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A Divine Revelation of Heaven


Mary K. Baxter


The inspired writings of Mary Kathryn Baxter are divinely anointed by God, and they have blessed hundreds of thousands of people. I believe it is of utmost importan e to widely disseminate the message that God has given to her. !he shares these experien es in hundreds of hur hes ea h year, and she has now put them down in boo" form. #er previous boo", $ %ivine &evelation of #ell, has been espe ially used of God to deliver the eternal message of salvation to the lost. It has been widely re eived with enthusiasm by people all over the world, having been printed in many different ountries and in many different languages. 'ell over half a million opies have been sold to date. I believe this boo", $ %ivine &evelation of #eaven, will be re eived in an even greater way. $s Mary Kathryn Baxter(s pastor for several years, I "now her personally, and I fully endorse her ministry. God has pla ed #is approval on her wor" by anointing her ministry and by giving this message su h a wide a eptan e. This boo" is the result of many prayers, tears, and hard wor". I pray that its wide distribution will be the ause of many souls oming to "now the )ord and ma"ing preparations to spend eternity in heaven*

-T. L. Lowery, Ph.D.


This boo" is an a ount of a number of true experien es I have had with God. It is not the wor" of an overa tive imagination or the pipe dream of someone who hopes for something better than this life has to offer. #eaven is a reality, and the experien es I des ribe in this boo" are told +ust as they happened to me. I did not see everything there is to see in heaven-it will ta"e eternity to do that. I do not relate everything I saw in heaven, even

-aul did not do that. .!ee / 0orinthians 1/21-3.4 But I am relating all that God has told me to share. I want to give spe ial honor and than"s to my pastor, the &everend %r. T. ). )owery, and to his beautiful wife, Mildred, for their support, en ouragement, and valuable ontributions in this endeavor. I also would li"e to express my sin ere gratitude for the staff of the 5ational 0hur h of God and for the &everend Mar us 6. #and for his editorial guidan e on this boo". $dditionally, I gratefully re ogni7e and redit all those at 'hita"er #ouse in 5ew Kensington, -ennsylvania, who have been instrumental in so many ways in ma"ing both $ %ivine &evelation of #eaven and $ %ivine &evelation of #ell available to the reading publi . I am grateful to God who has alled me to share this message. I than" you who have strengthened and en ouraged me in my God- alled ministry. God bless you all* -Mary Kathryn Baxter



ATHR!" FRO# $%&'&

8or this purpose you were born To write and tell 'hat I have shown and told you, 8or these things are faithful and true. 9our all is to let the world "now That there is a heaven, and there is a hell, and that I, :esus, was sent by the 8ather !o save them from torment $nd to prepare them a pla e in heaven. ----------------------------------------------------------

In(ide the )ate(

God, in #is infinite mer y and gra e, permitted me to go to that beautiful pla e alled heaven. The logisti s of my trip to #is home and ba " to earth are un lear to me, but I annot be mista"en about the reality of it. #ow were the in omparable wonders of heaven revealed to a mere mortal li"e me; )et me start at the beginning. <ne night the )ord appeared to me and told me I was hosen for a spe ial assignment. #e said, =My hild, I will manifest Myself to you to bring people out of dar"ness into light. I have hosen you for a purpose2 you are to write and ma"e a re ord of the things that I will show and tell you.> I submitted myself to God ompletely, and astounding things began to happen. I was ta"en from where I was at the time and transported into hell itself. I was aware of all five of my senses2 I ould see, feel, hear, smell, and taste. 9et, this was a supernatural happening. I reali7ed that the impa t it made on me was for a purpose. 8or days after I was ta"en by the )ord into hell, I was very grieved in my heart. My heart was sad and burdened be ause of the horrors I saw. I had viewed the +udgment of God on sin and on the people who had gone to hell. I prayed earnestly to God and sought #is omfort. <n the thirty-first night after these events began, the power of $lmighty God fell on me again. $t two o( lo " in the morning, a mighty angel stood beside my bed. :esus 0hrist was standing behind the angel. $s I loo"ed on the fa e of the )ord standing there, #e smiled at me, but #e did not say anything. The mighty messenger of God said, =God has given me a spe ial mission. I am sent here to ta"e you to heaven and to show you parts of it.> $fter a moment, he spo"e again, =0ome and see the glory of God*>

$t on e, I was supernaturally transported from my home and found myself standing out side one of the gates of heaven with the heavenly angel. The overwhelming beauty of what I saw around me was breathta"ing* The lothing the heavenly being wore loo"ed li"e a brilliant garment of light. The angel had triangular-shaped wings that glistened with the olors of the rain bow. $lthough I wasn(t surprised, I was ama7ed at the indes ribable beauty of God that was evident all around. The next thing I "new, the angel repeated an ex lamation that I would hear many times2 =Behold, the glory of God*> The magnifi ent gate that stood before me in splendor was made of a solid pearl. In awe I too" in everything I ould of this most beautiful sight. $t this point, I ould not see the )ord anywhere, but I was totally enraptured by the glory of heaven.

%"T%RI") H%A*%"
'hen we arrived there, two very tall angels were standing outside the gate. Both of them wore glistening robes and had swords in their hands. Their hair was li"e spun gold, and their fa es gleamed with light. The angel a ompanying me moved over to spea" to the two angels guarding the gate, and I was left standing alone. In ama7ement, I thought, =<h, how glorious are the gates of heaven* #ow wonderful it is to see this one for myself*> !uddenly, I reali7ed that I was a tually going to enter into heaven. $s I wat hed the angels of the )ord, I ould hear some of the onversation they were having. <ne of them went inside the gate and returned almost immediately with a small volume. The boo" had a gold over, and the printing inside was also in gold. It seemed to be a boo" about my life(s history. My name was stamped on the over2

Mary Kathryn Baxter

$ smile of approval ame over the angels( fa es. They opened the boo". They loo"ed at ea h other, then said in a voi e I ould hear, =!he may ome inside the gate.> My guiding angel es orted me through the magnifi ent gate and into heaven. !uddenly, musi filled the whole atmosphere. It was all around me. It was above me. It seemed to penetrate my very being. 'ave after powerful wave of beautiful musi and singing surged a ross the lands ape and seemed to envelop everything and everyone. 'hen I stepped inside the ity, ama7ement again too" my breath. The lands ape of that in omparable ity was beyond des ription. !urrounding me were the most beautiful, olorful flowers I had ever seen. There was unbelievable greenery and vegetation everywhere. ?ven the blooms of the flowers seemed to be alive to the musi and the singing. Musi ontinued to swirl about me. I seemed to be a part of it. It is one thing to try to des ribe the wonders of this ity, it is @uite another to "now that you will share the +oy of it. I saw some of the exuberant iti7ens of heaven, and they were all dressed in robes. This ! ripture ame to me2 I will greatly rejoice in the LORD; my soul shall be joyful in my God; for He has clothed me with the garments of salvation, He has covered me with the robe of righteousness, as a bridegroom dec s himself with ornaments, and as a bride adorns herself with her jewels! .Isaiah A121B4 The happiness and +oy that beamed from their fa es was beyond ompare. #eaven is a real pla e. It is not a figment of someone(s imagination. In the Bible it is re orded that :esus said, Let not your heart be troubled; you believe in God, believe also in "e! In "y #ather$s house are many mansions; if it were not so, I would have told you! I go to %re%are a %lace for you! .:ohn 1321-/4

#eaven is a prepared pla e for a prepared people. !in e we as hildren of God have been transformed and made new by the mira le of regeneration, and sin e we are now new reations in 0hrist, it is a +oy to "now that the pla e where we will spend eternity is prepared by the !avior who saved us. #eaven is a perfe t pla e. !in e our !avior is perfe t, omnipotent, and eternal, heaven has to be a perfe t pla e. Be ause #e is preparing us a pla e there to live with #im for all eternity, our eternal home will be perfe t, too. 5othing will ever mar any part of that heavenly abode. There will never be anything allowed to enter heaven to defile it or spoil it. &ut there shall by no means enter it anything that defiles, or causes an abomination or a lie, but only those who are written in the Lamb$s &oo of Life. .&evelation /12/C4 #eaven is beyond the rea h of sin and sinners of every "ind and des ription. !atan will be forever barred from that heavenly pla e2 'nd another sign a%%eared in heaven( behold, a great, fiery red dragon having seven heads and ten horns, and seven diadems on his heads! His tail drew a third of the stars ) angelic hosts* of heaven and threw them to the earth! 'nd the dragon stood before the woman who was ready to give birth, to devour her +hild as soon as it was born! war bro e out in heaven( "ichael and his angels fought with the dragon; and the dragon and his angels fought, but they did not %revail, nor was a %lace found for them in heaven any longer! ,o the great dragon was cast out, that ser%ent of old, called the Devil and ,atan, who deceives the whole world; he was cast to the earth, and his angels were cast out with him! -hen I heard a loud voice saying in heaven, ./ow salvation, and strength, and the ingdom of our God, and the %ower of His +hrist have come, for the accuser of our brethren, who accused them before our God day and night, has been cast down! .-herefore rejoice, O heavens, and you who dwell in them0 1oe to the inhabitants of the earth and the sea0 #or the devil has come down to you, having great wrath, because he nows that he has a short time!2 /ow when the dragon saw that he had been cast to the earth, he %ersecuted the woman who gave birth to the male +hild! .&evelation 1/2D-3, C-1B, 1/-1D4 That serpent, !atan, and his unholy ohorts will never again rear their ugly heads in the pure and holy limate of heaven* The demons annot enter heaven. The fallen angels who rebelled against God and =who did not ee% their %ro%er domain, but left their own abode> .:ude 12A4 annot return to heaven. 5othing will be la "ing in heaven. 5o de tail will be left out to "eep its environment from being perfe t. 5o matter where we go on earth, no matter where we live or how expensive our homes may be, there are obvious faults and flaws to "eep them from being perfe t. In ontrast, God has made no mista"es in onstru ting the pla e alled heaven. Its glories, its beauties, its wonders are beyond human powers of des ription. The indes ribable splendor of that beautiful pla e is wondrous to behold. The ombined brillian e of the light of the !on of God refle ting on walls of +asper, gates of pearl, mansions unnumbered, and the beautiful &iver of )ife reates a s ene no artist ould ever ade@uately depi t.

HO#% OF R%D%%#%D &O'L&

#eaven is a permanent pla e. 5o enemy will ever on@uer the paradise of God. There will be no rumbling of its buildings, no de ay of its materials, and no withering or dying of its vegetation. 5o smog or radiation will ever pollute its holy atmosphere. This permanent, abiding pla e is an eternal, ontinuing ity. 'e sing this song, written by #attie Buell2 $ tent or a ottage, why should I are; They(re building a pala e for me over there,

Tho( exiled from #im, yet still I may sing, $ll glory to God, I(m a hild of the King. In that in omparable pla e, saints will find sweet deliveran e from all disappointments, hearta hes, tragedies, and disasters. There will be no more sorrow or woe. There will be no more pain. There will be no more rying2 'nd God will wi%e away every tear from their eyes; there shall be no more death, nor sorrow, nor crying! -here shall be no more %ain, for the former things have %assed away! .&evelation /1234 The +oyful iti7ens I saw in heaven seemed to have ome from many different ages and ountries. 6arious nationalities seemed obvious to me. Then I remembered another ! ripture I had read2 $nd they sang a new song, saying2 =3ou are worthy to ta e the scroll, and to o%en its seals; for 3ou were slain, and have redeemed us to God by 3our blood out of every tribe and tongue and %eo%le and nation!2 .&evelation E2F4

%#PLO!%D I" PRAI&I") )OD

?x itedly, my soul praised the ma+esty of God* The sorrows I experien ed and the grief I suffered when I saw a revelation of hell now seemed so far away. This was a revelation of heaven. I saw entire families together. ?verybody was happy, going somewhere, doing something, smiling. $ glow gra ed every fa e I saw. $ll the saints in heaven seemed to be o upied. They were onstantly busy. They spent their time praising and magnifying God. !ongs were on everyone(s lips. The atmosphere of musi was the dominant mood. ?ternity will not be spent in leisure and la7iness, as some have mista"enly pi tured our final destination. 'e will do more than float on a loud, strum a harp, or wiggle our toes in the &iver of )ife. <ur time will be o upied in servi e to God. :ust what the nature of this servi e will be, we annot say, but there an be no doubt that #is people will serve #im.

DIA#O"D& FOR &O'L+I""%R&

I ould see diamonds-glittering, glistening, ex@uisite diamonds-diamonds everywhere* !ome were are as large as blo "s of on rete. !ome of these diamonds seemed to be for the mansions of those who were soulwinners on earth. It seemed that every time someone led a soul to 0hrist, heaven provided a diamond for that faithful 0hristian. The Bible says, -he fruit of the righteous is a tree of life, and he who wins souls is wise! .-roverbs 112DB4 -hose who are wise shall shine li e the brightness of the firmament, and those who turn many to righteousness li e the stars forever and ever! .%aniel 1/2D4 $s I stood drin"ing in the splendor and grandeur of that glorious pla e, I saw an immense, beautiful angel oming down a path. In his hands he held a s roll, whi h had gold edging on it. The angel laid the s roll on a pedestal table, whi h was made of a silvery material unli"e anything I had ever seen before. The oblong table literally glistened with light. The s roll had a name written on it. <ne of the saints pi "ed it up and began to read it. =:esus is the Master Builder,> a saint in heaven told me. =#e determines who deserves the diamonds and where they go. This s roll I hold is a report from earth of a person who has led someone to :esus, who fed the poor, who lothed the na"ed-who did great things for God.> 1hen the ,on of "an comes in His glory, and all the holy angels with Him, then He will sit on the

throne of His glory! the nations will be gathered before Him, and He will se%arate them one from another, as a she%herd divides his shee% from the goats! He will set the shee% on His right hand, but the goats on the left! -hen the 4ing will say to those on His right hand, .+ome, you blessed of "y #ather, inherit the ingdom %re %ared for you from the foundation of the world( .for I was hungry and you gave "e food; I was thirsty and you gave "e drin ; I was a stranger and you too "e in; .I was na ed and you clothed "e; I was sic and you visited "e; I was in %rison and you came to "e!2 -hen the righteous will answer Him, saying, .Lord, when did we see 3ou hungry and feed 3ou, or thirsty and give 3ou drin 5 .1hen did we see 3ou a stranger and ta e 3ou in, or na ed and clothe 3ou5 .Or when did we see 3ou sic , or in %rison, and come to 3ou52 the 4ing will answer and say to them, .'ssuredly, I say to you, inasmuch as you did it to one of the least of these "y brethren, you did it to "e!2 -hen He will also say to those on the left hand, .De%art from "e, you cursed, into the everlasting fire %re%ared for the devil and his angels! .'nd these will go away into everlasting %unishment, but the righteous into eternal life!2 .Matthew /E2D1-31, 3A4

ROO# FOR %*%R!,OD!

The angel repeated the wel ome theme to me2 =0ome and see the glory of your God.> $t the )ord(s dire tion, I am re ording this a ount of heaven as I saw it. 'e need to under stand that the fo us of our hopes and desires should be to spend all eternity with our )ord. #eaven is the land of dreams ome true* I(m ex ited about heaven be ause after our wor"s and labors on earth are finished, we will leave this earth and go there. God has prepared the ity, and :esus is preparing a pla e there for those of us who love #im.

P%RF%-T -O##'"IO"
Gnbro"en fellowship between God and man will be ompletely restored in heaven. 'hen $dam and ?ve were in the Garden of ?den, God paid visits to this earth. $fter fellow ship with #im was bro"en by sin and disobedien e, God ontinued to show #is desire for ommunion with man"ind. #is ultimate expression of love for man "ind was the giving of #is own !on to die a mer iless death on a ruel ross. Through 0hrist(s death and resurre tion, fellowship between God and man again be ame a possibility. ?ven now, the ir umstan es of life an hinder our intimate fellowship with God. But, in heaven there will be no more hindran es. 'e will "now perfe t fellowship with the King of Kings and the )ord of )ords. 8ellowship with #im will be omplete. #eaven is the abode of the living God. It is far above the atmospheri heavens and beyond the planets and galaxies. It is the everlasting home of =The &edeemed of the )<&%> .Isaiah A/21/4. It is the eternal destination of all the hildren of God through faith in 0hrist. 9ou do not need to fear being rowded into a tiny ubi le in heaven that has been labeled a =mansion.> 'hen the redeemed of the ages are gathered home to glory, there will be suffi ient room for all of them to have one of the many mansions, the many dwelling pla es, whi h :esus said #e was preparing for us in #is 8ather(s house2 Let not your heart be troubled; you believe in God, believe also in "e! In "y #ather$s house are many mansions; if it were not so, I would have told you! I go to %re%are a %lace for you! 'nd if I go and %re%are a %lace for you, I will come again and receive you to "yself that where I am, there you may be also! 'nd where I go you now, and the way you now! .:ohn 1321-34 #eaven definitely has room for everyone2

'fter these things I loo ed, and be hold, a great multitude which no one could number, of all nations, tribes, %eo%les, and tongues, standing before the throne and before the Lamb, clothed with white robes, with %alm branches in their hands, and crying out with a loud voice, saying, .,alvation belongs to our God who sits on the throne, and to the Lamb02 'll the angels stood around the throne and the elders and the four living creatures, and fell on their faces before the throne and worshi%ed God! .&evelation C2F-114

T%AR& I" H%A*%"

