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USUFRUCT and The Parable of the Landowner (Mt 21.33-41) The parable of the landowner (Mt 21.

33-41) may be a message for us in this special time to act as agents/heirs of the Father (Owner) and terminate the vested interests of the current "vinegrowers" (usufructuraries/trustees) in the Usufruct foolishly/mistakenly given to them at our birth and execute the Father's complete ownership and control of His property to restore the original usufruct granted to Mankind. It should be self-evident that the current "Vine-growers" (Usufructuaries) are not honoring and taking "reasonable care" of the Usufruct and its proceeds for the "naked owner" (Creator). Today there are 16 Trillion reasons (National Debt) to terminate the Usufruct! The National Debt is now a National Security issue. Is it responsible of us to continue to let the Usufructuaries dishonor the Creator? How long before the Creator holds us liable for doing nothing to correct this dishonor? Is it not in our Power and Control to terminate the usufruct as an agent/bondservant of the Creator? The Certificate of Live Birth (COLB) is the receipt/security/surety given to us by the State as the Surety (1) that the usufructuary would deal with the property so as to satisfy a fair man and (2) would give back the property when his [States] interest is terminated. See below excerpt from A Systematic and Historical Exposition of Roman Law, under Securities, page 406. =pdf&sig=ACfU3U0Uonz6oj YpiC1K1XLAhQTylyo9Gw

The above excerpt shows that the usufruct must be used in a proper way and time, or else it ends or divests. See the below excerpt from A Systematic and Historical Exposition of Roman Law, under Divestitive Facts, page 407. Number III below states that the usufruct comes to an end by not using it in the proper way and time. So #III above shows that there are two ways to end the COLB-based usufruct: (1) improper use of the usufruct, and (2) expiration date of the usufruct.

#1, Improper use, should be self-evident to a fair man. The National Debt is now at $16 Trillion! This alone is sufficient evidence of the improper use of the usufruct. The National Debt is now a National Security issue, threatening to destroy the nation. #2, Expiration date, has already occurred for everyone over the age of 25. The COLB- based usufruct was to expire upon the age of majority at 25. Its re-vesting back to the naked owner is still in abeyance, until the proper owner appears, according to English law. See Blackstone Commentaries, Book 2, Chapter 7, page 3, below: I believe this vesting happens automatically by operation of law when the Certificate of Live Birth (COLB) receipt, after being properly accepted and indorsed, is presented for perfection of title by a Solemn Act and Deed instrument into a court of record under seal in the county. Said Act constitutes our appearance on the record. Many are now awakening to this remedy. I believe the recent successes of those who are citing "USUFRUCT" are happening because they [the State] are afraid of triggering this awakening/"appearing" on a large scale, and all of them losing their USUFRUCT! But many of us are not having our appearance on the record honored. Nor are they honoring our setoffs and other acts of forgiveness of mis-takes and obligations. This leads us to The Parable of the Landowner. The point of the Parable is that in the event that this world's usufructuaries do not go "into honor" when we "correct the Mis-take" of not appearing and reclaiming the usufruct at the age of 25, what are we, as usufructuaries of the original usufruct, required to do to maintain our honor of the Father's original usufruct to us?

Are we are not still liable as the original usufructuaries of the original usufruct of Genesis 1.2630 and Genesis 2.15? The current "Vine-growers"/Usufructuaries are not honoring and taking "reasonable care" of the Usufruct and its proceeds for the "naked owner" (Creator). Today there are 16 Trillion reasons (National Debt) to terminate the Usufruct! The National Debt is now a National Security issue. Our nation is being destroyed from within. It is becoming more evident that we need Divine Intervention today in Modern Egypt just like the ancient Israelites did in ancient Egypt. We are more enslaved today than they were then. In fact, I believe that the entire Exodus episode was intended from the very beginning to be a type for us today in modern Egypt. In the Parable, it states that the Landowner will bring those wretches [dishonorable usufructuaries] to a wretched end, and rent out the vineyard to other vine-growers, who will pay him the proceeds in the proper seasons. This shows that the final answer will be divine intervention. So our job today is to ask for that Divine Intervention, on a worldwide scale, since this dishonor is now plaguing every nation on earth. There is a such a Worldwide Petition for Divine Intervention for everyone to consider located at Until we recognize the spiritual dimension behind this battle over The Birthright, and enlist Divine Intervention in this matter, we will continue to suffer at the hands of these wretches. Let us petition for the Landowners intervention sincerely and fervently every day. Then wait and believe that He will hear and intervene, as promised in 2 Chron 7.14. The pleas (Ex 3.7) of the ancient Israelite were heard, and Yah intervened miraculously to deliver His People, as an example for us to follow today to petition Him like they did. Then this will occur, as it states in Mt 21.43: Therefore I say to you, the kingdom of God (Mt 24.14) will be taken away from you [wretches], and given to a nation (Isa 55.5) producing the fruit (Rev 5.9-10) of it.

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