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Shauntara Thomas

8647 Hemlock Ct., Ypsilanti, MI 48198 Cell hone! 7"4.88".611# $mail! shathomas96%&

Objective Seekin' emplo&ment to (uil) upon lea)ership, communication an) or'ani*ational skills to (ene+it stu)& o+ marine (iolo'&. Education
, , , , Ypsilanti Hi'h School, Ypsilanti, Michi'an! $-pecte) .ra)uation /014 1ual $nrollment! 2ashtena3 Communit& Colle'e Cumulati4e . 5! "./ Intereste) in Marine 6iolo'& an) 5nimal Me)icine

Experience Pet Sitter /0087 resent


$mplo&er! Son&a 8ackson

Contact 9Cell:! 7"4."68.#8"#

ro4i)in' o4erni'ht pet sittin' ser4ices inclu)in' +ee)in', 3alkin', (athin', 'roomin', pamperin', an) interaction.

Mentor2Youth /01/7 resent $mplo&er! $mmanuel 8ones Contact 9Cell:! 7"4./18.4469

, Mentorin' an) actin' as a (i' sister to3ar)s &oun' chil)ren (et3een the a'es o+ 671/ (& 'oin' throu'h 3orkshops that )ealt 3ith achie4in' 'oals, sel+7esteem, respect, responsi(ilit&, an) preparin' +or hi'h school as 3ell as colle'e.

, , 5ca)emic Honor ;oll! /009, /010, /011, /01/ <ea)in' Mentor! /01/

Volunteer Experience
, , , , =oo) .athers =oo) 6ank .i+t 2rappin' +or Senior Citi*ens .ar)enin' in Communit& .ar)en Mentor/Youth =un)raisin'

>p3ar) 6oun) Church raise Team So+t(all

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