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UNIT 1-SOFTWARE PROCESS Part A (2 marks) 1. 2. $. ). +. i. ii. /. 1. 2. What is softwar !"i! ri!"# What is Softwar # Writ o%t th r aso!

s for th Fai&%r of Wat r Fa&& 'o( &. What ar th *hara*t risti*s of th softwar # , fi! th t rms A"i&it. A"i& T am What ar th 0ario%s *at "ori s of softwar # What ar th *ha&& !" s i! softwar # , fi! softwar 3ro* ss 4. What ar th f%!(am !ta& a*ti0iti s of a softwar 3ro* ss# 15.What ar th %m6r &&a a*ti0iti s of a softwar 3ro* ss# 11.What ar th m rits of i!*r m !ta& mo( &#

12.7ist th task r "io!s i! th S3ira& mo( &. 1$.What ar th (raw6a*ks of s3ira& mo( &# 1).What is m E!"i! ri!"#

1+.7ist th 3ro* ss mat%rit. & 0 &s i! SEIs C''. 1/.What is a! ff *tors 3ro* ss# 11., fi! th *om3%t r 6as ( m. 12.What (o s 8 rifi*atio! r 3r s !t# 14.What (o s 8a&i(atio! r 3r s !t# 25.What is th (iff r !* 6 tw Risks;# ! th 9:!ow! Risks; a!( Pr (i*ta6&

21.What ar th st 3s fo&&ow ( i! t sti!"# PART <

E=3&ai! it rati0 wat rfa&& a!( s3ira& mo( & for softwar 1.a!( 0ario%s a*ti0iti s i! a*h 3has . 2.E=3&ai! a6o%t th i!*r m !ta& mo( &.


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CS1$51 SOFTWARE EN>INEERIN> $.E=3&ai! i! ( tai& a6o%t th softwar 3ro* ss. ).E=3&ai! i! ( tai& a6o%t th &if *.*& 3ro* ss. +.E=3&ai! S3ira& mo( & a!( wi!-wi! s3ira& mo( & i! ( tai&#

2 (1/) (1/) (1/)

UNIT II-SOFTWARE RE?UIRE'ENTS PART A (2 marks) 1. 2. $. ). +. /. 1. 2. What is th %s of C''# Nam th E0o&%tio!ar. 3ro* ss 'o( &s. What ar th O6@ *ti0 s of R A%ir m !t A!a&.sis# What is r A%ir m !t !"i! ri!"# What ar th 0ario%s t.3 s of tra* a6i&it. i! softwar !"i! ri!"# , fi! softwar 3rotot.3i!". What ar th R A%ir m !ts E!"i! ri!" Pro* ss F%!*tio!s# What ar th 6 ! fits of 3rotot.3i!"# 4. What ar th 3rotot.3i!" a33roa*h s i! softwar 3ro* ss# 15.What ar th ,iffi*%&ti s i! E&i*itatio!# 11.What ar th a(0a!ta" s of 0o&%tio!ar. 3rotot.3i!"# 12.What ar th 0ario%s Ra3i( 3rotot.3i!" t *h!iA% s# 1$.What is th %s of Us r I!t rfa* 3rotot.3i!"# 1).What is m 'o( &i!"# 1+.What ar th *hara*t risti*s of SRS# 1/.What ar th o6@ *ti0 s of A!a&.sis mo( &i!"# 11.What is (ata mo( &i!"# 12.What is a (ata o6@ *t# 14.What ar attri6%t s# 25.What is *ar(i!a&it. i! (ata mo( &i!"# 21.What (o s mo(a&it. i! (ata mo( &i!"

i!(i*at s# 22.What is ER,# 2$.What is ,F,# 2).What (o s 7 0 &5 ,F, r 3r s !t# 2+.What is a stat tra!sitio! (ia"ram# 2/., fi! ,ata ,i*tio!ar.. PART < 1.E=3&ai! i! ( tai& a6o%t F%!*tio!a& 'o( &i!". 2.E=3&ai! i! ( tai& a6o%t Str%*t%ra& 'o( &i!". $.E=3&ai! i! ( tai& a6o%t (ata mo( &i!". (1/) (1/) (1/)

CS1$51 SOFTWARE EN>INEERIN> ).E=3&ai! a6o%t ra3i( 3rotot.3i!" t *h!iA% s. +.E=3&ai! th 3rotot.3i!" a33roa*h s i! softwar 3ro* ss. UNIT III-,ESI>N CONCEPTS AN, PRINCIP7ES PART A (2 marks) 1. 2. $. ). +. /. 1. 2. 4. What ar th & m !ts of A!a&.sis mo( &# What ar th & m !ts of ( si"! mo( &# Bow th Ar*hit *t%r , si"! *a! 6 r 3r s !t (# , fi! ( si"! 3ro* ss. 7ist th 3ri!*i3& s of a softwar ( si"!. What is th 6 ! fit of mo(%&ar ( si"!# What is a *oh si0 mo(%& # What ar th (iff r !t t.3 s of Coh sio!# What is *o%3&i!"# 15.What ar th 0ario%s t.3 s of *o%3&i!"# 11.What ar th *ommo! a*ti0iti s i! ( si"! 3ro* ss# 12.What ar th 6 ! fits of horiCo!ta& 3artitio!i!"# 1$.What is 0 rti*a& 3artitio!i!"# 1).What ar th a(0a!ta" s of 0 rti*a& 3artitio!i!"# 1+.What ar th 0ario%s & m !ts of (ata ( si"!# 1/.7ist th "%i( &i! s for (ata ( si"!. 11.Nam th *ommo!&. %s ( ar*hit *t%ra& st.& s. 12.What is Tra!sform ma33i!"# PART < 1.E=3&ai! i! ( tai& th ( si"! *o!* 3ts. 2.E=3&ai! th ( si"! 3ri!*i3& s. $.E=3&ai! th ( si"! st 3s of th tra!sform ma33i!". ).E=3&ai! i! ( tai& a6o%t th r a& tim ms. +.E=3&ai! i! ( tai& a6o%t SC'. (1/) (1/) (1/) (1/) (1/)

