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Favorite Tweet Book

Compiled By Koulick.


I like to keep it neat,nice n simple...


All content © Koulick. All rights reserved.



Monday, 10th of August.

23:21:33 Doctor: Two rotis or a bowl rice from now on daily.__ My alterego : Before meal or after?  By:
23:28:15 RT @Monicutza03449: Good one. RT @AmiAhuja: My husband and I divorced over religious
differences. He thought he was God and I didn’t!  By:AngelineZylstra

Tuesday, 11th of August.

10:18:43 RT @rohan2k: RT @jakriffer A banker is a man who lends you an umbrella when the weather is
fair, and takes it away from you when it rains.  By:AngelineZylstra

Wednesday, 12th of August.

06:35:35 It's a small world so you have to use your elbows a lot.  By:AZCactus
14:27:29 is gonna go through the only time portal that exists- the international date line.  By:algoseer

Friday, 14th of August.

08:46:28 Never Go to Bed Angry. Stay Awake and Plot Your Revenge!  By:AZCactus

Thursday, 20th of August.

08:04:52 There will always be death and taxes, however, death doesn't get worse every year.  By:

Friday, 21st of August.

08:46:05 Rajen Mehra is a clever publisher. His Jaswant Singh book is now outselling Tamiflu strips.
Modi's ban will ensure more people read it.  By:PritishNandy
09:38:39 On a day when India had max swine flu deaths (10) the news has moved inside to pg 13!
Earlier, one NRI infection hogged half the front page.  By:PritishNandy
09:39:32 Babies are kinda like drunk people -- nothing they say is comprehensible, and you know they're
not going to remember what you say later.  By:ev

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Sunday, 23rd of August.

00:38:23 My karma ran over my dogma.  By:AZCactus
10:50:02 Time for a full on BPO for terror. Terrorists and militants have so much money that it will do
terrific business. The HuJi is like a BPO.  By:PritishNandy
10:55:15 Problem is you cant outsource peace. Theres no BPO to buy you peace for a price. Guess there
are no takers for it. Govts love conflict!  By:PritishNandy
11:09:48 Conflict is on overdrive everywhere. Yet every time there is terror we pretend we abhor it. Buts
isnt terror a byproduct of conflict?  By:PritishNandy
11:45:40 If you first imagine yourself having steaming hot sex, will inexplicably
seem a lot more appealing.  By:oneminuteslow
14:00:59 RT @srkcatwoman: Psychologist on radio: Love + marriage aren't compatible!? Marriage:a
contract of giving and taking. Love: only giving.  By:AngelineZylstra
14:26:33 RT @surajram: RT @pappe_it_is: Married men live longer than single men - but married men
are a lot more willing to die.  By:AngelineZylstra

Tuesday, 25th of August.

08:02:56 Grow your private space, enlarge it. Thats your life. Start with your own bedroom. Add your
study. Walk into cafes, bookstores, music shops.  By:PritishNandy
09:07:44 The sex symbol tag hurts Megan Fox, she says. I wonder why. Does she also act?  By:

Wednesday, 26th of August.

10:50:32 RT @DiamondSharp: Bumper Sticker: "Love may be blind but marriage is a real eye-opener."
20:30:41 Idea: If you want to take a picture of someone you don't know, just stare at them and maybe
they'll say, "Take a picture, it lasts longer."  By:ev

Thursday, 27th of August.

10:00:11 RT @abafna: Whether one is 20, 40, 60 or 80;whether one has succeeded, failed or just
muddled along - life begins each morning!  By:AngelineZylstra

Friday, 28th of August.

16:28:12 RT @rohan2k: In an argument, a woman always has the last word. Anything a man says after
that is the beginning of a new argument.  By:AngelineZylstra
19:45:03 An escalator is never broken, if not moving, the sign should read "Temporarily stairs. Sorry for
the convenience."  By:AZCactus

Sunday, 30th of August.

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03:20:52 29/08: nothing is completely wrong. Even a stopped clock is right twice a day  By:paulocoelho
23:17:09 So an Italian driver in a German car wins pole position for team calld Force India & we're all
ecstatic. Triumph 4the Agglomerative Indian!?  By:ShashiTharoor

Monday, 31st of August.

04:51:32 Breaking news...Police station toilet stolen ....Cops have nothing to go on.  By:AZCactus
11:06:14 RT @jakriffer: I'm pisexual. I am attracted to 3.142 different sexes.  By:AngelineZylstra

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Friday, 4th of September.

09:09:52 The assumption that audiences are dreary old fools who love watching regurgitated nonsense is
a fallacy. Thats how saas bahu sagas died.  By:PritishNandy

Saturday, 5th of September.

17:16:23 Saturday doesnt end a week. It opens up the mysteries of a weekend that hasnt even begun.
17:18:53 I like the sun when it sneaks through the rain like an unfaithful wife seeking a whole new
meaning to her life with someone new.  By:PritishNandy

Sunday, 6th of September.

10:29:53 AN AMERICAN CORP.: You have 2 cows. You sell 1, and force the other to produce the milk of
4 cows. U are surprised when the cow drops dead.  By:AngelineZylstra
10:30:07 A FRENCH CORPORATION: You have two cows. You go on strike because you want three
cows.  By:AngelineZylstra
10:30:30 A GERMAN CORPORATION: You have two cows. You reengineer them so they live for 100
years, eat once a month, and milk themselves.  By:AngelineZylstra
22:54:41 The economy is so bad, I saw the CEO of Wal-Mart shopping at Wal-Mart.  By:AZCactus

Tuesday, 8th of September.

22:18:28 "Barack Hussain Obama- his first name rhymes with Iraq,middle name IS hussain, last name is
almost Osama." (Allah made me funny-Comedy tour)  By:algoseer

Thursday, 10th of September.

09:13:53 Mohd is the 2nd most common baby name in UK. 7565 as against 8007 Jacks. So now, Mohd n
Jill went up the hill to fetch a pail of water?  By:PritishNandy

Friday, 11th of September.

13:57:30 whoever invented "Dude you are screwed?" is sure to have missed the impact that the rhyme
has.  By:algoseer

Saturday, 12th of September.

06:26:28 Swine flu news - Elmo claims that from now on, he will only have safe sex with Miss Piggy  By:

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19:48:13 RT @rohan2k: RT @jonesette The love in your heart wasn't put there to stay. Love isn't love till
you give it away.  By:AngelineZylstra

Thursday, 17th of September.

09:24:58 The bigger the symbol, the more impossible, the more its impact at election time. We love being
lied to. Like kids love fairy tales.  By:PritishNandy
09:26:42 The world is about lies, impossible dreams, wild imagination. Thats what politics, movies,
nationalism thrive on. Bullshit.  By:PritishNandy
09:30:59 Reality bores us, scares us. Will you watch a documentary on real India or watch OSO?
Obvious na? Escapism is our national pastime.  By:PritishNandy
16:42:36 17/09: The wound of a word hurts more than the wound of a knife.  By:paulocoelho

Saturday, 19th of September.

12:58:49 well at the back of my notebook it says- homework karega, khoob padhega, class mein first
aayega , kuch bhi kargega for candyman ! :|  By:algoseer

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