$t one point I was ta"en to a parti ular pla e where the angel stopped and said to me, =God wants me to show you the room of tears.> Many times you may have read in several passages in the -salms about our tears and about how God ares for us. The angels at h our tears and put them in bottles .-salm EA2H4. Many times I had wondered about what this meant. I "now that many of you reading these words have ried many tears for your loved ones, your hildren, your mate, or your family. ?spe ially if you(ve gone through a separation or a divor e, you have felt li"e all hope was gone. 9ou have grieved over your lost loved ones. I want to tell you that God showed me a room of tears. It was so beautiful. The angel too" me to a grand entran eway that had no door. )oo"ing inside, I ould see that the room itself wasn(t large, but the holiness and power radiating from it ama7ed me. )ined with rystal shelves, the inside walls glowed with light. <n the shelves were many bottles, some of whi h were in lusters of three and loo"ed li"e lear glass. Gnder ea h spar"ling luster of glass-li"e bottles was a pla@ue with a name on it. There were many of these bottles in the room. Then inside the room I saw a man who appeared to have been glorified. #is deep purple robe was very beautiful and loo"ed li"e velvet. $n elegant table, whi h was made of a ri h-loo"ing material and glowed with ma+esti splendor, was +ust inside the door. The lavish display I saw astonished me* Boo"s were lying on the table, and they loo"ed as if they were sewn in the most beautiful sil"-li"e material I have ever seen. !ome had diamonds, pearls, and la e on them, others had green and purple stones on them. $ll of them were intri ately made. I thought to myself, =<h, God, how beautiful these boo"s are*> I love boo"s. These boo"s espe ially appealed to me. They were stunning. $s I ga7ed about, I was over ome with wonder. $t this point the man in the room said to me, =0ome and see. I want to show you this room, and I want to explain to you about tears. This is only one of many rooms li"e it. I am in harge of this room.> $s he tal"ed, a large angel ame through the entran eway. The beauty and ma+esty of this heavenly being astounded me. I noti ed that he wore a white, glistening garment with gold-edged trim that went all the way down the front. #e seemed to be about twelve feet tall and had very large wings. The angel held a small bowl in his hands. The golden bowl was filled .see &evelation E2H4 with a li@uid. The man in the room told me, >#e has +ust brought me a bowl of tears from the earth. I want you to see what we do with this.> The angel handed him the bowl, along with a pie e of paper. The note held the name of the person whose tears were in the bowl. The man in the room read the note and then went over to one of the pla es where the bottles were "ept. #e read the pla@ue under the bottle, and I "new it mat hed the person from earth who was named in the note. The man pi "ed up the bottle that was nearly full and brought it over to the bowl. #e poured the tears from the

golden bowl into the bottle. >I want to show you what we do here,> the man said to me. >Tell the people on earth about this.> Then he too" the bottle over to the table, pi "ed up one of the boo"s, opened it, and said, >)oo"*> The pages in the boo" were ompletely blan". The "eeper of the room said to me, >These are tears from the saints of God on earth as they ry to God. !ee what happens.> Then the man poured a drop from the bottle, one little teardrop, on the first page of the boo". 'hen he did, words began to appear immediately. Beautiful words, elegantly handwritten, started appearing on the page. ?a h time a tear fell on a page, a whole page of writing appeared. #e ontinued doing this page after page, time and time again. $s he losed the boo" and spo"e, he seemed to be saying to all humanity as well as to me, >The most perfe t prayers are those that are bathed in tears that ome from the hearts and souls of men and women on earth.> Then the angel with rainbow wings said to me, >0ome and see the glory of God.>

)OD OP%"%D TH% ,OO

Immediately, we were transported to a huge pla e with thousands and thousands of people and heavenly beings. <h, it was beautiful* In a little while the people seemed to fade away, and an even greater display of God(s glory began to appear everywhere. The high praises of God be ame thunderous. The angeli messenger too" me to the throne of God. I saw a huge loud, a mist, and I saw an image of the Being in the loud. I ould not see God(s fa e, but I saw the glory of God and a rainbow over the throne. I heard the voi e of God, and it sounded to me +ust as :ohn de s ribed it2 >I heard a voi e from heaven, li"e the voi e of many waters, and li"e the voi e of loud thunder> .&evelation 132/4. In this mighty arena, I saw many horses with riders beside the throne. !uddenly, I saw a boo" lying on the huge altar in front of God(s throne. I saw angels bowing before #im. !tanding in awe, I wat hed this s ene, and I saw what loo"ed li"e a man(s hand ome out of the loud and open up the boo". !omehow I "new it was the hand of God that opened the boo". $ma7ed, I saw what loo"ed li"e smo"e as ending from the boo". !uddenly, the most beautiful perfume I ever smelled filled the whole area where I stood. The angel told me that this boo" ontains the prayers of the saints and that God was sending #is angels to earth to answer the prayers from the ries of their hearts. ?very body was praising and magnifying God. $s God opened up the boo", pages began to ome out of the volume and fly into the hands of the angels on the horses. I ould hear #is voi e, >li"e the voi e of loud thunder,> shouting and saying, >Go, answer her prayers* Go, answer his prayers*> 3ou number my wanderings; 6ut my tears into 3our bottle; 're they not in 3our boo 5 1hen I cry out to 3ou, -hen my enemies will turn bac ; -his I now, because God is for me! In God 7I will %raise His word8, In the LORD 7I will %raise His word8, 9 In God I have %ut my trust; I will not be afraid! 1hat can man do to me5 .-salm EA2H-114 The living 'ord of God explains to us what #e does with our tears. #ow beautiful it is to understand the glory and the wonder of our God* #ow marvelous it is to be re ipients of #is ompassion* #e ares even about our tears. Many ! riptures spea" to us about our tears, about our sorrows, and about God(s om fort for us. &ead these and

re+oi e2 -hus says the LORD, the God of David your father( 2I have heard your %rayer, I have seen your tears; surely I will heal you!2 ./ Kings /B2E4 I am weary with my groaning; all night I ma e my bed swim; I drench my couch with my tears! "y eye wastes away because of grief, it grows old because of all my enemies! De%art from me, all you wor ers of ini:uity; for the LORD has heard the voice of my wee%ing! -he LORD has heard my su%%lication; -he LORD will receive my %rayer! .-salm A2A-F4 #or 3ou have delivered my soul from death, my eyes from tears, and my feet from falling! .-salm 11A2H4 -hose who sow in tears shall rea% in joy! He who continually goes forth wee%ing, bearing seed for sowing, shall doubtless come again with rejoicing, bringing his sheaves with him! .-salm 1/A2E-A4 He will swallow u% death forever, and the Lord GOD will wi%e away tears from all faces! .Isaiah /E2H4 Refrain your voice from wee%ing, and your eyes from tears; for your wor shall be rewarded, says the LORD, and they shall come bac from the land of the enemy! .:eremiah D121A4 -he Lamb who is in the midst of the throne will she%herd them and lead them to living fountains of waters! 'nd God will wi%e away every tear from their eyes! .&evelation C21C4 'nd God will wi%e away every tear from their eyes; there shall be no more death, nor sorrow, nor crying! -here shall be no more %ain, for the former things have %assed away! .&evelation /1234 'nd the ransomed of the LORD shall return, and come to ;ion with singing, with everlasting joy on their heads! -hey shall obtain joy and gladness, and sorrow and sighing shall flee away! .Isaiah DE21B4 Glory to God, heaven is a real pla e* 'e will really be going there. $nd, we will not be vapors of smo"e floating on a loud when we go to heaven. <ne of the wonderful things about heaven is that our tears and sorrows will be repla ed with eternal +oy, as promised in the 'ord of God. 9et, there is mu h more* ----------------------------------------------------------

The Throne Of )od

#eaven is a real pla e. It is a literal destination. It is not some ephemeral dream, some imagined vision. God has revealed to all of us many of the realities of heaven through the #oly ! riptures.

TH% FIR&T H%A*%"

8irst, there is an atmospheri heaven. This is the atmosphere around the earth. It is where the birds fly and the winds blow. This is where showers, storms, mists, vapors, and louds are formed. The s"y is the pla e the angel was referring to in $ ts 1211 when he as"ed the dis iples why they were >ga7ing up into heaven.> :esus, when #e

was tal"ing to #is 8ather, >lifted up #is eyes to heaven> .:ohn 1C214, or toward the s"y.

TH% &%-O"D H%A*%"

Then, there is the heaven of spa e. This is the region of the sun, the moon, and the stars. It is mentioned in the Bible in many pla es, a few of whi h are given here2 &lessing I will bless you, and multi%lying I will multi%ly your descendants as the stars of the heaven and as the sand which is on the seashore! .Genesis //21C4 'nd ta e heed, lest you lift your eyes to heaven, and when you see the sun, the moon, and the stars, all the host of heaven, you feel driven to worshi% them and serve them, which the LORD your God has given to all the %eo%les under the whole heaven as a heritage! .%euteronomy 321F4 +an you bind the cluster of the 6ieiades, or loose the belt of Orion5 +an you bring out "a<<aroth in its season5 Or can you guide the Great &ear with its cubs5 Do you now the ordinances of the heavens5 +an you set their dominion over the earth5 .:ob DH2D1-DD4 #or the stars of heaven and their constellations will not give their light; the sun will be dar ened in its going forth, and the moon will not cause its light to shine! .Isaiah 1D21B4 Immediately after the tribulation of those days the sun will be dar ened, and the moon will not give its light; the stars will fall from heaven, and the %owers of the heavens will be sha en! .Matthew /32/F4


The destination of the righteous, however, is beyond the atmosphere and the starry s"ies. This pla e is what the apostle -aul referred to when he wrote, >I "now a man in 0hrist who fourteen years ago was aught up to the third heaven> ./ 0orinthians 1/2/ 5I64. #eaven, as I am using the term throughout this boo", is the region often spo"en of as the immediate presen e of God2 #or +hrist has not entered the holy %laces made with hands, which are co%ies of the true, but into heaven itself, now to a%%ear in the %resence of God for us! .#ebrews F2/34 #eaven is where God lives. 'hen :esus taught us to pray, #e said to pray to >our 8ather in heaven> .Matthew A2F4. In 1 Kings H2DB, heaven is alled the dwelling pla e of God. In -salm 1123, it is alled God(s holy temple and the pla e where #is throne is. There, in the temple of God(s divine ma+esty, #is ex ellent glory is revealed in the most onspi uous manner. It is a sa red pla e of light, +oy, and glory. 'e don(t "now exa tly where the lo ation is, but often in the Bible heaven is indi ated as being >up.> 'e "now that God $lmighty is in heaven. There #e and :esus 0hrist are the entral fo us of saints, angels, and all worshipping beings. 'hat glorious ompany there is in heaven* $ngels are there, be ause :esus said, >In heaven angels always see the fa e of My 8ather who is in heaven> .Matthew 1H21B4. The saints are there be ause :esus promised us, >'here I am, there you may be also> .:ohn 132D4. 'e are told in 1 -eter 123 that an inheritan e has been reserved for us in heaven- an inheritan e that is in orruptible, undefiled, and that will not fade away. !aints, it ex ites me to testify of my beautiful visit to heaven. I am thrilled to tell you of the things I saw and the

people I saw.

TH% PRAI&% OF H%A*%"

$fter the angel of God had shown me the room of tears, he repeated the litany I heard so often throughout my visits to heaven2 >0ome and see the glory of your God*> The radiant, magnifi ent, elestial splendor of heaven overwhelmed me. The bla7es of glory that seemed to shoot from everything I saw filled me with awe. The beauty and bliss of that fair land annot a urately be pi tured by the mind(s eye unless a person has seen it for him self. $t that moment, I thought of the words I on e heard someone @uote2 -he light of heaven Is the face of =esus! -he joy of heaven Is the %resence of =esus! -he harmony of heaven Is the %raise of =esus! -he theme of heaven Is the wor of =esus! -he em%loyment of heaven Is the service of =esus! -he fullness of heaven Is =esus Himself! $s I went with the angel, I ould feel +oy, pea e, and happiness everywhere. My thoughts went to my family on earth, and it seemed the angel "new my thoughts. #e said to me, >9ou have a mission to fulfill for God. 9ou are to tell the people on earth what is up here. God is showing you some of heaven, but not all of it. 0ome and see the glory of your God.> 'hen we rea hed our destination, I ould hear many, many voi es singing praises to God. The magnifi ent musi of the worshippers of heaven thrilled my soul. #onor and glory e hoed and ree hoed a ross the wide expanse of heaven as seraphim and saints sang endless anthems of praise with exuberan e.


My soul was exhilarated and transported with +oy. !omehow I "new we were nearing the throne of God. The angel who guided me stopped a long way off, far ba " from the throne of God. I ould see a panorami view of events that were ta"ing pla e. I saw the same s ene that :ohn saw in his vision that he des ribed in &evelation2 -hen I loo ed, and I heard the voice of many angels around the throne, the living creatures, and the elders; and the number of them was ten thousand times ten thousand, and thousands of thousands! .&evelation E2114 <h, people of earth, if you an only reali7e what God has in store for us who love #im* $s I ga7ed in rapture at the s ene before me, something even more wonderful happened. I ould hear louder than ever these thousands upon thousands of voi es praising God. Then- wonder of all wonders*-the angel permitted me to see what I had always longed to see, the throne of God.


God(s throne was >high and lifted up> .Isaiah A214. 0oming out from under the base, the &iver of )ife flowed in its beauty and purity. The glory of God overshadowed the throne. It seemed that lightning, thunder, and voi es were all around the throne. :ohn, in des ribing a vision he had of heaven, said, 'nd from the throne %roceeded lightnings, thunderings, and voices! ,even lam%s of fire were burning before the throne, which are the seven ,%irits of God!

.&evelation 32E4 I saw a rainbow ar hing above and around the throne, >in appearan e li"e an emerald> .&evelation 32D4. The brilliant, glorious hues of the rainbow were mixed with light, produ ing da77lingly intense olors. It was unli"e anything I have ever seen on earth. 6aried olors of radiant light signified glory and power. Bla7es of splendor flashed from the throne. Beams of glory radiated from it. !o mu h of heaven seems transparent, and those illustrious beams that ome forth from the throne are filled with light that is refle ted in every part of paradise* #ow long I stayed in this heavenly arena, I do not "now, but I was overwhelmed with awe. I thought of the thousands who have gone on to heaven and of the many thousands who will yet ome. I thought of the holiness of God, the purity of #is ma+esty, and the perfe tion of #is 'ord. I shouted aloud, ><h, God* #ow wonderful it is to behold 9our glory and 9our ma+esty and 9our power*> $s before, the angel of the )ord said to me, >0ome with me. There are many other things in heaven that I want to show you.>


I was ama7ed to see a room of re ords in whi h meti ulous re ords were being "ept. The angel said that God has #is angels "eep re ords of every hur h servi e on earth and every servi e in a home where #e is lifted up and praised. God also "eeps re ords on those who are out of #is will. #e showed me how God(s angels "eep re ords of the money that is given in hur h servi es, along with a re ord of the attitudes with whi h people ontribute. #e told me of people who have money but won(t give to the wor" of the )ord. I thought of how :esus arefully wat hed the offering and the treasury when #e went to the temple of the )ord2 /ow =esus sat o%%osite the treasury and saw how the %eo%le %ut money into the treasury! 'nd many who were rich %ut in much! -hen one %oor widow came and threw in two mites, which ma e a :uadrans ) than a %enny*! ,o He called His disci%les to Himself and said to them, 2'ssuredly, I say to you that this %oor widow has %ut in more than all those who have given to the treasury; 2for they all %ut in out of their abundance, but she out of her %overty %ut in all that she had, her whole livelihood!2 .Mar" 1/231-334 $s the many things were revealed to me, in luding the room where the re ord boo"s are "ept, the angel reminded me that I was to re member to ma"e a re ord of these things. #e said there were many things that were mysteries to me, as I was only seeing dimly .1 0orinthians 1D21/4. But the angel emphasi7ed that I was to tell the people on earth about the things I saw. $s we rea hed another part of heaven, I loo"ed down a very long orridor. Its walls were high, and they seemed to be made of platinum. I ould hear the high praises of God ringing out ontinually. I was ama7ed at the brillian y of light and glory that refle ted from the walls. -u77led, I as"ed, >'hat is this;> It seemed li"e the walls were miles long, I ouldn(t see the end of them.


The angel who was showing me these things said, >)oo" at the top of this wall.> There on the top of it was et hed the word, !torehouse. 'hen I as"ed, >'hat are these rooms;>, the angel told me these rooms ontained blessings that are stored up for God(s people* #eaven is perfe t purity, and God wants to purify #is saints on earth so they will en+oy heaven(s atmosphere. #eaven is fullness of +oy, and God desires to give +oy to #is people on earth. #eaven is everlasting freedom, and God longs for #is people to have deliveran e while on earth. #eaven is perfe t wholeness, and God wants to heal #is people here on earth. #eaven is omplete se urity, and God wants #is people to feel onfident and se ure here on earth. #eaven is fruition and fulfillment, and God de sires that #is people be fulfilled on earth.

'hen :esus instru ted us to pray that God(s >will be done on earth as it is in heaven> .Matthew A21B4, #e revealed that God wants us to have a taste of heaven here on earth* !aints, the )ord has storehouses of blessings +ust for you. They are waiting in heaven for you to laim them and to re eive them now, here on earth. God wants to save you. #e wants to deliver you. #e wants to heal you. #e wants you to "now >the pea e of God, whi h surpasses all understanding> .-hilippians 32C4. #e wants you to experien e a lasting >+oy inexpressible and full of glory> .1 -eter 12H4.

