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International Symposium on

Engineering under Uncertainty:

Safety Assessment and Management
January 4 to 6 2012

Paper No.CNP075

K. K. Kudmetha
and A. Dey
Final Year B.Tech. Student, Dept. of Civil Engg, IIT Guwahati
Assistant Professor, Dept. of Civil Engg, IIT Guwahati
SPT is the most common testing methodology adopted in the field to gain idea about the stratigraphic
profile at a site. The same is also employed directly or indirectly to determine the bearing capacity of
proposed foundations. The present study aims at understating the usage of various correlations
devoted to the correction of the Field SPT data, and their subsequent use in conjunction to the various
correlations to determine the bearing capacity of pile foundation in sand. In this regard, a Matlab
code has been developed that can be used as ready-reference software to obtain the bearing capacity
of the pile foundation in sand depending on the correction factor and bearing capacity correlations. 10
different forms of SPT correction correlation and 6 different bearing capacity correlations have been
used in various combinations to reveal their effect on the determined bearing capacity and the results
of the same has been reported in the study. The degree of scatter in the output has been determined as
an indirect measure to the degree of uncertainty in the usage of various correlations. The outcome of
the present study can be further extended for reliability analysis of the usage of the correlations.
Keywords: Pile Bearing Capacity, SPT test, Correction Factor, Standard Deviation, Degree of Scatter
Foundations are defined as that part of the structure that aids in the transfer of loads from the super-
structure to the soil, and vice-versa. In other words, foundations provide the basis of soil-structure
interaction mechanism. Based on the depth of embedment, foundations are generally classified as
shallow foundations and deep foundations. Amongst the deep foundations, due to its frequent usage,
Pile foundations form a large fraternity. Although used for eons, the detailed mechanism of the pile
behavior, the load transfer mechanisms and the determination of their bearing capacity is still fuzzy.
Several researchers over the time have proposed several correlations to determine the bearing capacity
of pile foundations depending on the soil and pile parameters. Many of the theoretical approaches
suffered from the lack of proper understanding of the load-transfer and failure mechanisms of pile, and
hence on many occasions, failed to provide reasonable or agreeable results. Therefore, attention had
been reverted to the semi-empirical approaches, wherein based on several experiments on different
types of soil, the bearing capacity of piles have been expressed as correlations of pile bearing capacity
as a function of soil and pile parameters. With time, the extent of the experiments has increased, and
further variations have been studied by different researchers. This attempt has lead to the existence of
several correlations. Since, these semi-empirical methods are restrained in their applicability, bounded
by the domains of the experiment carried out to develop the correlation, it is easily comprehendible
that these methods are not universal, and cannot be single-handedly applied to any soil condition. This
renders fuzziness in the decision to be taken by a field engineer about the choice of the correlation to
be adopted for a particular case. This article aims in highlighting this fuzziness described and establish
the same as a background of a consolidated reliability study.
Several researchers have proposed several theories to estimate the bearing capacity of pile foundations
in sandy soil using mechanics of statics [Janbu (1976), Meyerhof (1976), Vesic (1977), Coyle and
Castello (1981)]. Few correlations have also been proposed for estimating the pile bearing capacity
using dynamic methods [Murthy (1999)]. In spite of the mechanistic approaches, the most popular
method of estimating the bearing capacity of piles still pertain with the use of penetration test data,
either Standard Penetration Data (SPT) or Cone Penetration Data (CPT).
The Standard Penetration test (SPT) is a common
in-situ testing method used to determine the
subsurface soil profile and their geotechnical
engineering properties. The details of N-value can
be referred to any standard geotechnical
engineering textbook [Murthy (1998)]. The output
of SPT test is described in terms of blow counts
corresponding to a certain penetration.If the SPT is
carried out on sandy soil, the N -value provides an
indication of the relative density of the subsurface
soil, and it is used in empirical geotechnical
correlation to estimate the approximate shear
strength properties of the soils. The SPT is
conducted normally at 2.5ft (75cm) to 5 ft (150cm)
intervals. The intervals may be increased at greater
depths if necessary. Figure 1 depicts a typical example of the representation of SPT data.
Corrections on SPT Data
Four types of corrections that are normally applied to the uncorrected Nvalues are
1. Correction due to overburden pressure
2. Hammer efficiency correction
3. Drill rod, sampler and borehole corrections
4. Dilatancy correction
It has been observed by several researchers that amongst the various corrections, the overburden
correction has the most significant effect on the modification of the N value. A description of the same
is provided enlisting a number of propositions by various researchers.
Correction due to Overburden Pressure
The standard penetration number N is commonly used to correlate several physical parameters of soil.
In granular soils, the standard penetration number is largely affected and dependent on the effective
overburden pressure,
o .The SPT correction factor
C is defined as the ratio of the SPT resistance
measured at a given effective vertical stress level
o , to the resistance measured at a standard stress
( )
o ref
o , usually the atmospheric pressure which is equal to 96kN/m
. This recommended
correction factor is essential because penetration resistance is known to increase with depth (in most
cases) and at a constant vertical effective stress, penetration increases approximately as the square of
relative density
D [Meyerhof (1957)]. This is expressed as
Figure1 Typical SPT Test Data
2 '
( )
N D a bp = + [1]
where, a and bare material dependent factors and
p is the mean effective stress. Equation 3 is often
expressed as a function of the effective vertical stress
o , since
o can be estimated with reasonable
accuracy at any given site.
The general expression for the correction factor C
is expressed as
2 '
( *100)
( )
cor r
N D a b
N D a bp
= = =
The influence of effective overburden pressure
o can then be expressed by a depth correction
C . Several correlations have been proposed by various researchers that are illustrated as
Correlation by Liao and Whitman (1986)
1 1
' 2 ' 2
9.78 in / , in /
' '
C kN m C ton ft
N o N o
o o
o o
o o
= = [3]
Correlation by Skempton (1986)
' 2
in / ( 2 for Loose Sands, 3 for Dense Sands)
1 0.01
N o
C kN m n n o
= = =
Correlation by Cubrinovski and Ishihara (1999)
Cubrinovski and Ishihara (1999) proposed a correlation between the uncorrected N value, effective
overburden pressure and the relative density of granular soil that is expressed as
0.06 98
(%) 0.23 9 (100)
D o
| | | |
( = +
| |
\ . \ .

