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The human acquisition of language consists in a long process during all life. Many theories or approaches have appeared to resolve this question. One of them is the Nativist approach, it talks about the capacity that all humans have to learn a language or a second language because of the LAD (language acquisition device) proposed by Noam Chomsky. Human beings have de ability of distinguish sounds, organize linguistic data and create new systems for communicate. Also, we can use other systems for learning and acquire the language like: repetition of sounds, imitation, etc. Some linguists are apathetic about the different methods that exist in the acquisition of language. Some theories seem convincing but as the technology advances, and that cases of language acquisition are more diverse, there is not one way or theory that can answer this question, since humans learn in different ways using different didactics and motivations that drive us to learn a language. When humans are submerged in language and culture it is so much easier to learn a first or second language. We can learn a language thru our LAD and thru the necessity for communicate what we think about something. I think that the best way to learn is creating associations between that we see and words. This process can be accompanied with other techniques as I mentioned before like repetition, imitation. Finally, in my opinion language acquisition in an individual process in which the human being takes chances and experience different methods to acquire the language. Each one of us is always looking for tools and strategies for learning, for example: we use translation, imitation of the words, listening activities. Also I think that time is too short for us for to be able to catch and learn a second language as we do with our mother tongue. We have our LAD for create tools and strategies for learning a new language.

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