TH% H%ALI") $%&'&

>!ee the glory of your God,> the angel pro laimed. 'hen he disappeared, :esus stood be side me. I loo"ed at :esus. #e seemed to be taller now than I had per eived #im to be before. The brilliant robe #e wore hung on #im elegantly and gra efully. !andals gra ed #is s arred feet, and #is fa e and hair were glorious and beautiful. $s I ga7ed at #im, I as"ed, >:esus, what are these rooms;> The )ord didn(t spea" to me, but #e put out #is hand and moved it toward the wall. $t that moment, a large opening appeared in the wall. $ll around the edges of the opening I saw glory and power and light. )i"e every other ob+e t, this seemed to give glory to God. I ried out, ><h, )ord, what is this;> #e said to me, >My hild, these are for My people. They are for sinners on the earth, if they will only believe. I died to ma"e them whole.> $s I loo"ed into #is eyes, I "new that #e wanted people to believe that #e, :esus 0hrist, had died so that we ould be made whole. #e said, >#ealings are waiting for people on earth. The day will ome when there will be an avalan he of mira les and healings on the earth.> 0ontinuing, #e said, >0hild, as far as you an see, these are supply buildings, or store houses. The blessings ontained here await the belief of those on earth. $ll they have to do is believe and re eive-believe that I am the )ord :esus 0hrist and that I am able to do these things, and re eive My gifts.> >'hen you go ba " to the earth,> #e emphasi7ed, >remember that it is not you who does the healing. It is not the vessel that heals, it is I. :ust spea" my 'ord and pray, and I will do the healing. Believe that I an do it.> I shouted, >Glory to God* #allelu+ah* Than" 9ou, :esus*> :esus put #is hand down, and the opening in the wall losed. Then the angel and I traveled at a very fast speed to another pla e. #ere, too, I ould hear the musi and the glorious shouts of the people of God. The angel said, >0hild, I(ve been ommanded by the )ord to show you several things. Tell the people about these things.> ----------------------------------------------------------

,efore, "ow, and After

$t this point in my vision, the angel of the )ord began to reveal things to me that I had often wondered about previously. #e began to tell me about a great mystery. #e said, >God has spo"en, and I am to show you before, now, and after. The things I am going to show will give you great ex itement. I am going to reveal to you what happens when a person is born again. I will show you how a person(s sins are washed away by the blood of the )amb in the re ord rooms. >I am going to show you what happens when a born-again individual dies on earth and his soul omes to heaven. 0ome and see the glory of your God.> 'e traveled from heaven at a fast rate of speed, and soon we were ba " over the earth. I ould see the earth as in a vision, and the angel said to me, >)oo" and behold.> $s the angel allowed the vision to pass be fore me, I saw a beautiful little hur h in the ountry. 5ow, I don(t

"now where the hur h was lo ated geographi ally, but it was a rural hur h, way out in the ountry. 'ith the assistan e of the angel of God, I was allowed to loo" into the building. I ould see about thirty people seated in the pews. The pastor in the pulpit prea hed on this passage2 ,ee the LORD while He may be found! +all u%on Him while He is near! the wic ed forsa e his way, and the unrighteous man his thoughts; let him return to the LORD, and He will have mercy on him; and to our God, for He will abundantly %ardon! .Isaiah EE2A-C4 $s I ga7ed on this s ene, I saw a mighty angel standing over the hur h. The guiding an gel beside me said, >$ large angel is stationed at every hur h. This angel is in harge of all the other angels of that hur h.>

A")%L& AT -H'R-H
Two angels with boo"s stood outside the door of the hur h. I ould see people going in and out of the hur h. Then my angel guide signaled with his hand, and it seemed as if the roof rolled ba ", and I ould see inside the hur h. $n angel stood on ea h side of the pastor at the pulpit. Beyond those two were two more an gels. This made four angels around the pulpit. Two angels stood at the ba " of the hur h, behind the ongregation. Two more stood about halfway up the aisle, and up near the altar stood two more angels. !o there were @uite a few an gels in the hur h, and several of them had s rolls and pens in their hands. The angel said to me, >I want to show you what happens.> The pastor began to spea", and the ushers started to ta"e up the offering. $s the offering was re eived, the angels re orded the people(s attitudes in giving. They re orded the ontributors( thoughts-whether they begrudged giving to the wor" of the )ord, or if they en+oyed giving the offering and viewed it as an a t of worship. The angels logged it all in their re ord boo"s. Then the two big angels in the front of the pulpit nodded their heads at the other angels. These a tivities of the angels were invisible to the people in the hur h, but I ould see it all learly. Then my guide said to me, >I want to show you something else. 'at h losely, and you will be blessed.> !uddenly, it seemed as if I had been moved behind the pastor. $s he was prea hing on the sixth verse->!ee" the )<&% while #e may be found. 0all upon #im while #e is near>-I ould see a host of heavenly beings inside the hur h. $ll the time the servi e was going on, the angels were re+oi ing. The minister was anointed as he prea hed that message. <ne of the angels was pouring what loo"ed li"e fire on his head. The glories of God were oming from the prea her(s mouth. $t the ba " of the hur h, a door opened, and a man who was very drun" staggered in. #e ame down the aisle, saying, >I am the one you are tal"ing to, prea her. I need the )ord. I need to be saved. I am an al oholi .> The man dropped to his "nees at the front altar and began to ry out to God. Two of the dea ons went to the altar to minister to him. -utting their arms around him, they as"ed him, >%o you mean business with God; %o you really want to be saved;> >9es, I want to be saved,> the man said. >I(m an al oholi . I need to be set free.>

A &O'L I& &A*%D

Two more angels suddenly appeared. They had s rolls in their hands, and they began to write down what the man said. Then the dea ons began to lead him through the pro ess of salvation. I saw that this man was filled with sin.

#owever, as the dea ons prayed with him, one of the angels tou hed his heart, and smo"e as dar" as a rain loud ame spewing out of his hest. 'hen I saw this, I re alled some of the ! riptures that tal" about the vile sins that ome out of the heart2 ' good man out of the good treasure of his heart brings forth good things, and an evil man out of the evil treasure brings forth evil things! .Matthew 1/2DE4 &ut the things that come out of the mouth come from the heart, and these ma e a man 2unclean!2 #or out of the heart come evil thoughts, murder, adultery, se>ual immorality, theft, false testimony, slander! .Matthew 1E21H-1F 5I64 $s the man began to pray to God with up raised hands, I saw wide, bla " bands that were wrapped all around him. #e was in bondage to all "inds of sin, but espe ially to al ohol addi tion and drun"enness. $ dea on said to him, >9ou must onfess these sins to God, so that #e an forgive you, and so you an be washed in the blood of the )amb.> $s he began to onfess his sins, an angel tou hed him. I ould see fire ome from the an gel(s hands. The bands started to brea" and burst off of him. This gave the man tremendous liberty. #e raised his hands and praised the )ord. #e stood up, and I saw the glory of God ome down on him. I "now the )ord sobered him up, be ause he began to shout praises to the )ord. Then the two mighty angels loo"ed at ea h other and nodded their heads. They ame ba " through the air to where we were and said, >0ome and see the glory of God.>


'e traveled ba " to heaven with the other two angels very rapidly. $fter we entered through the gate, we went down a beautiful pathway that appeared to be made of gold. Iui "ly we were transported to a lovely room. The angel said, >0ome and see what we do here.> The long orridor we were in led to many other rooms similar to the one we were entering. The angel said, >There are many of these rooms in heaven. These are alled rooms of re ords. 9ou will see what goes on in these rooms.> The angel said, >'e are going to the room that ontains the name of the man who was +ust onverted on earth.> In the room I saw the angels from earth go @ui "ly and give the report written on a s roll to another angel. !everal ladders were positioned along the walls in the re tangular room. !helves overed the walls, and all the boo"s were on the shelves. The s ene reminded me of a library on earth. <ther angels, singing and praising God, stood in a line in front of a large des". It was about eight feet a ross and four feet wide. $ s@uare utout was in the enter of the des", whi h was overlaid with solid gold. It was so beautiful. It was arved with leaves and fruit. It was the most beautiful des" one ould ever imagine. I have never seen anything li"e it-or even a pi ture li"e iton the earth. I was aught up with the glory and the ma+esty of God in this room. $ngels were going up and down ladders. They were ontinuously pulling boo"s down from the shelves and returning them to the orre t pla es. !everal angels were standing nearby with reports from other parts of the earth. I noti ed that some of the boo"s in the wall were different shades of olor. Then I saw two of the angels from the hur h standing in a line with a boo" they had pulled from the shelf. It ontained the re ord of the very man I had +ust witnessed being born again on earth. The angel with me said, >%o you see the two angels from the hur h servi e;> >9es.> >%o you see the boo" in their hands;>

>9es.> >That is the re ord boo" of the man who +ust got saved. They have retrieved it from the shelves. 5ow they must go to the angel in harge.> My guide explained that in every re ord room, there is an angel in harge. ?verything that goes in or out of the room goes past that angel. $ll is done in order to the glory of God. I was ama7ed to see all these things going on. The angel in harge wore a brilliant head dress that is beyond my apa ity to des ribe. #e had golden hair and a glistening, white robe with a lot of gold on it. This gorgeous angel had a wingspread of about twelve feet. #e was the most beautiful angel I had ever seen. The angel was the main re ord "eeper of that room. The angel in harge loo"ed at me and motioned for me to ome to his side. The power of God moved me, and I was @ui "ly standing by the angel(s right side. #e said to me, >9ou are allowed to be here so that we an show you what happens when someone on earth is born again. 9ou are to tell the people on earth.> The wonder of it thrilled me beyond words*

%%PI") R%-ORD&
$s I loo"ed out in front of me, the high praises of God were going up all around. I ould hear bells ringing, although I ould not see them. %elightful, laughing, glorious, happy an gels stood with boo"s in their hands, waiting to tal" to the angel in harge. I started to praise and magnify God anew for #is wondrous power and #is glorious a ts. >%o you see the two angels in front of the des";> my angel guide as"ed me. >9es,> I replied. >They were present when this man was born again.> #e pulled a message out of the s roll, it was li"e a mar"er in the boo". I ouldn(t see what was written on the paper or the s roll. Then the angel said, >)oo" at what is written here,> as he showed it to me. The message was written in an orderly fashion, and it was beautiful. I saw the name of the ountry, the name of the state, the name of the ounty, the name of the ity, and the name of the hur h. The angel showed me the name of the pastor and how many people were in the hur h. #e showed me the order of the servi e. The entire re ord was written down. #e showed me the people who parti ipated in the hur h servi e and the details of the offering that was ta"en. The name of the man whose salvation I had seen on earth was re orded on the paper. The message of the Gospel of the )ord :esus 0hrist that was prea hed to save his soul and the exa t time to the very se ond he was born again-it was all written there. I shouted, >Glory to God*> 'hen the written a ount got to the point where the man prayed the sinner(s prayer and re eived :esus 0hrist as )ord and !avior, the angel loo"ed at the two messenger angels and as"ed, >'ere you witnesses that this man was born again at this hour and this time;> They said, >9es, we were witnesses. 'e were there. #e re eived :esus 0hrist as )ord and !avior. 'e saw it happen.> The noise of the glory, the praises, and the shouts that went up at that moment was astounding. $ll of heaven was magnifying God. Then the angel wrote something in the boo" he "ept and losed the pages. The boo" was very thi ". #e said to me, >)oo" behind you.> I saw many people, redeemed saints, dressed in white robes and arrayed in splendor.

TH% ,LOOD OF $%&'&

These redeemed saints of the Most #igh God were singing this song2 Oh, nothing but the blood of =esus +an wash my sins away! Oh, nothing but the blood of =esus +an ma e me whole today! Oh, nothing but the blood of =esus +an cleanse me today! I$ve been redeemed &y the blood of the Lamb! $s I observed, the man(s boo" was handed to one of the re+oi ing saints. -age after page of the old writings were washed away. They lifted up the pages one by one, and I ould see that every page had been washed in the blood of :esus. 5othing of this person(s sins remained. $nd this ! ripture ame to me from Isaiah2 I, even I, am he who blots out your transgressions, for my own sa e, and remembers your sins no more! .Isaiah 3D2/E4 I thought, ><h, God, how beautiful it is that 9our 'ord still mar hes on. That man(s sins were washed away by the blood of the )amb.> $s I wat hed, the boo" was handed to an other angel. This heavenly being had long, beautiful hair. The boo" was laid on a tray that the angel arried. The angels saluted ea h other, and shouts of glory went up. The angel who a ompanied me said, >0ome and see the glory of your God.> I began traveling with him at a very fast pa e through the orridors of heaven.

TH% LA#,.& ,OO


$gain I stood before the throne of God. %ear ones, there were horns blowing, and the sound of trumpets blared. $ loud of glory, the !he"inah glory, illuminated the entire area around the throne. There was mu h thunder and lightning. I ould hear a multitude of voi es saying, >Glory to God* #allelu+ah*> I wat hed this mighty s ene, and I saw the angel lay the boo" on the altar of God and bow down low. The voi e of God resonated loudly through the air, yet I understood every word. God said, >$nother soul has been redeemed by My !on(s blood. $nother person has re eived eternal salvation through the blood of My !on.> $ll the bells of heaven were ringing* $ll of heaven(s popula e was shouting* I bowed down and began to praise God. I saw the )amb(s Boo" of )ife .&evelation /12/C4 on the altar of God, and I saw a hand ome out of that loud and open up the boo" that was laid there by the angel. Then the man(s name was written down in the )amb(s Boo" of )ife. Glory to God* !aints, our names are surely written down in the Boo" of )ife, also. $s I wat hed this mighty s ene, the angel of God said, >0ome and see the glory of God.> Immediately, I was ta"en out of heaven again at the speed of light. $s I went with the angel, I thought of this passage from Isaiah2 I will give you the treasures of dar ness and hidden riches of secret %laces, that you may now that I, the LORD, who call you by your name, am the God of Israel! #or =acob "y servant$s sa e, and Israel "y elect, I have even called you by your name; I have named you, though you have not nown "e! .Isaiah 3E2D-34

In the next s ene of my vision, I wat hed as the )ord too" the saints of the living God through the &iver of )ife. <h, the &iver of )ife flows from the throne of God and the )amb .&evelation //214. $s the saints passed through the &iver of )ife, I ould hear them shouting, >Glory to God*> Then I saw a ountless ompany of saints who were being lothed in the whitest, most gorgeous robes anyone ould ever see. I remembered that :ohn wrote this2 -hen one of the elders answered, saying to me, 21ho are these arrayed in white robes, and where

did they come from52 'nd I said to him, 2,ir, you now!2 ,o he said to me, 2-hese are the ones who come out of the great tribulation, and washed their robes and made them white in the blood of the Lamb!2 .&evelation C21D-134


I was allowed to go again before the throne of God and witness an awesome, ex iting s ene. I ould hear the sound of trumpets as I stood before the throne of God. 'ords fail me to de s ribe ade@uately the thrill and awe I felt. Twelve angels stood ministering before the throne, arrayed in garments beyond any worthy des ription. The best I an tell you is that on the breastplates of their apparel, they had +ewels embedded in their garments. $top their heads they had some "ind of heavenly material of glorious olors. Gold edging adorned their long robes. The blare of trumpets announ ed the saints as they ame, one by one, to stand before God. $n inestimable number of saints, angels, and heavenly beings made up a huge gallery. $ll of them were glorifying God.

R%D%%#%D O"%&
The redeemed of all ages were glorious and beautiful. They were real people-not puffs of smo"e or louds floating in spa e. ?verywhere I loo"ed, I saw the angels of God praising #is ma+esty ontinuously. !tanding before the throne, I heard a great voi e saying2 &ehold, the tabernacle of God is with men, and He will dwell with them, and they shall be His %eo%le! God Himself will be with them and be their God! .&evelation /12D4 Then I saw a loud of glory filled with lightning, thunder, and voi es. $s I loo"ed, I saw the hand of God ome out of the loud and begin to wipe the tears of the saints from their eyes. The 'ord says that >God will wipe away every tear from their eyes> .&evelation / 1234. I heard God say, -here shall be no more death, nor sorrow, nor crying! -here shall be no more %ain, for the former things have %assed away! ?&ehold, I ma e all things new! .&evelation /123-E4 God said to the assembled saints, >I see that your names are written in the )amb(s Boo" of )ife. 'el ome into the +oy of the )ord.> <n e again, another ! ripture ame to my mind 1ell done, good and faithful servant; you were faithful over a few things, I will ma e you ruler over many things! @nter into the joy of your lord! .Matthew /E2/14 'ith that the )ord pla ed magnifi ent golden rowns on the heads of all of #is san tified ones. I "new that the blessings of God would ontinue to flow for all of the redeemed. I "new they would never end* ----------------------------------------------------------

&torehou(e( of Heaven
I believe :esus 0hrist revealed heaven to me as #e did in order to give me balan e. #e "new that I had been through many visits to hell, and experien ing hell was so horrible that #e gave me the blessing of seeing heaven. <n one of my visits to heaven, I was shown God(s storehouses. The angel of the )ord said to me, >0ome and see the glory of your God.> The angel was very beautiful and tall. #is rainbow- olored wings were shaped li"e triangles. #e told me that God had given him instru tions, and he was to show me parts of heaven.

