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I was trying to use the Wi-Fi hotspot internet facility at the hotel
which am residing and due to the difference in voltage current...i got my whole
laptop power pack blown of and it has partially affected my laptop as a whole...I
then went to the nearest electronic store to see if i can suit one for my
self...but after my search..I came to know that...sales which are being made in
this country this comes with warranty and if i just make the
purchase and get home and the machine is not working money is
gone..and i just can take that dubious option..I then went into the internet cafe
across the hotel streets to see if i can get one of the vendors back home to sell
me one and ship it to me international here...but none do carry such international
shipping services...So at this point..i will like to know if u can do me a favor
and check into the nearest computer store around you and check on some cool current
notebook for me and when u`re done with that..I will then wire you the funds for ya
to use it for the payment of the machine and the shipping expenses for me...I
really do need this help from ya..b`cos i can`t be walking in and out to the cafe
to access the internet...who knows if they have less security update on their
devices and that can cause me a lot of harm on the information's i access on the
internet..So kindly let me know how u can help me with.
I love you,

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