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Nunna Daul Tsun Yi

Kristine Ellis Junior Division Individual Website

Choosing my topic for National History Day wasnt very difficult to be perfectly honest. In seventh grade, my PASS teacher told us about NHD and, after informing us about the theme, she listed examples. Trail of Tears was included, so I chose it; I really love learning about Native Americans. My grandma also knows someone with close ties to Cherokees and information about them, so overall it was a good topic for me. However, I didnt know enough about my topic in general some research would have to take place. Conducting my research was difficult in the beginning; it took me a while to narrow down my topic. Once I did, however, it made the process much easier. I looked up websites that I could tell were reliable and weeded out the information I required. Eventually, I had enough facts to start on my project. Selecting a category was probably the most trivial part. Each type of project sounded appealing to me, but I suppose I chose a website because of me and my fathers aptitude with computers. I enjoy working with computers and programs, and I like the cleanliness and simplicity of a webpage. The Cherokee Removal and Rights of Responsibilities in History go hand in in hand. During the removal era, the rights of the Cherokee were blatantly disregarded. Also, in my opinion, Andrew Jackson openly neglected his responsibilities as President when the court ruled for against the Cherokee harassment; he turned a blind eye and encouraged the behavior. In conclusion, my topic relates to the main theme very well and the process has been quite the experience.

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