'e began to go up higher through the atmosphere and went through the entran e to heaven again. I saw fruit trees loaded with beautiful fruit. I saw families dressed in beautiful robes, wal"ing up and down the hillside, praising God. The environment was saturated with the most beautiful musi you would ever want to hear. #eavenly musi is a manifestation of +oy. It is an eviden e of happiness, a proof of +oy. I have heard magnifi ent hoirs and grand ensembles that reated and performed beautiful musi here on earth. But, saints, nothing down here an ompare with the splendor and beauty of the musi and singing there. #eaven was a symphony of musi . Imagine, if you an, millions of perfe tly pit hed voi es, sweetly singing the melodies of heaven* 5ot a single one was off-"ey. ?verything was in perfe t harmony. !tringed instruments provided beautiful a ompaniment, along with trumpets and other "inds of musi al instruments. They all blended with the voi es of the redeemed saints who were praising God with rapturous +oy. The tones of the instruments, li"e the singing voi es, had been purified and made perfe t by the power of $lmighty God. <h, it was glorious to hear the wonderful praises to God. 6oi es that are without @uality of tone or pit h on earth will sing in beautiful harmony in heaven. 'e will all be happy over there. ?ven a ten-thousand-voi e hoir here would pale in omparison with the grand and elo@uent musi of God(s elestial ity* 'ave after wave of unbelievable anthems of praise billowed over the lands ape and through the streets of heaven. It was so all- en ompassing that I ould hear or thin" of nothing else for some time. 8inally, the angel said, >0ome and see the glory of God.> I remember going with him through an area that had the greenest grass imaginable. There were huge lusters of flowers in ertain parts of the grass. The flowers were splendid and loo"ed somewhat li"e roses. ?a h plant had at least one bloom onsisting of beautiful petals. $nd, saints, the flowers loo"ed li"e they were singing*

HOR&%& OF H%A*%"
Traveling on with the angel, we passed a pla e where there were beautiful, white horses. I remembered reading in &evelation about horses and how :esus will one day be astride a white horse, leading the armies of heaven, who will also be riding white horses2 /ow I saw heaven o%ened, and be hold, a white horse! 'nd He who sat on him was called #aithful and -rue, and in righteousness He judges and ma es war! His eyes were li e a flame of fire, and on His head were many crowns! He had a name written that no one new e>ce%t Himself He was clothed with a robe di%%ed in blood, and His name is called -he 1ord of God! 'nd the armies in heaven, clothed in fine linen, white and clean, followed Him on white horses! .&evelation 1F211-134 These horses loo"ed as noble as marble hess pie es. They loo"ed as if they were huge statues that had been hiseled out of boulders, but they were real and alive. Their hooves were giganti . They were pure white and very regal. $ woman dressed in a beautiful robe was smiling and tal"ing to the horses, dire ting them to bow their "nees in praise to God. $ll of them, at the same time, bowed their right "nees and praised the )ord* I thought, ><h, how beautiful*> $nd I remembered reading in the Bible that every reature in heaven and on earth would honor and praise God2 I have sworn by "yself the word has gone out of "y mouth in righteousness, and shall not return, that to "e every nee shall bow, every tongue shall ta e an oath! .Isaiah 3E2/D4 2 #or it is written( 2's I live, says the LORD, @very nee shall bow to "e, and every tongue shall

confess to God!2 .&omans 132114 -herefore God also has highly e>alted Him and given Him the name which is above every name, that at the name of =esus every nee should bow, of those in heaven, and of those on earth, and of those under the earth, and that every tongue should confess that =esus +hrist is Lord, to the glory of God the #ather! .-hilippians /2F-114 @very creature which is in heaven and on the earth and under the earth and such as are in the sea, and all that are in them, I heard saying( 2&lessing and honor and glory and %ower be to Him who sits on the throne, and to the Lamb, forever and ever02 .&evelation E21D4 -ea e, +oy, and happiness were everywhere. I ould hear people praising God. !uddenly, I ould no longer see the angel with me, but there stood :esus. #e seemed to me to be very tall in stature, and #e wore a robe that was distin tive from the robes of others. #is pier ing eyes were beautiful. #e had what loo"ed li"e a neatly-trimmed beard and very thi " hair. I remember loo"ing at #im and thin"ing that the tenderness in #is eyes is be yond a writer(s des ription. The loveliness of the Blessed !avior was awe-inspiring and wonderful. ?verything within me wanted to praise #im, to worship and bow before #im, the King of Kings and )ord of )ords, :esus 0hrist. Glory and power billowed all around #im.

&TOR%HO'&%& OF H%ALI")
I noti ed that :esus( eyes had ta"en on a troubled loo". I as"ed, >:esus, what is it;> >0hild, loo"*> #e waved #is hand toward a building where I saw a large opening. 8rom the opening, glory and power-billows and billows of power- ame streaming out. I as"ed #im again, >:esus, what is this;> >0hild, do you see the healings in these storehouses;> >9es, )ord.> >$ll of these blessings await the people of God.> The sufferings in this life are indeed tragi . #ow mu h si "ness, disease, physi al affli tion, deformity, and similar ills people suffer here* 9ou see it everywhere. :ust wal" up and down the orridors of any hospital or ma+or medi al enter. 6isit the ontagious disease wards, the mental health wings, the intensive are fa ilities, the emergen y rooms, and other pla es that ta"e are of people in terrible pain and unbearable physi al and mental anguish. !i "ness is a result of the fall of $dam and ?ve in the Garden of ?den. It is one of sin(s on se@uen es. !ome see si "ness as a nuisan e, a tragedy of the human ondition, or +ust a part of normal existen e. In reality, it is a urse of !atan.

H%ALI") I" H%A*%"

The need for healing is overwhelming. !i "ness is a orruption of God(s will. It is an unnatural element in the e onomy of God. It does not originate with God, it does not ome from heaven. !in is from an evil sour e, not a good sour e. 'hen we get to heaven, all si "ness, disease, and suffering will be gone forever. -aul wrote of the ultimate redemption of our bodies2

#or I consider that the sufferings of this %resent time are not worthy to be com%ared with the glory which shall be revealed in us! #or the earnest e>%ectation of the creation eagerly waits for the revealing of the sons of God! .&omans H21H-1F4 The worst physi al suffering possible in this life is not worthy of omparison with the ex eedingly wonderful glory that will be hereafter. In heaven with perfe t bodies, we will rest in 0hrist with no more pain or physi al affli tion. !till, #e also wants us to be healed now. <ne of the names of God in the Bible is :ehovah-&apha, whi h means >the )ord, our #ealer.> God made a spe ial ovenant of healing with #is people. #e promised Israel2 If you diligently heed the voice of the LORD your God and do what is right in His sight, give ear to His commandments and ee% all His statutes, I will %ut none of the diseases on you which I have brought on the @gy%tians! #or I am the LORD who heals you! .?xodus 1E2/A4 $lthough si "ness is part of the urse of sin, :esus has lifted the urse for believers through #is atonement for sin. The wounds and bruises 0hrist suffered paid the pri e for sin. #e be ame our !avior. 9et, #is suffering did more than +ust pay for sin2 it established and authenti ated :esus as #ealer* &ut He was wounded for our transgressions, He was bruised for our ini:uities; the chastisement for our %eace was u%on Him, and by His stri%es we are healed! .Isaiah ED2E4 )=esus* Himself bore our sins in His own body on the tree, that we, having died to sins, might live for righteous ness; by whose stri%es you were healed! .1 -eter /2/34


The healing ministry of 0hrist did not ease when #e was ta"en up from the dis iples into heaven. The $ ts of the $postles is a ontinuation >of all that :esus began both to do and tea h> .$ ts 1214. :esus modeled a healing ministry on earth and taught that healing is a part of the "ingdom benefits. Before #e returned to #is 8ather, :esus instru ted believers to go and heal the si ". #e said, 'nd these signs will follow those who believe( In "y name they will cast out demons; they will s%ea with new tongues; will ta e u% ser%ents; and if they drin anything deadly, it will by no means hurt them; they will lay hands on the sic , and they will recover! .Mar" 1A21C-1H4 :esus also told us2 'nd whatever you as in "y name, that I will do, that the #ather may be glorified in the ,on! If you as anything in "y name, I will do it! If you love "e, ee% "y commandments! .:ohn 132 1D-1E4 0hrist seemed to have disappeared, and I was wal"ing with the angel among the store houses. I thought, >!o many storehouses, )ord.> :esus spo"e to my spirit2 >0hild, when you pray for somebody on the earth, pray for them in My name. &emember that you don(t do the healing-I do. $s" Me to heal an eye or leg, and I will do it. $s" Me to straighten roo"ed limbs or heal si " bodies, and I will heal them. >'hatever you want Me to do, as" in My name, and I will do it. I have the answers wait ing in these storehouses.> :esus emphasi7ed that the blessings in these storehouses were for #is people and for the sinners on the earth. I remembered that #e had said that very soon there will be an avalan he of healings in the world. I thought of the healings that are already o urring on the earth, and I thought, >)ord, how wonderful 9ou are to

repair our bodies*> $s we grow older, our bodies begin to wear out or deteriorate. That is a natural effe t of sin, and we will never be entirely free from these onse@uen es. But God doesn(t desire that we spend our later years bedridden and ineffe tive. #e wants to "eep us a tive and produ tive. :esus died so we ould be made whole. :esus 0hrist, the !on of God, shed #is blood so that we ould be saved from hell. If we believe that :esus 0hrist is the !on of God, we have hope. The hope for our souls is in :esus. :esus 0hrist suffered for the healing of our bodies. <ur privilege, our blessing, and our hope for wholeness and wellness are in :esus. #e is the hope for our physi al well-being. !aints, there are storehouses of un laimed blessings in heaven. They are ready to be laimed by God(s people who as" in faith-and in the name of :esus* 'hen #e was on earth, the )ord on e said, >I go J to prepare a pla e for you> .:ohn 132/4. The pla e #e is preparing is in heaven. It is a beautiful pla e of many beautiful things. $s I give my testimony in this boo" and as I spea" about heaven, the thoughts of that pla e thrill my soul. Than" God for the beautiful 'ord that #e has given unto us, #is hildren* ----------------------------------------------------------

Order in Heaven
1 #eaven is a busy pla e. It is filled with a I J and ex itement. $ngels are always doing things, they are always engaged in useful, industrious enterprises. <ne purpose of this boo" is to tell you how I saw the angels wor"ing in heaven. They are happy and +oyful-never tired, never sad. They are always praising God. &edeemed saints are busy in heaven, too. They always have wor" to do. ?xa tly what "ind of wor" all the saints are engaged in, I do not "now. But you an be sure that no one is idle in that fair land. !aints are busy in "inds of wor" that no one on earth has ever experien ed. They are engaged in stimulating, exhilarating, fulfilling tas"s. They are ontinually glorifying God and doing the things God ordained for them to do. 'hen I saw the angels who flew from the earth with reports, they were oming into heaven from all over the world. They had been to many hur h servi es and many prayer meetings. 'hile observing the things on the earth, they always held in their hands white pie es of paper that loo"ed li"e s rolls, whi h had gold edges. Then they would return to ertain areas of heaven and share their reports with other angels.

In one area of heaven I saw saintly men who wore beautiful, glorious, white robes. immediately, I thought of this ! ripture2 I will greatly rejoice in the LORD, my soul shall be joyful in my God; for He has clothed me with the garments of salvation, He has covered me with the robe of righteousness, as a bridegroom dec s himself with ornaments, and as a bride adorns herself with her jewels! .Isaiah A121B4 The people I saw in heaven had distin tive features and were from all nations of the earth. The #oly ! riptures say2 'fter these things I loo ed, and be hold, a great multitude which no one could number, of all nations, tribes, %eo%les, and tongues, standing before the throne and before the Lamb, clothed with white robes, with %alm branches in their hands! .&evelation C2F4

$nother thing that made a lasting impression on me was the fa t that heaven is su h an orderly pla e. ?verything that was done was al ways done thoroughly, properly, and with the highest degree of ex ellen e. 5o wor" was shoddy, no produ t poor, no a tivity medio re. 'hen I saw families wal"ing on the holy hills of heaven and praising God, it was su h a beautiful sight. Their +oy and happiness were uninhibited and without restraint. They seemed to be always going and doing marvelous deeds in the )ord(s presen e. ?verything, whether done individually or in groups, was done in an orderly fashion. #eaven is ompletely free of impurities and imperfe tions. It is perfe t in every sense of the word. $ll of the alterations and hanges we are familiar with here on earth are un"nown in the paradise of God. -erfe t +oy and pea e fill the hearts, souls, and bodies of all who are there.

%ivine, perfe t order and purpose hara teri7e everything that happens in heaven. Both angels and saints are ontinuously engaged in ex ellent, +oyful servi e. 5o one is idle. 5o one is ever bored. God(s hildren, as well as the angels and all the heavenly reatures, serve #im day and night forever. 'hen we re eive new heavenly bodies after the resurre tion of the saints, we will never grow tired or be ome wea". 'e will never "now fatigue. <ur supernatural, glorified bodies will never lose their strength. In eternity, time is suspended and ir umstan es do not ravage the mind, the will, or the body. To engage in the employments and en+oyments of heaven, we must have a heavenly nature. $nd this is what happens when we are born again-we be ome >parta"ers of the divine nature> ./ -eter 1234, as -eter explained2 His divine %ower has given us every thing we need for life and godliness through our nowledge of him who called us by his own glory and goodness! -hrough these he has given us his very great and %recious %romises, so that through them you may %artici%ate in the divine nature and esca%e the corru%tion in the world caused by evil desires! ./ -eter 12D-3 5I64 The ar hite ture of heaven was designed and built in eternity past by the eternal God. In one part I saw what loo"ed li"e an entire blo " of the ity of heaven. The buildings were very large, and a ross the top of ea h was a huge, impressive rown made of many +ewels. I don(t "now how many people o upied those grand buildings be ause I didn(t go inside any of them. But they were all stately and spa ious, far beyond anything you have ever seen on earth. I thought of how the ! riptures say that when we are laboring on earth for :esus, we are laying up treasures in heaven .)u"e 1H2//4. I remembered these verses2 'nd the twentyAfour elders who sat before God on their thrones fell on their faces and worshi%ed God, saying( 21e give 3ou than s, O Lord God 'lmighty, the One who is and who was and who is to come, because 3ou have ta en 3our great %ower and reigned! 2-he nations were angry, and 3our wrath has come, and the time of the dead, that they should be judged, and that 3ou should reward 3our servants the %ro%hets and the saints, and those who fear 3our name, small and great, and should destroy those who destroy the earth!2 .&evelation 1121A-1H4 #or indeed your reward is great in heaven! .)u"e A2/D4 'nd behold, I ) am coming :uic ly, and "y reward is with "e, to give to every one according to his wor ! .&evelation //21/4

$s we moved to another part of heaven, the angel of the )ord said to me, >0ome and see the glory of your God.>

The angel showed me the hariots of God. The wheels of them were so large they are diffi ult to des ribe. They were studded with diamonds and pre ious rubies and emeralds. ?a h hariot had at least two wheels on ea h side. The fronts of the hariots were low and open li"e sleighs. They seemed as if they were on fire, but they were never onsumed.

The features of all the people I saw in heaven were glorified and beautiful. 5ot one person had any s ars, and they all loo"ed radiant and handsome. I have heard people say, >'ell, we are +ust going to be a vapor of smo"e.> 5o, you are not going to be a vapor of smo"e. 9ou will have a bodily form and features. The Bible says there are elders around the throne2 'round the throne were twentyAfour thrones, and on the thrones I saw twentyAfour elders sitting, clothed in white robes; and they had crowns of gold on their heads! .&evelation 3234 The patriar hs in heaven are beautiful saints of God who have died and gone on before us. God has given them eternal life. I saw them as they will be when they re eive their new, glorified bodies after the &esurre tion. !aints, you will be unbelievably happy in heaven. 'hen I was in heaven, memories of home were far away. There was no sadness there, no sorrow, no grief. I was delighted in the +oy of the )ord and awed by #is beauty. There was no dar"ness in heaven. There was only glory and might and power every where, espe ially as you neared the throne. The &iver of )ife flowed from beneath the throne, it was beautiful and loo"ed li"e a sea of glass2 'nd he showed me a %ure river of water of life, clear as crystal, %roceeding from the throne of God and of the Lamb! .&evelation //214 $s I was going, the angel said, >0ome and see the glory of God.> !aints, I was ta"en at a very fast pa e by the angel to a pla e where the high praises of God and the musi seemed to grow in intensity and volume. It was the most beautiful musi you would ever want to hear. !ounds of +oy and shouting were everywhere. The angel of the )ord said, >'e are approa hing the throne.> I thought, ><h, God, how glorious, how beautiful*>

+H%" )OD &P%A &

'hen God spea"s, it seems that twelve very large angels, ea h of them twelve to fifteen feet tall, stand in front of the throne. #ow they blow their trumpets* Beautiful +ewels adorn the fronts of their garments. 'ith musi and with all of the things they say and do, they influen e the atmosphere. They seem to prepare the way for the )ord to spea". I ould see a thi " loud enveloping the mighty throne when the )ord spo"e or pro laimed a message. 'nd from the throne %roceeded lightnings, thunderings, and voices! ,even lam%s of fire were burning before the throne, which are the seven ,%irits of God! .&evelation 32E4 Then power would billow out from the front of the throne. In the midst of the throne, God $lmighty dwells in a loud of glory. 'hen God spo"e, #is voi e sounded >li"e many waters> .&evelation 132/4, but I under stood every word of it. <n e God began to spea" about #is !on(s blood. #e spo"e of how #is !on(s blood was shed for all people in the earth. #e said that the blood of :esus 0hrist #is !on an leanse us from all sin .1 :ohn 12C4, and #e extended this invitation2

1hoever is thirsty, let him come; and whoever wishes, let him ta e the free gift of the water of life! .&evelation //21C 5I64 God said that His ,on$s blood was shed to redeem men and women from their sins! He said that %utting His ,on on the cross to give us eternal life was worth everything, and that His ,on$s blood had %aid the %rice to redeem us! In Him we have redem%tion through His blood, the forgiveness of sins, ac cording to the riches of His grace! .?phesians 12C4 whom we have redem%tion through His blood, the forgiveness of sins! 7+olossians B(BC8 =esus +hrist! ! ! loved us and washed us from our sins in His own blood! .&evelation 12E4 'hen I was in heaven, it was so a thrilling and ex iting to hear the voi e of God. $lthough it was a mighty roar, the voi e of God was pleas ant. I ould understand everything #e said. I "ept thin"ing, ><h, God, how beautiful 9ou are* 9ou prepared all things. 9ou made all things for us, )ord* 'e annot even begin to thin" of the things that 9ou prepared for us who love 9ou> .1 0orinthians /2F4.

