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The History of

Police $56,260 $2,800.00 Dont Worry About This Line Please! Criminal Lawyer $130,490 $10,874.16

Patrol Officer Special Agent



$36,000 $45,000

Criminology began completely the late in 1700s and early 1800s. If you were a criminal you would be painfully tortured till they thought you had your learned lesson. Then in the 1920s two men Robert Park and Ernest Burgess came up with the Chicago School of Thought were they thought of relating criminology with sociology. They tested this on criminals mainly juvenilethe delinquents. Then they started realizing better solutions to punish criminals. This still goes on today.

By Janaya Ellis

Adios Criminales Goodbye Criminals

This is
what happens when you wont obey the law.

By: Janaya Ellis

Shaquille ONeal Elvis Presley Chuck Norris

Shaquille ONeal is a current police officer. Before the King died he went into drug detecting. Chuck Norris was a real police officer before he took to acting.

This is an older police car from like the 80s and 90s.

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