o = effective overburden pressure inkN/m
, and
D = sieve size through which 50% of soil
will pass (mm). A graphical correlation between the corrected SPT values and the relative density of
sand had also been established as tabulated below:
Correlation by Wolff (1988)
The drained or effective angle of friction of granular soils
( )
| has also been correlated to the
standard penetration number. Peck, Hanson, and Thornburn (1974) proposed a correlation
N and
| in a graphic form, which was approximated as [Wolff (1988)]
' 2
(deg) 27.1 0.3 0.00054
cor cor
N N | = + [6a]
Schmertmann (1975) also provided a correlation for N versus
o , which was modified by Kulhawy
and Mayne (1990) and the approximated correlation is expressed as
' 1
tan 12.2 20.3

( | |

= +
( ` |
( \ . )
p = atmospheric pressure (same units as
o )
Table 1 Approximate relationship between corrected N-value and relative density of sand
Corrected Standard Penetration number( ) N
Relative density, D
0 - 5 0 5
5 10 5 30
10 30 30 60
30 - 50 60 - 95
Correlation by Peck, Hansen, and Thornburn (1974)
' 2 ' 2
' '
2000 20
077log in / 077log in /
N o N o
o o
C kN m C ton ft o o
o o
| | | |
= =
| |
\ . \ .
Correlation by Teng (1962)
N o
C psi o
Correlation by Bazaraa (1967)
' ' '
' '
4 4
, 1.5; , 1.5 in
1 2 3.25 0.5
N o o o
o o
C ksf o o o
o o