H%A*%", A R%AL PLA-%

I remember thin"ing, >#eaven is real. These people are real. These angels are real. $ll of this is beautiful and real, and someday I am going to inherit this as I ontinue to serve the )ord.> Tal"ing about heaven and the splendor of God is a +oy to me. I than" #im with all of my heart for being able to serve #im. I than" God that :esus 0hrist saved my soul from a wret hed hell. I than" God that I am a born-again, blood- washed hild of the King and that :esus 0hrist is my )ord* If you are not born again, you need to be saved from your sins. 9ou need to as" :esus 0hrist to ome into your heart and save your soul. Believe that #e is the !on of God. Believe that God the 8ather sent #im to this earth, that #e was born of Mary, a virgin, and that #e is the holy !on of God, sent to redeem us from hell. Most of all, you need to believe that :esus paid the only a eptable sa rifi e for your sins when #e died on the ross. ----------------------------------------------------------


In bibli al days :esus spo"e about the little hildren. #e said, >)et the little hildren ome to Me, and do not forbid them, for of su h is the "ingdom of heaven> .Matthew 1F2134. :esus also said these things2 $ssuredly, I say to you, unless you are onverted and be ome as little hildren, you will by no means enter the "ingdom of heaven. Therefore whoever humbles himself as this little hild is the greatest in the "ingdom of heaven. .Matthew 1H2D-34 :esus also said these things2 'ssuredly, I say to you, whoever does not receive the ingdom of God as a little child will by no means enter it! .Mar" 1B21E4 1hoever receives one of these little children in "y name receives "e; and whoever receives "e, receives not "e but Him who sent "e! .Mar" F2DC4 $lso, in the <ld Testament it says, -ell your children about it, let your children tell their children, and their children another

generation! .:oel 12D4 This part of heaven is really going to thrill many people. Many people have riti i7ed this, but I "now that God showed it to me. It happened during one of my trips into heaven. I was with the great angel with mighty rainbow- olored, triangle-shaped wings. The angel wore a white, glistening garment, and his hair was li"e spun gold. #is features were beautiful and glorious. )ight and power were all over him. #e said, >0ome and see the glory of God. God has said that I must show you the pla e where hildren go and what happens to them when they die.> I want to lear up something right now. 'hen the )ord :esus showed me hell, I did not see any hildren at all. There were no little hildren or infants in hell that I an remember. This may not agree with the theories of other people, but I am going to tell you what the angel of the )ord showed me about heaven and hell and the pla e where hildren go. I was +ust praising God and traveling with the angel. 'e were high in the atmosphere when we stopped and the angel said, >I must show you these things.>

'hen I was with the angel of the )ord, many things o urred that I do not remember now. I was not allowed to remember some of them. There were many events that happened on my trip to heaven-things I was shown but annot re all. #owever, what I am permitted to remember is enough to motivate me to tell you about heaven* %aniel had omplete understanding of all of his visions and dreams. #owever, when the )ord too" me into heavenoh, my-there was su h glory and power* Things were going on that were not explained to me, and I was only ta"en into ertain parts of heaven. To me the most wonderful part was for babies and little hildren.

'",OR" ,A,I%&
'hen the angel of God said, >0ome and see,> he moved his hand in the air, and a vision of a hospital appeared. I saw a woman in the labor room, having a hild. The angel of the )ord said to me, >!he is having a mis arriage. The baby is only three months old.> $s I too" in the s ene, two beautiful angels appeared by her bed. In their hands they held what loo"ed li"e a bas"et made of white marble and pearl. It was the most beautiful thing I have ever seen. It opened up in the enter and losed on ea h side. The angels were praising God. I ould hear them. 'hen the woman had the mis arriage, the baby(s spirit, li"e a vapor, arose from that little, teeny baby. The angels of God aught it, put it in the bas"et, losed the lid, and raised their hands toward heaven. The angels began to shout praises to the )ord. They a laimed #im and extolled #im as King of Kings and )ord of )ords, 0reator of all things in heaven and earth. They shouted, >To God be the glory*> $s they ame past us, they said again, >0ome and see.> 'e went ba " through the gate into heaven. <h, my* This seemed to be the most beautiful part of heaven* I had not been in this side of heaven or through this entran e. I remember going with the angels to a ertain pla e in heaven. I was a ompanied by the angel who had been es orting me. 'e went so high up I ould see the throne again, and I ould hear the shouts and the praises of God. This time we seemed to approa h from the left side of the throne. I remember oming around this way and thin"ing, ><h God, how beautiful 9ou are. #ow wonderful 9ou are.> The high praises of God and the glory and the shouts were everywhere. 9ou "now, the #oly ! riptures tal" about the angels so mu h. #ere are some examples2

&less the LORD, you His angels, who e>cel in strength, who do His word, heeding the voice of His word! .-salm 1BD2/B4 -he angel of the LORD encam%s all around those who fear Him, and delivers them! .-salm D32C4 'nd behold, there was a great earth :ua e; for an angel of the Lord descended from heaven, and came and rolled bac the stone from the door, and sat on it! His countenance was li e lightning, and his clothing as white as snow! .Matthew /H2/-D4 :esus tal"ed about being arried by the angels to heaven2 ,o it was that the beggar died, and was carried by the angels to 'braham$s bosom! -he rich man also dies and was buried! .)u"e 1A2//4

A")%L& OF )OD
There are many referen es to angels in the 'ord of the )ord. I was +ust thin"ing about how #is 'ord proves things over and over. But when a revelation is given to someone, it +ust sheds more light on it. My primary alling in God is dreams, visions, and revelations. My testimony is that I am +ust a handmaiden of the )ord, and I +ust love to tell this story about the hildren. <h, the glory that we saw and the voi es of praise that we heard* $round the throne were lightning and thunder and a rainbow. There was an image of a Man inside the loud of glory that overed the throne. The angels set the bas"et they arried down on the throne and bowed. Their wing tips went up. !houts of >Glory*> and >#allelu+ah* and >-raise God*> sounded all over heaven. $gain it seemed li"e we were in a huge arena. )arge angels were blowing trumpets as if they were announ ing something. 5ow, I did not see God, but I saw the similarity of God +ust as Moses did. .!ee ?xodus DD21C-/D.4 Then I saw a hand open up the bas"et. I am sure that it was the image of God(s hand. %ear one, I(m telling you, if you ould only see the glory and the power of God +ust li"e #e revealed it to me* #is power was so da77ling and beautiful and wonderful* I saw the hand ome out of the loud and open up the bas"et. It too" that little soul out of the bas"et and laid it on the altar. Then I saw hands begin to wor" on this little soul. 'hen the tas" was finished and ompleted, the most beautiful, perfe t form of a human be gan to appear. It ontinued to develop until it be ame the most handsome young man I have ever seen.

I" )OD.& -AR%

There are no defe ts or mar"s of sin in heaven. The ! ripture about $dam(s reation ame to me. Then the )ord said, >There are no imperfe tions in this pla e. ?verything that was lost by the first $dam was restored by the se ond $dam.> It is my firm belief that the only signs of sin in heaven will be the s ars in :esus( hands and feet and side. This will be a reminder for ever and forever that our blessed )ord paid the pri e for our redemption. Then I saw what I per eived to be the top of God(s head-it loo"ed li"e wool .&evelation 12134. $ marvelous transformation too" pla e as God breathed into this little baby, and it be ame a fully perfe t reation. The angels began to shout and praise God. $s I wat hed this mighty manifestation of God(s power, all of the @uestions that I have ever had about what happens to infants and hildren vanished ompletely. 5ow I "now without a doubt that they are in the hands of God, being made into perfe tion*

Then the angel and I began to go high, high up the side of a pla e in heaven. There were beautiful trees everywhere with all "inds of fruit on them. I saw flowers of every des ription. I ould see all "inds of birds-some we have never seen before. <h, the beauty of heaven is indes ribable* 'e went very high up to another part. I ould hear the shouts of glory. $ large angel wearing a long, white robe stood beside a gate. #e was positioned behind a des". #e pi "ed up a golden boo" from the des" and handed it to an other angel. The angel who re eived the boo" opened it, and shafts of brilliant, spar"ling light issued from it and began to flash. It reminded me of millions of firewor"s that were set off simultaneously. Then I saw parents and family members as they began to move around and gravitate to ertain individuals. They began to shout, leap, and +ump. I ould not understand what was ta"ing pla e. The angel said to me, >These loved ones are re ogni7ing their family members.> Those who had been dismembered, paraly7ed, rippled, or had died prematurely were now in a state of perfe tion. They had been made whole* In heaven, you will "now everyone. 9ou will "now $braham, Isaa , and :a ob. 9ou will "now Moses and all the prophets. 9ou will "now all the dis iples of the 5ew Testament. 9ou will "now every person in heaven. 9ou will "now +ust as God "nows you .1 0orinthians 1D21/4. 9ou will have very extensive "nowledge. The angels said to me, >0ome. 9ou(re going inside this gate.> It was the most beautiful gate I had seen in heaven. It was designed li"e a garden gate with wood around it, but it was made with what loo"ed li"e whitish stone or marble. Beautiful flowers grew all around it. 'e went through the gate and witnessed all the wonderful re+oi ing and the reunion of all of God(s family.

A H%A*%"L! R%'"IO"
King %avid "new very well that when little ones die prematurely for whatever reason, their souls go to heaven, where believing members of their families will be reunited with them some day. 'hen his own infant son, who had been on eived out of wedlo " in an adulterous affair with Bathsheba, died, %avid sin erely repented of his sin and was ertain that God had forgiven him .-salm D/2E4. Be ause %avid found pea e in the "nowledge that he would spend eternity with God .see -salm /D2A4 and that he would see his infant son again ./ !amuel 1/2/D4, he was able to omfort Bathsheba in her grief. #ere is the bibli al a ount of the in ident2 ,o David said to /athan, .I have sinned against the LORD!D 'nd /athan said to David, .-he LORD also has %ut away your sin; you shall not die! .However, because by this deed you have given great occasion to the enemies of the LORD to blas%heme, the child also who is born to you shall surely die!D David therefore %leaded with God for the child, and David fasted and went in and lay all night on the ground! ,o the elders of his house arose and went to him, to raise him u% from the ground! &ut he would not, nor did he eat food with them! -hen on the seventh day it came to %ass that the child died!!!! 1hen David saw that his servants were whis%ering, David %erceived that the child was dead! -herefore David said to his servants, 2Is the child dead52 'nd they said, 2He is dead!2 ,o David arose from the ground, washed and anointed himself, and changed his clothes; and he went into the house of the LORD and worshi%ed! -hen he went to his own house; and when he re:uested, they set food before him, and he ate! -hen his servants said to him, 21hat is this that you have done5 3ou fasted and we%t for the child while he was alive, but when the child died, you arose and ate food!2 'nd he said, 21hile the child was alive, I fasted and we%t; for I said, 91ho can tell whether the LORD will be gracious to me, that the child may live5$ 2&ut now he is dead; why should I fast5 +an I bring him bac again5 I shall go to him, but he shall not return to me!2 -hen David comforted &athsheba his wife! ./ !amuel 1/21D-13, 1A-/34

$n angel of the )ord said to me, >8rom the time of on eption, a baby is an eternal soul. If a baby is aborted or mis arried or somehow dies, God "nows about it. #e has given #is angels harge over them. >'e bring their little souls to heaven, and God ompletes them. It doesn(t matter if a baby has been aborted or dies naturally. It is fashioned and formed into perfe tion by the mighty hand of God. >If the parents of these hildren will live righteously in 0hrist :esus, when they ome to heaven, they will be reunited and will "now their pre ious loved ones. They will meet them at the gates of glory*> ----------------------------------------------------------


5ow, I praise God for the opportunity to put my vision of heaven in a boo". It burns in my heart ontinually. Many people have en ouraged me to write down this testimony and share the vision of heaven that God has given to me. I have shared the heavenly vision, as well as my experien es of hell, in many hur hes where I have ministered. I want to share with you some other s enes I saw in heaven. I want you to "now that heaven is real. If you have lost a loved one, someone who has gone on before you to heaven, that per son will meet you at the gates of glory. I want to en ourage your heart, be ause we have a blessed hope in :esus 0hrist. #e has gone to heaven to prepare a pla e for us there. The angels I saw in heaven seemed to be very large and mighty* They wore glistening, shimmering robes that radiated huge amounts of light. They were powerful and sin ere. They had their minds set to obey God. It was obvious to me that the mighty angels I saw at ea h gate of pearl were prote ting angels. $s I saw the swords by the angels( sides, I thought, >'ell, glory to God* #allelu+ah* God surely does prote t #is hildren.>

TH% A")%L& OF )OD

9ou "now, the Bible tal"s about angels so mu h, with many passages referring to angels. It is ama7ing that sometimes we tend to overloo" things that God(s 'ord proves over and over. 'hen a revelation is given to someone, however, this seems to shed more light on the sub+e t. #ere are some more examples of what the Bible says about angels2 #or He shall give His angels charge over you, to ee% you in all your ways! their hands they shall bear you u%, lest you dash your foot against a stone! .-salm F1211-1/4 -he LORD, before whom I wal , will send His angel with you and %ros%er your way! .Genesis /323B4 I saw still another mighty angel coming down from heaven, clothed with a cloud! 'nd a rainbow was on his head, his face was li e the sun, and his feet li e %illars of fire! .&evelation 1B214 'fter these things I saw another angel coming down from heaven, having great authority, and the earth was illuminated with his glory! .&evelation 1H214 #or when they rise from the dead, they neither marry nor are given in marriage, but are li e angels in heaven! .Mar" 1/2/E4 -hen an angel a%%eared to Him from heaven, strengthening Him! .)u"e //23D4 're not all ministering s%irits sent forth to minister for those who will inherit salvation5 .#ebrews 12134

Li ewise, I say to you, there is joy in the %resence of the angels of God over one sinner who re%ents! .)u"e 1E21B4 $gain I was allowed to enter through the gate of heaven, and I remember I was over whelmed with feeling the pea e and +oy that are there. <h, the glorious singing and the praises* !aints, I don(t thin" anybody ould des ribe it very well, be ause earth has never felt a pea e su h as this. !in e ?den, earth has never experien ed the pea e, the +oy, and the rest that are in heaven. In heaven there is no si "ness. In heaven there are no wheel hairs. In heaven there are no disabilities. In heaven there are no diseases. $ll is perfe t and beautiful. There is no orruption. There are no lies. There is no sin, be ause God will not allow one sin to enter the gates of heaven.


'ith the angel guiding me, we moved very @ui "ly. 'e passed many fruit trees that grew beside the &iver of )ife. ?very one of them was loaded with beautiful fruit. $s we moved along, it seemed that we be ame part of the musi . $t all times in heaven, I heard musi , and it was always new. I heard ontinuous musi al praises being lifted in honor and praise to God. The angel of God said to me, >'e are going before the throne to see the worship of God.> $long the way, it seemed li"e hundreds of people were oming from all over heaven. They were going to worship the King of Kings and the )ord of )ords.

+OR&HIP I" H%A*%"

$s we moved along, it seemed as if the hundreds turned into thousands, and the thou sands into an innumerable host. They appeared from different parts of heaven. $pparently we went to the large arena-type area that :ohn de s ribed2 Immediately I was in the ,%irit; and behold, a throne set in heaven, and One sat on the throne! He who sat there was li e a jas%er and a sardius stone in a%%earance; and there was a rainbow around the throne, in a%%earance li e an emerald! 'round the throne were twentyAfour thrones, and on the thrones I saw twentyAfour elders sitting, clothed in white robes; and they had crowns of gold on their heads! 'nd from the throne %roceeded lightnings, thunderings, and voices! ,even lam%s of fire were burning before the throne, which are the seven ,%irits of God! -he twentyAfour elders fall down be fore Him who sits on the throne and worshi% Him who lives forever and ever, and cast their crowns before the throne, saying( 23ou are worthy, E Lord, to receive glory and honor and %ower; for 3ou created all things, and by 3our will they e>ist and were created!2 .&evelation 32/-E, 1B-114 $nd the louds* The most beautiful louds were billowing in and out around the throne. !haped almost li"e the mushroom loud of an atomi explosion, ea h loud was mixed with glory and beautiful olors. $ da77ling rainbow ar hed above all of this. It is impossible to imagine the intensity of the power of God. I "new in my heart that the image of the man that I saw in the louds was the representation of God. Thousands of years ago, God wanted to ma"e a man in #is image, and #e did it. ,o God created man in His own image; in the image of God He created him; male and female He created them! .Genesis 12/C4 God literally too" the dirt from the ground and made a man. Thin" about the power of God that must have been present2 'nd the LORD God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living being! .Genesis /2C4

Then, be ause $dam was alone->But for $dam there was not found a helper omparable to him> .Genesis /2/B4God put him into a deep sleep. God opened up $dam(s side, removed one of $dam(s ribs, and fashioned a woman from it. God formed ?ve, $dam(s lifelong ompanion and mate, who was also made in God(s image .Genesis 12/C4. 'hat glory was given to human beings to be made in God(s image*



The testimonies of heavenly worship show the beauty and the holiness of God. $s we ar rived at the pla e of assembly, I ould see people and angels everywhere. I was impressed that everything was done in order. ?verywhere, people and angels praised God. The &iver of )ife flowed forth from the throne of God. It was li"e a sea of glass, li"e a sea of rystal, but it was flowing. Then, saints, again I saw horses. The big, white, magnifi ent horses loo"ed as though they were made out of marble. They were beautiful and without a single flaw in any of them. They were elegant, li"e hess pie es, but they were physi ally real. The white blan"ets on the horses( ba "s were neatly trimmed with gold edging. Golden reins were in their mouths. They had ornaments on their feet and even on the brush of their tails. These horses stood alert before the throne. I noti ed that the twelve angels standing before the throne had trumpets and musi al horns by their sides. Their flowing, glowing garments were trimmed with gold and embedded with big rubies and all "inds of immense stones. !uddenly, I saw many musi al instruments. They were the most spe ta ular instruments you ould ever imagine seeing. <h, the beauty of heaven* There were many harps. I loo"ed to see who was stationed at these musi al instruments. I thought, ><h, glory to God* #allelu+ah*>

Then, saints, the #oly !pirit very learly showed me something. The woman who was in the enter of the group of horses stood still. Then the angels in front of the throne, ea h one in order, pi "ed up the trumpet or horn by his side and began to blow. 'hen they blew these horns-oh, the sounds of +oy and high praise that went up* !omeone in heaven loudly pro laimed2 It is now time to worship the King of Kings and the )ord of )ords for #is glorious a ts and #is glorious power unto the people of the earth. It is time to give #im high praise, to worship #im in the song and the dan e, to worship #im with musi , and to worship #im for #is goodness. #e is God. #e is King of Kings and )ord of )ords. #e is the &edeemer of man"ind. $s they announ ed these things, saints, the trumpets were sounding* Then the angel who was reading the s roll stopped, and a signal was given. Immediately, those magnifi ent horses all bowed their "nees. Their heads went down all in a row in praise to the name of the )ord2 't the name of =esus every nee should bow, of those in heaven, and of those on earth, and of those under the earth! .-hilippians /21B4 @very creature which is in heaven and on the earth and under the earth and such as are in the sea, and all that are in them, I heard saying! 2&lessing and honor and glory and %ower be to Him who sits on the throne, and to the Lamb, forever and ever02 .&evelation E21D4 The horses then began to spin and pran e before the )ord. They did all "inds of things to magnify and praise and

worship God. <h, if only you ould have seen it* $nd God was pleased with their worship unto #im.

