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Burroughs Wellcome Fund

Inter-school Training Program in Metabolic Diseases

October 26th, 2009 8:00am-3:30pm

Translational Research For Metabolic Disease Prevention:
From Molecules to Populations
U C L A N e u r o s c i e n c e R e s e a r c h Au d i t o r i u m
Lo s A n g e l e s, C A
Fr e e a n d o p e n t o t h e p u b l i c
R S V P :
Keynote Speakers:

9:30am D r. R oss Prentice

Fred Hutchinson Cancer R esearch Center
"Biomar ker calibrated energy and protein consumption
and cancer r isk in the Women's Health I nitiative"

1:00pm D r. M eir Stampfer

Har vard Universit y
"Pr imar y prevention of diabetes through diet and lifest yle"

How can we harness major advances in the biomedical sciences to conquer what appears to be the public
health nemesis of our time? This symposium will explore the interdisciplinar y study of metabolic diseases
and focus on the need for integration—from molecules to populations—to curb this epidemic.

Local Speakers:
10:30am D r. Q ing Zhou
Assistant Professor, Statistics
"Statistical M ethods in G ene R egulation Analysis"
11:00am D r. Jonathan Braun
Professor and Chair, Pathology & Laborator y S cience
"Commensal microbiota as an environmental modifying
fac tor in genetic disease r isk"
2:00pm D r. Jake Lusis
Professor, M icrobiology, I mmunology & M olecular G enetics
"Systems G enetics Approaches to M etabolic and
Cardiovascular Diseases"
2:30pm D r. Simin Liu
Professor, Epidemiology and M edicine
“Biomar kers for t ype 2 diabetes prevention: translating
epidemiologic obser vations to clinical r isk stratification
Full schedule available w w and inter ventions”

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