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Perfect Job Agency

Position applied for: First name: Surname: Age: Date of birth: Sex/Gender: Nationality: Marital status: Address: Phone no: Email address: urrent employment: full time/part time _____________________ Personal Information

Male (M)/Female (F) married/single

Experience and S ills


"or# experien!e:

$ basi!/intermediate/ad%an!ed & s#ills $ good #no'ledge of(( $ & spo#en and 'ritten English $ )ualified in first aid $ dri%ing li!ense* $& !ertifi!ate* $ good at & $ non$smo#er $ good team 'or#er


+ype of ,ob re)uired:

Si!nat"re: __________

#ate: __________

$o% Inter&ie'
-i* ./m Nan!y Mande0( ./m the (irin! mana!er( Ni!e to meet you Ms( Mande0( ./m "illson 1iu( Please ha%e a seat( +han# you( +his is a !opy of my res"me )C*+ and a list of references( +han# you( . see you applied for a !ashier position( 2es* that/s right( an you tell me about your 'or experience3

. 'or#ed as a !ashier at 45$Ele%en6 for one year( . see( Do you 'ant a part,time or f"ll,time ,ob3 . 'ant a part$time ,ob( Do you ha%e good social s ills3 ./m sorry* 'hat do you mean by 4so!ial s#ills//3 7#* . mean do you en,oy tal#ing to c"stomers3 7h yes* ./m %ery friendly and easy$going( an you tell me more about your ot(er s ills3 . ha%e %asic comp"ter s ills and . !an spea# and 'rite in Fren!h( . also ha%e got a dri&in! license(

an you gi%e me t'o good reasons 'hy 'e should (ire you3 "ell* ./m or!ani-ed* dependa%le and hard$'or#ing( ./m also a !ood team 'or er( +han# you %ery mu!h for your time( "e 'ill be in !onta!t 'ith you( +han# you( . loo# for'ard to hearing from you(

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