!aints, I don(t thin" we reali7e how mu h God loves our praises. 'hen we are going through trials, hearta hes, and sorrows, God wants us to praise #im. 'e are to praise #im, not be ause of the sorrows or the trials, but be ause we love #im. 'hen we worship #im, we seem to do so for #is sa"e, not for our own. $s we praise #im for the mighty things #e has done for us, we shift our fo us from ourselves to God. In the pro ess of entering into worship, we ome to reali7e that #e is the <ne who an solve the problems we are fa ing, and we an trust #im to ome to our aid. !o, we a tually benefit when we truly praise and worship the )ord.

$t that time, all the heavenly musi ians began to play, and another group of worshippers ame in. Thousands of voi es sang in honor and praise to :esus. The sounds of glorious shouting went up. There was ringing all over heaven. 8or hours, it seemed, praises rang out to God* #ow beautiful it is to hear and to be in the midst of praises to God* There, in the enter of the resonating, magnifi ent sounds, the earth seemed so far away to me. !orrows and troubles seemed so far away. The horrors of hell seemed so far away.

#! A&&I)"#%"T FRO# )OD

#owever, I "new within myself that I had something to do for God. The angel of God tou hed me, and strength ame into me. #e said to me, >0hild, God has allowed you to see these things so that you an tell them and an re ord them. &evelations and visions and dreams are given to you to let the people on earth "now Kthe things whi h God has prepared for those.. . who love #im and "eep #is ommandments> .1 0orinthians /2F, %euteronomy C2F4. Then, saints, I heard God(s voi e* :ust the sound of #is voi e filled me with e stasy. It sounded li"e thunder, but I ould understand what #e was saying. I fell on my fa e and began to worship and praise the King of Kings and )ord of )ords.

H%A*%"L! &-RIPT'R%&
'hen I returned to the earth and began to ponder the many wonderful things God had shown me, I loo"ed in the 'ord of God. It seemed that everywhere I turned, I was reading something about heaven and God(s ma+esty. I want to share a few of those ! ripture verses with you2 3ou alone are the LORD; 3ou have made heaven, the heaven of heavens, with all their host, the earth and every thing on it, the seas and all that is in them, and 3ou %reserve them all! -he host of heaven worshi%s 3ou! .5ehemiah F2A4 Is not God in the height of heaven5!!! 2-hic clouds cover Him, so that He cannot see, and He wal s above the circle of heaven!2 .:ob //21/, 134 #or He loo ed down from the height of His sanctuary; from heaven the LORD viewed the earth! .-salm 1B/21F4 -he LORD has established His throne in heaven, and His ingdom rules over all! .-salm 1BD21F4 Let them %raise the name of the LORD, for His name alone is e>alted; His glory is above the earth and heaven!

.-salm 13H21D4 &ut you have come to "ount ;ion and to the city of the living God, the heavenly =erusalem, to an innumerable com%any of angels! .#ebrews 1/2//4 ----------------------------------------------------------

HOL! -R%AT'R%& I" H%A*%"

This is a true a ount of an experien e that happened to me. <n e again, the angel of the )ord ame to me and said, >Behold the glory of your God.> I was ta"en up instantly into the heaven lies and through one of the gates into heaven. ?a h gate was made of an ex@uisite pearl, with designs in it. The beauty of heaven is stunning* 'e passed the &iver of )ife, and I ould hear people shouting on the ban"s of the river and praising God. I was ta"en before the throne of God as it is des ribed in the fourth hapter of &evelation. <h, what shouts and what worship* !aints, I saw the throne of God +ust li"e #oly ! ripture says. It has a rainbow around it. It is overshadowed with the loud of glory and the brillian e of the power of God. I heard voi es, saw lightning, and heard thunder. I saw the divine manifestations of the power of God* 'nd from the throne %roceeded lightnings, thunderings, and voices! ,even lam%s of fire were burning before the throne, which are the seven ,%irits of God! &efore the throne there was a sea of glass, li e crystal! 'nd in the midst of the throne, and around the throne, were four living creatures full of eyes in front and in bac ! .&evelation 32E-A4 $s I loo"ed, I heard the multiplied voi es of many angels around the throne. The number of angels there was inestimable. Then I saw the heavenly reatures and the elders. There were four of the heavenly reatures and twenty-four elders. This s ene was also des ribed by :ohn in &evelation2 -hen I loo ed, and I heard the voice of many angels around the throne, the living creatures, and the elders; and the number of them was ten thousand times ten thousand, and thousands of thousands! .&evelation E2114 'll the angels stood around the throne and the elders and the four living creatures, and fell on their faces be fore the throne and worshi%ed God! .&evelation C2114

TH% LI*I") -R%AT'R%&

<n this parti ular trip to the throne of God, I saw the four living reatures that were before the throne of God. These reatures I saw around the throne were the ones written about in the 'ord of God. $ll of the heavenly reatures had large eyes, some in the front and some in the ba ". They ould see in the front of them and behind them. They were very large and unli"e anything I have ever seen on earth. ?a h of them had six wings. <ne had the fa e of a lion. The se ond had a fa e li"e a alf. The third living reature had a fa e li"e a man. Imagine, if you an, a very tall reature with six wings. It has the fa e of a man. The fourth living reature was li"e a flying eagle. $ll of these fas inating reatures were onstantly rying out, >#oly, holy, holy, )ord God $lmighty.> !in e I had never before seen any reature that resembled them in appearan e, they loo"ed very strange to me. I "new, however, that God had reated these holy reatures in heaven. I praise God for #is mighty a ts and #is mighty power. God is an awesome God* $s I wat hed these reatures, they began to praise and wor ship God $lmighty.

I want you to understand that after I saw the heavenly reatures of God in my vision, I made a study about them and dis overed :ohn(s ama7ing des ription of what I had witnessed in the boo" of &evelation. #ere is how :ohn de s ribed them2 &efore the throne there was a sea of glass, li e crystal! 'nd in the midst of the throne, and around the throne, were four living creatures full of eyes in front and in bac ! -he first living creature was li e a lion, the second living creature li e a calf, the third living creature had a face li e a man, and the fourth living creature was li e a flying eagle! -he four living creatures, each having si> wings, were full of eyes around and within! 'nd they do not rest day or night, saying( 2Holy, holy, holy, Lord God 'lmighty, 1ho was and is and is to come02 .&evelation 32A-H4

TH% D'TI%& OF TH% LI*I") -R%AT'R%&

The Bible tells us about these living reatures and their duties. They ontinuously give God praise and honor. $long with the twenty- four elders, worshipping the )ord is their main o upation2 -he four living creatures! ! ! do not rest day or night, saying( 2Holy, holy, holy, Lord God 'lmighty, 1ho was and is and is to come02 1henever the living creatures give glory and honor and than s to Him who sits on the throne, who lives forever and ever, the twentyAfour elders fall down be fore Him who sits on the throne and worshi% Him who lives forever and ever, and cast their crowns before the throne, saying( 23ou are worthy, O Lord, to receive glory and honor and %ower; for 3ou created all things, and by 3our will they e>ist and were created!2 .&evelation 32H-114 'nd they ) four living creatures and the twentyAfour elders* sang a new song( 23ou are worthy to ta e the scroll and to o%en its seals, because you were slain, and with your blood you %urchased men for God from every tribe and language and %eo%le and nation! 23ou have made them to be a ingdom and %riests to serve our God, and they will reign on the earth!2 7&evelation E2F-1B 5I64 -hen I loo ed, and I heard the voice of many angels around the throne, the living creatures, and the elders; and the number of them was ten thousand times ten thousand, and thousands of thou sands, saying with a loud voice( 21orthy is the Lamb who was slain to receive %ower and riches and wisdom, and strength and honor and glory and blessing02 every creature which is in heaven and on the earth and under the earth and such as are in the sea, and all that are in them, I heard saying( 2&lessing and honor and glory and %ower be to Him who sits on the throne, and to the Lamb, forever and ever02 -hen the four living creatures said, 2'men02 'nd the twentyAfour elders fell down and worshi%ed Him who lives forever and ever! .&evelation E211-134 'll the angels stood around the throne and the elders and the four living creatures, and fell on their faces be fore the throne and worshi%ed God, BF saying( 2'men0 &lessing and glory and wisdom, than sgiving and honor and %ower and might, be to our God forever and ever! 'men!2 .&evelation C211-1/4 'nd the twentyAfour elders and the four living creatures fell down and worshi%ed God who sat on the throne, saying, 2'men0 'lleluia02 -hen a voice came from the throne, saying, 26raise our God, all you His servants and those who fear Him, both small and great02 'nd I heard, as it were, the voice of a great multitude, as the sound of many waters and as the sound of mighty thunderings, saying, 2'lleluia0 #or the Lord God Omni%otent reigns02 .&evelation 1F23-A4 <ther duties of the living reatures are also des ribed in &evelation2 when He had ta en the scroll, the four living creatures and the twentyA four elders fell down before the Lamb, each having a har%, and golden bowls full of incense, which are the %rayers of the saints. .&evelation E2H4

/ow I saw when the Lamb o%ened one of the seals; and I heard one of the four living creatures saying with a voice li e thunder, 2+ome and see!2 .&evelation A214 'nd out of the tem%le came the seven angels having the seven %lagues, clothed in %ure bright linen, and having their chests girded with golden bands! -hen one of the four living creatures gave to the seven angels seven golden bowls full of the wrath of God who lives forever and ever! -he tem%le was filled with smo e from the glory of God and from His %ower, and no one was able to enter the tem%le till the seven %lagues of the seven angels were com%leted! .&evelation 1E2A-H4 I saw an innumerable multitude of angels as they began to worship the )ord. I heard and experien ed the unforgettable s ene as the elders around the throne +oined in. I, too, +oined in worshipping the King, as I thought, ><h, how glorious to see the power of $lmighty God*> ----------------------------------------------------------

T#? G)<&I?! <8 #?$6?5

' hen :esus 0hrist revealed heaven to me, I was ta"en there for ten visits by the power of God $lmighty. It happened immediately after the time #e showed me hell. The divine visits began during the ?aster season. :esus appeared to me from / $.M. to E $.M. every night for thirty nights, showing me the destination of those who re+e t #im. Before I saw heaven, #e too" me into the enter of the earth and showed me the abode of the dead. I wrote $ %ivine &evelation of #ell, in whi h I related my experien es in hell. $fter those thirty trips into the depths of horror, for ten nights :esus showed me heaven and its glories. $dditionally, there were many other visitations from the )ord. This is a true a ount of what happened to me. The !pirit of the living God revealed to me everything I am telling you. 'hen :esus 0hrist too" me on these +ourneys, I was fas inated be ause in heaven, there is no sorrow, no death, no dying, and no grief. In heaven only +oy, pea e, happiness, and the fruits of the !pirit are everywhere. I was also fas inated by the angels of God who were there by the thousands. !ome had wings, some didn(t. I noti ed on every one of my +ourneys to heaven that the angels were always busy. The angels performed tas"s and too" are of details onstantly. It seemed to me that ea h angel had his parti ular assignments and ertain +obs to do. But all of them were always praising God and performing their duties happily as they went about their business. $ll of the angels are onstantly o upied with their duties. 8or example, when new souls ome to heaven, angels meet them and lead them immediately through the &iver of )ife. The angels es ort the new souls to a pla e where other angels outfit them with gowns of salvation, whi h are robes of righteousness. Then the angeli guides ta"e them to the room of rowns, where ea h person is fitted with a rown. $ll of these things are done in beautiful, perfe t order. The angels are perfe tly happy while doing them. I never saw bells in heaven, but I heard them ringing onstantly. I was told that every time a bell rings, a soul on earth was +ust saved. This is alled >the glories of heaven.>

H%A*%"L! F'R"I&HI")&
I noti ed that all during my trips to heaven, I saw beautiful tables. I don(t "now how to des ribe them ade@uately. !ometimes on earth I have seen 6i torian or some other style of furniture with elaborate designs on the pie es. 9ou have probably seen su h beautiful pie es, li"e a table against the side of a wall as you wal" by or a table with a vase or boo" on it. 'ell, in heaven I saw tables li"e these everywhere, ex ept they were even more ex@uisitely designed and made.

There were also boo"s everywhere, as well as many other things.

H%A*%"L! R%-ORDI")
!aints, be aware that every time you give money, every time you pay tithes, everything you do for the glory of God is re orded in heaven. I remember this so well be ause when the )ord showed me #is mighty glories and powers, it made an impression that will never be erased from my mind. %uring my trips, I noti ed that many an gels ame to heaven with reports from all over the earth. They would go to a ertain room with a re ording angel in harge. The messenger an gel would read the report, and the re ording an gel would as", >$re you a witness; %id you see this ta"e pla e;> 'hen the report was onfirmed, it was logged in a boo". These boo"s were eventually ta"en to the throne of God. But first, they had to go through a spe ial pro ess. I vividly remember that the !pirit of the )ord moved ontinuously in heaven. It was greater than anything on earth. Things on earth are patterned after things in heaven, but the earthly things an only be shadowy refle tions of those in heaven. Gnbelievable musi , unhindered praises, and other glories that the earth an never imagine abound in heaven. God wants people to praise #im. 8rom the opening of Genesis to the lose of &evelation, God expressed #is desire for a family to love #im. $s you read this boo", remember that heaven is a pla e God has prepared for those who love #im. !omeday I am going there. !omeday you are going there if you are born again, if you have repented of your sins, and if you have :esus 0hrist in your heart. #e an wash your sins away through #is pre ious blood. )et me tell you of the blood of the )amb, the pre ious blood of :esus.

TH% -L%A"&I") ,LOOD

?arlier, I des ribed the re ord rooms, but now I want to depi t another aspe t. $ number of angels sat in a ertain se tion of the re ord rooms. They had golden bu "ets in front of them. This is also a part of >the glories of heaven.> In front of the angels were sta "s of boo"s. !ome of the mar"ers in the boo"s seemed to be messages from earth. ?a h message had to be examined by a large re ording angel. I saw two other angels who brought messages from earth. There was a new message every time someone was born again, having been truly saved from his sins by a epting :esus 0hrist into his heart. 'hen someone truly repented of his sins and as"ed :esus to be his !avior and )ord, it was re orded that the person had given his life to the )ord. The angels with the golden bu "ets ea h too" a boo" from the sta ". ?a h angel held in his hands what loo"ed li"e a bloodstained loth. The red loth was mixed with glory, light, and power. It was not gory or anything li"e that-it was beautiful* ?a h angel positioned the sele ted boo" in front of him, and, starting at the first page, he expunged the written re ord with the blood stained loth. 'ith God(s dire tion, the angel erased the old history of this sinner and re orded that he or she had +ust been born again. I, even I, am He who blots out your transgressions for "y own sa e; and I will not remember your sins! .Isaiah 3D2/E4 0hildren, the 'ord of God is true. God truly forgives our sins. It was so beautiful to see the angels washing the pages. #allelu+ah, God wipes the slate lean for ea h of us* $s I saw this glorious thing, I heard the saints in glory sing2 Oh, nothing but the blood of =esus +an wash my sins away! Oh, nothing but the blood of =esus +an ma e me whole today! Oh, nothing but the blood of =esus +an cleanse me today!

$nd then I heard the angels singing this song2 'nother one$s been redeemed &y the blood of the Lamb! 'nother one$s been saved from the Devil$s hand &y the blood of the Lamb! 'nother one$s been saved from hell &y the blood of =esus +hrist! 5ever be ashamed to all upon the power of the blood of :esus 0hrist. #is blood was shed almost two thousand years ago to wash away our sins, and it has never lost its power sin e then* :esus on@uered the %evil >on e for all when #e offered up #imself> .#ebrews C2/,C4 and went to the ross for us. 0hrist ame down from glory. #e was born of a virgin. #e gave #is life in order that we ould be redeemed by #is pre ious blood. #e did this so that we would not have to go to hell, the awful pla e #e showed to me. %ear friends, the Gospel is true. #ow I re+oi ed when I saw the angels washing away all of the old history from the sta "s of boo"s. They erased all the old past, all the old sins, all the dirty things. $ll the old things were gone, the blood of :esus eradi ated them all.

I love the altars of God. 'hen I go to a !pirit-filled hur h that has a beautiful altar, I "now that many tears have been shed there. In the <ld Testament, God repeatedly ommanded #is people to go in and tear down the old heathen altars. #ere is one example2 'nd you shall destroy their altars, brea their sacred %illars, and burn their wooden images with fire; you shall cut down the carved images of their gods and destroy their names from that %lace! 3ou shall not worshi% the LORD your God with such things! .%euteronomy 1/2D-34 God(s people were to get rid of the sinful altars that did not give praise to #im. They were to remove the altars that did not honor or reveren e #im, and then they were to build and "eep altars only for #is worship. #ere is an example of those instru tions2 <nly :esus an do this for you. 9ou annot do it yourself. /ow it came to %ass the same night that the LORD said to ) 2-a e your father$s young bull, the second bull of seven years old, and tear down the al tar of &aal that your father has, and cut down the wooden image that is beside it; FG 2and build an altar to the LORD your God on to% of this roc in the %ro%er arrangement, and ta e the second bull and offer a burnt sacrifice with the wood of the image which you shall cut down!2 .:udges A2/E-/A4

'hen I prea h in servi es a ross the ountry, I thin" of the altars of God. 'hen we ome to the front altar of a hur h and pour out our hearts to God, we are not ashamed of #im. $ dedi ated altar is one pla e where we an be in the presen e of God, where we an all on #im and onfess our sins, as"ing #im to forgive us. Many of us feel #is awesome presen e there* 'e an "now #e answers our prayers. $t times we an feel #is arms around us. There is something wonderful about the altars-the old- fashioned altars of God-in hur hes. There you an go and "neel and +ust worship the )ord. 9ou an praise God at home, too. 9ou an do it in your ar. 9ou an praise #im anywhere. #owever, let me tell you something2 the altar is a definite pla e for an appointment to ommune with #im intimately. 'hen the <ld Testament prophets made altars to God, they ried out and repented to God for the sins of the people as well as for their own sins. $t the altar they repented and offered blood sa rifi es on behalf of the people, and God a epted their sa rifi es.