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UNIT I8-TESTIN> PART 1.What 2.What $.What )., fi! +., fi! A (2 marks) is a R a& tim m# is SC'# is SCI# softwar t sti!"# Smok T sti!" #


/. 1.

What ar th o6@ *ti0 s of t sti!"# What ar th t sti!" 3ri!*i3& s th softwar 3 rformi!" th softwar t sti!"# 2. , fi! Whit <o= T sti!"# 4. What ar th two & 0 &s of t sti!"# 15.What ar th 0ario%s t sti!" a*ti0iti s# 11.Writ short !ot o! 6&a*k 6o= t sti!". 12.What is A%i0a& !* 3artitio!i!"# 1$.What is R "r ssio! T sti!"# 1).What is a 6o%!(ar. 0a&% a!a&.sis#


r m%st a33&. whi&

1+.What ar th r aso!s 6 hi!( to 3 rform whit 6o= t sti!"# 1/.What is *.*&omati* *om3& =it.# 11.Bow to *om3%t th *.*&omati* *om3& =it.# 12.,isti!"%ish 6 tw ! 0 rifi*atio! a!( 0a&i(atio!.

14.What ar th 0ario%s t sti!" strat "i s for *o!0 !tio!a& softwar # 25.Writ a6o%t (ri0 rs a!( st%6s. 21.What ar th a33roa*h s of i!t "ratio! t sti!"# 22.What ar th a(0a!ta" s a!( (isa(0a!ta" s of 6i"-6a!"# 2$.What ar th 6 ! fits of smok t sti!"# 2).What ar th *o!(itio!s =ists aft r 3 rformi!" 0a&i(atio! t sti!"# 2+.,isti!"%ish 6 tw ! a&3ha a!( 6 ta t sti!".

2/.What ar th 0ario%s t.3 s of m t sti!"# PART < 1.E=3&ai! th t.3 s of softwar t sti!".


2.E=3&ai! i! ( tai& a6o%t <&a*k 6o= t sti!". $.E=3&ai! a6o%t th softwar t sti!" strat "i s. ).E=3&ai! i! ( tai& a6o%t I!t "ratio! t sti!". +.E=3&ai! i! ( tai& a6o%t m t sti!". UNIT 8-SOFTWARE PRODECT 'ANA>E'ENT 1. 2. $. ). +. /. 1. PART A (2 marks) , fi! ( 6%""i!". What ar th *ommo! a33roa*h s i! ( 6%""i!"# Writ a6o%t th t.3 s of 3ro@ *t 3&a!. , fi! m as%r . , fi! m tri*s. What ar th t.3 s of m tri*s# What ar th a(0a!ta" s a!( (isa(0a!ta" s of siC m as%r #

(1/) (1/) (1/) (1/)

CS1$51 SOFTWARE EN>INEERIN> 2. Writ short !ot o! th 0ario%s stimatio! t *h!iA% s. 4. What is th O6@ *ti0 of Forma& T *h!i*a& R 0i ws# 15.What is COCO'O mo( &# 11.>i0 th 3ro* (%r of th , &3hi m tho(. 12.What is th 3%r3os of tim &i! *hart# 1$.What is E8A#

1).What ar th m tri*s *om3%t ( (%ri!" rror tra*ki!" a*ti0it.# 1+.Wh. softwar *ha!" o**%rs# 1/.Writ a6o%t softwar *ha!" strat "i s. 11., fi! CASE Too&s. .What is softwar mai!t !a!* # 14., fi! mai!t !a!* . 25.What ar th t.3 s of softwar mai!t !a!* # 21.What is ar*hit *t%ra& 0o&%tio!# 22.Bow th CASE too&s ar *&assifi (# 2$.What ar th t.3 s of stati* t sti!" too&s# Part < 1.E=3&ai! a6o%t softwar *ost stimatio!. 2.E=3&ai! i! ( tai& a6o%t COCO'O mo( &. $.E=3&ai! i! ( tai& a6o%t , &3hi ' tho(. ).E=3&ai! i! ( tai& a6o%t softwar 'ai!t !a!* . +.E=3&ai! a6o%t CASE too&s. EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE (1/) (1/) (1/) (1/) (1/)

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