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Abeselom Gebreyesus 10/18/13 Drama- RED Live Play Review #1 The play The Sunshine Boys by Neil Simon

is a play about a one-time comedy team, who are bitterly reunited for one last show. The Keegan Theater puts a twist on the play in their show on Friday the 18th. The play follows the tale of two ex-vaudevillian comedians, Al Lewis (Timothy Lynch) and Willie Clark (Kevin Adams), who have stopped speaking to each other over an ancient quarrel. When CBS wants to bring the two back together again for a television special, old resentment finds its way to the surface. The seniors find ways to argue through health issues such as heart complications, arthritis, and poor blood circulation. The theme of this play is that fighting and arguing will not make situations better, but also hurt the participants. This hysterical comedy, led by director Michael Innocenti is filled with dialogue and actions that are sure to make the audience laugh out loud. Innocenti chose to incorporate sounds and special effects to replace some of the words in the play. This allowed the play to feel authentic and close up. During intermission there was also audio clips of old vaudevillian shows playing, which also helped to authenticate the play. The director incorporated meaningful staging during the many arguments that occurred in the play. For example, when Clark is chasing Louis with a butcher knife, threatening to cut off his pointer finger, Michael Innocenti directs the characters to hide behind furniture and doors, helping to create a wild atmosphere. The acting in the play gave the play meaning and purpose and effectively conveyed the theme. The actors used many different acting skills to successfully ensure this task. One important example of this is both Timothy Lynch and Kevin Adams use of character physicality. Both actors are playing old men in their seventies, and imitate elderly by using

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