!in e 0hrist made the ultimate sa rifi e for our sins through #is shed blood, we no longer need to offer sa rifi es. #owever, we still need to repent when we are onvi ted of sin, and one of the best pla es to do that is at an altar. 'hen we see a dedi ated hur h altar, we should "neel at it and pray to God, if it is possible. It means so mu h to have an altar. 'e need one in our homes, so we an tal" to God and have a pla e +ust to be with #im. 'hen I prea h I always tell the people, >%on(t be ashamed to ome to this altar. #ere God will meet you.> 9es, #e an meet you in your seat. 5evertheless, there is something about a san tified and often-used altar where you an humble yourself, raise your hands, and say, >God, here I am. Ta"e me. Gse me for 9our glory.>

+OR&HIP HI# &I"-%R%L!

9ou need to mean what you pray with all your heart. God is loo"ing for a people to love #im and to praise #im. God is loo"ing for a people who will turn from their wi "ed ways and ome ba " to #im. #e is loo"ing for a people who will worship #im in spirit and in truth. If "y %eo%le who are called by "y name will humble themselves, and %ray and see "y face, and turn from their wic ed ways, then I will hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin and heal their land! ./ 0hroni les C2134 &ut the hour is coming, and now is, when the true worshi%ers will worshi% the #ather in s%irit and truth; for the #ather is see ing such to worshi% Him! God is ,%irit, and those who worshi% Him must worshi% in s%irit and truth! .:ohn 32/D-/34 Be honest with God. Be truthful with God. 'hen you go to the altar, don(t "neel and say, >Betty did wrong,> or >:oe did wrong.> !ay, >God, I am the one who sinned. I(m standing in the need of forgiveness.> Then, forgive those whom you have something against-forgive them. !aints, the )ord is loo"ing for a people of deliveran e, so that the blind eyes will be opened and ears will hear what the !pirit of the )ord is saying to the hur hes .&evelation /2C4. <h, the glories of heaven* If you ould only see what awaits you there* 'e go through many trials and tribulations in everyday life. !ometimes it seems that the ?nemy tries to steal everything from us, but God gives us the patien e to endure and, ultimately, the vi tory. There are many pressures of life, but in our )ord there is pea e and safety. If you don(t have a good, solid, home hur h, I urge you to sear h for one that prea hes the true 'ord of God and believes in the power of the $lmighty to transform lives and hearts. 8ind a hur h that believes in the power of the #oly !pirit. There you will be taught the wisdom of God and an be set free from your troubles, sorrows, and grief. 9ou "now, it is important to meet together with God(s people. The Bible tells us to assemble ourselves together .#ebrews 1B2/E4. %on(t try to be out there all alone. God loves you, and there are saints of God who love you, too.

)LORI%& TO ,% R%*%AL%D
$nother part of the glories of heaven in luded some of the mysteries that are yet to be revealed. I was not allowed to see them. #owever, on one of the trips, I saw beautiful houses and mansions. This part seemed to go by very fast. Then I was ta"en to where I saw angels doing all "inds of tas"s. They seemed to be oming from the earth in an orderly manner, and they would ome into the gates with papers in their hands. !ometimes the angels would have boo"s in whi h they had been writing. They would go to ertain areas in heaven with these reports. Then the reports would be logged in boo"s, to "eep re ords for the saints( rewards. 'hen you go to heaven, you will be re warded for whatever you do for :esus 0hrist(s sa"e. This is why I write this boo". I am writing of my visions of heaven for the sa"e of the )ord :esus 0hrist and for #is glory and honor. I want you to understand the part of the mysteries of heaven that God showed me. I an only tell you what I saw,

for the mysteries were revealed to me only in part. The Bible says that now >we "now in part, and we prophesy in part> .1 0orinthians 1D2F4. -raise God, when we rea h our final destination, our final home, all of our @uestions will be answered, all of our prayers will be answered, and all of our deepest desires will be fulfilled* ----------------------------------------------------------

*i(ion( of An0el( at +or1

In this hapter I want to tell you about my visions of angels at wor". I want you to understand some of the beautiful things God has shown me. I want to give you some +oy and de light in "nowing what awaits you as you are wor"ing for the )ord. God is wonderful to reveal >#is se ret to #is servants the prophets> .$mos D2C4. #is de sire is to show these things to those who will be sensitive to #is revelations and who will pro laim #is message. -hus says the LORD, the 4ing of Israel, and his Redeemer, the LORD of hosts( 2I am the #irst and I am the Last; besides "e there is no God! 9 2'nd who can %roclaim as I do5 -hen let him declare it and set it in order for "e, since I a%%ointed the ancient %eo%le! 'nd the things that are coming and shall come, let them show these to them! 2Do not fear, nor be afraid; have I not told you from that time, and declared it5 3ou are "y witnesses! Is there a God besides "e5 Indeed there is no other Roc ; I now not one!2 .Isaiah 332A-H4 Then the )<&% answered me and said2 21rite the vision and ma e it %lain on tablets, that he may run who reads it!2 .#aba""u" /2/4 There are many s riptural examples about God wanting to reveal things to us through #is appointed representatives. The 'ord of God is sure and true. $ ording to the Bible, %aniel had visions from the )ord2 Daniel had a dream, and visions %assed through his mind as he was lying on his bed! He wrote down the sub stance of his dream! .%aniel C21 5I64 :ohn the &evelator also saw visions of the )ord, and he was told to write them down2 21hat you see, write in a boo 2 .&evelation 12114. Isaiah was a great prophet with a ru ial message for :udah be ause of his visions and his ourage in telling them. #is boo" begins2 >The vision of Isaiah the son of $mos, whi h he saw on erning :udah and :erusalem> .Isaiah 1214. Be ause ?7e"iel saw visions of God .?7e"iel 1214, he was alled and anointed for a propheti ministry. God, in #is infinite mer y, has seen fit to hoose me and show me visions from #imself. I praise God for this. 'hen I am in prayer and meditation, see"ing God on ertain matters, I am allowed to see into mysteries by the !pirit. #e reveals ertain things to me. My alling in God is to re eive dreams, visions, and revelations and to relate them to others. $s the )ord(s anointed handmaiden, I am simply des ribing the things that #e has shown to me. I believe this is my bibli al role.

R%*%ALI") )OD.& TR'TH

$t the start of these experien es, the )ord :esus 0hrist appeared to me to show me hell. #e appeared in a glistening white robe, full of light and power. :esus seemed to me to be about six feet tall. #is beard appeared as if it had been neatly trimmed. #is thi " hair rested lightly on #is shoulders. #is beautiful eyes were pier ing.

The portrait of 0hrist that is losest to the way I saw #im in my visions shows #im on the 'ailing 'all, praying over the :ews and Israel. :esus 0hrist has so mu h love and ompassion for us, as the artist portrayed in that portrait, that #e will go to great lengths to show a person hell and heaven and things to ome.

)oo" at what the Bible says2 'nd @lisha %rayed, and said, 2LORD, I %ray, o%en his eyes that he may see!2 -hen the LORD o%ened the eyes of the young man, and he saw! 'nd behold, the mountain was full of horses and chariots of fire all around @lisha! ./ Kings A21C4 'hen I was in heaven, I saw hariots of fire, with angels driving the hariots. They were very large vehi les, and I marveled at their splendor.

)oo" at this Bible verse about angels2 'nd while they loo ed steadfastly to ward heaven as He went u%, behold, two men stood by them in white a%%arel! .$ ts 121B4 #ow an one read that and not believe it; God openly showed angels to #is people when :esus was aught up to heaven. !aints, we have to reali7e that God wants to reveal #is glorious powers and #is wondrous wor"s in these last days. God has visions to show us. #e wants to ommuni ate these truths to us so that we an be ex ited and delighted about wor"ing for #im on this earth.

#IRA-L%& I" TH% -H'R-H

$fter the time of these visions, I was ministering in a parti ular hur h servi e. I had been in deep prayer and meditation. $t hur h that night, I saw angels everywhere. They all had golden swords in their hands. The !pirit of the )ord spo"e to me. #e said to me in a lear way2 0hild, when prayer time omes for the people, I want to heal ertain physi al problems. I want this to be a sign in your ministry that the testimony of hell is true. I have given My word that I will give signs and wonders and wor" mira les as the Gospel of the )ord :esus 0hrist is prea hed. I be ame so ex ited* In my spirit I saw an angel with a large boo" writing down things as I prea hed. It seemed as if the eiling opened up, and I ould see a vision of the throne of God. $ngels were re+oi ing and praising God.

,R%A I") TH% ,O"DA)% OF &I"

'hen it was time for the altar all, I saw angels going among the ongregation, nudging people to go to the altar and give their hearts to the )ord. 'hen I saw the angels tou hing the hearts of individuals, the bla "est sins began to hurn up and out of their hearts as they "nelt and prayed to God. <h, it was beautiful* In my spirit I ould see hains that were wrapped around the people. $s people re eived forgiveness, angels seemed to brea" the bond age, to shatter the hains, to ast them off. The bands bro"e as people began to raise their hands and onfess their sins to the )ord. 0ries and shouts went up everywhere from souls who had been delivered. It was wonderful. In many of my servi es all over the world, God provided great mira les li"e these, and wonderful deliveran es began to happen. I praise God for #is signs, wonders, and mira les. I "now that the angels are at wor", helping me with the ministry of the )ord :esus 0hrist.

,R%A I") TH% ,O"DA)%

I want to tell you something else. $s ! ripture was being spo"en, the 'ord seemed to +ump off the page and ta"e

the form of a sword. That sword would pier e a person(s body and go straight to the problem to heal it. The glory of God was everywhere* I was ama7ed. I praise God for the blessings of heaven on earth and for this beautiful revelation of #is 'ord. ----------------------------------------------------------

The +ord Of )od

In many servi es where I go, I see so many beautiful things that the angels are doing. 9ou "now, of ourse, that the angels are ministering spirits of the )ord sent forth to minister to the heirs of salvation. .!ee #ebrews 121D4 <n e I saw a minister prophesying. $s he was prophesying, God opened up my eyes to see an angel over his head. The angel was pouring on him what loo"ed li"e oil mingled with fire, out of a horn. Then I saw the man(s heart in a vision. It was full of the Bible, the 'ord of God. The 'ord seemed to ome up from his heart, into his throat, and out his mouth. I ould see the 'ord as it ame out of his mouth. $s it hit the air, it seemed to be ome a two-edged sword. $nother angel was re ording what the man of God said. I thought, ><h, God, this is truly your 'ord going forth to the people.> Then I saw one of the angels holding the #oly ! riptures. $s the man began to prea h the living 'ord of God, the words seemed to leap off the pages of the Bible. They would go into his heart and out of his mouth. $s this happened, the words of the Bible be ame a two-edged sword. $s the minister prayed for people who were si " or affli ted with diseases, it seemed that the )ord allowed me to see a dar" spot in a lung, a leg, a heart, or wherever the affli tion was. The sword of the 'ord would go to the affe ted pla e in the body, and heat would begin to form around it. Many times when people are prayed over for healing, they say, ><h, my, I feel the heat of the !pirit.> I was allowed to see spiritually how disease was really burned out of a person(s body. It was so beautiful how the revelation of God(s 'ord began to wor". $s I saw new s"in and new ells began to grow where the old had been, I began to praise the )ord. )ater, as I tal"ed to some of them, they would say to me, >I was mira ulously healed that day.> #ere on earth, we see only in part and "now only in part. 'e see and "now only what God allows. 'hat I saw was only as God permitted, and I give #im all the redit, the honor, and the glory.


I began to see the importan e of and the need for prophets in today(s world as well as in bibli al times. I began to see the importan e of all of the fivefold ministries spo"en of in ?phesians2 'nd He Himself gave some to be a%ostles, some %ro%hets, some evangelists, and some %astors and teachers, #or the e:ui%%ing of the saints for the wor of ministry, for the edifying of the body of +hrist! .?phesians 3211-1/4 I saw how important ea h is in the body of 0hrist. The Bible tells us that we an > ome boldly to the throne of gra e, that we may obtain mer y and find gra e to help in time of need> .#ebrews 321A4. The 'ord assures us that we have >bold ness to enter into the #oliest by the blood of :esus> .#ebrews 1B21F4, be ause >a ording to the law almost all things are purified with blood, and without shedding of blood there is no remission> .#ebrews F2//4. 8riends, I an attest that this is true. It is the blood of :esus 0hrist that ma"es atonement for the soul. #is 'ord and #is blood wor" together in gra e. Let us therefore come boldly to the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy and find grace to hel% in time of need! .#ebrews 321A4

A *%R! PR%&%"T H%LP

#ow many times do we have great needs; 'e have si "ness in our bodies. 'e are going through hearta hes. 'e are going through a divor e. $ loved one has died. $ hild has strayed into the world. It seems li"e we have no money oming in at all, and we need help. $t times li"e these we ome boldly to the throne of God and pray, >God, I need your help.> In the visions God gave me of s enes on earth, every time the saints would ry out to the )ord for help, the 'ord of God would be there. $n angel would have a huge Bible in his hands. Then I would see the angel open the 'ord of God and shove it in !atan(s fa e. !atan would be there in the form of an evil spirit or a serpent. 'hen the angel opened up the ! riptures, the %evil would literally fall ba "ward, s reaming, be ause he "new the angel was using the two- edged sword against him. 5ow, I need to tell you that the things that I was seeing in my spirit were not always happening in the hur h where I was ministering at the time. I would see things in my spirit that ould be o urring miles away. $t times I did not "now where or when they were ta"ing pla e. Than" God, :esus has defeated !atan for us on e and for all at the ross so that we an have freedom and life. 'e an now ome boldly to the throne of gra e wherever we are.


God(s mer y and gra e is real and present to heal every si "ness and disease through #is #oly ! riptures. I want you to be en ouraged in the 'ord of God today. If you have a need, go boldly to the throne of gra e and as" God to help you. The angels of God are >ministering spirits sent forth to minister for those who will inherit salvation> .#ebrews 12134. I am aware of this from ! ripture, and I believe it. Moreover, I "now it for a fa t. I have seen it in the spirit realm many times. 'hen we all on the )ord, God sends angels to help us in the power and might of #is 'ord and #is !pirit. 'hen demons have been ast out of some one in a servi e, I have seen the evil spirits ome out li"e dar" shadows or apparitions. 'hen :esus( name has been alled upon, I have seen an gels ta"e that evil spirit and bind it with a hain. 'hen I have seen that, I have thought, >God, how beautiful 9our 'ord is to deliver these demon-possessed people from evil powers.> It is the 'ord of the )ord that wor"s. It is :esus 0hrist(s 'ord. <nly in #is name-the name of :esus 0hrist-will this wor". 0all on the name of :esus 0hrist. #e will save you. 9ou will be born again, set free from your sins, and have an eternal home in heaven.


<n e, I was in the ountry of Malaysia. The people were so hungry for the )ord, and I "new by the presen e of God that there was going to be a mighty move of God. $s the glory of God began to fall on us, it was li"e rain. The #oly !pirit was moving in our midst and saving people. -eople were falling out of their seats to the ground as they a epted the )ord. Many souls were delivered as the )ord(s power tou hed them. <h, the +oy and presen e of God that ame down* The 'ord of God was being prea hed, and it was setting people free. #ow the people hungered for God* They wanted to be born again and to as" :esus 0hrist to ome into their hearts. The power of the 'ord of God is in redible.


#ere is another ! ripture I would li"e you to thin" about2 -he 'ngel of God, who went before the cam% of Israel, moved and went be hind them; and the %illar of cloud went from before them and stood behind them! ,o it came between the cam% of the

@gy%tians and the cam% of Israel! -hus it was a cloud and dar ness to the one, and it gave light by night to the other, so that the one did not come near the other all that night! .?xodus 1321F-/B4 0hildren of God, don(t you "now that God wants to do mira les today +ust as #e did yester day; 8or some reason we have been eliminating the benefits God has provided for us. 'e have been negle ting all the beautiful things of God. -sy hi s and all types of wit h raft and sor ery are in our land. They are spea"ing to the hunger in people(s hearts. -eople are see"ing advi e and dire tion for their lives from all sour es. #owever, I am telling you that God is real and true. #e does not want us to follow after psy hi s. #e does not want to see the evils of wit h raft and the o ult in the world. God spea"s against the o ult and see"ing after familiar spirits in #is 'ord2 Give no regard to mediums and familiar s%irits; do not see after them, to be defiled by them( I am the LORD your God! .)eviti us 1F2D14 It is very sinful and very wrong to go to mediums and psy hi s for help and guidan e. Instead, God(s angels are real and are sent to minister to us who are the heirs of salvation. #or He shall give His angels charge over you, to ee% you in all your ways! .-salm F12114 In all their affliction He was afflicted, and the 'ngel of His 6resence saved them; in His love and in His %ity He re deemed them; and He bore them and carried them all the days of old! .Isaiah AD2F4 /ebuchadne<<ar s%o e, saying, 2&lessed be the God of ,hadrach, "eshach, and 'bedA/ego, who sent His 'ngel and delivered His servants who trusted in Him, and they have frustrated the ing$s word, and yielded their bodies, that they should not serve nor worshi% any god e>ce%t their own God02 .%aniel D2/H4

'hen the )ord :esus gave me a revelation of hell, I ould see with my spiritual eyes that all around my home the 'ord of God was written in the s"y. $round and outside of my home was a great assemblage of angels. !ome were sitting, tal"ing among themselves. $nother group had a very authoritative loo" and seemed to be wat hing. The angels in the third group around the house were standing wingtip to wingtip with their ba "s toward my home. This last group was omposed of the largest angels who all loo"ed li"e warriors* ?a h had a large sword at his side. If even a dar" shadow tried to reep toward my home, they would pull out their swords and defend my family. &emember, >the sword of the !pirit.. . is the word of God> .?phesians A21C4. The 'ord would ome out bla7ing and go into the enemy. The enemy would be remated and turned into ashes. The ! ripture ame to me2 >The wi "ed... shall be ashes under the soles of your feet> .Mala hi 32D4. !eeing the 'ord of God in a tion ontinually ama7ed me. 'hen God sent #is 'ord, the angels delivered -eter from prison2 /ow behold, an angel of the Lord stood by him, and a light shone in the %rison; and he struc 6eter on the side and raised him u%, saying, 2'rise :uic ly02 'nd his chains fell off his hands! -hen the angel said to him, 2Gird yourself and tie on your sandals2; and so he did! 'nd he said to him, 26ut on your garment and follow me!2 ,o he went out and followed him, and did not now that what was done by the angel was real, but thought he was seeing a vision! 1hen they were %ast the first and the second guard %osts, they came to the iron gate that leads to the city, which o%ened to them of its own accord; and they went out and went down one street, and immediately the angel de%arted from him! 9 'nd when 6eter had come to himself, he said, 2/ow I now for certain that the Lord has sent

