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Committee: Economic and Social Council Issue: Privacy rights In light of NSA files released by Edward Snowden Country:

Netherlands Edward Snowden released NSA files of spying on foreign leaders, exposing the mass surveillance program, the cooperation with various internet giants such as Google and Yahoo. This incident raised controversy of international security and private information. The Netherlands is bound to human rights standards in many ways: legal obligations with regard to fundamental rights and individual freedoms, which mean we strongly disagree with what the US is doing right now, spying on us. Due to the fact that we are a country taking privacy right seriously, we cannot stand that our people, especially our leaders phone records, are being spied by the US. According to our legislation, we dont want our people to live in such fear of always being so careful about what they are doing on the internet, because they know that every record is being spied on. Therefore, we strongly approve what Edward Snowden has done, and thus disagree with the act of USAs controversial monitoring.

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