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Q8) What you understand by Goal Congruence?

What are the informal factors that influence the Goal Congruence? Answer:- This term is used when the same goals are shared by top managers and their subordinates. This is one of the many criteria used to judge the performance of an accounting system. The system can achieve its goal more effectively and perform better when organizational goals can be well aligned with the personal and group goals of subordinates and superiors. The goals of the company should be the same as the goals of the individual business segments. Corporate goals can be communicated by budgets, organization charts, and job descriptions.

Goal Congruence- Meaning Individuals work in different hierarchies and handle

different responsibilities & may have different goals. But they must come together as far as Companys Goal is concerned (there action must speak Cos language.)

Goal Congruence Example 1 The HR manager has devised a HR training program to enhance the skills of its sales personnel, with an objective to enhance their productivity But if company is in strategic need of attaining a certain sales volume in a given quarter, it can not do so on account of non availability of personnel. Example 2 The marketing department has planned an impressive advertising campaign, which promises good returns, But say due to cash crunch Companys current financial position may not let to lose the strings Example 3 Production Manager may get a good applause for reducing cycle time; But at what cost? Building up the high inventory i.e. higher investment in current assets. While doing so he just overlooked the financial interest of the company. After completing the given activity in more efficient manner the concerned manager scores the point/s on his score card. Whether his actions are leading to scoring of points on the organizations score card too? if it is so then only one can say the organization is marching towards a common goal.

Every individual working in an organization has got his own motive to do the work. Individuals act in their own interest, based on their own motivations. And it is always not necessarily consistent with the Cos goal. In a goal congruence process, the actions the people are led to take in accordance with their perceived self interest are also in the best interest of

the organization i.e. Goal congruence ensures that the action of manager taken in their best interest is also in the best interest of the organization.

Informal factors that influence goal congruence: External Factors External factors are norms of desirable behavior that exist in the society of which the organization is a part. These norms include a set of attitudes, often collectively referred to as the work ethic, which is manifested in employees' loyalty to the organization, their diligence, their spirit, and their pride in doing a good job (rather than just putting in time). Some of these attitudes are local that is, specific to the city or region in which the organization does its work. In encouraging companies to locate in their city or state, chambers of commerce and other promotional organizations often claim that their locality has a loyal, diligent workforce. Other attitudes and norms are industry-specific. Still others are national; some countries, such as Japan and Singapore, have a reputation for excellent work ethics.

Internal Factors


The most important internal factor is the organization's own culture-the common beliefs, shared values, norms of behavior and assumptions that are implicitly and explicitly manifested throughout the organization. Cultural norms are extremely important since they explain why two organizations with identical formal management control systems, may vary in terms of actual control. A company's culture usually exists unchanged for many years. Certain practices become rituals, carried on almost automatically because "this is the way things are done here." Others are taboo ("we just don't do that here"), although no one may remember why. Organizational culture is also influenced strongly by the personality and policies of the CEO, and by those of lower-level managers with respect to the areas they control. If the organization is unionized, the rules and norms accepted by the union also have a major influence on the organization's culture. Attempts to change practices almost always

meet with resistance, and the larger and more mature the organization, the greater the resistance is.

Management Style

The internal factor that probably has the strongest impact on management control is management style. Usually, subordinates' attitudes reflect what they perceive their superiors' attitudes to be, and their superiors' attitudes ultimately stem from the CEO. Managers come in all shapes and sizes. Some are charismatic and outgoing; others are less ebullient. Some spend much time looking and talking to people (management by walking around); others rely more heavily on written reports.

The Informal Organization

The lines on an organization chart depict the formal relationships-that is, the official authority and responsibilities-of each manager. The chart may show, for example, that the production manager of Division A reports to the general manager of Division A. But in the course of fulfilling his or her responsibilities, the production manager of Division A actually communicates with many other people in the organization, as well as with other managers, support units, the headquarters staff, and people who are simply friends and acquaintances. In extreme situations, the production manager, with all these other communication sources available, may not pay adequate attention to messages received from the general manager; this is especially likely to occur when the production manager is evaluated on production efficiency rather than on overall performance. The realities of the management control process cannot be understood without recognizing the importance of the relationships that constitute the informal organization. Perception and Communication

In working toward the goals of the organization, operating managers must know what these goals are and what actions they are supposed to take in order to achieve them. They receive this information through various channels, both formal (e.g., budgets and other official documents) and informal (e.g., conversations). Despite this range of channels, it is not always clear what senior management wants done. An organization is a complicated entity, and the actions that should be taken by anyone part to further the common goals cannot be stated with absolute clarity even in the best of circumstances.

Moreover, the messages received from different sources may conflict with one another, or be subject to differing interpretations. For example, the budget mechanism may convey the impression that managers are supposed to aim for the highest profits possible in a given year, whereas senior management does not actually want them to skimp on maintenance or employee training since such actions, although increasing current profits, might reduce future profitability.

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