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2nd & 3rd Periods Physical Science Eli abeth Pate S!

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I hear and I forget. I see and I remember. I do and I understand. -Confucius

Physical Science
Course Description
Physical science is an introductory course of !hysics and chemistry. In fact% the course includes & 'ee(s of chemistry and & 'ee(s of !hysics conce!ts. )his semester 'e 'ill use a hands-on method to e*!lore these ne' conce!ts. +ur !rimary goal is to e*!lore and understand the !hysical 'orld around us and our secondary goal is to be creati,e and ha,e fun along the 'ay-

What is modeling instruction?

.odeling instruction is a method of teaching in 'hich students construct their o'n model of the !hysical 'orld. +nce an initial model has been de,elo!ed students 'ill continue e*!loring the model further refining it as 'e go. Students 'ill de!loy their model to many different conte*ts and are able to sol,e and analy e !roblems related to their current model. /hen the current model fails to e*!lain a !henomenon 'e 'ill continue e*!loring to e*!and on the initial model. 0y the end of the semester 'e 'ill ha,e a com!rehensi,e model of chemistry. .odeling is a student centered !rocess that allo's students to create and mani!ulate conce!ts or ideas based on their o'n e*!loration. )he goals of modeling include but are not limited to1 im!ro,ing the critical thin(ing s(ills of students% re2uiring students to reflect on their 'or( and re,ise as needed% using multi!le re!resentations to describe a situation% 'or(ing collaborati,ely 'ith their !eers and communicating their ideas su!!orted by e,idence.

Each student 'ill need the follo'ing1 #. 3 lab noteboo( 4gra!h ruled com!osition boo( 2. 3 calculator- 5ou are free to use the calculator of your choice. 3lso% if you do not ha,e a calculator I 'ill ha,e a set that you may use during class. 3. Physical science reference tables- I 'ill !ro,ide you 'ith one co!y at the beginning of the semester to use in class and on home'or(. 5ou .6S) (ee! u! 'ith these tables because they contain all of your e2uations- +n test days% you 'ill be gi,en a laminated set of reference tables to use.

Classroom Organization & Participation

Collaborati,e grou! 'or( is a (ey com!onent of the modeling a!!roach therefore 377 in class 'or( 'ill be com!leted in small lab grou!s. Each indi,idual student 'ill be re2uired to record their class acti,ities 8labs% 'or(sheets% etc9 in their lab noteboo(. :ee!ing a neat and orderly lab noteboo( 'ill be critical to student success- 7ab noteboo(s 'ill be collected at the end of each unit and graded. .ore on these noteboo( chec(s can be found belo'. Students 'ill !artici!ate in ;board meetings< daily. 3ll solutions to labs and 'or(sheets 'ill be dis!layed by lab grou!s on 'hiteboards. /e 'ill gather as a class to share and discuss the solutions to these labs and !roblems. 3ll students 'ill be re2uired to acti,ely !artici!ate in these regular board meetings. Student !artici!ation 'ill also be critical to their success-


.astery of Content Standards 3ll +ther 3ssignments

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For a more detailed explanation of how standards based grading works please visit the What is Standards Based Grading? tab on m website eli!abethpate"weebl "com" E?)@3 C@EAI)- I 'ill gi,e 7+)S of e*tra credit o!!ortunities throughout each B 'ee(s- )a(e ad,antage of these o!!ortunities as they come because I 'ill C+) go bac( and gi,e e*tra credit at the end because you suddenly reali ed you needed it. Dinal E*am- Each student 'ill ta(e a state mandated e*am during the designated e*am !eriod for our class 'hich 'ill count as 2E> of your final grade for the course.


Cheating- Cheating 'ill not be tolerated on any le,el in this course. If you are caught cheating you 'ill recei,e a ero and your !arents 'ill be notified. Cheating ,ia storing information in your calculator 'ill result in a loss of calculator !ri,ileges for the rest of the semester. 0asically% cheating is the one thing you really do not 'ant to do in my class so !lease do not e,en thin( about it-

$lassroom %ules
#. 2. 3. $. @es!ect yourself% your classmates% your teacher% and the furnishings of the room Come to class on time and !re!ared 3s( !ermission before s!ea(ing and getting out of your seat Aistracting yourself and others 'ill not be !ermitted

Contact Information
Came1 Eli abeth Pate E-mail1 !ateeF!itt.( Phone e*tension1 2E2-$&3-B$G= 8te*t messaging !referred9

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