= s >

+ +

Correlation by Seed (1976)
( )
' ' 2
1 1.25log10 in /
N o o
C ton ft o o = [10]
Correlation by Tokimastu and Yoshimi (1983)
' 2
in /
N o
C kN cm o
Correlation of Clayton (1993)
' 2
in /
N o
C kN m o
This correlation is valid only for over-consolidated sands.
SPT investigation is one of the common and most frequently adopted in the field in addendum to the
borehole stratigraphic investigation. Due to its simplicity of execution (apart from the difficulty in
repeatability), a field engineer finds the method to be one of the most amiable and reliable one. Hence,
the use of SPT data for the determination of pile bearing capacity has been one of the largely adopted
techniques. The same is carried out by two main approaches - direct and indirect methods.Direct
methods apply N values with some modification factors. Indirect SPT methods employ a friction
angle and undrained shear strength values estimated from measured data based on different theories.
Amongst the two, the direct methods are more accepted amongst the field engineers for the ease of
In the present study, the following SPT-based direct methods have been employed to predict the pile
bearing capacity in sandy soil. Hence, the excessive pore water pressure generated during the test has
been ignored and therefore the results may not be reliable in low permeable soils such as clays and
silts. Since design procedures mainly involve considering the long-term capacity of piles, SPT data
generally is only applicable for sands or non-cohesive granular soils. However, as per necessity, the
effect of pore-water pressure can be incorporated with ease in the study. Table 2 provides the main
aspects of each of the direct methods incorporated in the study.
Table 2 SPT direct methods for prediction of pile bearing capacity in the present study
Method Unit Base and Unit Shaft resistance Remarks
( ) 40 ( ) 4
b b a b
Q MPa N p N
= s
N : average of N between 10D above and
5D below pile base
( )
s s s
Q kPa n N =
- Failure criterion: Minimum
slope of load-movement
- Energy ratio for N : 55%
- Low disp. piles:
n =1
- High disp. piles:
n =2
( )
19.7 ( )
b a b
Q MPa p N =
N : average of N between 10D above and
5D below pile base
( )
0.01 ( )
Q kPa pL p N
s a
| |
\ .
Failure criteria:
Penetration of pile head equal to
10% of pile diameter (D)
Aoki and
( )
b b
| |
\ .
N : average of three value of SPT blows
around pile base
( )
s s
Q kPa N
| |
\ .
Failure criteria: Vanderveen
Energy ratio for N : 70%
For sand: a =14 & k =1 For
clay: a =60 &k =0.2
Shioi and Fukui
( ) 1 0.04 0.3
b b b
| |
= + s
\ .
( )
s s s
Q kPa n N =
Energy ratio for N : 55%
n =2 for sand and 10 for clay
Bazaraa and
( )
b b b
Q MPa n N =
N : average of N between 1D above and
3.75D below pile base,
N _ 50
( )
s s s
Q kPa n N =
n =2~4
n =0.06~0.2
Based on the discussion presented above, it is understandable that various combinations of correlations
for correction factor and bearing capacity will yield different estimates of bearing capacity. This might
result in considerable scatter and initiate fuzziness in the minds of the user about the choice and
reliability of the correlations to be applied to an unknown problem. In order to investigate the
mentioned possibility, a MATLAB code has been developed and various aspects are scrutinized. The
following section furnishes the detail of the same.
A user-controlled MATLAB code is developed to investigate the problem stated above incorporating
the different expressions for correction factors and axial bearing capacity (expressed as a summation
of tip and shaft bearing capacity). The algorithm of the code is briefly stated as follows:
- The user is requested to provide the effective unit weight of soil and the pile parameters
(Length and Diameter of the pile)
- Based on basic theory of soil mechanics, the effective overburden stress isdetermined using
the unit weight and the depth of the soil element
- The overburden pressure of sand is used to determine the correction factor based on the
correlations earlier
- These different correction factors as determined from various correlations are used to
determine the corrected SPT-N value
- The corrected SPT-N values are used to obtain the ultimate pile tip and pile shaft capacity
considering the empirical correlations as described earlier
- The pile bearing capacity is evaluated as a summation of the ultimate tip capacity and the shaft
- The steps described above is repeated for different correction expressions and bearing capacity
equations and is used to plot the envelope curves for Correction Factors vs Depth,
Uncorrected and Corrected SPT Values vs Depth, and Bearing Capacity of Piles determined
from different expressions for each of the correction expressions.
Analysis of Correction Factors
Figure 2 depicts the variation of the correction factors with depth as obtained using the various
correlation factors as detailed earlier. The following conclusions are drawn:
9 The correlation by Teng (1962) equation plots to the right of all the other correction factors
simply because its reference stress level
( )
o ref
o is at approximately 311kN/m
, whereas the
other curves are standardized at 107kN/m
. The use of different stress levels for
standardization of the SPT N-value does not present a conflict, as long as empirical
correlations associated with each are consistently applied.
9 The correlation for
correction factor by
Bazaraa (1967) has a
slope discontinuity at
depth of 4m which has a
stress level of 72 kN/m
(-1.5 ksI as mentioned
9 In the correlations
presented by Clayton
(1993) and Seed (1976),
the correction factors are
