspect both of them from its navamsa, so therefore we have a FULL DELAY.

SCENARIO 2- Northern Chart (Fig.2A)

SCENARIO 3- Natal Southern and Northern Charts (Fig.3)

In the third scenario (Fig.3), the Lagna is once again Taurus. The rulers of House A and B are Mercury and Mars. Jupiter aspects both of these planets from its natal position in the chart. Therefore we have a FULL DELAY.

SCENARIO 4- Natal Southern and Northern Charts (Fig.4)

In Scenario #4 (Fig.4), we have a Gemini lagna. Jupiter is in the first house with more than 4 bindus. It malefically aspects House B and at the same time malefically aspects the lord of House A, which is the Moon, who resides in the 5th house. Therefore we have a FULL DELAY.

SCENARIO 5- Natal Southern and Northern Charts (Fig.5) Scenario #5 (Fig 5), illustrates a special case which states that if Jupiter OWNS the 2nd or the 7th house OR the Lord of A and B, then it must be malefic for the house it owns, which means that Jupiter must receive LESS than 4 bindus in the SAV for that house in order to cause a FULL DELAY. In the Scenario #5 example, Jupiter aspects House A malefically, because it has more than 4 bindus and at the same time is the OWNER of House B, which in order to cause a FULL DELAY, must have LESS than 4 bindus for Jupiter in that house.

SCENARIO 6- Natal Southern and Northern Charts (Fig.6)

In Scenario #6 (Fig 6), we show another example of this special case but with Jupiter now aspecting the B House malefically from its first house position with more than 4 bindus. Jupiter now OWNS the 2nd house in this example and because it does, it must have less than 4 bindus in that house in order for it to cause a FULL DELAY.


SCENARIO 7- Southern Chart (Fig.7) The 7th scenario (Fig 7 and 7A) deals with a special law that states this: If Jupiter owns the 2nd house and is in the lagna with more than 3 bindus and if in its SAV, it has 4 bindus for Jupiter in the 2nd house, it will only cause a FULL DELAY if Jupiter also aspects the 7th lord, the 7th house and each and every one of its Samdhmarmis.


SCENARIO 7- Northern Chart (Fig.7A)

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