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I went to Cameron highlands and decided to compile this for my readers' reference.

Im not sure about you, but for me, being a sudden visitor, finding a hotel at one of the most tourist attraction in Malaysia is really a challenge.

I have tried to Google, but unfortunately, the info are quite similar. You go and Google yourself, orang copy paste je dari blog yang satu itu..

So first of all, ,of course by all mean most of us will choose Equatorial.. :) tapi kalau penuh, then how? ok, i dunno, but for me i prefer to stay in Brinchang. I know there are few other hotels yang quite ok + provide breakfast and all, but during the peak season, bear in mind that the traffic adalah bumper to bumper ok, kalau u stay jauh sikit pada Brinchang area, tak ke satu hal setiap kali nak keluar, kene menghadap jam.. ;) and Brinchang is the most happening place in Cameron.. :) banyak jimat masa kalau kite stay in that area. You have Brinchang night market, kalau malas pergi pasar malam Brinchang, banyak kedai dekat keliling tu, then ade Strawberry farm - the nearest yang u boleh jalan kaki dekat area Brinchang (The Agro Farm).

Gambar-gambar hotel dekat bawah ni I gigih ambik yer sebab nak tunjuk kat you all, i jalan kaki lagi sorang-sorang just nak ambik gambar.. .. i malas nak letak caption, lambat.. :) but of course, the quality of the picture tak cantik la kan.. :)

Jom I mulakan hotel-hotel sekitar Brinchang yang boleh jalan kaki ke pasar malam Brinchang je yer.. First of all, of course I start with the place that I stayed for 2 nights. Hotel Chua Guin. Hotel ni letak betul-betul dekat hadapan jalan besar Brinchang tu, tapi Hotel Chua Gin bukan hanya bangunan ini sahaja, ada lagi bangunan lain terletak di belakang bangunan ni. Personally, sangat bersih. masa i pergi peak season, harga adalah RM205 semalam.

The owner especially the husband adalah sangat friendly, cuma bile you all booking jangan terkejut if they ask for RM100 deposit first. Kalau nak tahu lebih lanjut mengenai hotel ni, boleh tengok entry i dekat sini yer..

Hotel Chua Gin Telephone: +605 4911 80 Website:

Then, meh I introduce hotel yang sangat popular sekitar Brinchang ni..

source: Hotel Rosa Passadena Tel : 6 05 - 4912288

Hotel Rainbow Tel : 6 05 - 4914628, 4914648

I rasa this two hotels adalah sangat popular dan premier di sini.. Kire exclusive dekat area Brinchang..

Next, i nak introduce hotel yang popular, kalau orang cari budget hotel, they will ask for this hotel first..

Hotel Phone : 605-4915 133



Hotel Jasmine Phone : 605-4911588

Hotel Brinchang Phone : 605-4911755

Hotel Parkland Phone : 605-4911299

Hotel Kowloon Phone : 605-4911366

Im not sure Hotel Remix II and Hotel Remix ni same company ke tak.. However, this is the phone number:05-4912439.

Hotel Green Garden Telehone: 06-4915824

Then, barulah i pergi kepada hotel yang betul-betul budget hotel... atas tu budget hotel jugak, tapi agak popular.. yang bawah ni budget hotel tapi masih ade dalam listing hotel di Cameron di Agoda..

Hotel Sentosa Phone : 605-4911907

Hong Kong Hotel 016-5513 876

012-5644 278

Hotel Tudor Inn Phone : 605-4901353

Yang bawah ni senarai hotel budget di Cameron.. :) Pilihan di tangan anda...

Hotel Golden Night 013-5077744 019-3870865

Hotel Emerald Point 019-3357798

Hotel Ria Cameron 05-4901777

Hotel Hill Garden Lodge Phone : 605-4912 988 / 605-4912808

Hotel Pines & Roses 05-491 2203 012-561 7678

Hillville Rest House Tak tau no phone..

Ok, sekian :)

Hope you find this entry sufficient to your need and preferences :)

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