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Organ Donation

Many people dont donate because they are scared of the process and think the Doctors at hospitals may let them die just to harvest their organs

Only One in 2013 people choose to donate their organs after death.

How to Donate Your Organs: 1. 2. 3. 4. Go to your Doctor and tell him/her that you would like to sign up to donate your organs after death. Fill out the form and acquire your organ donation card, make sure to carry it with you When you die, Doctors will have to work quick to preserve your tissue and organs Your family may choose to donate to someone close to you but otherwise it is anonymous

Why Matthew Ouellet Shouldnt Be Unwound: He could lead a fulfilling life of enjoyment and love He could contribute great things to society in the future He has a family who loves him He has friends who would miss him He has many skills that would be wasted He Is a good friend He is human and that should be reason enough by itself He is kind and considerate He is still young and has a long time to live He doesnt want to be unwound.

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