His angel, and has delivered me from the hand of Herod and from all the e>%ectation of the =ewish %eo%le!2 .$ ts 1/2C-114

A")%L& A"D TH% +ORD

'e have many ! riptures where angels appeared to men. !ome additional examples are2 &ut while he thought about these things, behold, an angel of the Lord a%%eared to him in a dream, saying, 2=ose%h, son of David, do not be afraid to ta e to you "ary your wife, for that which is conceived in her is of the Holy ,%irit!2 .Matthew 12/B4 -hen the LORD o%ened &alaam$s eyes, and he saw the angel of the LORD standing in the road with His sword drawn! ,o he bowed low and fell face down! .5umbers //2D1 5I64 ,o =acob went on his way, and the an gels of God met him! .Genesis D/214 'nd she saw two angels in white sit ting, one at the head and the other at the feet, where the body of =esus had lain! .:ohn /B21/4 /ow an angel of the Lord s%o e to 6hili%, saying, 2'rise and go toward the south along the road which goes down from =erusalem to Ga<a!2 .$ ts H2/A4 #or there stood by me ) this night an angel of the God to whom I belong and whom I serve! .$ ts /C2/D4 $s 0hristians we need to understand how mu h prote tion we have. 'e must understand that God has provided everything for us in #is holy 'ord. 'hen we need help, we an go to #im boldly in the time of need. $t the throne of gra e, in :esus 0hrist(s name, we as" #im for help. 'hen you and I as" for assistan e, #e al ways gives it. #e loves to help us as we "eep #is ommandments and serve #im. ----------------------------------------------------------

A "ew +orld I( -o2in0

8or many days after my final so+ourn in hell, I was desperately si ". I had to have the lights on when I slept. I needed the Bible with me at all times, and I read it onstantly. My soul was in severe sho ". I had experien ed some of what the lost endure when they go to hell. :esus would say, >-ea e, be still*> .Mar" 32DF4, and pea e would flood my soul. 9et, within a few moments I would again be s reaming, hysteri al with fear. %uring this time, I "new that I was never alone and that :esus was always there. 5evertheless, even with that "nowledge, I sometimes ould not feel #is presen e. !ometimes I was so afraid of having to go ba " to hell that I was fearful to even have :esus near me. 'hen I tried to tell others about my experien es in hell, they would not listen to me. I begged them, >-lease, repent of your sins before it(s too late.> It was diffi ult for anyone to believe what I told them about the torment that I had endured, as well as what :esus had told me to write about hell. The )ord reassured me that #e was the )ord who heals. ?ven though I was not onvin ed I would ever fully re over, omplete healing did ome, slowly but surely.


$nd then it happened again. $gain I was with the )ord :esus, and we were soaring high up in the s"y. :esus said, >I want to show you the love and goodness of God and parts of heaven. I want you to see the wondrous wor"s of the )ord, whi h are so beautiful to behold.> $n angel said to me, >!ee the goodness and "indness of the )ord your God. #is mer y endures forever.> There was su h a sense of love and tender ness about the angel that I was about to weep when he spo"e again, >Behold the power and might and ma+esty of God. )et me show you the pla e #e has reated for the hildren.> !uddenly, there was a large planet looming before us, a planet that appeared to be as large as the earth. /ow I saw a new heaven and a new earth, for the first heaven and the first earth had %assed away! 'lso there was no more sea! -hen I, =ohn, saw the holy city, /ew =erusalem, coming down out of heaven from God, %re%ared as a bride adorned for her husband! .&evelation /121-/4 The next thing I heard was the voi e of the 8ather saying, The 8ather, the !on, and the #oly !pirit are all one. The 8ather and the !on are one, and the 8ather and the #oly !pirit are one. I sent My !on to die on a ross so that no one needs to be lost. I am about to show you the pla e I made for My hildren. I are greatly about all hildren. I are when a mother loses a hild, even as the fruit of your womb was ast before its time. 9ou see, I "now all things, and I are. 8rom the time there is life in the womb, I "now. I "now about the babies that are murdered while they are still in their mother(s bodies-the aborted lives that are ut off and unwanted. I "now about the stillborn and those hildren who are born with rippling defe ts. 8rom the time of on eption, ea h is a soul. My angels go down and bring the hildren to Me when they die. In heaven they are loved, and they be ome perfe t beings. I give them whole bodies and re store whatever parts are missing. I give them perfe ted bodies. $ll over the planet there was a feeling of being loved, a sense of perfe t well-being. ?very thing was perfe t. #ere and there amid the lush green grass and pools of rystal lear water were marble seats and highly polished wooden ben hes to sit on. ?verywhere I loo"ed, there were hildren engaged in all "inds of a tivities. ?a h hild wore a spotless white robe and sandals. The white robes were so bright that they glistened in the magnifi ent light on the planet. $ profusion of olor everywhere a ented the whiteness of the hildren(s robes. $ngels were the "eepers of the entran e, and the hildren(s names were all written in a boo". I saw hildren learning the 'ord of God and being taught musi from a golden boo". I was surprised to see animals of all sorts oming up to the hildren or sitting beside them while they were in this angeli s hool. There were no tears and no sorrow. ?very thing was supremely beautiful. :oy and happiness were everywhere. Then the angel showed me another planet that glowed li"e a great light before me. The light shone with the radian e of a million stars, and everything on the planet was beautiful and alive. In the distan e I saw two mountains made of pure gold, while loser to me were two golden gates, in whi h diamonds and other pre ious stones were embedded. I "new in my heart that this was the new earth and that the ity lying in splendor before me was the 5ew :erusalem-the ity of God as it will ome down to earth.

Iui "ly, I was ba " viewing the old earth, but the earth as it will be after the Great Tribulation but before the final fires of $rmageddon will ultimately purge it. In this s ene, too, I saw :erusalem, the apital ity of the millennium. In my vision, I saw people oming from far and near, ma"ing their way toward this ity. #ere :esus was King, and all the nations of the earth brought #im gifts and paid #im homage. 5ot only was #e King in fa t, #e was also re ogni7ed as King of Kings*

:esus gave me the interpretation of my vision and gave me greater larity about what will happen then2 !oon I will return and ta"e ba " with Me to heaven the righteous dead first. Then after them, those who are alive and remain will be aught up to be with Me in the air. 8ollowing that, the $nti hrist will reign upon the earth for an appointed time, and there will be tribulations su h as have never been before, nor will ever be again. $nd then I will return with My saints, and !atan will be ast into the bottomless pit, where he will remain for a thousand years. %uring that thou sand years, I will reign over the earth from :erusalem. 'hen the Millennium is past, !a tan will be released for a season, and I will defeat him by the brightness of My oming. The old earth will pass away. Behold, there shall be a new earth and a 5ew :erusalem oming down upon it, and I will reign forever and ever. ----------------------------------------------------------

The Return Of -hri(t

In another vision, I saw the oming of the )ord* I heard #is all li"e the sound of a trumpet and the voi e of an ar hangel .1 Thessalonians 321A4. The whole earth shoo", and out of the graves ame the righteous dead to meet their )ord in the air. 8or what seemed li"e hours, I heard the trumpets blaring. The earth and the sea gave up their dead .&evelation /B21D4. The )ord :esus 0hrist stood atop the louds in vestments of fire and beheld the glorious s ene. I heard the sound of trumpets again. $s I wat hed, those who were alive and remained on the earth as ended to meet them2 If we believe that =esus died and rose again, even so God will bring with Him those who slee% in =esus! #or this we say to you by the word of the Lord, that we who are alive and re main until the coming of the Lord will by no means %recede those who are aslee%! #or the Lord Himself will descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of an archangel, and with the trum%et of God! 'nd the dead in +hrist will rise first! -hen we who are alive and remain shall be caught u% together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air! 'nd thus we shall always be with the Lord! .1 Thessalonians 3213-1C4 I saw the redeemed, as millions of points of light, onverging on a gathering pla e in the s"y. There the angels gave them robes of purest white. There was great re+oi ing. It was the angels( responsibility to serve, and they were everywhere, giving spe ial attention to the risen ones. 5ew glorified bodies were given to the redeemed, and they were trans formed as they passed through the air. Great +oy and happiness filled the heavens and the angels sang, >Glory to the King of Kings*>


In this vision, I beheld a large spiritual body high in the heavens. It was the body of 0hrist, whi h was lying on its ba " while blood dripped to the earth. I "new this represented our )ord(s slain body. The body grew larger and larger until it en ompassed the heavens. Going into it were millions of redeemed saints. I wat hed in astonishment as millions limbed up a stair ase to the body and filled it, beginning with the feet and ontinuing through the legs, the arms, the stoma h, the heart, and the head. 'hen it was full, I saw that it was filled with people from all orners of the earth. 'ith a mighty voi e they praised the )ord2 'nd they sang a new song, saying( 23ou are worthy to ta e the scroll, and to o%en its seals; for 3ou were slain, and have redeemed us to God by 3our blood out of every tribe and tongue and %eo%le and nation, 2and have made us ings and %riests to our God; and we shall reign on the earth!2 .&evelation E2F-1B4 Millions were gathered before the throne, and I saw angels as they brought the boo"s from whi h +udgment was read. There was the mer y seat, and rewards were given to many. Then, as I wat hed in astonishment, dar" ness overed the fa e of the earth, and demon for es went everywhere.

0ountless evil spirits had been loosed from their prison and spilled forth onto the earth. I heard another loud voi e saying, 1oe to the inhabitants of the earth and the sea0 #or the devil has come down to you, having great wrath, be cause he nows that he has a short time! .&evelation 1/21/4


I saw an angry beast, and he poured out his venom upon all the earth. #ell shoo" in his fury, and from a bottomless pit ame swarming hordes of evil reatures to bla "en the earth with their vast numbers. Men and women ran rying into the hills, the aves, and the mountains. $nd there were wars upon the earth, and famine and death. $t last I saw horses and hariots of fire in the heavens. The earth trembled, while >the sun be ame bla " as sa " loth of hair, and the moon be ame li"e blood> .&evelation A21/4. $n angel announ ed, >#ear, B earth, the King is oming*> Then the King of Kings and the )ord of )ords appeared in the s"y. 'ith #im in glorious splendor were the saints of all ages, lad in purest white. I remembered that >every eye will see #im> .&evelation 12C4 and that >every "nee shall bow.. .and every tongue shall onfess> .&omans 132114 that #e is )ord. Then the angels put in their si "les and harvested the ripened grain .see &evelation 13213-1F4, whi h is the end of the world. I thought, >'e must love one another. 'e must be firm in the truth and orre t our hildren in the light of the soon oming of 0hrist. 8or surely, the King is oming*> ----------------------------------------------------------

The Lord3( Final Plea4 ,e Ready

:esus said to me, >&epent and be saved, for the 4 "ingdom of God is at hand. My will and My 'ord will be performed. -repare the way of the )ord.> Then #e de lared2 2+ommand those who are rich in this %resent age not to be haughty, nor to trust in uncertain riches but in the living God, who gives us richly all things to enjoy2 .1 Timothy A21C4. Tell them to wal" in the !pirit, and they will not fulfill the lust of the flesh .Galatians E21A4. >%o not be de eived, God is not mo "ed, for whatever a man sows, that he will also reap. 8or he who sows to his flesh will of the flesh reap orruption, but he who sows to the !pirit will of the !pirit reap everlasting life> .Galatians A2C-H4. >5ow the wor"s of the flesh are evident, whi h are2 adultery, forni ation, un leanness, lewdness, idolatry, sor ery, hatred, ontentions, +ealousies, outbursts of wrath, selfish ambitions, dissensions, heresies, envy, murders, drun"enness, revelries, and the li"e, of whi h I tell you beforehand, +ust as I also told you in time past, that those who pra ti e su h things will not inherit the "ingdom of God. But the fruit of the !pirit is love, +oy, pea e, longsuffering, "indness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self- ontrol. $gainst su h there is no law. $nd those who are J have ru ified the flesh with its passions and desires> .Galatians E21F-/34. :esus ontinued2 'hen the 'ord of God is fulfilled, then the end will ome. 5o man "nows the day or the hour when

the !on of God will return to the earth. 5ot even the !on "nows, for that is "nown only by the 8ather. The 'ord is @ui "ly being fulfilled. 0ome as a little hild, and let Me leanse you from the wor"s of the flesh. !ay to Me, >)ord :esus, ome into my heart and forgive me of my sins. I "now that I am a sinner, and I repent of my sins. 'ash me in 9our blood, and ma"e me lean. I have sinned against heaven and before 9ou and am not worthy to be alled a son. I re eive 9ou by faith as my !avior.> I will give you pastors after My own heart, and I will be your !hepherd. 9ou will be My people, and I will be your God. &ead the 'ord, and do not for sa"e the assembling of yourselves together. Give your whole life to Me, and I will "eep you. I will never leave or forsa"e you.

,% R%AD! TO #%%T )OD

%ear ones, from the depths of my heart, I have shared with you many of the visions and revelations of heaven that were given to me by the power of God $lmighty. I want to sum up my thoughts by expressing how mu h God loves us. #e has shown #is are and great love by sending forth #is mighty 'ord to us and granting us revelations in these last days. %ear hildren, we must be ready to meet the )ord. 'e must at all times be loo"ing for #is oming. 9ou and I "now the troubles, the times, and the season we are in. There has never been an era li"e this. 'ith all my heart I urge you to be ready, >for you "now neither the day nor the hour in whi h the !on of Man is oming> .Matthew /E21D4. :esus 0hrist is oming ba "* %o you remember how I tal"ed about the saints who are now in heaven; The angel of God told me that if we live righteously in 0hrist :esus, we will meet our loved ones at the gates of glory as we go in. $re you re eiving this beautiful message in your heart; I tal"ed about the boo"s and re ords that the angels "eep. ?verything we do for :esus( sa"e is re orded, and our rewards are going to be mu h greater in heaven than they are on the earth. $ngels write down our deeds. Many times evangelists, prea hers, tea hers, and other leaders have to temporarily leave homes, hildren, and spouses to arry the ross for :esus 0hrist. The )ord sees this, and #e "nows all about it. #e also "nows about the many times we go somewhere and are not treated li"e hildren of the )ord. !ometimes we are mistreated, but we are still the King(s "ids. !till, God wants us to be servants to servants. #e wants us to serve one another as #e served us. !aints, God didn(t promise us a rose gar den. $lthough #e didn(t promise us splendor down here, we an have blessings, ri hes, honor, and material things as God permits. #owever, we an have them as we ta"e up our rosses and follow 0hrist. I want you to be ready. If you have never re eived :esus 0hrist as your )ord and !avior, you an be saved, a ording to the #oly ! riptures2 #or God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten ,on, that who ever believes in Him should not %erish but have everlasting life! .:ohn D21A4 If you confess with your mouth the Lord =esus and believe in your heart that God has raised Him from the dead, you will be saved! #or with the heart one believes unto righteousness, and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation! 1hoever calls on the name of the LORD shall be saved! .&omans 1B2F-1B, 1D4 -lease pray this prayer right now2 8ather, in the name of :esus 0hrist, I ome unto 9ou, +ust as I am. I am a sinner, )ord. I have sinned against 9ou and against heaven. I as" 9ou, )ord :esus, to forgive me and to ome into my heart and save my soul. )et me be born again by the !pirit of the )iving God. I give my life to 9ou, )ord :esus. I do believe that 9ou are the !on of God. I believe 9ou are :esus 0hrist who

was sent to save my soul from hell. I give 9ou than"s and praise and honor for redeeming me by 9our pre ious blood. If you have prayed this prayer with me and really believed what you prayed, you are now saved. 9ou have as"ed :esus 0hrist into your heart. Begin to onfess #im with your lips and praise #im. To God be all praise and honor* ----------------------------------------------------------

About the Author

Mary Kathryn Baxter was born in 0hattanooga, Tennessee. !he was brought up in the house of God. 'hile she was still young, her mother taught her about :esus 0hrist and #is salvation. Kathryn was born again at the age of nine teen. $fter serving the )ord for several years, she ba "slid for a season. The !pirit of the )ord would not release her, and she ame ba " and gave her life anew to 0hrist. !he still serves #im faithfully. In the mid-1FABs Kathryn moved with her family to %etroit, Mi higan, where she lived for a time. !he later moved to Belleville, Mi higan, where she began to have visions from God. Ministers, leaders, and saints of the )ord spea" very highly of her and her ministry. The movement of the #oly !pirit is emphasi7ed in all her servi es, and many mira les have o urred in them. The gifts of the #oly !pirit with demonstrations of power are manifested in her meetings as she is led by the !pirit of God. !he loves the )ord with all her heart, mind, soul, and strength and desires above all else to be a soul winner for :esus 0hrist. !he is truly a dedi ated handmaiden of the )ord. #er alling is spe ifi ally in the area of dreams, visions, and revelations. !he was ordained as a minister in 1FHD at the 8ull Gospel 0hur h of God in Taylor, Mi higan. !he now ministers with the 5ational 0hur h of God in 'ashington, %.0. In 1FCA, while she was living in Belleville, :esus appeared to her in human form, in dreams, in visions, and in revelations. !in e that time she has re eived many visitations from the )ord. %uring those visits #e has shown her the depths, degrees, levels, and torments of lost souls in hell. !he has also re eived many visions of heaven, the Great Tribulation, and the end of time. %uring one period of her life, :esus appeared to her ea h night for forty nights. #e revealed to her the horrors of hell and the glories of heaven. #e told her that this message is for the whole world.

+e a( children of )od have been tran(for2ed and 2ade new by the 2iracle of re0eneration

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