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Computers and TechnologyI think theres

a world market for maybe five computers. Thomas Watson, Chairman of IBM, 1943. 640K ou ht to be enou h for anybody. Bill Gates 1981

!ne machine can do the work of fifty ordinary men. "o machine can do the work of one e#traordinary man. Elbert Green Hubbar

Ima ine a school with children that can read or write$ but with teachers who cannot$ and you have a metaphor of the Information % e in which we live. !eter Co"hrane

&It is appallin ly obvious that our technolo y e#ceeds our humanity.& #lbert Einstein

&!ur scientific power has outrun our spiritual power. 'e have uided missiles and mis uided men.& $r. Martin %uther &in' (r.

&(ou see$ wire tele raph is a kind of a very$ very lon cat. (ou pull his tail in "ew (ork and his head is meowin in )os %n eles. *o you understand this+ %nd radio operates e#actly the same way, you send si nals here$ they receive them there. -he only difference is that there is no cat.& #lbert Einstein )*hen as+e to es"ribe ra io,

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