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Committee: The Economic and Social Council Issue: Privacy rights in light of NSA files released by Edward Snowden

Country: China Edward Snowden has become a well-known computer specialist since he leaked some of the NSAs documents. But due to his action, governments and companies started to refuse to entrust the handling of sensitive data to US companies, which harmed the export markets in Asia. Being as one of the largest market around the world, China looks forward to cooperate with others in order to rebuild the economy system. Since some of NSAs files were released, it opened a debate on whether government could monitor its people and foreign organizations. Even though some may consider surveillance essential to prevent potential terrorist attacks, it can also violate peoples privacy and call for regulations to limit governments power. China urges the United Nations to establish a sub-committee to balance human rights and security as well as to deal with whistleblowers. Therefore, China expect for countries who also want to solve the society and economy problems caused by Edward Snowden so as to make the world better.

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