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ELEMENT: I think I used the following element of design in my work . . .

Line The use of black lines to surround every object to emphasize each one

Shape (2D) Cheetah print background of dungeon

Form (3D) Temple moving past landscape in first shot/doorway with light

Colour Darker colours outside of temple, warmer colours inside dungeon

Texture Marble rock texture in transition between inside/outside

Depth (Perspective) Temple infront of moon and ocean

Light Light enveloping robed character as he walks in doorway

Direction (Motion) Pan of camera in first few shots

Mass (Visual Weight) Large, but far away moon in background

Tone (black/white) Title screen with black title/white background

Value (Colour) Purple suit holds more attention than bright background

Space (Positive or Negative) Sky provides a negative space


PRINCIPLE: I think I used the following principle of design in my work . . .
Balance (symmetrical
and asymmetrical)
Temple from front symmetrical but asymmetrical from side
Emphasis on the robed character in every scene
Proportion (scale) Fireplace being smaller than couch/bed chair thing

Repetition (rhythm and
Teal and white colour consistent throughout animation
Unity Colourful dog character works with a colourful enviroment

Contrast Contrast between dark outside and bright temple/interior


Proximity Pillars and red robes being close to each other on both sides

Variety Differently themed envrioments

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