very conservative
especially at high
overburden pressures.
9 The correction factor as
proposed by Seed (1976) correction factor becomes negative for
o >675kN/m
(6.3 tsf).
9 The correction factor presented by Tokimatsu and Yoshimi (1983) is based on Meyerhoff
(1957) and is somewhat conservative for
o > 107kN/m
(1tsf). Tokimatsu and Yoshimi
(1983) concluded that this is justified because of a reduction in the energy reaching the SPT
sampler for the longer rod lengths and depths corresponding to higher values of
It is recommended that the Teng (1962) correction factor should be phased out of usage, because its
standard stress level is set too high at
( )
o ref
o = 311 kN/m
(2.9 tsf). It is also recommended that the
Figure 2Correction factor vs. Depth
Seed (1976) and Tokimatsu and Yoshimi (1983) correction factors should be used only after proper
judgment, or at least be restricted for use to
' 2
161 kN/m
o s (1.5tsf)
Typical Uncorrected (N) and Corrected SPT results (N
Figure 3 depicts the result of application of
different correlations of correction factor
on an uncorrected SPT result to obtain the
corrected SPT values (N
). The SPT result
represents the borehole stratigraphic test
carried out for the identification of soil
profile for the construction of New Student
House at Campobasso, Molise, Italy. From
the figure it is observed that the N
obtained using the correction factors by
Teng (1962) does not provide satisfactory
and reliable results, the reason for which
has been described earlier. Hence, it is
advisable that such this particular expression might not be suitable enough for the subsequent
determination of the bearing capacity of piles. However, this aspect needs further investigation in
terms of the reliability of each of the above methods.
It is also understandable from the figure that the scattering among the corrected N values is more and
increasing with depth, while at lower depths (~ < 7-10 m), a nearly distinct cluster is formed. At this
depth level, the overburden stress ranges from 126 180 kN/m
. This also conforms to the limiting
stress level as mentioned by several researchers referred earlier wherein they have considered a
limiting stress level of 1.5 tsf (-160kN/m
). Hence, it is comprehendible that for piles of shorter length,
the use of different correction factors would lead to a reliable estimation of the bearing capacity of the
pile from a particular expression for bearing capacity. However, for piles of larger length, estimated
bearing capacity may not be sufficiently reliable owing to the larger degree of scattering with
increasing depth. A further insight to this aspect is investigated and has been reported in a subsequent
section with relation to standard deviation of the results.
It is observed that at a depth lower than 2m, the corrected N-values are quite scattered. This refers to a
stress level of 36kN/m
(-0.01tsI). Although a conclusive explanation Ior this scattering cannot be
drawn, this can be explained from the geotechnical engineering point of view wherein the top 1.5-2m
of soil layer is always neglected from any sort of bearing capacity calculation. It is also well illustrated
by the fact the shallow foundations are always placed beyond a depth of 2-2.5 m. The top layer of the
soil is always considered as a disturbed zone
that is significantly affected by the weathering,
erosion and tension crack formation. Hence,
these superficial anomalies might affect the
degree of reliability of corrected N-values, and
hence might result in the depicted scattering.
However, the same cannot be concluded for a
pile of larger length owing to the increasing
scattering of the cluster of corrected SPT values
with depth. The following section would provide
further insight concerning this proposition.
Variation of bearing capacity of piles
Figure 3Typical SPT test data and the
corresponding corrected values
Figure 4Typical variation of bearing
capacity due to the choice of different
bearing capacity correlations for a
particular correlation for SPT correction
Based on the above SPT data, a hypothetical problem is considered wherein the bearing capacity of a
pile ( ) 8 , 1 L m D m = = is determined considering combinations of the different correlations of
correction factor and correlations for bearing capacity (as in Table 2).
Choice of bearing capacity correlations
A theoretical experiment has been carried to study the effect of choice of the various bearing capacity
correlations while using a particular correlation of correction factor. A significant variation in the
bearing capacity is observed as shown in Figure 4, which depicts two typical variations of bearing
capacity using the correlation for correction as proposed by Liao and Whitman (1986) and Tokimatsu
and Yoshimi (1983). It can be observed from the figures that there is a significant variation in the
bearing capacity if the choice of bearing capacity correlation is different. For the two typical cases
depicted, the difference between the maximum and minimum magnitude of the obtained bearing
capacity was found to be 4320 kN/m
and 4100 kN/m
respectively. The quantitative estimation of the
variation of the bearing capacity will be tabulated in the later part of the section to highlight its
variation depending on the choice of the correlation expression.
Choice of correlations for SPT corrections
A theoretical investigation has also been
carried out to highlight the effect of choice of
the correlations of SPT correction on the
bearing capacity of pile foundation
considering a particular bearing capacity
expression. The same is depicted in Figure 5.
It is observed from the figure that a
considerable variation exists in the magnitude
of the determined bearing capacity if different
correlation of correction factor is taken into
account even while using a particular bearing
capacity equation.
General comment on the variation of
bearing capacity of pile foundation
From the above two discussions, it is followed that the bearing capacity of a pile foundation will vary
depending on the choice of correlation for SPT correction and Bearing capacity correlation. In the
present study, as described earlier, 10 sets of correlation for SPT correction has been chosen, each of
which is used with each of the 6 sets of Bearing capacity correlations. Hence, total 54 sets of data are
analyzed and the result of the same are depicted in Figure 6. In the figure, the bearing capacity of pile
foundation is plotted against different sets
of SPT correction correlations, and an
envelope of curve is produced considering
6 sets of bearing capacity expressions. The
variation in the magnitude of the bearing
capacity is self-indicative. The quantitative
estimation of the same is enumerated in
Table 3. It is observed from the table that
the estimated standard deviations are quite
high. For a statistical set of data, standard
deviation is a measure of the degree of
scattering in the data; the more the standard
deviation, the higher is the degree of
Figure 6Variation of bearing capacity for
various combinations of SPT correction
correlations and Bearing capacity correlations
Figure 5Variation of bearing capacity
due to the choice of different correlation
for SPT correction for particular
Bearing capacity correlations
scattering. Hence, from this study, it is revealed that the bearing capacity of the pile foundation
calculated using the various combinations of correlations of SPT correction and bearing capacity
results in a scattered output, which indirectly points out to the degree of uncertainty in the obtained
Table 3 Quantitative variation of bearing capacity of pile foundation using SPT investigations
Bearing capacity of piles of different length
Another aspect of the theoretical investigation in the present study dealt with the estimation and
comparison of the bearing capacities of piles of different length. The basic idea is to get visualization
on the degree of scattering of the output data when two different pile lengths are considered, keeping
in mind that the scattering of the corrected N-values increased at larger depths. For this investigation,
two piles of different lengths (7m and 11m) were chosen. The results, in terms of the standard
deviations, are enumerated in the following tables. Table 4 provides the standard deviations for a
particular bearing capacity correlation considering all the correlations for SPT correction. The results
do not reveal a clear picture about the degree of scattering when compared for different length of piles;
for few bearing capacity correlations, standard deviation increased with the length of pile, while for
some others it is decreased. Since it has already been elaborated that the scattering in the corrected N-
value increased with depth (Figure 3), the degree of scattering for pile of longer length should also
increase. However, the following table does not reveal so. The probable reason for this might be due to
the inclusion of the correlation proposed by Teng (1962) in the estimation of standard deviation has
affected the result of the same. It has already been shown earlier that the correlation proposed by Teng
is an out-of-phase expression that does not fit in the jargon of other correlations (Figure 2).
Table 4 Comparison of the standard deviations for piles of different length considering all
correlation of SPT correction factors
Pile Length
Correlations of Bearing Capacity
Aoki and
Shioi and
7 m 1709.02 1859.12 515.58 812.84 2076.25 959.85
11 m 2521.24 2763.47 562.75 757.47 1930.58 993.69
7 m 139.19 139.01 48.33 93.12 248.10 105.33
11 m 459.46 472.65 113.34 244.12 638.11 236.82
From the various theoretical investigations carried out, the following significantly important outcomes
have been observed and reported as follows:
- The correlation for SPT correction factor proposed by Teng (1962) is found to largely out-of-
phase with the other correlations possibly due to the high value of the reference stress level,
nearly 3 times than the others.
- The scatter in the corrected N-values is found to increase progressively with the increase in
the depth. Within a depth of 7-10m from the surface, the corrected values seemed to form a
cluster that is conformation with the limiting stress condition assumed by several researchers.
This phenomenon also indicates that for piles of length lesser than 8m or so, any of the
correction factor correlation can be used to obtain the bearing capacity using a particular
bearing capacity correlation. However, owing to the larger degree of scatter at larger depths,
the above-mentioned hypothesis is not applicable to piles of larger lengths.
- Bearing capacities of pile foundation for various combination of the SPT correction and
bearing capacity correlations have been determined, and the standard deviation of the output
dataset have been estimated for different sets of the correlations. From the observation of the
outcomes, it is concluded that there exists significant degree of scatter in the calculated results
and hence create an uncertainty and fuzziness towards to confident application of a correlation
to an unforeseen problem.
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